Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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Member Seen 7 mos ago


I stiffen, imperceptibly, when Raia starts her attack on Gaul. I have a vivid fantasy of lunging onto the table in my Great Fox form and ripping her throat out. Lets see her spew her venom and accusations when she's missing lungs. The visual calms me enough that I don't start seeing red. It's a tactic I've used before when I feel the magistrates have overstepped in their opinions on my enthusiasm for topics they deem "unfit" for a princess.

I glance at my brother, answering the question in his eyes which clearly reads: What's wrong? My glance is a resolute: Nothing! I wonder if there will be a moment I can discreetly trip Raia on her way out.

My face never once slips from the cool collected royal. I've done this too long. My body only relaxes though when Gaul says he's going to help me. He's going to teach me?! I cut a quick look at Blaze. He doesn't look back. It's his turn to be rigid. Hmm talks will be had.

When Gaul asks me to stay out of trouble, I can't help but smirk. It's not my fault if trouble ends up finding me. I nod to him since I don't really trust my voice right now. His promise to help me sends a warmth rippling through my chest. I now curse this whole Valkyrie business. I'm really looking forward to being teacher's pet...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Meeting
Raia thanks Karnariel for the apology. As Lexianna gives her speech she can't help but doubt the professionalism of them all. Sia is anything but professional. She catches the feral hostility emanating from the fox girl. For lashing out at Gaul? She considers saying something but doesn't. If it comes to it that beastly ferocity can be dealt with easily. She looks at Shadow who has been silent. His brow is furrowed. A look of consternation and annoyance.

Jalen looks at Karnariel.
"Do you want to?" Jalen asks Karnariel.
"Not really. But it is important." Karnariel takes a deep breath.

"After the advent of the Great Shaper it seemed as though The Old Gods and him would go to war. To broker peace an arrangement was made. Humanity could pray to whatever god they pleased so long as he was recognized as the supreme being. The god of gods. A marriage was arranged between the two factions. Karna, The Sun God, and Galladriel, The Angel of Peace, were to be wed to solidify the peace. But on the night of the consummation the Trickster God Loki disguised himself as Freya disguised as Galladriel and tricked the servants into leading Karna into the wrong bedchambers. Loki made it seem like Karna had bedded Freya. The world nearly came crashing down into ruin. Galladriel, however, saw through the ruse. Though she couldn't prevent it she was able to avert a holy war. Loki was banished to a celestial prison far across the stars in the darkest of places. Karna and Galladriel put the incident behind them and moved forward as the keystone of peace."

Karnariel takes a drink from his cup and looks around the room at everyone before continuing.

"Loki is a crafty one though. He broke free from his imprisonment and vanished. But not before leaving an omen. A reminder of his deeds. Kara. She appeared one day. Loki had become pregnant from his endeavor and had birthed a daughter. At least that what the Viking seerers say. She was abandoned. Left to live in a world that scorned her very existence." Karnariel is somber when speaking of this. It pains him to look back on the past. "When I was old enough I came to Earth to bring her up to her rightful place amongst the pantheon. I was furious she was blamed for the actions of her father. We spent every day together for several years. During that time I worked to get the other deities to accept her. And it was working. She was brilliant. Strong. She had my fathers passion and a clever mind. It was going so well."

Karnariel's breathing has quickened. His body is tense. The sorrow he had felt is replaced with white hot burning hatred.

"She had comes to us. Mother, Father, and I. She told us of her decision to join the Father. It was a shock. She threw away everything I had done to build her a place with us. She preached at us about equality and justice. Father and mother gave her their answer. It had not changed since that murderer first appeared. We fought about her choice. Bitterly. She left and I did not see her again until that day at the capital. I fought her but couldn't match her strength without my own. It cost the life of Princess Sabra Starborn."

