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A Man Is No One A Faceless Man

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Welcome to the World of Errandil

§1 Introduction

"Men are haunted by the vastness of eternity.
And so we ask ourselves,
Will our writing echo across the centuries?
Will strangers hear our names long after we're gone and wonder who we were, how bravely our characters fought, how fiercely they love loved?"

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How else is there to begin? Welcome to Errandil. For those of you who are new, that is "er-an-dill." A world that appears clean and crisp on the surface but suffers from the terrible proverb of "do not judge a book by its cover." For lurking in the shadows is a darkness that terrifies even the hardiest of warriors. A place that clings to the light that shines brightly behind the protection of man, but quivers with fear as the shadow creeps from the dark recesses of the land. A fragile silence weighs heavily on the minds of those who even find themselves defended by high walls or well-honed arrows. Pray to Yggdrasil for those who do not have the means to erect such grand structures. Despite Yggdrasil's blessing, a foul darkness ebbs and flows like the tides of the ocean descending upon the land like a hurricane swollen from the warm waters off the southern eastern coast of the midlands.

Of course, as is often the case with men there is always an uneasiness wafting through the air of any relationship. Ruled by King Marcurio Thadon the Twelth, the Kingdom of Duringham finds little oddity in a succession of kings with the same name, personality, and mission; the only thing changing is his appearance. The Erikol Empire to the north is one step away from declaring open war on the Aelvenwode. Meanwhile, the eastern edge of the land is consumed in turmoil as the United Seven Clans of the Mist Moors vie for control over the Fingers of Avan against the southern empire of Vog Mur. Such a bloody pursuit over what is believed to be the primary cradle of life only lasts as long as the Clans can maintain their fragile alliance. There are other lands to explore; the NOrthlands, the Massif, the Wastelands, or the plethora of mountain ranges in between. Errandil is anything but short on adventure or intrigue.

Will you be brave enough to pick up a blade and defend the people of the Kingdom of Duringham against the impending darkness? Will you stand against the Empire and fight the propaganda against the Aelvenwode? Or will you sit in wait, looking for the perfect time to strike against the clans and shatter the glass bubble that binds them together. Regardless of the choices made, there is plenty of room and plenty of discoveries to be made. Hoow will you play your part?

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The World of Errandil is a player constructed Persistent World set in a rich world of deep fantasy. The most prominent feature of a Persistent World is that every action influences the world that the next action takes place in. This is to suggest that a single character could be born, raised, adventure, and die in the same world and influence that world from one city to the next. A player can create monsters, artifacts, or even cities of their own styling assuming they don't oppose the sanctity of the world's genre. Finally, as a character passes they are not merely forgotten but they live on in the memories they impart upon the world.

As players we obviously play as characters and participate as game masters. But likewise, we also build the world we play in. But we do not create needlessly. If we find that a current settlement or defined area would suffice, we populate it and flesh it out exploit the work already done and making a small part of it our own. If not, we may build a small part of the world to fit our own agenda then allow it to enter the pool of background information that someone else may help flesh out. As players and creators our goal is to build a persistent world that sustains itself with life and adventure as we see fit. Reasonable within the setting of course.

What we lack in formalities upon the guild, mainly our own categories and sub-boards, we can make up for in participation and camaraderie. We will exploit this article page to maintain our collective work. We can link this page to the threads we create, not only making any background information easily uncovered but also spread the word of our creation. Most importantly, we welcome all reasonable creative additions to the world. This vision can be shared by all and those who would enjoy an attempt to create a persistent world beyond the available science fiction.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by A Man Is No One
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A Man Is No One A Faceless Man

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The Midlands

The Midlands makes up the majority of the landmass that is Errandil, covering more than fifty percent of the continent. The fine prairie and wild savannahs of the Midlands spread from the desert wastelands in the south to the frozen mountains that border the northlands with a variety of forested and hillbourne regions in between. Grazing creatures meander through the wilderness feeding upon the tall grass while predatory beasts lay in wait for the perfect time to strike. Men and other humanoids till the soil, exploiting the fertile soil surrounding the miles of river that carve through the Midlands surface. While not the only cradle of life on Errandil, the Midlands certainly encompass the most wide array of surface dwelling creatures.

