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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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As they walked away from the compound, Drake stretched his body. He flexed his muscles as he felt his body burnt from being inside that place. The ghosts of his kind still stayed there, whatever they did to the fighters there was something that needed to be stopped.

Drake watched Vanessa leave, he knew she didn't like him for some reason; he shrugged it off and gave a small smile towards Alister.
"You get your sleep, Once I get you back to the hotel I need to visit someone." He said, his eyes watching the trees quietly. "If you need anything Rebecca will be able to get it. She may seem like a Simple Elf, but she's more than meets the eye."

Andrew moved back to the young Hunter as Valeria walked off. He looked down at the young male with a small smile.
"We won't hurt you little one." He said softly, tilting his head, "Why were you with the Hunters?"
"T..They found me on the trail on the way o...over here." The younger male spoke, "I was trying to cross between veils and... And I didn't do it right and they spotted me."

"Through... Veils..?" Andrew trailed off with confusion on his face, He looked to Valeria with a look that read 'he's not human?'
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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“Oh…okay,” Alister said. His voice was quiet and filled with melancholy. He didn't want drake to go but they barely knew each other. It wasn't his business where Drake was going and he did need some rest. Without mention anything else, he started walking towards the main road.

Once the road came into view Alister made a loud whistle. Rose roared to life and made her way to him. Alister got on then made a quick glance at drake before diving down the road. Why did he care so much that Drake was going somewhere? Why did he even care about a stranger? He had too many questions without anyone to answer them.

Once he reached the hotel, he went straight for his room and crashed on to the bed. After a bit, he pulled out his phone and called Leo. “I need food! Can you make a delivery?” Alister asked.

“Sure is something wrong? Wait does it have something to do with your Scale Daddy?” Leo laughed.

“Die,” Alister said then threw his phone at the far wall. His face was a bright red and everything felt like it was burning. He hated that it had such an effect on him but he still refused to accept anything.

Valeria shrugged and kept her spot behind a tree. She couldn't tell if he was lying and she saw so sign that he was a Fae. For now, she kept silence and observing the conversation.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Drake went to his Quadbike and drove into town not too long after Alister. He gave the Vampire a headstart, he knew Rebecca would go check on him.
He mulled over his own feelings; why did he feel something for a Vampire of all creatures, the wasn't natural...

He slowed down as he stopped near the darker edge of the town. He pulled out his phone and sent off a text as he started walking. As he went he kept his senses sharp, he knew what lived around here, Dark Elves and Vampires and a couple of the darker werebeasts.
He felt eyes watching him as he looked to the roof of the largest building in sight. A shadowed figure watched him closely before it seemed to scamper down the side and into the building.
Great. He thought, I have to deal with him as well...
A gentle knock echoed from the door of the Stable, Rebecca slowly poked her head through the door. Her hair had changed, it was now a pale green, short and curly.
"Mind if I come in?" She asked quietly, "I have some drinks for you if you want them, I also got a cheese board if you're hungry."

She hesitated for a moment more, "I also have blood if you need, from deer blood to human blood; Even Elf, Dwarf and Fae if you so need it." She smiled sheepishly, she wanted Alister to be comfortable, and wondered if he would ask anything about Drake too.
Andrew looked back to the boy with a tilt of his head. "What do you mean Veils?" He asked.
The young boy's face went bright red before he looked down, "T...The Magic Veils.." He started, "It's more of a Fae thing to do but..."
"I know it's a Fae thing, I use the Veils when I need to." Andrew blurted out, the younger kid looking at him wide eyed before he breathed in to continue.
"B...But W...We Seafolk use them too." He said with a glance away.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

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“Thank you, Rebecca. I’ll be fine,” Alister said. He couldn't help but wonder what Drake was doing and he was debating if he should ask Rebecca. In the end, he decided to keep silence. He didn't any anyone else to start thinking that he had a feeling for Drake. If news of that reaches the ears of the council, he would be executed.


“Alister here’s your order.” Leo was standing behind Rebecca and he holding a large bag of food. It was filled with sweets which Alister would often eat when he needed to think.

“Thank you,” Alister said. He grabbed the bag of food and left it on the table. He expected Leo to leave but he was still standing there with a large smirk on his face. Alister has a had feeling as he grabbed money to pay him.

“I'll let you have it for free if you ask that Werebeast out,” Leo laughed.

Alister's face was completely red and words caught in his throat as he stared at Leo. “Die,” He finally said as he went for his sword.