Shadow perks up having caught how Karnariel left out the younger Starborn.
"And what of Stella? We had all assumed that the two perished in the fires of the castle ruins." Shadow says, his gazed fixed on Karnariel. Karnariel returns his gaze.
"If that were not the truth what would you do?" Karnariel fires back. Shadow laces his fingers and leans forward.
"I've lived under the rule of two Starborn kings. One a saint and the other a despot. I suppose it would all depend on what kind of Queen she would be." Shadow answers. Baruss turns to Karnariel.
"You're going to be mad." Baruss says as the doors to the meeting open up and a young woman enters. She is dressed modestly in a tunic and loose pant. Her hair is decorative and ornate yet practical.
"I would try my very best to live up to your expectations of a fair and just ruler." Stella Starborn says to the entire room. She is no older than seventeen yet has the poise of royalty despite not being an attendee of any formal court for at least the last ten years. Her hands are rough. Not what you'd expect of a royal. It is also apparent that she has seen battle. Her posture and how she confidently rests her hand on the hilt of her sword coupled with the scars that she wears all speak to an accomplished swordsman.
"You are not supposed to be here!" Karnariel shouts as he gets up from his seat. Stella walks past him and sets herself in the seat next to his.
"You may continue." Stella says matching Karnariels stern gaze and pretending as though she had been there from the start.
"That's all I have to say. If someone wants to elaborate on her powers." Karnariel says re-seating himself and trying not to explode.

"Valkyrie has always been the strongest of us." Shadow announces. Raia's expression confirms this.
"The way she moves. It's not normal. Is that her power?" Smough asks genuinely interested.
"In a manner of speaking." Raia says pulling her eyes away from Stella. "As she explains it her power is Freedom. I'm not entirely sure what that means. She sometimes also refers to it as Liberation."
"She seems to use it to remove any hindrance of the physical world. The wind does not ruffle her clothes. She can see in the darkest of shadows or the brightest of lights. I've seen her ignore doors and walls altogether." Shadow adds. "It's a vague and mysterious power to be sure."
"When I fought her at the capital she seemed to dance around me as though she weighed nothing. Yet her strikes were heavy and she could unbalance me with the weight of her spear alone." Karnariel adds. He looks to Lexianna. "If it were anyone but her... but I can't forgive her."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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Member Seen 7 mos ago


I watch the young would be Queen. She's a tiny girl, even so she must be skillful with a sword as she bares scars and isn't dead. The scars on her face don't detract from her lovely features. If anything I think they add something, they're a testament to unspoken experience. What really draws my attention are her eyes. They are absolutely striking. Bright red like a maraschino cherry. A strong opposition to my dark crimson eyes.

She holds herself befitting her rank but that outburst from Karnariel could undermine her authority. In private if they have an understanding is one thing, but in a room full of her powerful would be subjects is another. She didn't bat an eyelash but she didn't reprimand him either. I drum my fingers lightly on the table. Honestly it's not my place to judge how another royal wants to rule but this could mark the start of an uphill battle for her.

I reluctantly pull my gaze from the young royal and say," This Valkyrie sounds interesting. I'd love to meet her." I smirk as I add, "See if she could take my weight." I look from Karnariel to Gaul, "Either of you object to more back up?"

I sense more than see Flame shift in her seat next to me. Knowing where I go she goes.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Meeting
Shadow sits back and sighs. A servant approaches and informs Shadow that something is ready. Shadow tells her to go ahead with it.
"This has all been fun. But I have something for you all." Shadow leans forward with interlaced fingers and a stern expression. "Before that however, regardless of what happens next, we'll need a unified force. I believe that Lexianna can find a way to bring Kara to reason. But in the event she remains opposed we must rally our forces under one banner. We have three armies. We need one leader."
"And I suppose that it should be you." Karnariel says leaning forward and staring Shadow down.
"Four, but I won't hand my Fleet over to anyone.  I require a command Sphere."
"You will have the influence of a command sphere." Shadow replies.
"No deal. I don't trust you lords or this boy." Smough crosses his arms.
"Do you trust Lexianna?" Shadow says. Smough starts to speak but stops. Smough looks to Gaul then Sia both of whom offer an affirmation.
"I would but she-" Smough starts.
"I'm giving my Command Sphere to her. You can give your men their immortality through her." Shadow states with a gentle smile. Smough gives the thought a moment. Then nods silently. "Does anyone object to this?"
Baruss steps forward.
"I pledge my forces to the will and intent of the Lotus." Baruss says before stepping back and resuming his silent observations. Karnariel sighs. Turning to Stella he speaks.
"Would you like the honor?" He asks.
"Thank you Kar." Stella replies and stands up. "The rebellion stands with Goddess Lexianna."

