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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

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Lucas Santana Watson
25 | 07/14 | ♋︎


life at ritman high
Having a successful brother and sister graduate for Ritman High, Lucas faced pressure for teachers and the principal. His parents had expected that their youngest son was also going to be prosperous. Even the students of Ritman kept an eye on him. However, he failed one AP class in tenth grade. As a result, everyone looked down at him. He knew that everyone was talking about him behind his back. And with problems with his family, he became depressed and anxious for his remaining time in Ritman.

In his remaining high school years, Lucas became increasingly unconcerned at school. His parents grew angrier towards him, especially his father. Then the rumors of his sexuality started spreading. Some students thought they saw his profile on a popular dating app, showing to be interested in only guys. Being a religious man, his father dealt with the rumors by sending him to a religious camp for the summer.

When summer break was over, Lucas looked more depressed and worried than ever. He started wearing long sleeves and jackets to school every day. It made him the target of another terrible rumor which spread like wildfire. Students thought that Lucas was going to become a school shooter. It caused the school to react immediately by offering Lucas free counseling for his remaining senior year. Despite his parent's protest, he accepted their offer and it helped.

Once graduation was over and done, most of the students thought Lucas was going to remain in town with his family. But to the surprise of everyone, he was last seen at the bus station with a suitcase and tears in his eyes. He departed for Massachusetts and nobody heard from him until his sudden arrival in town years later.
Lucas' power was metamorph, meaning that he was able to alter the formation of his biological cells. In order to use his powers, he needed to focus on someone and wait until the transformation happened. It was usually done in a matter of seconds, making it useful to take someone's place. He still didn't know how or why he was granted this power, but it didn't matter. The ability to become someone else was amazing to him. Even though it could seriously mess his mind up.

Of course, he didn't know that until it was too late.
Despite being a target of horrible rumors, Lucas liked people and wanted to have plenty of friends. He knew a few of the students at Ritman High, but none of them became his friend. That made him lonely during high school. And with the depression and anxiety, he was dealing with a lot. Moving out of town into the big city made them worse. Being homesick and alone in Boston didn't do any good for his mental health. Of course, it improved once he found a stable job and a big enough apartment. Yet, he wasn't able to move on with his life. That was when he decided to confront it by visiting his hometown for the last time.

Lucas' Myers-Briggs scale was INFJ. His archetypes were lover, everyman, and explorer. As for their personality, they cost him a lot of potential friends in high school. The main issue was that he seemed clingy and had too much baggage for a proper friendship. Since graduating from Ritman and leaving town, his personality slightly changed since he didn't want to be seen as a clingy person. Plus, he dealt with a lot of his emotional baggage; but, some of them remained unresolved. And in order to solve them, he had to go back to his hometown.

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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

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Jaden Knapp
18 - Gemini - Senior - 5'6" - Cole Sprouse

“It feels like we all are in a hellish nightmare... but the bloodstain in my jacket tells me otherwise.”

Appearance Details

Jaden's green eyes caught most people's attention compared to the rest of his appearance (besides the jacket). Thankfully, everything else was average including the blonde hair. As for their lack of workout routine, it wasn't ideal but it was enough to pass physical ed. Regarding their attire, Jaden spent the cold winter months wearing long sleeves, jeans, and boots. And to complete the outfit, the iconic green jacket that they took from their mother years ago instead of buying one. Now, there was a bloodstain on it from the incident in the gym.

Their life consisted of moving state to state due to the lack of stability in the family. A messy divorce and sudden unemployment caused their mother to take her only child and move to the nearest state. It was the reason why Jaden didn't interact with other classmates as often as a child should. However, Michigan was different compared to the other states. Their mother found love with her current boyfriend, a military contractor, and a stable job for the first time in years. Jaden was still cautious about making friends during middle school. Yet as weeks became months, they opened themselves up to fellow classmates.

In high school, Jaden fell in love with the Writers Ink Club at the start of the ninth grade. Writing was one of their favorite hobbies to do. But they didn't share their works with other members. They were secretive about it but offered help to other classmates struggling with their essays. It was quite easy to make them feel sympathetic toward others. That was one of Jaden's weaknesses besides grappling with their own sexuality.

