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Name: Yvonne Elaine King
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Art History Professor

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Height: 5'7"
Weight: 161 lbs
Hair: Black box braids
Eyes: Dark Brown
Skin Tone: Brown
Appearance: Yvonne is a beautiful young woman of Dominican and Haitian descent. She has a slim, statuesque build and seemingly flawless, caramel-colored skin. Dark, thick locks of hair cascade down her back and curls around her youthful face; she prefers to keep her hair braided in protective styles. Weighing in at a little over one hundred sixty pounds and standing at five feet, seven inches tall, Yvonne carries herself elegantly with good posture, long confident strides, and her head held high. Due to this and her love of high heels, she often looks taller than she really is. To be brief, Yvonne's style of dress is fairly simple; you'll typically see her in an over-sized shirt, dark pants, and a pair of high heels. She'll accessorize with whatever she sees fit.

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Likes & Dislikes:
✓ Painting | Pottery ✗ Cooking
✓ Coffee ✗ Cold Weather
✓ Tattoos ✗ Early Mornings
✓ Warm Weather ✗ Assholes
✓ Serial Killer Documentaries ✗ Tea
Positive Traits:
- Independent
- Creative
- Adventurous
- Free-Spirited
- Witty
Negative Traits:
- Unpredictable
- Disorganized
- Impulsive
- Stubborn
- Emotional
Perfect Date: "I think the perfect dates are ones where we do things like go rock climbing, have a picnic in the park, hit up paint and sips, take pottery classes together, go salsa dancing... anything where we can both enjoy each others company, be creative, and have fun. The best date I have ever been on was one where we went balloon dart painting; it's basically when you tape balloons that have been filled with paint to a wall or canvas and throw darts at them until they all pop, thus creating your own beautiful work of art."
Worst Date: "The worst date anyone could take me on would probably be one where we barely get to spend any quality time with one another. I mean, that's the whole point of most dates right? I don't want to be taken to some lousy night club like I'm a college student, or a noisy concert for some rock band I've never even heard of. God, that last one really brought back some awful memories."
- Painting, sculpting, sketching... anything art related is right up Yvonne's alley.
- She's an athletic person and likes to jog around her neighborhood every other afternoon.
- Pretty much a pro at using the stun gun she keeps in her purse.
- She can talk herself out of a lot of situations.
- If extreme couponing was an Olympic sport she'd be a gold medalist.
- Finishing both a quart of ice cream and an entire season of Breaking Bad in one sitting.
Brief History:
- Born to a single mother who'd been impregnated by a stranger on her week long trip to the Caribbean.
- Raised as an only child in a predominantly Hispanic area in Harlem.
- Mom was a struggling novelist who put her dreams to the side to focus on raising her daughter.
- Started painting at the age of 4. Was making sculptures for mommy by the time she was 8.
- Went to college on a generous scholarship to study art and design.
- Lost her mother to breast cancer three months before she received her Bachelor's degree.
- Secured a position as a University professor after obtaining her Master's.
- Currently resides in a small apartment in the city with her pet turtle.

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It was an established routine for the college old best friends; every second Friday they'd spend the entire evening together. First, they'd hit up the local bodega to spend a few dollars of their hard earned paychecks on two quarts of mint chocolate chip ice cream and three packs of "Double Stuf" Oreo cookies. Then they'd take the subway back to Yvonne's apartment, where they would then commence their Breaking Bad binge. For hours the two women would stuff their mouths with junk food, their eyes only leaving the television screen during brief commercial breaks. The dynamic duo were four episodes into the third season; a commercial had just begun when Corinne decided to bring up the same, dreaded topic she did each time she graced Yvonne with her presence. "So when are you gonna find yourself a man?"
For the past couple of years, ever since she got out of a two year long relationship with her college sweetheart, Yvonne had been an emotionally unavailable bachelorette. Not that Yvonne saw anything wrong with that; in her mind, she was an independent woman who didn't need to focus any of her time on finding love. After all, why did she need romance when she had good friends, a good paying job, a couple of pets, and five seasons of Breaking Bad? See, Yvonne was comfortable with being single, and didn't really have a strong desire to change this. As soon as those words came out of Corinne's mouth, Yvonne couldn't help but roll her eyes and groan. "Do you always have to bring this up when you come over?"
"You damn skippy," the other woman said in her usual southern drawl as she took another bite from her oreo, "I got me a good man at home. What's so wrong with me wanting the same for you? Besides, maybe I want to spend some of these Friday evenings all boo'd up with him instead of watching these old ass episodes of Breaking Bad."
"Oh, so now you've got something against Breaking Bad?" Yvonne said jokingly, but her friend didn't even crack a smile.
"I'm being serious, Von. Today was Eddie's first game of the season and he really wanted me to be there, but I turned him down so that I could come hang out with you tonight."
"Well, no one told you to do that, now did they?" Yvonne said bitterly, "I would've understood if you had to cancel for tonight. No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to come here every other week." Upon hearing this, Corinne picked up the television remote from Yvonne's lap and put their Netflix show on pause. Yvonne was just about to protest when her friend grabbed her by the wrists, turned to face her on the couch, and looked her directly in the eye.
"I know I'm not obligated to come here every so often, but I do it cause I love ya, Von. And that is also why I am going to keep it real with you in this very moment... It's been two years since Donny pulled that shit on you. It's time for you to forgive and forget, sugar. It's time to move on." Yvonne could tell that her friend was just trying to help her out; that was just the type of person Corinne was. Despite only knowing each other for a few years, the two young women had built such a strong bond that they knew they could always be honest with each other, no matter the situation. In this moment, however, Yvonne just wished that they could go back to watching their favorite show.
"Oh, fuck off. Me being single doesn't have anything to do with Donny, okay? Maybe I just like being alone for now. Maybe I'm simply enjoying my own company. Alone doesn't always mean lonely, Corinne."
Corinne let out an exasperated sigh as she stood from her spot on the couch. Yvonne watched with narrowed eyes as her best friend grabbed her purse and began to empty its contents onto the coffee table; Yvonne raised her eyebrow as she watched Corinne fumble around with a few papers that had fallen from her bag. It wasn't until Corinne shoved a wrinkled piece of paper into Yvonne's hands that she realized why the other woman had decided to bring up her love life yet again. The Aristophane Project, or as the romantic vacation advertisement read at the top, "TAP." Yvonne skimmed through the ad, shaking her head in disbelief before crumpling it back into its previous state and tossing it back onto the coffee table. "No thanks, I'll pass." But Corinne was a persistent one. Rather than accept defeat and sit back on the couch, the young woman reached for the vacation advertisement once more; she tried her hardest to smooth out the wrinkles before handing it back to Yvonne.
"Okay, fine. This isn't about Donny. Fuck Donny," Corinne said slowly, "But it's still been two years since you've even looked at a man or woman like that. Don't get me wrong, I do think it's great that you're so invested in furthering your career and... raising your pet turtles. But sis. You deserve to find love. You can go on and on about how you're this 'independent woman who don't need no man' or how you're 'alone but not lonely,' but you're forgetting that I know you better than anyone. You deserve love. And it's time for you to go out and find it." Yvonne was about to open her mouth to speak once more before Corinne interrupted one final time. "At least promise me that you'll look into it."
"If I say yes, will you give back the remote?"

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Color Code: #823C46
Face Claim: Zoe Kravitz
Theme Song: Electric Lady