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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pluto


Member Seen 2 mos ago

"I am Kat.." She said slightly confused then spoke again. "A traitor to your land." She spoke quietly, "don't hate me.." She seemed concerned about that, but then she started to ramble. "I've done a lot and i'm sorry but they still want to find me. I was promised there would be nothing bad, that this was needed and now they want to hide it. They want to find me and make it like I never lived. I don't even know why but some how I do and it's just too much." She shook her head and hid her face. "Why can't they just leave me alone, why do they hunt me? I'm not a trophy for everyone to have, I don't even know what side is better any more." That was the last he could make out the rest was slurred and she soon fell quiet, but she was still concious, He could tell because of the way her fingers changed in how they gripped his shirt, and he could occasionally feel her her eye lashes brush against his neck as she blinked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ser Coffee
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Ser Coffee

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Somewhere along the night Hal had finally fallen asleep. He wasn't woken until at guard rambled at the door of the cell, announcing their breakfast was being served. Waking with a start he nearly knocked his head against Kat's. It took a moment for Hal to find himself again, putting the girl aside in a gingerly fashion he quickly gathered the plates of food. Sniffing and carefully tasting both portions before deciding it was safe.

Hal checked Kat's temperature before waking her up. The food might not be all too welcome, but she would have to eat to regain her strength. Somewhere in the back of his mind he wanted to ask her more questions, but for now he wouldn't know what to ask her. Instead of questions he fed Kat her breakfast instead. The food wasn't the best, but in his time alone Hal had tasted far worse.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pluto


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Kat resisted the food at first. Pulling away and turning her head. She was to weak to push him back even when she tried. She gave in and let him feed her. She seemed to pick up a bit after eating. She was able to look at him now as he ate his own, still curled up against the bars of their cell where he had left her. "Thank you.." She muttered. She pushed herself up weakly and looked at him as he finished eating. When he stood as well she hugged him tightly. He could feel her shaking, she knew how close to death she had come. Her body was still weak so it shook, but more of it was from the fear of death. She was no soldier, what ever it was that was being hidden about her wasn't that she was some great warrior. She must have stolen something of great value to have the men after her the way they were. "Thank you.." She whispered again in his ear.

As she seemed to be recovering their captors did ts seem to be willing to wait. They barged in with a rush, walking right up to them one of the men grabbed Kat as the other grabbed Hal, surprisingly he was the one dragged out of the cell, leaving Kat to be alone after they shoved her away. He was taken to a tent and sat down I'm the middle of an otherwise empty tent, and he was left to wait with a single guard.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ser Coffee
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Ser Coffee

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As he was being dragged out of the cell Hal felt too weak to put up much of a fight. He tried to trash out of the guard's grip just one, but the strength left him after receiving a heavy blow to his gut. The tent offered little protection against the morning chill and the man found himself shivering dispite his best efforts not to. "Why is she so important to your people." He snarled at the guard who was placed as his sentry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pluto


Member Seen 2 mos ago

The guard smirked and paid him not mind. The man that entered the tent though spoke the moment he entered. His had were covered in blood and he was busy rubbing it off with a cloth. He grinned down at Hal through a thick black beard, his eyes were pale blue, he had a scar over his left brow just enough to make it so not all the hair of his brow had grown back. He had a long nose that was slightly crooked probably from being broken more than once. He grinned at Hal, "I am Duradel, brother to the little angel you just found. But you see she's become quite the pest since her memory was lost four years ago." He scratched his chin then grabbed a seat placing it behind Hal and forcing him down into it before grabbing his own and sitting as well. "See she belongs with us, it's only her lacking memory that keeps my dear sister from killing you while you sleep." He laughed then drew a short knife, it was like nothing he had seen before it was barely over the length of a finger joint and pointed on the end with two small hoops on the handle. Hal could hear a woman's scream of agony outside of the tent, they were probably torturing her already. Duradel curled his fingers through the hoops then slammed his hand down on Hal's leg as if he was slapping his lap, he could feel the knife dig deep into the leg but it didn't do much damage, it was just painful, ideal for torturing someone without a lot of fear of killing them. "Well, since she's on their side currently, where was she taking you?" he growled. This man wasn't going to flinch while torturing Hal.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ser Coffee
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Ser Coffee

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"You people don't seem to care much for taking rest it seems." Hal spoke grudgingly between clenched teeth, he was determined not to let this man take any pleasure from his screams. "I also find it funnily impressive, that dry manure could be stacked that high without falling over." The slight was aimed as a distraction, but Hal had no plan yet other than to stall for more time.

