A little about me;
-I am female
-I can roleplay both genders
-I write three or more paragraphs (I tend to mirror my partner as well)
- I am a mature role player, so R rated themes don't bother me.
- I am able to be get on at least 1-2 times a week
- I work ALOT so my replies will be slower and will be from my phone.
What I would like in a partner;
- Can roleplay both genders (optional)
- can help with the making of the plot!
- can write at least three to four paragraphs (or mirror)
- can reply 1-2 week (I understand if life gets in the way, just let me know when ever)
- MUST be mature! meaning over 18
- If no longer want to roleplay then let me know, I wont be upset.
Okay some Ideas I have. (All these are mature type rp's with violence, some gore, and romance)
*** the more stars the higher the craving
Any of the rp's below I can be either gender, it's up to you to choose which gender you would like to play.
For Pairings and Other Stuff I am Interested In
New One:Legends Of the High Mountains***

- FxM or FxF
So I don't have a thought out plot, but I do have an idea.
Our characters will be part of a clan/tribe of warrior barbarians (no magic users), who have recently been pushed out of their land by rival clan/tribe. They have to cut a life in a harsh new environment that hides orcs, human sized wolves, power crazy mages, and other challenging beasts. Not to mention the climate and sudden weather changes.
On top of all that they are being tracked by the rival clan/tribe and being pushed further into the hostile land.
More ideas to come....... If you have any Idea's please let me know :)
-I am female
-I can roleplay both genders
-I write three or more paragraphs (I tend to mirror my partner as well)
- I am a mature role player, so R rated themes don't bother me.
- I am able to be get on at least 1-2 times a week
- I work ALOT so my replies will be slower and will be from my phone.
What I would like in a partner;
- Can roleplay both genders (optional)
- can help with the making of the plot!
- can write at least three to four paragraphs (or mirror)
- can reply 1-2 week (I understand if life gets in the way, just let me know when ever)
- MUST be mature! meaning over 18
- If no longer want to roleplay then let me know, I wont be upset.
Okay some Ideas I have. (All these are mature type rp's with violence, some gore, and romance)
*** the more stars the higher the craving
Any of the rp's below I can be either gender, it's up to you to choose which gender you would like to play.
For Pairings and Other Stuff I am Interested In
(Any other ideas are welcomed!)
Currently craving ***
Werewolves x human
werewolves x werewolves
werewolves x vampire
vampire x vampire
vampire x human
master x slave
Mutant x anything
Ancient warrior x captured person (rebel, royality, or mythical creature)
Demon x angel
demon x human
demon x other creature
angel x human
angel x other creature
Alien x human
Robot x Human
Pirates x anything
Gladiator x anything
1800's peasant/noble x 1800's peasant/noble (something along the lines of pride and prejudice)
Fairy x anything
Centaur x anything
dragon x rider
dragon rider x dragon rider
Dragon shifter x anything
Witch/mage x Knight/noble
Witch x Witch
T.A/College student
College student/College student
Currently craving ***
Werewolves x human
werewolves x werewolves
werewolves x vampire
vampire x vampire
vampire x human
master x slave
Mutant x anything
Ancient warrior x captured person (rebel, royality, or mythical creature)
Demon x angel
demon x human
demon x other creature
angel x human
angel x other creature
Alien x human
Robot x Human
Pirates x anything
Gladiator x anything
1800's peasant/noble x 1800's peasant/noble (something along the lines of pride and prejudice)
Fairy x anything
Centaur x anything
dragon x rider
dragon rider x dragon rider
Dragon shifter x anything
Witch/mage x Knight/noble
Witch x Witch
T.A/College student
College student/College student
I don't normally do fandoms since I find them hard to play especially if we are characters from the books/movies/tv shows. With that said I will only do fandoms with Original Characters.
Currently craving ***
Star wars (either before the fall of the republic or shortly after)
Dragon Age
Mass Effect
More fandoms might come later
Currently craving ***
Star wars (either before the fall of the republic or shortly after)
Dragon Age
Mass Effect
More fandoms might come later
New One:Legends Of the High Mountains***
-Either FxM FxF
The world has crumbled, disease and war wiped out many. But your great gandparents took shelter with a few others as their world was swallowed in sorrow and grief. You have known nothing but the walls of the shelter and often wonder what lay in the world beyond.