They joined the GSA club in eleventh grade to find answers and feel accepted. Of course, there was still some self-hate and depression. But it was slowly being clipped away. Until the world came crashing down.

- A smartphone with a wallet case holding their identification card.
- A bag containing school supplies, phone changer, snacks, and a stainless steel water bottle.
- A keychain for their apartment and SUV.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



"𝖲𝗉𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗌, 𝗀𝗎𝗂𝖽𝖾 𝗆𝖾 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗌𝖾 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗈𝗍𝗂𝖼 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾𝗌."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E

One, if not the only, thing that people will immediately notice is the armor set. Gil was gifted it by the elders before he was forced to leave Eerum. According to them, it once belonged to protectors of Khemrin before giving them up to join the Wardens. This one was placed inside of a cave by the Elders to safeguard it for the next generation. Sadly, it had been waiting for decades, and most of its original color was lost except for the blue. It was given a cleanup and new material shortly before Gil's exile. The helmet was inspired by desert birds that were once worshipped.

Gil had tribal paintings all over their body as a plead for the spirits to be watching over them. Loose clothing was essential to perform excellently in battle and to withstand the harsh heat of the Sychan.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y

Gil Totoun was born an orphan when his parents sacrificed parenthood for the life of a Warden. It wasn't ideal for children to be raised within the watchtowers and forts scattered throughout the Sychan Desert. But, life wasn't built to live beyond them. Throughout their youth, the Elders of Khemrin told their story to the other children. According to them, Khemrin remained undetected to the outside world for centuries. That was until Vassidia arrived with plans of their own for the natives. And soon enough, nearly all of the tribes within Eerum were successfully assimilated except for Khemrin.

That was when the killings began.

Because of their devotion towards life in Sychan, Khemrin revered specifically desert birds as sacred, and their worship included the modeling of armor and clothes and tribal paint to emulate the birds. Outsiders viewed them as savages and uncivilized as a result, which also started the murders. Men, women, and children had their lives taken, so the nearby settlement "had breathing room."

In a last-ditch effort, Khemrin's leaders fled further into the desert, believing nobody would dare follow them. That was until they encountered a wounded man. It turned out that he was a Warden that was attacked and left to die by the wildlife. The tribe decided to nurse him back to health and escort him back to civilization. However, the Warden needed to complete his exploration of Sychan. Given their knowledge of Sychan and its harsh conditions, the Khemrin hesitated but ultimately agreed to aid him with his mission. It took several months, but the tribe left enough of an impression with the Warden that an envoy sought them out.

The Wardens offered them protection and the chance to use their skills to protect their home. But only if they renounced Khemrin. It was the ultimate sacrifice, yet outsiders were getting closer as the years passed. The tribe survived the slaughter by letting their culture die instead. By doing so, they became the first generation of Wardens in the Sychan and soon expanded across the desert, protecting the people that once feared them. When the Elders finished the story of Khemrin, they found Gil to be the only child genuinely interested.

As the years went, Gil started to adopt customs from the Khemrin with help from the Elders. Of course, it angered the Wardens. They didn't do anything beyond the usual punishments that teenagers got. That was until Gil found himself to be exiled for his homeland. With only a bag of coin and bread, they made the most of it and tried to live life in the place that he despised the most. Then, they heard rumors of an unusual illness that turned the ill into stone spreading at an alarming rate. It got bad enough that the High Lord sought out anyone capable of finding the cure.

Gil understood that such illness could spread beyond its borders and into Eerum, infecting their friends and loved ones. So, they signed up and revealed themselves to the High Lord.

▼ C H A R A C T E R G O A L S:

Gil doesn't care what happens to Vassidia and its people, but they aren't stupid either. Sooner or later, the Stone Blight will reach Eerum and infect everything it touches. That was why they answered the call. Even if their friends and loved ones hate them, Gil will do whatever to protect the Khemrin for a painful end.