“Well, bye Rebecca it was nice to meet you. Be careful,” Leo said quickly. He rushed out of the building and away from the line of fire.

“Please ignore what he said Rebecca,” Alister mumbled through his hands. The last person he wanted to know was Rebecca since she was close to Drake. He would rather die than have him find out.

Valeria started at the little boy with wide eyes. Without saying a word, she walked back to the pile of bodies and grabbed the only living one. He was pale and barely clinging on to life. He hated to wats her energy on a human, but she healed his wound and threw him against a nearby tree. She then instructed the vines to restrain him and walked back to the little boy.

“You poor thing. I’m sorry if I scared you,” Valeria said. Her voice was warm and quiet to not startle the little boy.

“Here let’s get out of there and healed up,” Valeria said. She tore him free from the vines and healed the small scratches on his leg. She was angry that she didn't see it before. She was so set on the vampire hunters that she didn't notice him.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Rebecca watched the interaction between Alister and Leo quietly, she blinked at Alister's words before she gave a small smile.
"I won't tell a soul." She said as she moved into the room quietly, "I know you said you don't need company, but I need to get things ready for Drake again; full moon tonight so he'll be stuck in Dragon form."

She stepped towards the large pile of hay and moved to grab a rake to pull it over the floor. She stayed quiet as she worked, humming quietly to herself. She separated the Hay before she brushed aside the stuff that was on top.

"Be careful." Rebecca finally said quietly, "Drake is... Emotionally different." She stopped and leaned against the table quietly, "Whatever you do, just... Be careful."
She shook himself slightly before she moved off the table and moved towards a small pile of fresh hay and lifted two piles of them; moving them over with a small sigh.
Drake moved towards the house without hesitation, he pushed the door open and growled at the high pitched creak it gave.
"It's been a while." A gruff voice echoed from up the stairs, a cloaked figure watched Drake step inside and close the door. "It's strange to see a Weredragon away from his cave."

"I'm on business." Drake said with a rumble in his chest, the figure only gave a smirk, motioning for him to follow. Drake followed the figure with out a word.
"Where's-" Drake started before the figure lifted his hand, cutting him off.
"Dead." The figure said coldly, the air around him slowly chilling. "Hunters managed to get him. I'm the only one left in this house, but my time is waning."
The young male flinched as Valeria spoke to him, closing his eyes and turning his head as if he was readying himself to get struck. When the hit or the slap didn't come, he slowly opened his eyes and looked to Valeria as she freed and healed him.
"Here." Andrew started, "Let me carry you for a bit. You're probably exhausted."

"Exhausted and dehydrated." The young boy said with a weak smile, "T..Thank you for the healing Miss." He said as he looked back to Valeria.
"So, what are you?" Andrew asked with a tilt of his head, he looked the kid over, he seemed human enough.
The male smiled happily, "Get me to a lake and I'll show you!" He said with a look around, "They said there was a lake near by when they took me..."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 1 day ago

Alister started working out the details for their rescue mission while Rebecca worked. Vanessa handled most of the scouting and after cashing in a few favors, he got a security detail along with everything else they needed. He wasn't sure what he was going to do till them but he was glad they had some time off. Once he was done his mind started to wonder. He couldn't denied the feeling he had for Drake but he was conflicted. Drake was the enemy and it went against everything he was taught.

“What am I suppose to do,” Alister mumbled. He continues to be lost in though until something Rebeca said caught his attention. “What do you mean by emotionally different?”

“Interesting. A seafolk,” Valeria mumbled. She knew little of the Fae that lived in the water. She ran into them occasionally and had some of their powers but they were never her type. Water wasn't never her thing and rather stay on dry land.

“Well we should be going,” Valeria said. “I smell water so it should be far.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Rebecca gave a weak smile at the fact her words caught the mans attention.
"He's damaged." She started, "Did you ever hear what happened to the WereDragon Dynasty? They were the strongest the group of Werebeasts." She continued, moving to pull down a large painting of what seemed to be a large dragon statue. "They were the second largest group, just behind Werewolves. They held the most power."