While eating lunch with a few friends one day the alarm goes off. There is much confusion and you have no idea what is going on. It's not until someone yells to unlock the bunker door that you realize that this is serious. The small crowd rushed out carrying you with them, in horror you hear people choking. "They're infected! Run!" Screams a man you know as the doctor and chief lavatory officer. Panic sets into th crowd and without a moment to think you take off.
You have no food or water and no survival skills, you have no idea how to navigate the world you use to wonder about. But you are determined to live, you will not die because you did not try. Hopefully you, maybe you can find someone, though that seems unlikely.
The world has crumbled, disease and war wiped out many. But your great gandparents took shelter with a few others as their world was swallowed in sorrow and grief. You have known nothing but the walls of the shelter and often wonder what lay in the world beyond.
While eating lunch with a few friends one day the alarm goes off. There is much confusion and you have no idea what is going on. It's not until someone yells to unlock the bunker door that you realize that this is serious. The small crowd rushed out carrying you with them, in horror you hear people choking. "They're infected! Run!" Screams a man you know as the doctor and chief lavatory officer. Panic sets into th crowd and without a moment to think you take off.
You have no food or water and no survival skills, you have no idea how to navigate the world you use to wonder about. But you are determined to live, you will not die because you did not try. Hopefully you, maybe you can find someone, though that seems unlikely.

- FxM or FxF
So I don't have a thought out plot, but I do have an idea.
Our characters will be part of a clan/tribe of warrior barbarians (no magic users), who have recently been pushed out of their land by rival clan/tribe. They have to cut a life in a harsh new environment that hides orcs, human sized wolves, power crazy mages, and other challenging beasts. Not to mention the climate and sudden weather changes.
On top of all that they are being tracked by the rival clan/tribe and being pushed further into the hostile land.
FxM or FxF
For many years your kind have been around, though there is rumors on how you came to be. See you have wings, not just any kind of wings but song bird wings based off those found in nature. Some say that your kind have always been around, while others say that you were a genetic project when laws were soft of such projects. But what ever the case your kind have been around for a while and there is no getting rid of you as people like you. Your kind have amazing singing voices and are very beautiful to look at. And because of these two things people buy, sell, and breed your kind. You are beautiful pets, pets that some think are still dumb like your ancestors but you are different. Smarter, able to understand that what is happening to your people is wrong.
You are only one though, how could you possibly change things?
OOC: this could masterxslave rp or two bird people trying to change things or bird person ran away from old master
For many years your kind have been around, though there is rumors on how you came to be. See you have wings, not just any kind of wings but song bird wings based off those found in nature. Some say that your kind have always been around, while others say that you were a genetic project when laws were soft of such projects. But what ever the case your kind have been around for a while and there is no getting rid of you as people like you. Your kind have amazing singing voices and are very beautiful to look at. And because of these two things people buy, sell, and breed your kind. You are beautiful pets, pets that some think are still dumb like your ancestors but you are different. Smarter, able to understand that what is happening to your people is wrong.
You are only one though, how could you possibly change things?
OOC: this could masterxslave rp or two bird people trying to change things or bird person ran away from old master
FxM or FxF
Magic is meant to serve man not rule over him.
That is one of the most used lines in all of Thedas when talking about mages. Many fear the mages and the power they have and the mages, to save themselves from the rash minded people, built the circles. But the chantry still wanting some control made a group known as the Templars. These Templars are the special guard of the chantry and "protectors" of the mages. In the beginning it was easy for the mages but as time went on things became tense.
Some feel imprisoned, others feel the restrictions are necessary, while others are in between.
This will take place before the fall of the Circles. We can play as two mages or mage and Templar. This will mostly be how our characters react to each other and the environment that they are in.
We can polish this together and come up with a well thought out plot :)
Magic is meant to serve man not rule over him.
That is one of the most used lines in all of Thedas when talking about mages. Many fear the mages and the power they have and the mages, to save themselves from the rash minded people, built the circles. But the chantry still wanting some control made a group known as the Templars. These Templars are the special guard of the chantry and "protectors" of the mages. In the beginning it was easy for the mages but as time went on things became tense.
Some feel imprisoned, others feel the restrictions are necessary, while others are in between.
This will take place before the fall of the Circles. We can play as two mages or mage and Templar. This will mostly be how our characters react to each other and the environment that they are in.
