Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Rebel Camp
Nicholas is still anxious but speaking with Lexianna is helping calm his nerves.
"Most of those who volunteered are friends of those that were stationed there. I'm not sure what we'll find. At best I'd hope that it's just an epidemic. That would make sense. You don't want to risk it spreading. At worst..." Nicholas pauses. "Let's not think of that." Nicholas is talking as he leads Lexianna to the Port Crystal.

"I don't know much about The Mystic. He's a recluse and has established a barrier around the Bastille. No one but his Knights and prisoners can enter. He never leaves either. He just stays in there and works on his inventions and experiments." Nicholas makes a face. A grudging sort of acceptance. "He's actually pretty brilliant. He showed us that what we thought was heretical magic was science and knowledge of its application. He invented guns. Made crops heartier and more bountiful. Medicine, flight, transportation, and even recreational pleasures. He has honestly made life better for a lot of people."

Nicholas sighs almost sorrowfully. "A mind like his is honestly a gift. It's a shame he's on the other side. I suppose that's why The Father chose him." As they arrive at the three foot tall shimmering crystal Nicholas greets his comrades. "The Maiden has agreed to accompany us." Nicholas addresses the fifty men and women present. The soldiers cheer. One man approaches Lexianna and gifts her a silvered trinket. An idol fashioned in her image.

"For the Goddess." The man says and kneels. Everyone follows suit, taking a knee.
"You'll have to forgive them. This is the first victory they've had in years." Nicholas chuckles then orders them to take formation. As soon as they are set he activates the crystal.

East Point Wastes
Nothing could have prepared nicholas for what happened next. East Point, for as far as the eye could see, was marred by tendrils of hyper advanced technological growths. They cut through the landscape in sharp angles that formed a grid like structure. Interlinked spires pierced upwards for miles and cast ended webbed shadows across the land below.
"Captain!" A soldier called for Nicolas. As Nicholas rushed over he spotted the scouts that had come first. A net of razor thin wires bind them to a converted tree. The technological infection has almost completely overtaken them. They struggle to speak. And when they do they say one thing.


Just then dozens of converted humans break free from the spire in the center of the town. They let out a tortured mechanical howl and produce spears and shields. The Converted cluster into a phalanx and begin to approach menacingly.
"Shield wall!" Nicholas commands. The soldiers with shields stack up and interlock their shields. Archers take position and Nicolas commands them to begin firing on the phalanx. "Don't be reckless just because you're under the Command Sphere! Scouts with me!" Nicholas turns to Lexianna. "I'm going to go find the Intel our agents gathered on the barrier. I don't know what you can do but a miracle would be welcome."

Nicholas takes off with ten scouts in tow. The Converted phalanx has reached the shield wall and are beginning to push them back.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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Humans never cease to amaze me in their polar differences. I'm happily surprised by this group of brave volunteers. I wasn't expecting such a reception. I wasn't expecting a reception at all and I'm instantly embarrassed. Still, I smile politely and take the gift offered. They really ought not have gone through the trouble but I will cherish the gift all the same because it came from a place of purity.

When we arrive at the wastelands, things instantly take a turn for the worst. I should have expected as much. Still it's with a heavy heart that I take in the damage to the surrounding area. I've seen technology and nature in perfect balance. There's many civilizations on planets that have done this flawlessly. This is not that. The technology here is choking out the organic life, it is an invasive species. It's subjugating and viciously converting the plant life. It's much like a virus. All the worse, it seems the same can be said of what has happened to the people.

The entire sight brings me great sorrow. It's a waste of beautiful land and a waste of precious life. Both the sentient and non-sentient.

Even though they're converted they are still human, made of organic matter and the technology emedded is mostly metal, an element I control. The converging converted are stopped in their tracks by me. I also encase them in a light shield for good measure.

I raise my voice just enough to be heard over the din of the soldiers, "If you'll please halt your fire for the moment. Remain on guard if you will. Thank you." I start moving through them so I can approach the barrier and figure out what has happened to these humans. I need to find out if there's a way to cure them and/or heal them. "Pardon me please. Thank you."