Hal was broken, beat and scarred right now. The lack of sleeping was taking its toll on his body and spirit, but he would not break; simply because he didn't know the answers they were looking for. If he could keep the girl save for another few hours that would be a small victory in Hal's eyes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pluto


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Duradel took another strike at Hal. "Where did she find you?" He spoke in a forceful voice, but he was still calm despite Hal's lack of screams. He knew Hal wouldn't be a simple man to break, he had been guard to the princess after all. Then he rose to take another strike at Hal in the knee this time but he stopped as the alarm bells were rang. A rush of noise filled the air as a wave of fighting could be heard. A few arrows cleared the tent canvas. Duradel rose from his seat and drew his sword. "Out of time already it seems." He grumbled. He turned to Hal ready to strike him down as a man came crashing through the tent knocking both Hal and Duradel to the ground. There was a struggle in the mess of canvas and Hall was trapped in it was well. He could feel kicks and blows just barely missing him. Then he was suddenly yanked out from under the canvas. he was face to face with Kat once again and also another man who simply grinned and without a word turned away and cut down an attacker.

Kat threw her arms around his neck, having to lift her arms over his head to do so, she was still bound. "You're ok!" She nearly had to shout into his ear to be heard over the roar of combat. She was soaking wet, she had a bloody nose too but looked to be in good condition otherwise. She looked at him with a slight smile before she was forced to look away as the man that had been quite silent shoved them both in a direction he wanted them. He was moving them out of the camp with the help of several others. Kat found herself forced to hang onto Hal more than she had planned to stay up, her arms rather trapped as she stumbled but quickly regained her feet before she could release poor Hal from her arms. "Jero, let us out of these damned bonds already." She growled at the man. He turns and threw her a dagger that she caught with a frown and held it up to Hal to cut his ropes on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ser Coffee
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Ser Coffee

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hal got lost in the blur of motions for a long moment, everything moved and happened so fast he barely had the time to register what was happening, right now all that mattered was getting to safety; which was as far away from Kopphear and Duradel as he could limp. Every step he took brought new jolt of pain through his limbs, but Hal was focused enough to of shut it out of his mind and keep going.

The man called Jero struck Hal as familiar, but he couldn't quiet put his finger on where he had seen him before. Kat's reaction was somewhat surprising to Hal as well, although he should have seen it coming. The girl had seemed to grow... fond of him, for the lack of a better description. He quickly offered his bonded hands so she could cut him loose, it would make defending himself easier to do even without a weapon in his hands.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pluto


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Kat cut him free quickly, then had him help her be cut free. She ducked in behind Jero once she was free and gave the dagger to Hal. "I expect you can obtain a weapon from someone that dies!" She shouted to him. She squeaked and crouched down as Jero swung around throwing a man past him by his arm before stabbing him in the back. Kat knew how Jero moved, at least she was capable of staying out of the way of those more capable than she. Kat was agile though, and well balanced, moving while protected by Jero was an easy task. When a man tried to catch her with a blow she ducked yet again and shoved his arms in the air allowing Jero a clean blow to kill her attacker and he took it. There was a group around them now of friendly faces pushing back the kings men.

"We need to go Jero!" Kat shouted once again. Jero grinned and started clearing a path. Until finally they could break free of the worst of it and run. Kat made sure Hal was able to keep up. "There will be horses in the trees." She promised him as they started to break free of the camp and rushed into the treeline where indeed horses were waiting. There was enough for them all to double up on horse back. Jero flung Kat up onto a horse that she grasped the mane of before looking at Hal and Jero. "Come on hurry up." She reached down to Hal, leaving the stirrup open for him to use to get himself onto the horse. Once he was on the horse ran with the herd of them until they were clear and free of all the kings men. Kat panted and lay on the horses neck closing her eyes.
"You all right Hal?" A man asked, Hal new this boy, it was Nicholas, he had been a squire when the princess had been killed. He had grown into a strapping young lad now. He was behind Jero on horseback. He wore leather armour instead of heavy plate and his brown eyes looked intelligent. "We got cut off from the farm house so we figured you two would need some help." He smirked. "Good to see you again." He offered a hand. "Hold tight a bit longer and we'll find a place to rest and patch you up."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ser Coffee
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Ser Coffee

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It had been several days since their escape from the imperial camp. In that time they had put a great distance between them and that place. On the third day the band of rebels found shelter in a house that had been build in a hillside. Hal had been able to let his wounds heal for a time. The surrounding lands were rich with game and a small stream provided them with fresh water.