We can polish this together and come up with a well thought out plot :)
- MxF or FxF
You wake up in your bed at your apartment feeling groggy, most likely suffering a hang over from the night before. You can barely remember the party much less how you get home. Getting up you walk heavy footed to the kitchen to get some water. As you drink the water you try to remember the party, you only remember fragments. You curse your friend for dragging you there, but you wanted a change of pace. Only now you regret it.
Just then you realize that you just had four glasses of water. You figured that you must of been dehydrated, but you still feel thirsty..... and really hungry. You rummage through your kitchen eating anything that peeked your interest, but the slight satisfaction isn't enough. You begin to wonder what the hell is going on. As you go back to have another glass of water, there is a knock at you door. Feeling a little frustrated, you walk over to the door and open it to find no one there. Looking around for a moment you notice a pop bottle and a note. Looking around one last time you pick up the bottle and note.
You read the note hoping for answers, but all it says is Drink Up. Turning the bottle over and looking it over you notice nothing significant. It looks like a normal bottle of pop, but you feel a little weirded out about drinking some random bottle of pop left at your door. You open it and smell it. Suddenly you feel the urge to down the entire thing as it smells delicious! But before you have a moment to think clearly you take a gulp of the thick liquid. By the second mouth full you realize what you are doing and spit it out. You watch as the red spray covers your kitchen. You can still taste sweet and saltiness of the drink on your tongue, but there also a metallic taste as well. You feel like you tasted it before, only it was less appetizing, when you bit your tongue. Suddenly the realization hits you, it's blood! You drank blood!
You suddenly become aware of the changes in your body. But how did this happen and who did this to you? And what does this mean for you?
You need answers. But you know little of the world you are stepping into and the game played there. As little do you know you're being hunted.......
You wake up in your bed at your apartment feeling groggy, most likely suffering a hang over from the night before. You can barely remember the party much less how you get home. Getting up you walk heavy footed to the kitchen to get some water. As you drink the water you try to remember the party, you only remember fragments. You curse your friend for dragging you there, but you wanted a change of pace. Only now you regret it.
Just then you realize that you just had four glasses of water. You figured that you must of been dehydrated, but you still feel thirsty..... and really hungry. You rummage through your kitchen eating anything that peeked your interest, but the slight satisfaction isn't enough. You begin to wonder what the hell is going on. As you go back to have another glass of water, there is a knock at you door. Feeling a little frustrated, you walk over to the door and open it to find no one there. Looking around for a moment you notice a pop bottle and a note. Looking around one last time you pick up the bottle and note.
You read the note hoping for answers, but all it says is Drink Up. Turning the bottle over and looking it over you notice nothing significant. It looks like a normal bottle of pop, but you feel a little weirded out about drinking some random bottle of pop left at your door. You open it and smell it. Suddenly you feel the urge to down the entire thing as it smells delicious! But before you have a moment to think clearly you take a gulp of the thick liquid. By the second mouth full you realize what you are doing and spit it out. You watch as the red spray covers your kitchen. You can still taste sweet and saltiness of the drink on your tongue, but there also a metallic taste as well. You feel like you tasted it before, only it was less appetizing, when you bit your tongue. Suddenly the realization hits you, it's blood! You drank blood!
You suddenly become aware of the changes in your body. But how did this happen and who did this to you? And what does this mean for you?
You need answers. But you know little of the world you are stepping into and the game played there. As little do you know you're being hunted.......
You knew your parents would marry you off one day, as it was customary for your people. You knew that your parents were searching for a suitable husband for you, but you disliked all the men that they had in mind for you. They were rich, old and grumpy men that only wanted a young girl to play with and you had no intention of bedding them on your wedding night.
You now wait for your wedding party to take you down to the alter so you may take part in your wedding. You are nervous and afraid of who your parents have picked for you, was it the abusive man that tried to take advantage of you? Or was it the really old fellow that was nice, just too old for you? You are not sure. Once you have reached the alter you notice how your spouse concealed from you. You can not see his eyes, hands, lips or even body figure. You are confused but let the wedding and celebration after ward continue, all the while not hearing or seeing who your spouse is.
Your wedding party take you to your room which you will now share with partner, a lot is expected of you tonight. You see that your spouse is already waiting for you in your bed. Once the final ritual is complete you are alone with your spouse.