She put the painting down before stepping over to the table again, sitting on it quietly, "Drake was just a kid when the War between Vampires and Werebeasts started, if that helps with figuring out how old he is." She continued with a small sigh, "His family, the highest ranking WereDragons, lived in the cave he lives in now. They were all slain by either Vampires, Humans or other Werebeasts who feared for their own safety."
She sighed and glanced back to the painting, her eyes glistening slightly before she looked back to Alister, "You can not tell Drake I told you this." She said, "I never promised to keep it a secret but I've never met anyone aside from my brother that needed to know this until now." She continued, "He hasn't been able to get close to anyone because of the past. Andrew is the closest but even he doesn't know."
"Of course it is." Drake said with a roll of his eyes, "You've been wanting to outlive Matthew. And you've done it Rye. Congratulations."
"You're angry." Rye said calmly, turning to face the Weredragon as they entered a large, empty room, large curtains hung over what could only be a large window.
"Surprising, the Empath can feel my emotions." Drake said with a sneer.

The hooded figure only smiled, moving to lift their hands to their hood, pulling it down to reveal their Raven Black hair, which draped down towards his shoulders. Rye's face had a large scar over his face, trailing from his left temple to his right side of his chin.
At the same time as Rye moved his hands, the curtains swayed softly. "I wouldn't use that tone with me WereDragon. Least you end up like the rest of your kind..." He threatened, his voice calm and steady.
Andrew lifted the small boy up and looked towards Valeria, "After you m'lady~" He said with a wink.
The young male settled in Andrew's arms, watching the two who had killed his captors. "M...My name is Jay by the way." He said with a small smile, "I...I thought you should know."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 1 day ago

Alister lingered on what Rebecca said. He didn't expect a story like that about the Weredragon. From bits and pieces, he could piece together some information about Drake but most of what he could find were little more than gossip. He knew of Drake’s age but not a lot about his species. There wasn't a need to since they were the enemy. All he needed to know was how to kill them.

“Thank you for telling me,” Alister said, “What is he like during a full moon?”

He knew a fullmoon effect each Werebeast differently so he wondered what Drake was like. He has seen some lose their mind while others are barely effected. It was similar to how a vampire’s hunger is strongest during a blood moon.

“Just one moment,” Valeria said then walked over to the unconscious man. She didn’t feel like dragging the lifeless body around so she enforced the sleeping spell and surround him in a veil of magic. It blocked all site from the outside and contain any noise on the inside.

“Let us go,” Valeria said. She started walking towards the lake and kept her senses for anything that might lurk in the forest.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Rebecca gave a shrug of her shoulders, "Honestly I wouldn't know, he often sneaks out before the fullmoon really hits." She started, "I believe there are two ways he could go; Violent or... Well, cuddly."

She laughed at the idea of Drake being cuddly, "Or even he could just be himself. We'll just have to see." She shrugged with a small roll of her eyes.
She moved over to the table and placed a thermos in front of Alister before she moved towards the door again- "That's blood there. I thought you would like some." She finished before she left the room.

"What, going to use that fake full moon on me?" Drake sneered at Rye, who only narrowed their eyes in anger.
"You're brash. You've always been Brash."
"Of course. Again with the insults." Drake said before he turned away. He heard a snap at the curtain dropped instead of being pulled aside. Drake turned to face the large glowing orb as it was uncovered, Rye only just managing to step out of the lights grip as his skin seemed to fluff out with feathers.

Drake felt his body tense; he felt his skin crack into scales, his teeth sharpening and his hair pricked up. He taught against the transformation, feeling his nails and fingers fuse into sharp claws.
"It's bold of you." Drake said slowly, closing his eyes, "To attempt this to a WereDragon."
"I've done my research Drake. I know what you're capable of." Rye hissed, eyeing the larger man.

"I'm Andrew." The Male fae said to the seafolk in his arms, following after Valeria. "So what sort of Waterfolk are you?" Andrew looked down to the male, "I can only think of Mermaid and Siren."

Jay moved to wave his arm with a laugh, "I told you I'd show you when we get to water silly!" He said before he looked towards Valeria with wide eyes. "I've never seen someone like you before!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 1 day ago

“Thank you, Rebecca,” Alister said as she left. The blood was tempting but he didn't feel like having any. He just gave himself a shot of the serum and moved onto cleaning his blade. From his bag, he pulled out several grindstones, cloth, and steel wool. First, he cleaned the sword of any blood and dirt then moved on to sharpening the blade. It didn't take long for him to lose himself in work and forgot about the time.

He could t help but wonder where Drake went. It bothered him that De left without a word especially in the condition he was in. Vanessa was adept at healing but it takes a toll on the body to heal that quickly even for a Werebeast. Countless though and worries flooded his mind as he continued to work his sword.