Just then dozens of servants enter with countless platter and tray filled with delicious food.
"I asked my chefs to prepare this feast. When I told them who would be dining with me they practically fell over one another trying to out perform each other." Shadow announces. "I say that there is no better way to show camaraderie than to share a meal at ther same table. To that end I propose a toast. To a better future. To tomorrow."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


I'm honored by their faith in me. Now it's up to us as a group to confirm that their trust isn't misplaced. I'm already trying to piece together what I could possibly say to Kara to sway her. I'm going to have to listen to her side of the story first.

The table is heaped with various platters of food. I feel a pang for Razz. He'd absolutely love this. My plate ends up being comprised of the more tropical dishes laid out to sample. There's different fruits and tree nuts with various sauces. Jalen seems to have the exact same tastes but doesn't give a second thought to manners as he reaches across and starts shoveling things on his plate.

I gently tap his hand and shake my head to him when he looks back at me. "Karnariel will you pass that platter in front of you please? Thank you." I set the plate Jalen was reaching for down next to him and whisper.

"All you need to do is ask dear. Remember chew with your mouth closed and for creation's sake don't talk with you mouth full."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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Member Seen 7 mos ago


I'm bored to tears. I always have been in Council meetings. The Elders and the magistrates always needing their egos to be handled with care. There's only so much of their bickering and posturing I'd allow in any meeting before telling them all with absolute authority where they could stick it. Diplomatically speaking of course.

Yeah, yeah better tomorrow. I raise my glass in toast with everyone else and hurriedly dig into the food. The food is delicious. Exactly the kind of good meal I needed but it doesn't quiet the restlessness I feel growing. Now that we're in planning mode it gives me time to sit and think. And unfortunately the only thing I can think about is women.

How long have we been here? A week? No definitely more. Great blazing balls of fire! I need to get laid.

My eyes lazily rove over to Lexianna. It's not happening. Never on this plane of existence or another but it's a fun thought. It's not just a no because she's not interested, it's a no because I got 99 problems but Galen ain't one. I need to keep it that way. I dabble in nihilism but I'm not interested in my name being blinked out of history.

I roll my eyes over to Sia. I have a feeling she'd play ball. The problem is even if Razz was cool with that it'd introduce a weird group dynamic that I'm not trying to figure out right now.

Raia. She's clearly Sia's and I have no idea if she has any interest in a male whatsoever. Then again everything out of her mouth has basically been hostile so...my eyes snap back to my plate and stay. I stab a piece of this delicious fish and bite. I don't let myself take a second look at the queen. She's got minor written all over her and I'm not dying here in this problem riddled reality.

My ear twitches and I sigh. Inferna's words before I left still irk me. Find a wife she said. No, find us a queen she said. I don't do the whole dating/courtship thing but if I don't make an effort to make a choice she'll line up "prospects".

The sooner we find our friends and leave the better.


I look at my brother. He looks pensive, his mind far from here, brooding. I can't tell why. the food is delicious but even so I don't like long stretches of silence. Perhaps our last topic has been exhausted, which means...

"So is that all there is on Valkyrie?"

My brother spears a piece of fish. "If so I think we should move on to the toughie. Everyone spit out what they know of the False One. We need to get my dove and the big guy back."

