Delilah Laxen

Age: 29
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Personality: Ever focused on the task at hand, Delilah runs Great Aquarius like the business it is. Strongly suited to negotiations and business ventures over combat, she is reliable with preparations and contract management from the various establishments cropping up in the major cities. Some often state that she is not the true voice of authority on the ship and even though she dislikes such rumors it is hard to disagree. Her power over the crew is rooted in last name and the connection to the free cities where many call home, allowing Izal to make military decisions with absolute authority trusting the former captain to know best when battle is met.
History: Born as the heiress to the Free cities of her namesake, Delilah was pushed to study anything that was deemed necessary by her father to best help her seize and maintain power when at last he passed on. Her father was a strict man of many lessons revolving around the cities upkeep, military might, collection of taxes, and controlling the militia. All of this meant being treated like a chess piece to young Delilah, resenting being a prisoner to her father more than the hostile seas she'd learned about.
After an incident of infidelity between her and her father Dario, Delilah fled the estate under the cover of night on the first ship bound for the sea. Nearly three weeks disguised as just another nameless shipmate and she'd assumed all was clear. As it turned out, Izal Valencia was no fool and knew the name of every crewman on his ship at all times.
Delilah had pleaded for safe travel after her game was up and begged not to be returned to her home. A stroke of luck saw her safely to Karaz Kharagul after nearly several months with the ship, with some pocket money to get herself started. Honest pay for honest work over the journey, could have been the escape she needed. An escape she wanted. It was everything she thought she wanted.
The sound of the waves aboard a ship had been too hypnotic and the crews honest concern for the young lady had prompted other ideas. Rather than start a life on the land, Delilah asked to stay aboard GREAT AQUARIUS for a little longer and travel the world. Over 10 years later she rose to the title of Captain, sharing leadership with Izal in many ways. Gifted with a silver tongue and schooled in etiquette, Delilah struck a chord with the rising Nobility and many of the established traders. Using her fathers good name as an in had granted her access to loftier positions in the hierarchy of Karaz.
That time was spent establishing the absolute effectiveness of Izals military might aboard their 'inferior' ship through dozens of raids, pursuits, excavations, and salvage missions. As adept on the sea as under it they were quick to establish a baseline of accomplishments that made them ideal choices for places an Armada simply could not go.
In a funny way, Delilah had adopted the dreams of the only man she could ever call a father. The memories of his kindness and patience in all things had burned in her a desire to see his dreams come to light.
- Rapier and dagger
- None
Other: Talks with her biological father over the years have resumed and been kept civil, but any visit to Laxen is met with suspicion.