“Really why do you say that?” Valeria asked. She did her best to hide any aura or presence she gave off so that she would pass off as any normal Fae. So she was surprised that Jay could call her out. It was bizarre and refreshing to see a kid like him.

“Well you’re correct I’m a little different. Though I’ll tell you once you’re a bit older,” Valeria said.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Drakes eyes didn't even move from the WereRaven; his wings flexed before cracks appeared on the glass that held the fake full moon, feeling the energy bubble through him before his body glistened with runes.

Rye stepped back, slamming into the wall before he frowned. His plan was... backfiring. He felt the power coming from Drake, he couldn't stop the power from the Fake Full moon, especially not now he could get caught in the lights shot.
As the Glass cracked, the light seemed to only grow stronger, Drake stepped towards the Glass, his skin slowly faking off into scales as he slowly felt his body change.
I will not... Lose. He thought to himself before he sent a wave of plasma through the Glass as soon as his fingers touched it.

The Glass shattered suddenly, falling to the ground before darkness flooded through the room- Drake's runes glistening in the shadows.

Jay grinned at Valeria's words. "How much older?" He asked before h perked up slightly, the sound of bubbling water seemed to echo into the area. "Water!" He started with a happy squeak.

Andrew gave a small smile, the kid was starting to wriggle in his arms, starting to get excited.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 1 day ago

A wave of energy washed over the city sending a rumble of magic into the ground. Alister rushed out of the hotel and quickly scanned the horizon. The source of magic was in another part of town but he couldn’t pinpoint where. He had a bad feeling in his stomach. The energy was familiar but also foreign like two source of magic clashing and canceling one another. Suddenly he thought of Drake causing worry to pool in his mind.

“Please be okay” he mumbled as he got on Rose who answered his call. He didn’t wait and rushed through the city scanning for the source of magic. After a short while, he gave up as the magic had dispersed and there was no way of tracking it through sense alone.

Not wanting to be defeated, He stopped in a hidden place and grabbed his sword. After taking a deep breath, he slit his wrist. Blood poured from his wound but instead of falling they formed a thin thread of red that quickly spread through out the entire city. He closed his eyes and focused on controlling the thread. After mere seconds they found Drake who was no far from where he stood.

“…no.” Alister followed his thread which led him to a large house in a dark part of town. He rushed towards the door and kicked it opened. “DRAKE!”

“Old enough to understand,” Valeria said. She smiled at Jay’s excitement to the sound of water. “Well looks like we’re almost there.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Rye let out a shocked squawk as Drakes runes grew brighter when the magic settled around them.
"L-L-L-look Drake, W..... We can work something out... W...We can w...work together!" He rambled quickly, trying to find the right words to turn the WereDragon away from the path of attacking him.
Drake had turned his entire body towards Rye, his left eye had changed to deep red, while his right eye had stayed the same colour. The runes down his body had sunk down into his skin, glowing bright before the sound of the door being kicked down caused them both to freeze.

Rye took the chance to quickly shift into his Raven form and flew out of the room, fluttering past Alister and out the door into the night.
Drake heard Alister's voice and his body suddenly perked and he stepped towards the door to the main room, suddenly dropping to his knees in pain.

As they neared the water, Jay wriggled out of Andrew's arms and ran awkwardly to the water. He dove into the water and suddenly disappeared from view.
Andrew laughed slightly, "The kid really likes water." He said with a glance towards Valeria with a soft smile.

Jay's head popped out of the water, his ears were replaced with frills which glistened like silver water. He shot a small jet of water at Andrew before diving down again.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 1 day ago

Alister caught Drake before he hit the ground. He carefully set drake on the ground and placed his hand over drake’s chest looking for a heartbeat. He relaxed for a moment when he felt one. “Drake, can you hear me?” Alister asked.

“Please answer…” Alister plead. He didn’t want to lose another person right after he met them. All his life everyone he was close to died or left, starting with his parent. The only ones that stayed were Vanessa and Valeria. Now seeing that he might lose Drake, he would give up anything to save his life.

“Yeah he really does,” Valeria said. She smiled at Andrew then focused at Jay who was still underwater. She was happy that the boy was back in the water but she worried about his parents. They must be worried about his well being. She took a deep breath feeling the cool air when a chill ran down her spine.