Once I reach the shield I take note of several things. Their consciousness is more akin to that of a computer than a person they also seem to be driven by a hive mind. One whose main goal is assimilation. I can't sense any humanity in them and that is the most inhumane thing of all. Though the truth is bleak, there is one silver lining: they don't seem to be existing in pain. For that I can be thankful. Still I need to figure out who would do this to a person. "Who is your master?" I whisper though I don't expect an answer. I need to figure out where their orders are coming from.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by airgetlam
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airgetlam ****

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Gaul catches the small jar of makeup, and looks down at his “tattoos”. None of these had existed before he was given seals, and he’d never really stopped to look at them. Jormungandr, the World Serpent, winds in and out of a sea of tribal markings that seem to shift and move as the eye runs across them. He removes the lid and smears the makeup over his left forearm. As Gaul goes to take more from the jar, however, a searing sensation and loud hissing emanate from the area he just covered.

Within the blink of an eye, the makeup that had covered his arm is gone. Gaul stares down at it, knowing that either this tattoo is cursed, or his ancestors refuse to allow him to hide who he is.

Either way, he’s fucked.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Smough's Flagship
Smough watches the makeup burn off of Gaul. He curses and pulls the jacket off of a nearby pirate. Throwing it at Gaul Smough watches the Sky Ship growing ever closer. There is a slight displacement of air and Valkyrie is standing on the deck with Smough.

Valkyrie is stunningly beautiful yet just presence is that of authority. She is undeniably Viking. She could be Freya herself. As she turns and looks at everyone on the deck she remarks: "A couple new faces." Her mismatched red and blue eyes scan around a bit longer before her attention stops on Smough. A single lock of snowy white hair zigzags through her braid.

"To what do I owe this visit?" Smough says with a smile, though his eyes are daggers. Valkyrie doesn't answer. She walks around the deck. Her boots thud loudly on the well kept wooden planks.

"I was in the area. I figured I'd say hi." Valkyrie narrows her eyes scanning Smough. "Because I'm friendly like that."

"So this isn't an inspection?" Smough asks.

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm to busy at the moment. Rumors of offworlders trying to upset the status quo." Valkyrie sighs. "I swear, you people just can't learn your place."

"Freedom isn't something sacrificed lightly. I figure you'd know that better than anyone." Smough says. Valkyrie lets out a sound that's a mix between a laugh and a scoff.

"Glory to The Father." Valkyrie says before she vanishes leaving a vacuum that rocks the boat.

Smough relaxes slightly. The whole encounter was tense for him.
"She's like a cat. Toying with its prey." Smough takes a swig of rum from his flask. "It's a good thing I'm a clever bastard."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

East Point
The entire network of the Converted lights up as the Converted's eyes follow Lexianna. A soft pulsing signal emanates from the confined Converted humans. Anomaly found. The ground shakes as the earth deep below is sent into frenzy. What seemed to be natural bedrock is a living Converted organism. It erupts from the earth and branches outwards and upwards into the sky like a massive tree. Hundreds of feet tall and teeming with sensors of every kind it looms overhead ominously. The entirety of it's workload and computational power devoted to studying Lexianna.

The thousands of spires littering the countryside mimic the Tree. A computational language fills the air as data is exchanged and bounced around from each relay to another part of the massive tree. One word keeps surfacing in reference to the tree, Prime Mind.

"Paracausal Being 0 interface. Initiated.
Elaboration required." The Prime Mind seems to be attempting to engage with Lexianna. At the same time it also is scanning her attempting to make sense of her power. It seems particularly interested in her Seals.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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I'm immediately apprehensive. It's not attacking, just studying me which could be either good news or bad. I'll have to tread carefully. Slowly, so as not to be perceived as a threat, I approach the tree.

I place my hand on the tree, drawing close to it.

"Initiate language conversion.

Queue command as primary.

Conversion Modern.


I give the tree a moment to process and accept my request before continuing.

"Greetings. I am Lexianna. You are the Prime Mind. What is your purpose here?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

East Point Wasteland
The Prime Mind takes a moment. Thre whole system processes the new information. It's becoming clear that the entire Wasteland is a brain. Signals arc from one side to the other in plank time.
"The Prime Mind directive is [redacted]." As the Prime Mind answers her question it's obvious that it can't explain its actions. Whether that is intentional or programmed isn't clear. It scans Lexianna again focused more on her seals. Commands explode out of it and vanish into the network.