The southern half of the Midlands is also known as the great river basin as it provides ample room for the flood waters that rush from the northern mountains during the warmer months as refurbishes the nutrient depleted soils that allow for such booming civilizations to have formed. The southern Midlands is considered anything south of the Massenmarch and Glomma Rivers, which includes the Glandrather Forest and the Forest of Spirits. Subsequently, the southern Midlands borders what is named the Wastelands as well as the unnamed wastes to the south. It is typically believed that the forests belong to the Elves, although there is a certain level of unspoken understanding that man be able to traverse the woods without harm presuming they remain peaceful. Whereas man is more partial to the grasslands, which is where most humanoid civilizations are found.

The northern half of the Midlands known as the Northern Steppe exists on the northside of the natural border created by the Massenmarch and Glomma Rivers. It too thrives over the rising river waters of the warmer months that present with the northern mountains melt, but the climate is much cooler boasting a greater appreciation for the seasonal sun that presents during the summer months. The major areas of the north include the northern foothills, the Lowlands of Khinasi, the Peacewood Forest and the Aelvenwode. Its most notable borders are the mountains that separate it from the Northlands and the Aelvenwode itself. Unlike the forests of the southlands, the Aelvenwode boasts a group of elves that are extremely territorial and are protective of their home. There is always a very real threat of death for any non-elven blooded being to breach its borders, and oftentimes the tension between the two civilizations is thick enough to threaten war.

Over all the climate is fairly typical. Warm winds blow in from over the ocean off the eastern shore bring intense and abundant storms. These storms typically miss the area closest to the shore, growing as it follows the rivers west or turning up towards the north. Of course, these storms form all along the coastline typically battering the Midlands but occasionally reaching the mountain passes before letting loose. The north is most certainly hit harder than the south as the storms from the lower portion of the coastline are swiftly blown to the north. The southern half typically misses out on the snowy winters of the north, with the exception of the occasional clipper or artic vortex. But even then, it is typically only the tips furthest north of the southern midlands.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by A Man Is No One
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A Man Is No One A Faceless Man

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The Dark Capital of Gilgondorin

Gilgondorin. It would seem as though a map has never made it beyond the borders of the Massif. Little is truly known about the composition of the great crater-city and even less is known of its origin. While people have proclaimed to have been from the city, some of the most unscrupulous people this person has ever had the displeasure of encountering, such things have never been proven. Subsequently, it is believed that individuals who inhabit the crater-city never reach beyond the borders of the Massif. The only notable information known is that of its appearance and the mystery of its origins.

Some scholars suggest that Gilgondorin is the oldest known settlement of the land. However, those very same scholars have no understanding of who established it or how it came to be. They suggest that this settlement was birthed out of the “Long Night,” when the warmth of the sun had been stolen away from the night and even the southern Midlands were blanketed in a gray hue that fell from the sky but was said to not belong on this land. A spell of clairvoyance provided the only known representation of the strange city, but it was proclaimed that the seer who was so bold had died only a few short moments after seeing the structures. In fact, it took mage of necromancy to learn the truth. A portion of history that dare not be spoken lightly, not under the blessing of Yggdrasil. A massive floating structure, tethered to the land by chains, suspending over a settlement of stone structures secluded by a great crater that extends far away from the city walls.