“ANDREW WATCH OUT!” Valeria screamed. She lunges at him knocking him onto the ground. Just as they hit the floor a spray of bullet rained on them. A few grazed her arm and leg but luckily none of them hit Andrew. She cursed herself for not paying attention.

“Into the water you go,” Valeria said as she threw Andrew into the water just before another spray of bullets hit her. She managed to teleport away but not before one hit her shoulder. She didn’t have time to chose a location and teleported to the last thing on her mind, Andrew.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Drake was still breathing, it was shallow, but it was there. Drake didn't seem to be responding soon.
A loud squawk echoed from the room behind them, before the sound of footsteps echoed from behind him.
"I got the bastard." A Males voice echoed from behind Alister, before a small 'Hmph" Echoed through the silence. "It's you again. Why is it when Drake get's injured it\s with you?"

It was Zyriff, and his left hand gripped the wings of a wriggling large Raven.
"Nevermind that question." He said, "I got the winged bastard."

Andrew barely had time to react, being slammed into the water. He slowly sunk, slowly remembering he couldn't swim. He struggled against the water, which seemed to be pulling him down faster than he could push against it.

Jay flinched when his two new friends slammed into the water, slowly popping his head out of the water, but kept low that he wouldn't be noticed straight away. He looked for where the bullets came from, pulling his energy into his body and the water around him.

Andrew noticed Jay while under water, blinking at his changes, his legs were slightly frilled and he suddenly had a tail.
A Siren! He thought, A Siren! Oh my god!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 1 day ago

Alister glared at the Zyriff and the raven but chose to kept silence. His entire body felt like it was on fire and his vision blurred as the blood loss took its toll on his already fatigued body. He quickly patched up his bleeding arm then grabbed Drake. “Good, we can deal with him later. For now, we need to him Drake back to the hotel,” Alister said. He stood up with Drake in his arms and walked past Zyriff.

“Why don’t you cut off the bastard’s wing so he can’t escape,” Alister suggested. He walked outside and stared at his bike. “Do you have a car we can use?” He asked.

Pain ruptured through her body as she crashed into the water. She noticed that they were both sinking and cursed in her head. She had hoped one of them knew how to swim. She clumsily paddled her way towards Andrew and pulled him into a hug. She closed her eyes and teleported both of them out of the water.

“Fucking god,” She yelled as they landed the ground. She didn’t have time to perform proper teleportation and ended up a little way away from their previous location. They were out of sight but she could still hear the men that attacked them.

She then noticed that she was still hugging Andrew and quickly let go. “Well…time to go,” She said as she tried to stand up. The moment she was on her feet, they became numb and she fell back down.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Zyriff gave a frown at Alister's mention of cutting Rye's wings up.
"I'd rather not start a war between Elves and Werebeasts. Even if he deserves it." He started before he moved to pull a handful of feathers from Rye's Left wing before he threw him out of the room and into a cage. "I need him anyway."

He glanced back at Alister before looking away, "I have a Truck, yes." He started, "Come on, we need to get him out of here. The Magic isn't good for his head."
Zyriff walked out of the room without another word; moving towards a large grey van parked outside, pulling open the back door and tossed the cage in there. "Play nice if you'd like your wing feathers back."

Drake's head rolled slightly, a mumble came from his mouth as he seemed to be slowly waking up.
He let out a small groan, "The... They're c...charging from the east." He mumbled quietly, still not properly conscious, "G...Get awa...y from the cav...e." He slowly dropped back off into unconsciousness.

Andrew let out a yelp as they landed on the ground, his eyes were shut tightly.
He rolled onto his back as he coughed, water spluttering from his mouth.
"I shoulda learned to swim." He mumbled quietly.

He stayed on the ground for a moment before he jolted upwards, "THE KID." He yelled, moving to scramble onto his feet, falling face first into the ground. "fuck fuck fuck fuck"

Jay stayed hidden in the water as he watched the Men that attacked his friends. His deep blue eyes before they deepened into red. He moved and dived under the water, spinning as he did so- gaining more and more water spiralling around him before he coiled upwards and broke the surface of the water as he blasted upwards into the air.

His features had changed, he was slightly bigger than his human form, he looked almost shark-like, a fin in between his shoulder blades and a thorny-spiked tail flailing behind him. What Andrew perceived as frills were actually sharp fins, perfect for cutting through the water.
"EAT THIS" He yelled before he slammed the water onto the ground, landing just out of the waters edge in a superhero styled landing.
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