"I detect an unfamiliar language. I will exchange valuables for the cypher." The Prime Mind produces a hexagonal ruby the size of a fist, an ornate silvered sword that hums with power, and a simulated scroll. "I offer, a master key, treasure, or knowledge regarding The Father."

The Prime Mind wishes to trade for the knowledge necessary for understanding seals.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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I study the machine slightly puzzled. While on course to fix one problem, another presents itself.

Whoever is in charge of this has no regard for the natural order of things and balance. It definitely unsettles me but perhaps this has something to do with why we're here in the first place. If not, I'll personally make time to handle it because this wasteland cannot continue this way. What little life does exist here needs nurturing. I have half a mind to contact Blaze and see if he can hack this technology for the answers but he'd probably need physical access.

I brush the thoughts aside and agree to the deal. "It would be most helpful if you would provide information on "The Father" please."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

East Point Wastes
The Prime Mind makes a low pitch humming noise. It's network lights up similar to a human mind experiencing satisfaction.
"I express my gratitude." The Prime Mind says. A small metallic floral shrub springs up in front of Lexianna. A thin light exudes from it. As the light touches Lexianna she is linked to the Prime Mind telepathically. As information is exchanged the Prime Mind almost smiles.

"The information given is substantially more critical than I had been anticipating. With this information I can complete my Directive [redacted] and [redacted]. I express my gratitude. I express my gratitude. As per the agreement. Here is an ontological scan of Subject: The Father."

Hyper Paracausal Being 0
Hyper dense ontological being "The Father" is foreign to current existential plane. Despite not needing a physical avatar "The Father" still possesses one. This avatar has been scanned and recorded with the following data.

Unstable molecular composition suggests quantum replication. Exact number of current factor is unknown.
Approximation. 5933
Foreign DNA appears to be phased into current genetic structure.
Composition as follows.

52% human genetic composition.
27% of human genetic component appears to be foreign. Both human components appear to be mutated.
Low levels of benign radiation detected in human components.
5% of human genetic composition exhibits ontological capabilities. This particular gene is shared with Subject: Hands of the Father.

48% demonic genetic composition.
Three distinct but similar DNA types.
 Hypothesis. Familial relation between demonic components. Many genetic markers are shared with Subject: Hands of The Father.

Subject: The Father has undergone quantum replication and self gene therapy.
Goal: stabilization of molecular structure and acquisition both corporeal and metaphysical power.

With the information transferred Prime Mind ceases to telepathically communicate with Lexianna.
"I express my gratitude. Moving to second phase of Primary Directive [redacted]. Farewell."

The earth rumbles as the tree reshapes itself to create a massive seed pod. Life energy is pulled from all across the network and converges on the pod.

Nicholas runs up. Out of breath.
"Lexianna, we have to stop it. It's going to create a living weapon." Nicholas is explaining between breaths. "All the people on this continent were sacrificed to that thing. Their minds are trapped in the system to give it knowledge of people. Their souls are ther energy used to create it. It must be destroyed!"

Just then the energy stops. The omnipresent hum of machine and power goes silent.

A hand bursts forth from the pod. A human hand. Another hand follows. The hands and arms push apart the pod walls and a human man emerges with a crie of defiance. As though to announce his birth to the world.

The soldiers stand at the ready. Waiting for Nicholas to give the order. Nicholas hesitates and looks at Lexianna.