You suddenly feel a soft hand on your shoulder lightly rubbing, this confuses you as none of the men you have seen have soft hands or were this gentle. "Relax, I'm not going to make you do anything." The voice is female! What one earth have your parents arranged .
You knew your parents would marry you off one day, as it was customary for your people. You knew that your parents were searching for a suitable husband for you, but you disliked all the men that they had in mind for you. They were rich, old and grumpy men that only wanted a young girl to play with and you had no intention of bedding them on your wedding night.
You now wait for your wedding party to take you down to the alter so you may take part in your wedding. You are nervous and afraid of who your parents have picked for you, was it the abusive man that tried to take advantage of you? Or was it the really old fellow that was nice, just too old for you? You are not sure. Once you have reached the alter you notice how your spouse concealed from you. You can not see his eyes, hands, lips or even body figure. You are confused but let the wedding and celebration after ward continue, all the while not hearing or seeing who your spouse is.
Your wedding party take you to your room which you will now share with partner, a lot is expected of you tonight. You see that your spouse is already waiting for you in your bed. Once the final ritual is complete you are alone with your spouse.
You suddenly feel a soft hand on your shoulder lightly rubbing, this confuses you as none of the men you have seen have soft hands or were this gentle. "Relax, I'm not going to make you do anything." The voice is female! What one earth have your parents arranged .
-FxF or MxF
There had always been shifters in the world and they were treated like gods and goddesses in the beginning, but as time went on things began to change. Soon non-shifting humans began to slowly hate their shifting counter parts and tension began to build between the two. All they needed was a spark and a war would break and it wasn't long until a spark was lit. No one knows which side killed a mixed family, but it was enough to cause a war. The war raged world wide for over a decade until non shifting humans found a way to control the shifters. The shifters army fell to the humans and were soon nearly wiped out, but there were humans that saw profit in keeping a few alive. Taking the children away from their parents, they raised them to be servants/pets or even fighters.
OOC: I have a few idea's were this could go depending on the sexual pairing.
There had always been shifters in the world and they were treated like gods and goddesses in the beginning, but as time went on things began to change. Soon non-shifting humans began to slowly hate their shifting counter parts and tension began to build between the two. All they needed was a spark and a war would break and it wasn't long until a spark was lit. No one knows which side killed a mixed family, but it was enough to cause a war. The war raged world wide for over a decade until non shifting humans found a way to control the shifters. The shifters army fell to the humans and were soon nearly wiped out, but there were humans that saw profit in keeping a few alive. Taking the children away from their parents, they raised them to be servants/pets or even fighters.
OOC: I have a few idea's were this could go depending on the sexual pairing.
FxM or FxF
The wind whips your face, the cold bites at your hands, the hard rocky ground slices your feet. But you ignore the pain, you have to or risk being caught. You can hear the yells and the howls behind you, but you must keep running, you must not slow. You are being hunted. Why? Because you are different. How are you different? Once you turned 18 one of your eyes changed colour, a sign that you have a gift. What kind of gift? No one really knows as you could be good at singing, being enable to enchant someone with your voice. Maybe you are a good dancer enchanting people with your body, maybe you can take peoples pain away or maybe you can tell lies and people believe you even if they know the truth. You could have any gift.
But it doesn't matter, you are being hunted and if caught you could be killed or made a slave depending on your gift.
(OOC: Can be a small group or 1x1...... can still work on the setting and stuff)
FxM or FxF
The wind whips your face, the cold bites at your hands, the hard rocky ground slices your feet. But you ignore the pain, you have to or risk being caught. You can hear the yells and the howls behind you, but you must keep running, you must not slow. You are being hunted. Why? Because you are different. How are you different? Once you turned 18 one of your eyes changed colour, a sign that you have a gift. What kind of gift? No one really knows as you could be good at singing, being enable to enchant someone with your voice. Maybe you are a good dancer enchanting people with your body, maybe you can take peoples pain away or maybe you can tell lies and people believe you even if they know the truth. You could have any gift.
But it doesn't matter, you are being hunted and if caught you could be killed or made a slave depending on your gift.