So what is inferred about the settlement given those who have been encountered with stories of Gilgondorin? Quite frankly, it is a dangerous and unsavory place. It is presumed that the settlement is chaotic and unlawful with an evil ruler who maintains control by power and fear. A settlement of murderers, thieves, and other thugs and rapscallions. It is a place that no normal person could feel comfortable inhabiting. All the concrete evidence needed is discerned from that understanding that every scholarly expedition made into the Massif and towards the discovery of the truth concerning Gilgondorin has been fruitless, with those travelers never to be seen again.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by A Man Is No One
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A Man Is No One A Faceless Man

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The City of Orthreloth

Orthreloth, the capital of the Kingdom of Duringham and home to the seat of King Marcurio Thadon the twelth. A thriving metropolis that provides a prime example of a thriving economy and military might in the Midlands. While it is not the earliest constructed settlement in the Midlands it was one of the first. The city was constructed in a strategic location that exists between where the Eachine River splits from the Glomma River and where the Glomma River splits from the Massenmarch River. It is because of this particular location that the city has thrived.

Racially integrated, the city of Orthreloth is certainly a melting pot of cultural convergence. There is no specific observation of Yggdrasil although they do favor the most appealing in a positive light. It is better to have good neighbors than evil. But who is to say that more diabolical sects do not exist in the darker corners of the city. There are only two holidays that the city celebrates as a hole. These are the Royal Ascension, or the yearly anniversary of the current king’s reign. And the Festival of the Hunt, a contest in which the island is barricaded at either bridge and participants must hunt down ferocious beasts released on the island. Otherwise, celebrations are held based on personal belief.

There is little to say about the city for it is quite typical. The western edge of the river, while technically not in the assumed territory of the Kingdom is inhabited more greatly than the east. The eastern side of the river is densely populated with what would be considered a middle class socioeconomic status. The island is the residence of many upper class citizens, as the festival of the hunt is provided mostly for their entertainment. The western half of the city is a menagerie of socioeconomic status. The Castle and seat of King Thadon resides upon the hill the homes beneath it get progressively less lavish as the distance grows until the poor district is reached closest to the wall.

The river in most all locations has some jetti or dock, of course there is an official port on the south side of the wester edge of the river where the larger ships dock. The shipping industry is paramount to the settlements survival. Most of the city’s goods and migrants come in on ship as traversing great distances over Errandil can prove quite dangerous. Of course, the King levies a certain tax on goods that come into and leave the city; which can sometimes cause quite an uproar. But it is all for the greater good of the Kingdom.

Mixed within the city are a few particularly notably organizations that hold a particular sort of influence over the city’s lot whether authorized or otherwise. The Iron Veil is a guild of mercenaries or sell-swords that has a strong host in the city. At least one inn is entirely devoted to serving their cause acting as a haphazardly placed headquarters. Then is the group that calls themselves the “Men in Cloaks,” a guild of rogues and thieves that often police the poorer districts of the city as the guard is more heavily focused on the richer sides of town. Finally is Yggdrasil’s Watchful Eyes, which is the largest religious sect and denomination of Yggdrasil in the city. They command a large following as they work well throughout the city to provide religious guidance and healing through physical and sometimes arcane practices. They also maintain a vast knowledge of various schools of information, as both extremely literate and extremely pious in keeping the written word.

There are multiple points of access constructed within the twenty foot high stone walls that surround the city, with guard towers built at similar intervals. This wall is lined with archers, murder holes, and rock piles should a siege be brought upon them. But while this is the primary line of defense it is not the initial. More than a country mile beyond the walls, strategically placed to ensure line of sight are watch towers on both the western and eastern edge. In times of trouble, they are equipped with mighty brazzers that can be seen for miles in every direction. These will alert the men on the wall who will call upon the collective force of the guard and if need be an order of conscription within the city walls.

It is important to say a few things about King Marcurio Thadon, the twelfth of this name and the twelfth of his station. The crown eminents with an archaic resonance of the King’s of the past, as if they guide the current wearer from beyond the grave. The armor and accoutrements never change. Only the face. Even the name does not change. Yet, people do not question. His demeanor, attitude, and plans never change and still people do not question. It is as if the King’s spirit was lead by Yggdrasil himself, divinely inspired or communicated with every new crowned King. Of course, those who are arcanely alert may take notice of the crown specifically as it does radiat a magical presence, but if anyone has ever found anything off kilter they’ve made the decision to keep their mouth shut. Of course, regardless of why the King is now the twelfth of his name despite the physical appearance changing (sometimes drastically), the King has never shown any signs of evil intentions towards his people. In short, the King is a continual beacon of hope for his people.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by A Man Is No One
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A Man Is No One A Faceless Man

