Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Nawmaing
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The Universe At Large (at least what y'all need to know)

It's the year 8560, and humanity has long since reached the stars. The Union, Earth's prevailing government consisting of representatives from every continental superpower holds dominion of most colonized planets. A few smaller factions rise and fall from century to century, often decimated by the deca-annual invasions by the alien threat before they can truly get off the ground. Mercenaries are often contracted to defend entire planets from the onslaught until the aliens simply leave to return again in another ten years.


A famed mercenary company that, unlike their rivals, boldly operate out of a single ship. Despite only having crew of only several thousand seasoned mercenaries, considerably smaller than most companies with comparable notoriety, they have a contract completion rate of 99.9999999%. That statistic combined with their policy of taking every mission regardless of how insane or suicidal has spawned rumors that they’re not even real, just a story that the Union tells their opposition to terrify them into pacification.

Of course, that’s absurd as the past six Union council heads have been assassinated by the very group that the public believes is in their pocket. The truth of course, is that Falchion is simply quite difficult to get in touch with and so incredibly thorough in their clean-up operations that it’s impossible to really verify every jackass that claims that they can call upon them.

Their leader, only referred to as The Captain, is a seemingly ageless woman that looks identical to the original founder of the company over fifty years prior.

The Captain:

Even the crew knows very little of the enigmatic captain that leads Falchion, but their respect for her is immense, some even bordering on fanatical. Some members believe her to be a literal goddess of victory as under her command the single ship has literally toppled empires. Her speeches often stun the entire crew to silence, and her authority is absolute. Aside from her apparent immortality, she has showed exemplary tactical prowess indicitive of several lifetimes of war.

She has a fairly crude sense of humor in more casual scenarios, even bordering on straight up immaturity. Of course, once a situation requires her to be serious it’s as if she’s a different person entirely. She cares quite a bit about every member of her crew, but she has made it clear on multiple occasions that she could care less about anybody else. Despite how much she loves her people though, the mission takes priority. Of course, given how dangerous the missions they take tend to be, casualties are inevitable.

Even the newest recruit, the greenest of greenhorns, the brashest of fools...their deaths break her heart, though she doesn’t show it until it’s appropriate. Every soldier recieves their own funeral, no expense spared, no disrespect tolerated, no sacrifice dishonored.

Jackal (the pilot):

The voice the crew hears most often is the ship’s helmsmen an expert pilot that simply goes by the name Jackal. Rumor has it that she was picked up by the captain when she was quite young. She’s an orphan with a ravenous appetite for noodles and a painfully sweet voice. As she’s been the pilot of the LLN since she was six years old, she’s able to control the ship better than most people can breathe. She often cracks jokes on the ship’s intercom, much to some of the crew’s chagrin. As the ship doesn’t have an official ‘first mate’ she is often considered as the Captain’s second-in-command.

Lucifer’s Left Nut:

The heavily modified stealth cruiser used by Falchion. The ship’s name was originally just a joke to mess with the officials registering the craft. For better or worse, the name stuck and was officially registered. Of course, the name turned out to be rather fitting as the company is often contracted to complete some of the most dangerous and most ballsy missions that many mercenary groups wouldn’t even consider taking.

The ship’s already effective stealth drive allows it to hide from even the most advanced detection devices...but unfortunately this doesn’t keep it from being visible to the naked eye. Of course, in the emptiness of space the ship’s black hull isn’t the easiest to see until it’s within optimal firing range.

On the topic of ‘firing’ the ship has a vast suite of ship-to-ship weapons including a primary plasma cannon, two full missile pods each containing over one hundred and eighty high explosive ordinance packages, and the most essential tool for any stealth craft; mines.

The ship has a wide assortment of ground vehicles to assist with most operations that require a more personal touch as well as a few fighters and strikecraft that can operate with or without an atmosphere.

With the sheer number of imitations of the craft bearing the same name, it’s quite easy for the real thing to slip in and out of most ports without more than a chuckle from the port authorities.


A planet in unknown space ‘discovered’ by the crew of Lucifer’s Left Nut. It was given its name by the Captain of the vessel as she assumes it to be the home of the advanced insect-like aliens that have plagued humanity for the past few centuries. Seemingly only reachable using the warp tech that the aliens are known for, this planet is so either so far in the depths of space that the LLN’s NAV computer can’t even approximate their location, or within a different plane of reality.

The Buzzers:

The insectoid race that seems to come out of nowhere at the turn of every decade. Appearing through huge portals in space with massive fleets and harrassing humanity, the intent of these creatures is almost impossible to ascertain as they don’t attempt to communicate, and once captured seemingly disintegrate.