(OOC: Can be a small group or 1x1...... can still work on the setting and stuff)
Howling in the Night
- More of a MxF but open to FxF
-A male werewolf is young and wanting to prove himself to the 'new' females that are at mating age. A young beautiful female werewolf is unsure if she wants to have a mate. But she is one that every male in pack wants (can be born of 'high' status or whatever you like), many males fight over her. She knows that the ones that win are never vary nice, as faithful and providing as they are, they would treat her almost like a brood mare. She is nothing but a way to continue the bloodlines, at least thats how she thinks. He at first thinks the same as the others, as that was how he was raised. But after talking to her (either before or after) he changes his mind set and tries to show that he is more than average male brute. Though she thinks its a trick.....
(OOC: Can work on this and develop the plot better)
- More of a MxF but open to FxF
-A male werewolf is young and wanting to prove himself to the 'new' females that are at mating age. A young beautiful female werewolf is unsure if she wants to have a mate. But she is one that every male in pack wants (can be born of 'high' status or whatever you like), many males fight over her. She knows that the ones that win are never vary nice, as faithful and providing as they are, they would treat her almost like a brood mare. She is nothing but a way to continue the bloodlines, at least thats how she thinks. He at first thinks the same as the others, as that was how he was raised. But after talking to her (either before or after) he changes his mind set and tries to show that he is more than average male brute. Though she thinks its a trick.....
(OOC: Can work on this and develop the plot better)
-MxF can be FxF
You are not aloud to fall in love and if you do fall in love one of you will die, mostly the less useful one. This is to teach you and everyone else that love is a useless emotion as your love couldn't save the one that you loved most. This is the society that you now live in, you don't know your parents as you were bred and as soon as you were born you were taken away from your mother. So you go about your business not bothering to do anything other then what you were assigned to do each day. You think that you are happy and content. One day though as you were shopping for your meal that you would have later, you see two people holding hands. You can tell by their body language, even as they try to hide it, that they love each other.
You wonder if you should report them, but a pang in your chest surprises you and you realize that you are jealous. But how? You never thought about love, you never even considered it. But now you feel empty and the 'happiness' that you once had is gone. You try to forget about it and get on with your life, you find out then that you were selected to be bred. Around this time a man suddenly appears in your life, he tries to get to know you and make you smile.
You begin to feel something for this man, but you wonder if this is a set up or if its for real. If it's a set up you are in danger but if not then you are both in danger. Either way someone is going to get hurt. Question is can you surrender yourself to this emotion or are you too hard wired to feel nothing.
(OOC: Can work on plot more....)
You are not aloud to fall in love and if you do fall in love one of you will die, mostly the less useful one. This is to teach you and everyone else that love is a useless emotion as your love couldn't save the one that you loved most. This is the society that you now live in, you don't know your parents as you were bred and as soon as you were born you were taken away from your mother. So you go about your business not bothering to do anything other then what you were assigned to do each day. You think that you are happy and content. One day though as you were shopping for your meal that you would have later, you see two people holding hands. You can tell by their body language, even as they try to hide it, that they love each other.
You wonder if you should report them, but a pang in your chest surprises you and you realize that you are jealous. But how? You never thought about love, you never even considered it. But now you feel empty and the 'happiness' that you once had is gone. You try to forget about it and get on with your life, you find out then that you were selected to be bred. Around this time a man suddenly appears in your life, he tries to get to know you and make you smile.
You begin to feel something for this man, but you wonder if this is a set up or if its for real. If it's a set up you are in danger but if not then you are both in danger. Either way someone is going to get hurt. Question is can you surrender yourself to this emotion or are you too hard wired to feel nothing.
(OOC: Can work on plot more....)
Blood drips down his claws as he finished his last victim, he had gotten many sacrifices from the lands that surrounded his mountain. Many were young maidens but a few were young strong men. He was surprised that they didn't flinch as he kill each of them one by one, of course he did so quickly after using them. He longed for a mate though, but since most of his kind lived far away in the lands of their birth, he was stuck here. Alone he must stay until every 100 years when the lands around his mountain gave him sacrifices. He made his way out of his warm cave to the cool crisp night air, he would bless the lands that sacrificed to him and curse those that did not. He placed a claw into the spring that bubbled near the entrance of his cave, the spring he knew turned into the five rivers that fed the lands far below.
He roared out into the silent night air as his wings gave one mighty flap, it was to let the mortals know that he was pleased and that he would not attack or curse them. Slowly then he shifted from his beast form to that of the mortals before returning to his cave. He would fly later or maybe he would sleep for the next 100 years until it was time to receive his sacrifices again.