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The Hamlet of Pyre

The Hamlet of Pyre was built near the southern border of the Kingdom of Duringham. As it is told, a group of nomadic people were attacked by those inflicted with the darkness while traveling north to seek protection within the Kingdom. Suffering severe casualties, the tribe scattered in all directions. However, those who remained in the area to fight off the darkness and survived constructed a massive funeral pyre of the dead that was said to have burned to see the light of seven new days. The light shone so brightly against the night time sky that it gained the attention of those who had fled and drew them back together to honor the dead in their ascension.

That same pyre is still the center of the hamlet to this day. Encased in stones found on the banks of the river the surrounding land, the people of that time held the pyre in high regard as a shrine to the people who sacrificed their lives so that they may live. The Pyre grows with every death as funeral rights include the cremation of the body, a collection of the ashes which are then spread amongst the stones of the pyre before a new stone is added.

The hamlet is quiet, even on the not so typical day. It expands haphazardly from the pyre at the center where one would find establishments such as the blacksmith, the tailor, and the inn. These buildings function as both businesses and homes for their proprietors. There are other homes in this hamlet proper, but they are relatively few. As one moves further out from the hamlet proper, they will find the homes clustered together in small groups of two or three each with their own family but collectively maintaining a portion of farmland in a sort of commune.

At any given time there are only two guards on duty and they maintain the hamlet proper. Rarely do they patrol the farthest reaches of the hamlet’s jurisdiction, typically only when requested by those who live beyond the hamlet proper. Because of its small size, the guard also very rarely patrols by night doing so only upon request of the ruling lord. However, upon an order of conscription by that same lord and army of around one or two hundred can be gathered to fight on varying levels. They are responsible for maintaining their own weapons and what little armor they can afford as well as training to a competent and combat ready level.

The ruling Lord, Sir Orsin Daremyth was a knight in the King’s royal regiment, charged with protecting the King when outside of the castle beyond the responsibility of the King’s Guard. After the death of the last Lord, he was gifted the position for his bravery, loyalty, and responsibility in his duties. For him, it is mainly a retirement position. A place for him to pass. His modest manner is present amongst the buildings of the hamlet proper, distinguishable only by the size in comparison to those buildings around it. He is charged with making the important decisions of the hamlet, which are few and far between. He is kind-hearted, just, and fair with a penchant for second chances.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by A Man Is No One
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A Man Is No One A Faceless Man

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Across the land of Errandil, night blood is spilled as the tide of darkness washes over the land. The blood of these daemons acts as a poison, desecrating the land with its taint. It takes many days for the bodies of beasts to biodegrade and break down into a form that is worthy of being devoured by the planet. The ecosystem has a pleasant way of recycling the death and decay of past existence, turning it into change for new life. But when the planet tries to recycle the corruption of the night blood, strange things begin to happen.

In many settings, Lycanthropy exists in many different ways. In Errandil it seems quite convoluted. The scavengers of Errandil feed upon the corpses of the fallen indiscriminately. It could be a man, a beast, their own kind or even a night blood - food is food when scavenging. Some creatures are not strong enough to resist the taint of the night blood, the poison strangling the creature’s natural blood cells until death. However, sometimes a creature is strong enough to withstand the taint, their own blood coalescing and mingling with the night blood. In this way, their body slowly changes as any other being tainted by the night blood. But it is when that tainted creature draws blood from a sentient humanoid, that the disease of lycanthropy is contracted.

In the beginning, the infected has little control over their lycanthropic rage. Specifically, it is a rage in that the infected has little control over how they conduct their time during the change. They will change under specific circumstances, typically based on their emotional or physical being but the precursor to the change is not limited to something so concrete. It could be a specific time of day. A certain phase in the lunar cycle. Or maybe a specific weather pattern. However, over time the change becomes less painful and more natural, slowly granting the user some control while under the rage of the transformation. But still, no control over the transformation itself.