▼ S K I L L S:

◼ Khemrini Warden | As a Warden, Gil developed their swordplay and shield stances over the years with patience and practice. Also, they were heavily taught about the core values of the Wardens from impartiality to solitary. In addition, the Elders incorporated Khemrini knowledge in secret, which included how to handle a bow and spear. And, more importantly, how to blend with their surroundings no matter their location. With these lessons in hand, Gil was prepared for almost anything shown to them.

◼ Naturalist | Being a Warden meant training in naturalism, which meant someone that examines nature. But living in the Sychan Desert made the profession a requirement from all Wardens. Furthermore, the elders also taught Gil forgotten knowledge of the wildlife from the tribe. It wasn't entirely useless beyond Eerum, but the lessons taught them to operate in desert and warmer climates.

◼ Perception | As a former Warden, Gil was already perceptive compared to everyone else. It wasn't improved until they were forced to live in Vassidia. Being mindful of their surroundings and the types of individuals in the area was necessary for them since he was an outsider. It was key to surviving at this stage of their life.

◼ Failure | Out of all the fears, there was one that got to Gil the most: failure. Failure to his tribe, friends, and himself. He would rather die than fail again.

◼ Obtruder | Besides being a foreigner in Vassidia, Gil was utterly different to everyone else. There were moments where people were clearly disgusted or distraught whenever they went out. Other moments involved being mistaken as a hybrid creature (which happened often) and openly insulted because he was from Eerum. As a result, Gil kept to themselves and only came out during the night to get the basics.

◼ Awkward | As a result, Gil became awkward around people due to a lack of social skills. And the fact that people avoided them because of their appearance. It made them anxious to be around folks since Gil couldn't anticipate their response to see someone wearing a helmet shaped like a bird. It also didn't help that they never took it off because it would have violated his beliefs and values from the Khemrin.

▼ N O T E S:

◼ Cooking | Out of everything that someone like Gil was talented at, nobody expected cooking to be one of them. If someone were to give them basic ingredients, they could turn it into a masterpiece worth taking time to eat. It was something that naturally came to them without any outside help other than advice here and there.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

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Kaijosh Frakjess


New Republic

Character Alignment
Neutral Good

Kaijosh Frakjess knew how life was before the Clone Wars and the rise of the Galactic Empire. Being born four years before the start of the Clone Wars, Corellia never saw the brutal fighting between droids and clones since it was inside Republic territory. His father was an author and wrote many historical books about the politics and battles of past wars. His mother died after giving birth to Frakjess due to the amount of blood lost. At a young age, Frakjess was interested in becoming a writer like his father. His father allowed him to watch him write anytime that he felt like to watch.

When the Great Jedi Purge began, and the Republic became the Galactic Empire, his father was one of the first that spoke against Palpatine. The Empire spied on him for several months until they decided to arrest him for working against the newly established Empire. Frakjess, on the other hand, was busy studying to become a writer while his father was arrested. He was also spied on for a year until the Empire moved on with other cases. After the spying ended, he became tired of the Empire's presence in Corellia. However, he couldn't do anything about it besides writing about his thoughts.

Under an anonymous name, he began to publish his written works on the HoloNet. People thought that he was a part of the Corellian Resistance movement; however, Frakjess never originally planned on joining the movement. Once the Declaration of Rebellion was released to the entire galaxy, Frakjess decided to join the Rebel Alliance after reading the crimes against Emperor Palpatine. That was also when he became interested in politics and wanted to make a difference from his homeworld.

After the destruction of the first Death Star, the people of Corellia tired to stage an uprising against the Empire. It was crushed. During the year, Frakjess was nearly killed by a bounty hunter hired by the Empire after he published his famous work about the Emperor. Fearing for his life, Frakjess was taught how to use a blaster and the different types of combat moves with help from the Corellian rebel cell. Once news reached Corellia that the second Death and both Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine were destroyed, the rebel cell decided that it was time to rise up against the Empire now.

A couple of hours after the Battle of Yavin, the citizens in the major cities rebelled against the Empire. Frakjess joined in the fighting and then became its governor. However, when the Provisional Senate was formed, he resigned for the position and sworn to the Senate. He joined the other Senators on Yavin 4, where his work began.