The New Born falls from the pod but lands on his feet as gracefully as an acrobat. He struggles for a moment, trying to speak. His face is filled with confusion and uncertainty.
Finally he speaks.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Father's Prison
Nevermore sighs and thinks of how she could escape. Casting her glance once more to Razz she remembers Gale's stories.
"Hey Razz. If you lost Sia. I mean really lost her. For good. How would you keep going?" Nevermore asks Razz, unsure of what his answer will be.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Nevermore leans against the wall. Nel is watching her.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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Member Seen 18 days ago


Flicking my gaze too Nevermore i stare her down, eyes glowing red in the gloom. "Assumeing I survive her passing? Id fight harder Nevermore, Throw myself at the dark until it breaks or i do. Im a warrior, a solider, Ill fight as hard and as long as i have too. After that, Ill look too the Long Road too find myself." Leaning further back against the wall i lean my head against it. "That was an odd question dont you think?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Father's prison
Upon hearing Razz's answer Nevermore winces ever so slightly. She observes the seals on the back of her hand.
"That sounds about right." Nevermore remarks to herself as she avoids eye contact. Nevermore is quiet for a while. She considers remaining silent. Or lying. She's done a lot of that recently. "I suppose it is, huh?"

After a moment longer she speaks again.

"Gale said that you're strong enough to handle anything. I was just curious how you'd handle losing her." Nevermore pulls her knees up to get chest and wraps her arms around them. "I don't know why I asked. Forget I said anything."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by airgetlam
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airgetlam ****

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Gaul breathes a rare sigh of relief. “Thanks for the jacket, Smough. I am in no shape to fight her. Maybe if I still had a bloodstone, but I was sharing with Sia, who you just met.” He pauses a moment. “Maybe then I could wield the power I had when I took out your moon.”

Realizing he’s said too much, Gaul clamps his jaw shut and tosses the jacket back to the pirate. He begins to walk away, when an idea strikes him.

“You wouldn’t happen to have any spare bloodstones laying around, would you?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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"Your a little young too be running off to fight the universe though, Nevermore. I know it seems like its hit the fan." Sighing i rub the heels of my palms into my eyes. "What if i told you Sia wasnt the first person ive fallen in love with? She wasnt always everything. Shes a part of me for sure. But theres still the what ifs."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Father's Prison
Nevermore scoffs almost spitefully.
"Age isn't any indication of readiness..." Nevermore rolls her eyes. Saying that made him sound like a foolish old man. Not ready. Being honest with herself, she's never been ready for any part of her life. That didn't stop it from happening. The world doesn't care if you are ready or not. It just is. As cold and uncaring as... as Galen Kard. The thought sours her mood.

She had forgotten about Cinder. Razz's childhood friend and squad mate turned lover. She had idealized their relationship. Razz and Sia. Mostly because of her Shared Seal with Gale. Now all the times she'd lovingly stared at her seals and thought about forever seem like a cruel joke. She sneaks a passing glance at Razz and sighs. It's not his fault. His emotions have always driven him. The polar opposite of herself.

If only she could go back being nothing but a weapon. But the pain is too sweet to let go of. All those moments. She'd almost lost them. Once when Gale died. And again when Kard tried to erase her memories and send her back. She knows it'd be easier to let go. To give up on what could have been. But how could she when that hollow pitch black void stares deep into her being every time she uses her seals?

Nevermore stays quiet. She doesn't want to seem rude. Instead she decides to divert the subject.
"I miss love songs." She says softly. "Music in general, really. I miss being able to turn on the radio and just enjoy the music without being reminded of the future I can't have."

She's being dramatic. Self pitying. Humans are fickle things. Just semi operational computers driven by primal urges prettied up and glorified to be justifiable in the face of reason. She could go back. Have Kard erase her memories. Wipe it all out. Go back to a small little world and make happy. But at what cost? Would it matter if no one remembered him? Would it matter if she realized her dream with someone else? Would any of it matter? At all?

Probably not.

Which is why her choice to fight for his memory matters all the more.

Smough's Flagship
Smough raises an eyebrow.
"That was you? I assumed it was The Father." Smough laughs. Then he looks at Gaul's tats. "If I did. They'd be quite expensive. Not something you can just go and find, y'know." Smough lights his pipe and takes a drag. The smoke he exhales is dispersed by the ocean winds.

"If you have appropriate compensation. I may be willing to part with a very rare and very useful Gemstone." Smough smiles hungrily. "Shall we deal?"

Flagship Sub Floor 1
The Gem in Flame's pocket begins it's whispering again.
"Claim me, oh bearer mine. Let me strengthen your blood." The whispers can be heard by no one but Flame. The whispers are also getting stronger. They fill the mind like a crashing wave and recede just as violently.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by airgetlam
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At the mention of a deal, Gaul raises an eyebrow of his own. He reaches into the front pocket of his pants and pulls out a mostly-crushed pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He fishes out the last one from the pack, lights it, and takes a deep drag.