They aren’t too powerful, at least they don’t seem to be, as they often die in droves in every incursion. Their ships however, despite not seeming to be combat oriented, are essentially indestructible. Their singular purpose seems to be to drop off hordes of soldiers before retreating into the portals that they appeared from. The alien technology is fascinating, yet almost impossible to reverse engineer given its tendency to self destruct once out of the hands of their wielders.

Despite their apparent incompetence, the aliens have shown that they aren’t mindless. They clearly have a goal, though it’s still quite the mystery. They have been known to kidnap humans if they can get their hands on them. Multiple military vessels have followed the transports into the portals only to never be seen again, but the invasions continue.

The Mission:

Falchion has been contracted to end the incursions once and for all, and as a secondary objective find out what the aliens have planned from the start. Of course, as not a single military vessel has returned from the portals, they are going into this blindly. The only intel they have is on the fodder unit that’s sent on every single incursion and the transports that carry them.

Standard procedure when dealing with worlds occupied by hostiles is to use the LLN to stealthily secure a landing point and base of operations, send a forced recon unit of handpicked members to scout for the enemy stronghold, and eliminate the enemy with extreme prejudice. As the Buzzers have displayed many characteristics of hive-bound insects, it is assumed that they have some sort of central intelligence. As such, an assassination mission is the natural secondary objective of the force recon team.

Your Characters:

Naturally you have free reign on your character creation, but there’s still gotta be some sorta guideline so…

Part of the crew: Naturally there won’t be characters that aren’t a part of the company, you can say you just signed up recently but how long you’ve been a part of the group is up to you.

This isn’t high fantasy, so tech’s all good but no magic.

Oh, and don't be scared to be a bit OP. So long as the stuff works in-universe and doesn't outright make you invincible it should be fine. Remember, Falchion has more money than most empires...so feel free to go a little crazy.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LunarisDaFox
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LunarisDaFox The Tiny

Member Seen 24 days ago

Resident Tech Junkie of Lucifer's Left Nut

Sae Ayuzawa

Android Identifies Female 36 Years Old 5'10" 200lbs Alien Technology Specialist of LLN

// A P P E A R A N C E \\
The only real skin on her body is located on her face, while the rest of her body is covered in nanomachine that rest in a solid metal state. The nanomachines constantly eat damaged or drained nanomachines so she is free of any blemishes on her metal skin. She typically sports rhe attire shown in her picture, but in combat situations, or the like, she is able to change the color of her metal skin and usually is seen all black, wearing no clothes showing the extent of the work done on her body. She is an android to a tee.

// P E R S O N A L I T Y \\
Sae is a gifted speaker and self-proclaimed comedian, who has always aligned herself with a seemingly always weird crew. Before joining the crew of Lucifer's Left Nut, she was known as a freelance tech speicialist, traveling the vast galaxy in search of the new technology. Because of this, Sae typically is a bit of a lier to get her way, no one ever really is sure if she ever is telling the truth, capable of perfect lying. Comedic wise, she's been told she has incredible comedic timing and that she just a funny woman. She doesnt know where she got her humor from, but meeting the type of people she has, one could say its anything but impossible for her to be funny.

Now Sae has a lack of patience. It can be seen as a negative trait in many aspects. But when it comes down to it, she doesn't like to wait or be waiting on other people. She has this weird thing with regret. The 'I wish I did this when I had a chance' is almost like a pet peeve of hers. She doesn't want to have thoughts like that, and it pushed her into being impulsive or spontaneous if you want to call it; so obviously she would come to develop impatience with that mindset. She'll burst into meetings or disrupt your heart to heart, it doesn't matter to her when you've kept her waiting long enough. She actually admires people who have patience, this is probably why she likes pacifist, someone with a resolve like theirs is incredible to her.

When Sae sets her eyes on something she will become determined to get it. Whether learning a new trick or technique or to simply gain something from someone. It would take some rather large emotional strain to kill her determination inside. This determination inside of her will push her forwards to stand up for herself or for another. Sometimes her action displayed while being determined are described as 'Bold'. Sae has learned that she can achieve great things through her determination. With that she still clings onto this determination to overcome obstacles and challenges.

// H I S T O R Y \\
Born Saeda Ayuzawa, Sae has told a number of stories on who she is, where shes came from or what her childhood was like. With so many stories out there in the cosmos, its hard to pinpoint which story is true, which isnt helped with her attempt to redact in databases of history stored all across the universe, you'd have to have found her parents before their passing to know the truth. The story of Sae Ayuzawa begins on a planet hidden away from society and history itself, a design of her fathers in an attempt to live off the grid and away from any danger that could befall his wife and only child.