Not even 40 years pass when a village is fallen ill and scared that they will lose everyone that they choose a young but spirited girl to be sacrificed to the high Dragon. The girl doesn't wish to be sacrificed so is tied to a stake and placed at the foot of the mountain for the dragon to take her and bless the village.
Blood drips down his claws as he finished his last victim, he had gotten many sacrifices from the lands that surrounded his mountain. Many were young maidens but a few were young strong men. He was surprised that they didn't flinch as he kill each of them one by one, of course he did so quickly after using them. He longed for a mate though, but since most of his kind lived far away in the lands of their birth, he was stuck here. Alone he must stay until every 100 years when the lands around his mountain gave him sacrifices. He made his way out of his warm cave to the cool crisp night air, he would bless the lands that sacrificed to him and curse those that did not. He placed a claw into the spring that bubbled near the entrance of his cave, the spring he knew turned into the five rivers that fed the lands far below.
He roared out into the silent night air as his wings gave one mighty flap, it was to let the mortals know that he was pleased and that he would not attack or curse them. Slowly then he shifted from his beast form to that of the mortals before returning to his cave. He would fly later or maybe he would sleep for the next 100 years until it was time to receive his sacrifices again.
Not even 40 years pass when a village is fallen ill and scared that they will lose everyone that they choose a young but spirited girl to be sacrificed to the high Dragon. The girl doesn't wish to be sacrificed so is tied to a stake and placed at the foot of the mountain for the dragon to take her and bless the village.
-MxF or FxF
You are tired of the large city skyline, the noise, the people, the smog, and lord help us, the traffic! You grew up moving alot and had the foundest memories of when your family lived on a small farm. Wanting to get those feeling back, you move to a small town that's far away from any major or even minor cities.
You are greated by the locals with vary warm welcomes and are soon invited to their mid-summers music night and trade fair. You are told the whole town and those neighbors that live out of town all look forward to this event and that its a great way to get to know the community. You see no harm in getting to know people and networking, so you begin to feel excited about the upcoming event.
Thats when you meet him/her (the person who you never seen out of plaid shirts, jeans and work shoes/boots/old sneakers), they ask to show you around and you agree. Through some time you two become close, but its not all as it seems. They have some secrets, in fact the town is littered with them. Some "secrets" everyone knows, some only a few, and others no one but the good Lord and they know.
OOC: The plot needs work, but it would be interesting to play as I don't play much "slice of life" rp's
You are tired of the large city skyline, the noise, the people, the smog, and lord help us, the traffic! You grew up moving alot and had the foundest memories of when your family lived on a small farm. Wanting to get those feeling back, you move to a small town that's far away from any major or even minor cities.
You are greated by the locals with vary warm welcomes and are soon invited to their mid-summers music night and trade fair. You are told the whole town and those neighbors that live out of town all look forward to this event and that its a great way to get to know the community. You see no harm in getting to know people and networking, so you begin to feel excited about the upcoming event.
Thats when you meet him/her (the person who you never seen out of plaid shirts, jeans and work shoes/boots/old sneakers), they ask to show you around and you agree. Through some time you two become close, but its not all as it seems. They have some secrets, in fact the town is littered with them. Some "secrets" everyone knows, some only a few, and others no one but the good Lord and they know.
OOC: The plot needs work, but it would be interesting to play as I don't play much "slice of life" rp's
MxF (can be FxF with some tweaking)
You live in a peaceful village that is high in the mountains, safe from attack for a hundred years as to the east steep cliff and to the west a sudden drop into clouds. There is only two ways in or out into your village the south and north gates and travelers always come from the southern gate as not much lays to the north. Your village gets few visitors and the few people that you do get are usually known about ahead of time. One day as you are minding your own business and doing your work at the local tavern you notice a visitor, being nice you say hello and ask for their story. They tell you of how they had escaped from their village which was to the south east, they then explained that a war lord had taken many villages and that they took everything. They would kill all the males including the children and half of the older females, leaving the young women to fend for themselves. Some of these young women would eventually follow their attackers as they couldn't survive on their own, not when most of their village/clan/tribe was dead.
The news is disturbing and soon the whole village knows which put them on edge. Not wanting to take chances the village builds up their defenses as winter was coming and it would be harder to get supplies then if they needed them.