I look at my brother quizzically and he clarifies while rolling his eyes "Nevermore and Razz." He shoves the fish in his mouth and goes back to brooding.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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Member Seen 18 days ago


Grabbing a plate of fish from a passing servant i plop it down in front of Raia. Planting myself next too her i ask. "So, While everyone else is off fighting the good fight, what are we going too do? Go back home? Build a cabin in the woods and hide from everyone? Im down for anything love. Just point the way.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by airgetlam
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airgetlam ****

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Gaul looks around at the food, then back to Smough. “Did you say you had something for us, Admiral? I’d surely like to see what it is.” He says as he raises his glass at Shadow’s toast, and begins to peruse his dietary options.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Li-li is pressing me for information. I answer honestly.
"Using my own Umbra I hooked hers and temporarily seized control." The church fanatics are approaching. The high priest is smiling.
"Heretics killing heretics. God truly works is mysterious ways." High priest says as he motions for us to be surrounded. "God has commanded we execute these witches and their thrall." They were watching the whole thing but from what I can tell they aren't able to perceive the Umbra.
"I'm really not in the mood. If you leave now I'll spare you." I say. The high priest raises his cross high into the air. I cut him down before his next breath. The rest rush me and I cut them down as well. "We have what we came for." I say and step back into the Oasis.

Once here I survey the state of the Umbra. It's seemed to have stopped spreading. I can't say why. But this has bought us time. I step again and am in another Blackout.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Father's Prison.
Nevermore sits up staring with surprise and confusion at her ring. The Father had definitely taken it. But here it is. She ponders whether it is a trap. Then decides it's unimportant. She stands up and with a sweep of her hand tears the bars of the cage away. Her seals appear and she smiles. After clearing away the bars to Razz's cell she bolts up the stairs.
"Come on!! We're getting out of here!!" She yells back down."

But when she gets to the top of the steps she stops frozen in her tracks. She can't believe her eyes. Glancing over the front lobby her pulse quickens. It's an exact replica. Torn right out of time. She forces herself to move through the HAL greeting lobby and directory.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Meeting
Everyone is enjoying the food and drink. Raia and Sia discuss "important" topics and Shadow pretends not to be off put by Sir Barrus's constant vigilance. Servers replace the finished platters with new fresh food. The chefs brag about whose food was more thoroughly consumed. Gaul and Smough discuss what their fist move will be once their fleet has been made immortal. Lexianna tends to Jalen who is a messy eater. Karnariel and Stella chat while eating from a single plate of food.

Without warning a harsh golden light floods the room and fills every corner with radiance.

Sia, Lexianna, and Blaze are stricken with an blindingly agonizing pain as their blood curdles and their powers are stripped away.
Flame, Gaul, Smough, Stella, and Karnariel can't access their powers but aren't afflicted in any other way.
As the light fades eight Hands appear in the room and strike all at once.

Karnariel, who was moving before the light faded, throws himself at the Hand targeting Stella and using his forearm blocks the strike aimed at her. Stella draws her sword and is instantly encased in a suit of armor that seems almost alive. Stella engages Hand 2 and locks blades with them.

Hand 3 which was targeting Smough lunges to impale him. Smough snaps his fingers and the shadowy figure that broke up Flame and Blaze's fight comes crashing down on Hand 3's sword, the blade of which gets stuck in a crevice. In a single fluid motion Smough's Ninja cuts deeply into Hand 3's shoulder. Opting to forego the obvious deathblow.

Shadow throws up his hood completly obscuring himself from sight. As Hand 4 impales an empty cloak he is hamstrung with an arrow. Three more in noncritical body parts and Hand 4 is crippled.

Hand 5 should have had an easy target in Lexianna but Sir Baruss crashes into him like an avalanche. Sir Baruss body checks Hand 5 instead of producing a weapon. Hand 6 is in hot pursuit but as he engages Sir Baruss it is obvious he never stood a chance. Sir Baruss lays into him with a flurry of heavy blows.

Hand 7 is about to tun his blade through Sia. Raia flings a platter of sushi at Hand 7's face. It hits but only just so. Raia attempts to grapple Hand 7 but in her drunken state is outmatched. Hand 7 easily slips her grasps and cuts deeply into her arm.
"Traitors." Hand 7 whispers as his second attack bites into her thigh. Before Hand 7 can make another attack he is chomped by Chron who violently jerks him back and forth, killing him.