“Been saving this one for a special occasion,” he says gesturing towards the the cigarette. “Didn’t know how long it would be until I get more.” Gaul places the lighter back in his pocket, runs a hand through his hair, and exhales a cloud of pungent smoke. He seems at a loss for words for a moment, then sighs deeply and points toward the deck.

“Could you fetch the foxes? I kind of need to tell this story, but I don’t want to have to repeat it.” He then unties the sack from around his waist, pulls out his shirt, and finally puts it back on. For the brief moment that it is open, anyone looking at the bag can see that it is full of glinting gold, silver, and jewels. Far more full than any bag that size has a right to be.

The large man leans against the railing of the deck, takes another drag, and waits for his companions to arrive.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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Smiling back at her i respond, "You misunderstand, i didnt mean you wernt ready, i ment your young too be consigning yourself to this life. I was in the middle of a war when Galen found me, This isnt all there is. You and I are not the same, but i have a feeling were pretty alike. Diffrent upbringings and such. Either way, I can sing you a love song if you'd like? Cant promise itll be good, and it might make you miss them more, but ill try?" I wink at her and wait for her response.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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A shudder overtakes me as the gem whispers again. I had nearly forgotten about it. I'm not sure what kind of deal Smough has in mind but free has got to be better right? I'd give this gem to Gaul if he wanted it. I'd give anything I have to him if he wanted it. The thought is so unwarranted I'm immediately blushing and embarrassed by my own mind. It doesn't seem like Gaul is opposed to dealing really but I plan on at least informing him of the one I have. Just in the interest of open communication.

I admired the jacket on Gaul. It barely fit over his sculpted arms and just made them more prominent. I have trouble swallowing. I'm so dazed that Blaze has to nudge me when he mentions us.

I spring up off the ladder with Blaze close behind me. Feeling bold, I stop next to Smough and look up at him through my lashes, "Sorry Admiral. We're not much for being left out of the loop. Please don't make me walk the plank." I give him my most innocent round eyes.

Blaze grabs my arms and practically drags me against the rail. I pout but settle against it, all back to business.

It looks like I'm just standing paying attention, but really I'm completely focused on my blood. The way my blood rushes in my veins and hums through my body, next I'm focused on Gaul's and the way it connects to his brain. It takes seconds before I'm in his mind.

Hey it's Flame. Just so you know. I have a giant blood stone I found if you want it. Just encase you don't want to deal.

I lock eyes with Gaul and float right back out of his mind before I get more than I should. I'm back to waiting on what he wants to share with us.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by airgetlam
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Almost as if on cue, Blaze and Flame arrive on deck. Gaul is shocked to hear Flame’s voice in his mind, to the point he that’s he almost doesn’t respond. Just before the connection is severed, he shoots back a message of his own.

Hold on to that one for now. It may prove useful later.

During this exchange, Gaul finishes his smoke and snuffs it out in a nearby mop bucket. He seems to be mulling around in his head for a starting point to his tale. After a long pause, he speaks.

“I was born on a planet called Earth, or, in the language of my people, Midgard. My father raised me by himself, and I was told my mother died during childbirth. On the day of my eighteenth birthday, my home was attacked by a frost giant and his pet bear. I survived, but my father did not.”

He pauses again, searching for the correct words to use. “My mother showed up after that. Turns out, her name is Thrud, and she’s the daughter of Thor himself. From that point, I spent the last ten years learning of my true heritage, and my place in the grand scheme of it all, only to have my entire family die mere days ago in the battle at the end of it all. I am the sole survivor of Ragnarok.”

Gaul strides toward Smough, his bag in hand. “I, Gaul, King of Asgard and last of the Aesir, gods of the Viking people, hereby beseech you and your crew to aid me and my companions in our journey.” Gaul reaches into the bag and pulls out a hammer. “Other than this hammer, I offer all of the artifacts of my people as payment, both for the gem you hold and your assistance.”

He holds out his hand. “What say you, Admiral?”
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