One day someone notices strange men by the southern bridge gate, and just as soon as they are spotted arrows start to fly. The bell rings to warn the village of the attack, as you run to your house to grab your bow you notice something odd by the northern gate but you pay it little attention as you run into the your house. Coming out of your house you stop dead in your tracks as you suddenly realize what was going on at the northern gate as you see a large man dressed in a pair of simple pants and no shirt but has a war harness with shoulder guards on. He dressed as if he didn't expect much of a fight, though by his shear size not many would want to fight him. He is accompanied by a small legion of men, but none of them have weapons drawn and they walk about the village as if they were visitors and not invaders.
Without much thought you grab an arrow and string it to your bow, you pull back quickly before letting the arrow fly towards the leaders head. But it misses and they are suddenly vary aware of you and you know it. The War Lord stares at you for a moment before looking around the village in a matter that showed little interest. "Leave none alive and burn it to ashes." He says in a cool and even tone before he begins walking towards the northern gate.
Before he gets to far you run after him, his men don't even stop you or pull out their weapons as you run past them. You fall to your knees and beg for mercy but not for yourself but for your village, as you have already seen the first snow and know that those who may survive would be dead regardless. The war Lord stops and turns towards you and stares at you again with dark, nearly black, eyes that showed no emotion. The weight of his gaze makes you feel more and more uncomfortable the longer he stares at you with unchanging eyes, until he slowly tilts his head. "Then come with me and I will spare your village." He says before continuing towards the northern gate.
Suddenly unsure if he meant what he said, you slowly get up from the ground and begin to follow. You begin to wonder what you have gotten yourself into as you leave your village behind to be a prisoner of a ruthless war lord.
You live in a peaceful village that is high in the mountains, safe from attack for a hundred years as to the east steep cliff and to the west a sudden drop into clouds. There is only two ways in or out into your village the south and north gates and travelers always come from the southern gate as not much lays to the north. Your village gets few visitors and the few people that you do get are usually known about ahead of time. One day as you are minding your own business and doing your work at the local tavern you notice a visitor, being nice you say hello and ask for their story. They tell you of how they had escaped from their village which was to the south east, they then explained that a war lord had taken many villages and that they took everything. They would kill all the males including the children and half of the older females, leaving the young women to fend for themselves. Some of these young women would eventually follow their attackers as they couldn't survive on their own, not when most of their village/clan/tribe was dead.
The news is disturbing and soon the whole village knows which put them on edge. Not wanting to take chances the village builds up their defenses as winter was coming and it would be harder to get supplies then if they needed them.
One day someone notices strange men by the southern bridge gate, and just as soon as they are spotted arrows start to fly. The bell rings to warn the village of the attack, as you run to your house to grab your bow you notice something odd by the northern gate but you pay it little attention as you run into the your house. Coming out of your house you stop dead in your tracks as you suddenly realize what was going on at the northern gate as you see a large man dressed in a pair of simple pants and no shirt but has a war harness with shoulder guards on. He dressed as if he didn't expect much of a fight, though by his shear size not many would want to fight him. He is accompanied by a small legion of men, but none of them have weapons drawn and they walk about the village as if they were visitors and not invaders.
Without much thought you grab an arrow and string it to your bow, you pull back quickly before letting the arrow fly towards the leaders head. But it misses and they are suddenly vary aware of you and you know it. The War Lord stares at you for a moment before looking around the village in a matter that showed little interest. "Leave none alive and burn it to ashes." He says in a cool and even tone before he begins walking towards the northern gate.
Before he gets to far you run after him, his men don't even stop you or pull out their weapons as you run past them. You fall to your knees and beg for mercy but not for yourself but for your village, as you have already seen the first snow and know that those who may survive would be dead regardless. The war Lord stops and turns towards you and stares at you again with dark, nearly black, eyes that showed no emotion. The weight of his gaze makes you feel more and more uncomfortable the longer he stares at you with unchanging eyes, until he slowly tilts his head. "Then come with me and I will spare your village." He says before continuing towards the northern gate.
Suddenly unsure if he meant what he said, you slowly get up from the ground and begin to follow. You begin to wonder what you have gotten yourself into as you leave your village behind to be a prisoner of a ruthless war lord.
More ideas to come....... If you have any Idea's please let me know :)
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