Hizuno // Euthenia System
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Hidden in the Downtown District, a repurposed warehouse was full of potential buyers looking to own something within the Expansion Region. Of course, it was filled with some of the wealthiest people in the entire star system. Some of them were looking for new sites from their businesses while providing colonial opportunities to everyone else. Others were planning on building resorts and turning their new planet into another Las Vegas or Dubai. All of them had the money and means, but who was going to outbid who. Nearly everyone was accounted for thanks to the government's official security force. In fact, the auction square was being run by them. It was part of their plan to fill the region as soon as possible. So far, it was successful.
Another shuttle arrived in front of the square, but it got everyone's attention. Theo Ross exited out of the vehicle and approached the auction floor. He was one of a few representatives of the prosperous biotechnology company, Horizon Industries. Horizon was one of the few companies that began trading with outsiders during the Great War. Soon enough, it became one of the wealthiest companies in the world. But, their position needed to be secured. Just like everyone else, they waited for the remaining guests to show up. Five minutes later, the auctioneer appeared on stage and clapped her hands to silence the customers.
"Thank you all for taking the time to meet with us." the auctioneer smiled and then turned on the hologram, displaying several objects. "Tonight, we'll be looking at the Sargas and Beta Ithacae system. Both of them have healthy suns and asteroid belts. But, the Sargas system has four habitable worlds, while Beta Ithacae only has two. We'll be starting with the Sargas system. Our first object will be..."
Theo listened as planets, moons, asteroid belts, and plenty of objects were being sold. Acoria. Sold to Terra Resorts for 1.60 billion credits. Phorth I6O. Sold to Legendary Mining Operations for 600 million. Donion and her rings. It was sold to Aeon Exploration for 700.92 million. He waited until the ideal planet presented its self. Eventually, it did. Ciamia was the last planet to be auctioned off. It was a stable desert world with two moons. The starting bid was ninety million. Si rose it to one-hundred million. Then, someone else raised it to one-hundred forty million. It kept going up for a bit until it came at two billion.
Horizon Industries and Mustang Arms were the remaining bidders. The auctioneer waited for another bid and saw Theo putting in five-hundred million. The representative of the arms company hesitated for a moment while awaiting a response. Then, he pulled out the bid leaving Horizon Industries the only bidder left. She waited at least ten seconds and then announced, "Ciamia's sold at 2.5 billion. We will be moving onto the Beta Ithacae system after a quick recess."
Theo got up from his seat and headed towards the security guards. They escorted him to a small room, where someone was waiting for them. He was a government worker that oversaw countless planets to ensure they were following government requirements and their rules. In addition, he needed to handover and explain the paperwork to the bidder. Buying a planet within the Expansion Region was easy (if you had the money). However, maintaining and ensuring that it was running flawlessly was a different story. It took at least a half-hour to explain the whole thing to Theo, but he understood the basics.
Soon enough, Theo was outside of the warehouse and got in the shuttle. He took the time to set up a holographic call with the CEO of Horizon, Si. The izien was in the middle of work when they answered the call. "I assume that the auction went well?"
"Correct, sir." Theo responded. "All of the paperwork should have been sent to you."
"Yeah, I just got the notification." Si took a moment to examine Ciamia and read it's brief summary. "What was a useful test site. The two moons are a bonus. Good decision to skip the last audition. Horizon Industries will never forget your hard work, Theo. I will be in touch with your supervisor shortly to talk about your excellent job. Keep it up."
Shortly after the call ended, Theo threw his hands up and cheered on the possible pay rise. He decided to spend the rest of the night celebrating with some friends from work.
Another shuttle arrived in front of the square, but it got everyone's attention. Theo Ross exited out of the vehicle and approached the auction floor. He was one of a few representatives of the prosperous biotechnology company, Horizon Industries. Horizon was one of the few companies that began trading with outsiders during the Great War. Soon enough, it became one of the wealthiest companies in the world. But, their position needed to be secured. Just like everyone else, they waited for the remaining guests to show up. Five minutes later, the auctioneer appeared on stage and clapped her hands to silence the customers.
"Thank you all for taking the time to meet with us." the auctioneer smiled and then turned on the hologram, displaying several objects. "Tonight, we'll be looking at the Sargas and Beta Ithacae system. Both of them have healthy suns and asteroid belts. But, the Sargas system has four habitable worlds, while Beta Ithacae only has two. We'll be starting with the Sargas system. Our first object will be..."
Theo listened as planets, moons, asteroid belts, and plenty of objects were being sold. Acoria. Sold to Terra Resorts for 1.60 billion credits. Phorth I6O. Sold to Legendary Mining Operations for 600 million. Donion and her rings. It was sold to Aeon Exploration for 700.92 million. He waited until the ideal planet presented its self. Eventually, it did. Ciamia was the last planet to be auctioned off. It was a stable desert world with two moons. The starting bid was ninety million. Si rose it to one-hundred million. Then, someone else raised it to one-hundred forty million. It kept going up for a bit until it came at two billion.
Horizon Industries and Mustang Arms were the remaining bidders. The auctioneer waited for another bid and saw Theo putting in five-hundred million. The representative of the arms company hesitated for a moment while awaiting a response. Then, he pulled out the bid leaving Horizon Industries the only bidder left. She waited at least ten seconds and then announced, "Ciamia's sold at 2.5 billion. We will be moving onto the Beta Ithacae system after a quick recess."
Theo got up from his seat and headed towards the security guards. They escorted him to a small room, where someone was waiting for them. He was a government worker that oversaw countless planets to ensure they were following government requirements and their rules. In addition, he needed to handover and explain the paperwork to the bidder. Buying a planet within the Expansion Region was easy (if you had the money). However, maintaining and ensuring that it was running flawlessly was a different story. It took at least a half-hour to explain the whole thing to Theo, but he understood the basics.
Soon enough, Theo was outside of the warehouse and got in the shuttle. He took the time to set up a holographic call with the CEO of Horizon, Si. The izien was in the middle of work when they answered the call. "I assume that the auction went well?"
"Correct, sir." Theo responded. "All of the paperwork should have been sent to you."
"Yeah, I just got the notification." Si took a moment to examine Ciamia and read it's brief summary. "What was a useful test site. The two moons are a bonus. Good decision to skip the last audition. Horizon Industries will never forget your hard work, Theo. I will be in touch with your supervisor shortly to talk about your excellent job. Keep it up."
Shortly after the call ended, Theo threw his hands up and cheered on the possible pay rise. He decided to spend the rest of the night celebrating with some friends from work.
Hizuno's Orbit // Euthenia System
QWU Pandora
"Are the reports that the FedNAT withdrawn from the Treaty of Madrigasa true?"
"I have several sources telling me that along with the Imperial Union."
"I have several sources telling me that along with the Imperial Union."