Hand 8 who has chosen to hang back fires a crossbow bolt at Flame. The bolt whistles through the air, straight for the base of Flames skull."

Servants flee from the chaos and guards who should be aiding in the fight are all dead.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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Member Seen 7 mos ago


I feel the displacement of the air and duck. I snatch the arrow out of the air with my tail and return fire. Even with my tail, I throw the arrow with accuracy and precision. The arrow piercing right through the 8th Hand's eye but not embedding deep enough to puncture through the skull dealing a death blow. I draw my daggers and flip through the air, landing right behind the partially blinded foe. I strike hard and quick knowing exactly where to slash to keep them down. I take out both Achilles heels. Then jab the pressure points along the spine for good measure.

I flip again, this time landing on Hand 2 who is engaged with Queen Stella. I land with their head trapped firmly between my thighs. All I have to do is twist and I can break their neck. Instead I slam both daggers down in either arm, tearing through the muscle. They won't be moving those arms. Then I yank my weight backwards, riding the Hand down until right before we hit the floor. I roll off and land in a crouch. Searching for the next target.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


There's a moment, as quick as a breath being exhaled where everything within my realm focuses its forces to alert me. The wind, the fauna, the soil, the water, life itself whispers in my mind intruders. It's a whisper but it's enough.

My scythe drops into my arms just as blinding light strikes and I feel my powers wrenched from me. I exhale harshly. There's bursting pain but I disregard it. When life is created and birthed there's pain. Pain is a strengthener and reminder that you're alive. It's not an excuse to stop.

My first thought is for Jalen. I glance to the side to see the boy curled under the table. Good. Baruss takes a young Hand out on my left. Noted. My weapon starts channeling my power and I slam the edge of it down into the ground. Light cages encase all the Hands, jailing them.

There's injuries on both sides, unfortunately. I walk up to Baruss and give him an affectionate squeeze on the arm," Thank you." I take stalk of my friends. Sia is unconscious but honestly that seems to have less to do with the attack and more to do with her consumption tonight. Either way I touch her with the blunt edge of my scythe and watch as her internal maladies are healed. I pat her head before doing the same for Raia. I cross the room to Blaze and gently pat his arm as healing power is channeled into him with my scythe as well. While my weapon does its work, I lean down and check on Jalen. "Are you alright darling?"


He moves with purpose but without regard. It's like what my mother told me. It's like back then. In the next Blackout we enter I grip his arm. I've stomped the feelings down, feeling doesn't control me compartmentalize no fury. But I am curious.

"Why haven't you asked?" When all I get is his blank stare I'm honestly ready to slap him but I check myself. I will not lose it again, yet. I go with another even more important question.

"How are you going to tell her? When they come back from the blackout I want to know. How are you going to look my mother in the eyes and tell her you murdered Galen and came back? What's the explanation here?" There's no emotion in my voice. My question isn't colored one way or the other. I'm reading a list of questions that need answers. If I do this, like this, I will not kill him.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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Member Seen 18 days ago


Scooping up Nel like a football I bound up the stairs after Nevermore. "Liv, Where are we?" Hopping over a desk I rifle through some of the papers. Finding nothing worth reading I toss it over my shoulder. Taking a few steps away from the desk I freeze. " Liv, It smells like blood in here. That way." I point up the stairs and wait for her to gather herself.

Sitting up after the pain I immediately turn and lose my lunch into a planter. "Whats happening? Why is everyone yelling?" Reaching for my flask I take a wiff and gag. "Who spiked the punch? Raia? Why is Chron eating a small child?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Father's Prison
Nevermore can smell it too. She knows the scent. It fills her with both hope. And terrible dread. She steadies herself. Breathes. And draws her sword. Resolved to face this she strides forwards.

There is an altar at the center of the room with a body and a sheet draped over it. Nevermore walks closer eyes fixated on the covered body. She knows. She can smell it. Taste it. Grabbing the sheet with a trembling hand she pulls it off.

Her sword clatters to the ground. The world tilts dangerously. She has to force herself to be okay.