Iwa Ayuzawa and Akira Ayuzawa had met on a ship charted to nowhere, a crew seeking to explore uncharted space. With promise of riches and adventure from the ships captain, they started their voyage into the unknown. For a time everything was as the captain said, they found riches beyond belief and all the adventure young explorers looked for. All until the crew stumbled upon a planet colonized by a group of humans who had cut themselves off from civilization. Landing at first not welcomed with open arms, as they helped the colony build itself up for nine years, using the planet as a base of sorts on their money explorations. In the tenth year of hsing the planet as a base. It was then that the crew was met with the aliens known as Buzzers.

His wife pregnant, Iwa and the crew he had fought and explored with as well as most of the colonies men attempted too protect their land. But they were ill prepared and feel within two hours. The captain of Iwa and Akira's crew sacrificed his self to save the two by locking them away and hiding them from the carnage as their colony fell. In a matter of hours the buzzers killed all the colony, leaving Iwa with a ship and his pregnant wife. Not knowing if they were coming back, he spent the rest of his days attempting and building tech to hide the planet away from radar systems of any kind. Successfully, he created a system to hide entire planets from machines, only able to be found visably.

Of course in his time, Akira gave birth to Saeda, leaving the three to live life out on this planet in fear of the buzzers. Saeda loved her father, but her father was driven into a madness in fear the buzzers would return again. So he was the nicest to his daughter, opting to show her love by teaching her about technology and how to fight. She was never allowed to leave the planet when her father would go off world to get supplies and information about the happenings of the universe around them. This was her life for a very long time, until she was 18. All through this time, her father feared a threat that would not come so long as the planet stayed uncolonized hy humans.

And it was here that her father and mother died, her father first, leaving her loving mother to take care of her. Of course her mother had been teaching her of the world above them in the stars and after her fathers passing, no one was there to stop Akira from showing her daughter the universe. Leaving the planet she had lived on all her life, Akira ventured with her daughter to hundreds of other planets, her fathers love for obessesion for technology coursing through her veins. Seeing the augmentations of people she would come into contact, she so very badly wanted the same feeling limited in her normal body. However her mother warned her against it, saying it would become an addiction. A warning that only stopped her for a little while. When the girl turned 20, her mother passed away after contracting an illness with no known cure.

It was then that the persona of Sae was created, after losing her only known family, she was left to her own devices. Using her knowledge of technology, it was easy to start as a technology specialist free lancer. Getting small jobs at first, she slowly started to augment her body, and began building a name for herself in mercenary circles and cliques. While her name was picking up traction, so was the money, and with it began her addiction for technology. Just as her mother warned, it was never enough, not having the means to do what she really wanted. It was until she was 28, that she met the crew of LLN. Being recruited by the high spirited captain, she was suddendly thrusted into huge lumpsomes of money from the jobs contracted from working on LLN, she took her body augmentations to new heights. Now eight years later, she is still with the crew of LLN, considered a veteran member of the crew and seeing money faces come and go. If her parents saw her now, shes not even sure if they would reconize her, but she has never been more strong then now and doesnt regret a single thing.

// W E A P O N S & E Q U I P M E N T \\
A.I.N (Adapting Infiltration Nano-machines): Making up 95% of her outer skin, save for her face, her body is covered in Nano-machines built and perfected by her. Her brain containing her bodies power-cell, is also made of these nano-machines, making her a pain in the ass to kill. The nano-machines work much in the way Tony Stark's suit functioned in both Infinity War and Endgame, and have numerous applications for the many jobs and contracts Sae's involved in. The main application is in it's name, the Nano-machines are made of an incredibly rare metal Sae had to personally contract for, and are somewhere in the hundreds of thousands in numbers. They can adapt to any weather and alien atmosphere, and work on an energy-less system. Not only can the adapt that way, but they are capable of making her air tight/waterproof. Engineer'd to gain energy from eating any type of metals, whether familiar or foreign, the Nano-machines are capable of mass producing themselves after literally eating metals it touches. She made them this way as a way to get over the hump of how much energy the nano-machines would have needed to function the way she wanted. They are capable of regenerating her skin and frame that are made of the tiny machines and as such allow her to seemingly heal after absorbing metals. All connected by her powerful human-machine hybrid brain, she is able to control and direct them in any she wants, however once they leave her body, they destroy themselves to preserve the woman's work. She is able to touch foreign technology and integrate herself into the machine to better understand what she is working on. In similar fashion, she can use this method to integrate herself into not only computers or the like, but alien weapons and etc. She also is able to form blades from her wrist, in many shapes in sizes or forms. She can even use them to help her climb or preform tasks given to her, from using them to cut food, to forming scalpels for surgery or contain pieces of specimen to study for later. These nano-machines are why she very rarely carries her own weapons. The Nano-machines also can eat damaged or partially destroyed pieces of itself in the event that it needs to regenerate her body or no metal is near. They are incredibly durable and capable of withstanding molten rock or magma for a couple minutes. Also because of their durability they give her incredibly strength and speed, allowing her to lift upwards of a ton and a half of weight, and run at speeds clocking in at 40 MPH at full capacity. Not only is she the crews tech specialist, but also can act as the crews muscle if need be