As time goes on, the infected finds themselves visited by a figure enshrouded in shadows either through sleeping dreams or daytime hallucinations. However those visions come to the afflicted party, they provide the lycanthrope with the general location to begin their pilgrimage. Through this pilgrimage, or so the stories go they find an amulet of unknown origins or varying makes typically common copper with a central ruby. It is suggested that the amulet itself provides the lycanthrope the power to control their transformation but others believe it is the journey that makes afflicted find control.

The origins of these amulets are unknown. The marking is all that remains the same between the various shapes, material composition, and present jewel. It is obvious through what little research has been done that they are made by the same being. But no arcane scholar has been able to crack the connection between the amulet and the lycanthrope or the amulet and the creator as every chance taken backfires with nearly grave circumstances.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by A Man Is No One
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A Man Is No One A Faceless Man

Member Seen 10 mos ago


She is a legend among sailors, rumored to be the queen of the sea. Of course, few actually believe she truly exists, but the legend of Tevira and other mermaids is a tradition as old as sailing itself. As the stories go, she is a marvel to behold, with hair like night, eyes like the dawn, and skin like fine porcelain. The legends vary about what color her scales are, according to the region. Some say they're dark blue, some say they're a deep green like crushed pine needles. Others say black and iridescent like the back of a beetle. All say that she is captivating, beyond compare, and mesmerizing to watch.

Sailors around Errandil have a deep love for the myth of Tevira and sometimes will wax poetic about supposed encounters heard 'from a friend of a friend'. Some tales speak of sailors being mysteriously saved after being tossed overboard by wild seas. Some tales tell how the arrogance of a cocky sailor would anger the mermaid and cause such wild storms. And yet there are tales that describe seasoned seamen, stout in body in mind, suddenly leaping overboard on foggy nights, claiming they were following a melodious tune. They were never seen again.

More practical men will attribute these tall-tales to dolphins or other whales that might take an interest in people, the fickle weather of the open sea, and spoiled rations driving men mad. Others are convinced that Tevira is out there and was sent by Yggdrasil to govern the seas. The truth is not known.

Tevira is known for both being benevolent and cruel, just like the sea itself. She is considered to be a true neutral entity with motivations of her own and little real care for the fate of Errandil's seagoing folk. Depictions of Tevira are common as figureheads on ships.

(A special thanks to @BlackFridayRule for his contribution.)
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by A Man Is No One
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A Man Is No One A Faceless Man

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The Night Bloods

The oldest legends in the history of Errandil, those stories still found on cave walls and stone tables suggest that every being that roams across the land, flies in the sky, or swims under the sea have at least a few drops of the dark blood. Legends of yore suggest that in the beginning the blood of those existing on this realm were pure and even consecrated by the breath of Yggdrasil. Times were peaceful. Man and animal lived side by side in a symbiotic relationship that allowed resources to remain in abundance. Most importantly, it allowed for every living thing predator or prey to live in harmony across the land of Errandil.

Until the time of the Long Night. It has been centuries since the flaming hand of Yggdrasil tore through the sky, angered by some slight that had gone unnoticed by the inhabitants of the land. The land trembled in the wake of a great wind that rattled the mountains and ripped the leaves from their branches. On that day the sky turned from a brilliant cerulean to an ominous fiery red that would swiftly be replaced by a terrifying darkness that would spread to encompass the horizons in all directions.

Life had ceased to exist as it was previously known. The ground slowly disappeared beneath a blanket of grayish-white death. The sustenance that the herbivores found in abundance swiftly disappeared. As the predatory animals found their prey becoming more and more scarce, they turned to supplement their diets with the meat of men who has found a difficult life of survival as the environment continued to dramatically change. However, no matter how difficult existence became life had done as it always did. Life had found a way.