"Razz, I need a favor. Can you carry him for me?"

Nevermore steps aside to let Razz get a better angle. Gale Dark lies on the altar.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by airgetlam
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airgetlam ****

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Gaul calmly finishes his drink in one deep pull, and throws his cup mightily directly at Hand 6’s face, knocking the child out cold. He then reaches behind him and snags Hand 3 by the collar, and power slams them into the floor one-handed in an arc over his head. He turns to the Hands left standing.

“Give up now, and we’ll go easy on you. Or you can refuse, and piss me off. Choice is yours.”

Suddenly, light cages spring up around the Hands. “That takes care of that then.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Meeting Room
There is a a soft uniform crunch as the conscious Hands bite down shattering their false tooth and crunching into their hidden death pill. The misty shadows pass through the light barriers and room fills with swirling shadows. The unconscious Hands quickly follow suit. Four more Hands emerge from the main door. They throw down a smokescreen and all twelve scatter into the castle.

Smough turns to his ninja servant. "Shall we free your brothers and sisters?" The ninja nods and removes his visor, revealing his amethyst irises. The Ninja produces a scroll with the kanji for Raven. Smough cuts his thumb and smears blood across the kanji. The Ninja Hand rolls the scroll up and with a loud pop a man in a tattered cloak appears. As he stands up he glances around the room. His mask is linked to his suit and staff. His gaze settles on Smough.

"More Hands?" He says. Each word and syllable pulses with power that is channeled into his armor.
"A whole dozen. Plus others." Smough says.
"I noticed. We can get acquainted later." Raven says. "Aim for non lethal attacks that leave them conscious. Have they used their bite down yet?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


For the time being, I ignore the new addition, instead focusing on Jaylen. I don't like leaving him when fighting is about to ensue but taking him with me into danger is out of the question.

I scan the room. Kar and Stella don't make to leave and I can tell Raia isn't budging from a still incapacitated Sia's side. I lead Jaylen over to their end of the room. " I'm going to help track the children. Keep an eye on Jaylen for me please?" I kneel down to him. "Listen to them and if bad turns worse, call me and hide." I plant a kiss on Jaylen's forehead then return to Baruss' side.

Looping my right arm in his, my scythe rests comfortably in my left hand. My gaze finds-my scythe pulses and supplies the name- Raven's as I glance over my shoulder. " I assume splitting up to search the castle will be the best way to find and subdue the children? If you find a quicker better method, please let me know." I tap my head to indicate telepathy and with a nod, excuse myself to search the castle with Baruss.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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Member Seen 7 mos ago


My ear flicks when I hear Lexianna mention splitting up. I cut a look at my brother and we have an entire conversation with just our eyes and a few minute gestures.

Blaze: I'm not going anywhere I still feel slightly like shit.
Me: You still look slightly like shit, which is an improvement.
An eye roll here.
Blaze: I'm going to hang out, keep the ladies company.
An ear flick, indicating Sai, Raia, and Stella.

I nod curtly. That means... I shoot my hand in the air waving widely. "If we're splitting up I'll go with Smough and Gaul!" I lean forward slightly, my eyes going wide puppy dog style, my tail gently swaying behind me.


That light did more to zap my strength than I'd like to openly admit. If I didn't fear eventual retribution I'd kiss Lexianna for her help. Looks like I'm not the only one who got hit hard though. Sia is no longer handling her liquor well and I feel sorry for the plant that got the brunt of it. I lean back in my chair a little, my eyes rolling over to the kid. "Hey you wanna learn how to summon shit?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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Member Seen 18 days ago


Slinking my way under the table i curl up into a ball to die."Why am i dieing? Why is everyone yelling? Its too early for this guys. Raiaaa help me im feeling woozie here."


Looking down at the body i turn to Nevermore. "Liv....who is this? And why do you want me to carry a dead body around? Not saying i wont, just want too know why." Pointing at his face i continue. "He looks like Galen, but wrong somehow. What are we going too do with it? Im already unarmed and i have Nel too worry about."
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