EM-Vision Eyes: The only that she has that isnt A.I.N, she's tinkered with them to get them to the specs she wants, but she is able to use night-vision, heat-vision, magnification up to 8x and a Technology vision that lets her see through metals to see wiring or the like to aid in her specialty.

// S P E C I A L T Y \\
Technology (Both Known and Alien)

// O T H E R \\
While she is incredibly adaptable, things like EMP's are still her bane and will disable her for a few minutes before A.I.N can reset itself, especially if she happens to be on metal, the nano-machines will go into a safety mode and eat any metals it happens to be touching at the time, which can be a double-edge'd sword in itself. Things like electric currents also have some effect, but in the opposite that the Nano-machines become increasing harder to control, which can lead to sometimes the destruction of whatever she's interfacing with or worse.

Heya peeps, ill be co-gming for the rp, so if @Nawmaing isnt answering or taking forever with a question you have, feel free to PM me!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nawmaing
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Oh, and side note. This RP has an actual ending planned...like, it's not gonna be the open ended explore the cosmos type of RP. We've got an objective that once that's complete and all the loose ends are wrapped up we're done.

That said, it should still take a bit even if we're super active.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Cleverbird
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Cleverbird Bird on a keyboard

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oooh, an RP that's actually trying to tell a story and not have us faff about in an open world? Sign me the fuck up!

Question! How is this universe in terms of power armor/exo-suits? I've been craving to play the role of a sledgehammer as of late, just something big and heavy with no finesse whatsoever. The kind of thing you throw at a problem when all else fails.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CAWs For Alarm
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CAWs For Alarm One HEX of a Sorcerer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Well I guess it’s time to start actually writing my character, I’m a little behind now.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

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@LunarisDaFox We can be robot buddies! Ehh, almost.

Reaction to my CS seemed positive in the PM but I'm going to post in the OOC first just in case.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nawmaing
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@Cleverbird Power armor's totally doable. Go wild.

@Zoey White You're good to throw her into the character tab, she's ready to go.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LunarisDaFox
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LunarisDaFox The Tiny

Member Seen 24 days ago

@Zoey White 100% and her being a fellow techie, Sae will most definitely listen to her opinion on the matter
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Cleverbird
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LunarisDaFox
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LunarisDaFox The Tiny

Member Seen 24 days ago

@CleverbirdI love that formatting jesus christ
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nawmaing
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@Cleverbird So I'm kind of curious how tall your power armor is. The thickest parts being almost half of Red's height. (Also I like just about everything so far)
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

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@Nawmaing Would it be okay if I changed Reika's backstory so she is a pretty fresh recruit to Falchion? Like, less than a year?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nawmaing
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@Zoey White Certainly!
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nawmaing
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

We'll get things kicked off once all the character sheets are up.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cleverbird
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I'm finishing my sheet tomorrow!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CAWs For Alarm
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CAWs For Alarm One HEX of a Sorcerer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Finally got my character done too!

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Nawmaing
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2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Nawmaing hell yeah team cybernetics.

>What are you gonna do, zap me?

>-Last words of woman zapped
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nawmaing
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Zoey White That's a nod to my favorite ever quote from an article I approve. We're all gonna die.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cleverbird
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Cleverbird Bird on a keyboard

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

You'd think that by 8560 we'd have insulated all our electronics by now... Part of me is tempted to add that to Red's ODIN, but I like weaknesses in tough things.

@NawmaingBtw, what do the Buzzers actually look like? The image in the opening post just shows the planet again. Are we to expect sentient bugs with ranged weaponry like those bugs from Mass Effect 3, or something more along the lines of the bugs from Starship Troopers?
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