Hal still wasn't sure what was going on and finally summoned the courage to talk to Cat about it to get some clear answers out of the girl. He found her in a room that might once have served as a storage. "Hey, I was hoping you could explain some things to me." Hal started. "For starters, why are they so interested in you as to keep me alive alongside you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pluto


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Kat had been fixing a bandage back over a burn on her side when he came in. She jumped a bit but dropped her shirt back over the bandage and looked at him. She wasn't entirely certain what to tell him. Without saying anything she walked closer to him but over to the wall as well, then she leaned against it and hugged herself.
"I don't know much more than you do, but I imagine my memories hold some memory they don't want anyone knowing about, or want to know maybe. I don't know I don't remember how I lost my memories. Maybe they think you'll make me remember or something, I don't know. I've never seen you in my life I don't think and from what I can tell you don't know me." She gave a bit of a sigh. "No one seems to know me but the charming man you met, my brother. Or that's what he says. All I can confirm s he probably is my brother, and no one really knew me before the princess died and I was found washed up on the beach by the palace." Then she slid down to a sit. "I think I'm about 20 years old or so. But I don't even know that. Ever since I met my brother he's been trying to get me back and every time how he treats me is different. The first time he was nice, the second he challenged me, the third time he tortured me.. So how can I be his sister if he tortures me? Hell we must have really hated each other." She shook her head, feeling just as lost and helpless as him. She fought back tears, then quickly hid her face in her knees. Not having a memory was being rather hard on her it seemed.

After a while of sitting on the floor she reached up and took his hand. "I heard what you did for me. How long you held out to stop them for going after me next." She smiled weakly looking up at him, pulling him gently to try and get him to sit with her. "Thank you.." She blushed a bit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ser Coffee
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Ser Coffee

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

" You would've done the same for me, i'm sure." Was the most dismissive answer Hal could give right now. Sitting down next to Kat he kept his hands to himself. It was obvious to see that he felt awkward and confused in this situation, which betrayed he had encountered such a moment before. For the longest time they sat there in silence, Hal not daring to break the moment, not want to loose the feeling, not wanting to ask what he couldn't. She looked so much like her, but acted so differently from her, it was a mass of confusion that just made his head spin more.

" Where did you learn to dance like that?" In his confusion Hal thought for a moment he was in another life, ages back it seemed. Just before the end of the night they had snuck out into the gardens and had the last dance of the ball. It would've been a scandle if people had found out about them. Just dancing alone.
And the next blink of his eyes he was back in the here and now. " I learned it from my mom, she would have loved a daughter."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pluto


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Kat looked at him as he spoke, tilting her head a bit. "Hal? What are you talking about." She sat up, moving so she was straddling one of his legs. She reached up feeling his forehead. She was so close to him, just inches from his face, he could feel her breath on his lips as she looked him right in the eyes. "Are you ok?" She gazed into his eyes. Her fingers were tangled in his hair, holding it out of the way as she felt his forehead.

A blush started to cross her cheeks as he came back from his daydreams. He could feel her sitting in his lap, watching him. Then she leaned in, she was going to kiss him. She wasn't a lady of court so she was a more direct woman, she was going to kiss him right on the lips. He could feel her silky lips brush against his, if he were to close his eyes they would feel like the princess and he wouldn't know the difference. But just as she was about to take the first sweet kiss,he heard her let out a little whimper and her head dropped to his shoulder as she grabbed her head. She struggled for a moment as if she was having a nightmare, then she got quiet. Panting as if she had been running for her life. She was shaking to, he could feel her grip his shirt for protection, like she needed to be guarded and protected, but it was hard to tell from what, there was nothing and no one around them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ser Coffee
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Ser Coffee

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As the fog of time lifted from Hal's eyes he came to a different moment of passion. He focused on her eyes, they had turned into deep oceans. Seeing the passion go out of them, he turned his caress into an embrace to hold her instead.

Hal tried to reflect on the moment, but found himself unable to correctly understand what was happening. He gently rocked her back and forth in a comfortable way as he spoke kind words in her ear. "I'm here, it's going to be alright. I'm here." No matter what just happened, it was clear enough to Hal that he might have suffered from a concussion. At least, that was his only explanation for now. As for the girls sudden influx of emotional grief all he could assert was that it had something to do with her mysterious past.
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