Being a politician had helped Frakjess prove that he was more than able to assist the Rebel Alliance during its fight with the Galactic Empire. Thanks to his charismatic leadership, he was able to fight the Empire head-on at his homeworld of Corellia. With additional connections in the black markets for off-world and members of the former Senate (before the Empire shut it down), he had the technologic advantage over the Empire. And unlike many politicians, he got his hand dirty and joined in the Rebellion. Killing stormtroopers with a lot of fun for Frakjess, but it also made him into a good shooter. He wasn't a great public speaker but his written works had been successful among the Rebels. It made him focused on improving his writing skills to make more books and articles.

Character Class

DH-17 blaster pistol

Supporting Characters
Razref Treselang - General that openly supports Frakjess' position on the war

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

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Razref Treselang


New Republic

Character Alignment
Lawful Good

Razref remembered the first months of the Empire's rule over Lothal as being prosperous for them. Every Lothalites that weren't valuable were discarded and left to survive. Razref was one of them that the Empire forced into Tarkintown, one of many refugee settlements across the planet. Instead of admitting defeat, he became the settlement's unofficial leader and began several trade agreements with the other nearby settlements. Eventually, he got the attention of the Spectre cell (Lothal's only hope of defeating the Empire) and befriended its members. Razref provided assistance
and aid whenever possible in exchange for goods from the settlement.

But, it was a big risk of getting caught by the Empire. And that's what happened.

Without warning, the Empire raided the settlement and started massacring the locals. Luckily for Razref, the Spectre cell arrived in time to save the remaining survivors from death. That was how he unofficially joined the Rebellion. Eventually, Spectre joined up with the Phoenix Cell with Razref rising rank within the cell's command. It seemed like he found some form of peace until the Siege of Atollon, which was the nail in the coffin for Phoenix Cell. Razref joined the Massassi Group shortly after and achieved the rank of General.

Once the second Death Star was destroyed, Razref was ready to end the Empire for good. Instead, politics ended up in the way. Because of his time spent in the Lothal campaign, the general was well-known and respected within the New Republic.

Razref spent several recent years of his life struggling to survive one battle after another, almost getting killed a few times. As a result, he became paranoia to the point that rest often becomes a challenge to achieve. But with help and counsel (along with work keeping him busy), he was able to reduce it dramatically. Other than that, he truly cared for everyone and everybody that has a good cause. He especially treated soldiers under his rank with respect and care.

Character Class

DL-22 Blaster pistol

Supporting Characters
Kaijosh Frakjess - Senator that Razref expressed supported for regarding assaulting Coruscant

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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

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Agent Nathan Bates

Male // 30 // Firefly

Nathan Bates (Call sign: Firefly) grew up in sunny South New Jersey in the heart of Camden with a crowded family. Forth child and third son of the family. Bates joined the military once he graduated from high school and spent two tours in the Middle East. Because of his leadership capabilities and checking all boxes within the set of criteria for Directive 51, the sergeant was trained at an undisclosed location and then allowed to live a normal life.

That was until the signal was activated.

Without any reason, Bates gathered his things and left his loved ones without reason (as instructed), heading out as an agent of The Division. Command appointed Nathan as leader of Wolverines, one of the dozens of squads being used for Operation Osiris.

Firefly had a reputation for playing loose with accepted strategy for military command. In several simulations, he gave up valuable fortifications and strategic locations to enemy forces. And when they were tried and weakened, Firefly attacked and won with few casualties than predicated. Cost him several promotions as a result before enrolling in Directive 51. That reputation meant that he had a problem with his emotions. Note that Firefly might disregard suggestions or advice for ISAC along with orders from Command.

Yet, Firefly is determined to the objective and willing to sacrifice everything to complete it. He's somewhat optimistic, even during these tough times.

- Suppressor
- Extended magazine
Contact Lenses
Smart Watch
SHD Issued Equipment
- Body Armor
- Masks
- Gloves
- Backpacks
- Knee Pads
- Holsters
SHD Tech
- Blinder Firefly
- Remote Pulse
- Airburst Seeker Mine

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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

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