What had broken through were daemonic monsters with a thirst for survival in the form of destroying any sign of life that they could feed upon. No one is sure of where these “nightbloods” originated from as tales account of their arrival around similar times like they had merely sprung up from the ground. They were bred to hate the life lived by more peaceful creatures. These “nightbloods” were born so viciously that they would even go so far as to render their own arm from the body just to see another’s suffering.

A true “nightbloods” appearance varies with regards to multiple characteristics. They can be shorter than a dwarf or taller than a man, thinner than a child or as heavy as a horse. The color of the flesh or eyes vary like sunlight through a stained glass window. Their tongues can be pointed or forked. Their noses upturned, smashed in, or elongated. The ears pointed like elves, or flat as if that of a serpent. They typically maintain a human appearance but have been seen to sport additional appendages such as arms, bony protrusions, or even what appears to be the beginning of an avian evolution from their backs. No matter their goblinoid appearance when cut their blood is always the same. As black as the night sky or deepest subterranean ravine.

It has been seen in recent times that even presumptively healthy and mundane individuals are capable of hosting traits of the night blood. This is often seen with those who survive an attack by the Nightbloods, subsequently having some cross contamination where the night blood begins to slowly take over the mundane body. These people will slowly begin to show signs of contamination such as an alteration in skin color of a hand or near the infection site. The longer ones’ exposure the more outward symptoms they will show. However, it is readily understood that a cure for exposure to this night blood is nigh existent.

Finally, it is important to note that night blood in and of itself is believed to be an arcane substance. This is to suggest that the viscous, black fluid contains some sort of magical essence that may or may not have various applications. What has been seen is that carriers of this blood do maintain some level of innate arcane prowess. These magical attributes do not always present themselves physically. It may simply be seen as an ability to heal swiftly, or deny the magics of an attacker. But with those few that can manifest a physical example of this prowess can be a very destructive force on their own laying waste to opponents with fire balls and magical lightning (just to note some of the most common practices). When surrounded by a band of allies, these Nightbloods can be a death sentence.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by A Man Is No One
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A Man Is No One A Faceless Man

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The Glandrathar Forest

From the shores of the Cherafir River, which runs the forest’s western edge it appears nothing but the scene of a beautiful painting full of life and enshrouded in shadow. In essence, that is exactly what it is. Old growth timber, perhaps not the oldest in the land but certainly sustained nevertheless. It is home to babbling brooks, rolling streams, poorly worn game trails, and perfect for an exhausting hike to the other side with relative ease. Predator and prey function as they do everywhere boasting coyotes, smaller bear species, the occasional nightblood and a slew of other forest predatory species to combat the populations of rabbits, squirrels, and deer.

This temperate forest is quite common throughout Errandil with the trees being primarily deciduous, characterized by tall, broad-leafed, hardwood trees that shed brilliantly colored leaves each fall. These forests experience varied temperatures and four seasons, although winters in this area do not often bring below freezing temperatures but the summer does bring higher heat and humidity. Rainfall also varies, averaging 30 to 60 inches annually, allowing for soils that are well developed and rich in organic matter. They also provide habitat for a wide variety of smaller mammal species, including squirrels, raccoons, deer, coyotes and black bear and many bird species, including woodpeckers, owls, and hawks.

Animal products are in fact some of the most prominent exploits from those who choose to forage in these woods. Animal bones make perfect arrow shafts, their pelts for various clothing options and of course their meat for sustenance. Of course, for the vegetarian aspects of one’s diet some fruits, vegetables, and spices are able to be found here as well. It is the typical picture-esque profile of a forest ecosystem.

However, moreso amongst the Glandrathar Forest than any other is the density of the population of the true forest or wild elves. It is true that elves do exist beyond the borders of any wood but it is quite rare. The Glandrathar wild elves protect the wood as with any other woodland realm, if only more lackadaisical. That is to say, they will allow outsiders to enter the forest and partake in the woods bounty; but abuse of that ability is when the wild elves will enforce their version of justice upon the guilty. Their villages are not seen to directly alter the environment, but their presence is often noted when large hunting parties or gatherings of what they as hostiles move through the forest.
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