"I'll fight however necessary to survive; That money is mine!"
Name: "Donny Brando; Soon to-be millionaire."
Aliases: "Some talk to me by my last name; Brando."
Age: "Twenty years old."
Gender: "Are you making fun of my hair? I'm a man."
Origin: "Oklahoma-born, but I raised myself in a multitude of places across America."
Abilities: "My main combative talent comes in the form of throwing; Specifically knives, and boomarangs. As someone with an acrobatic and athletic nature I can perform effective but often flashy dodging and positioning techniques for my throws, and run quite fast. And if it gets down to it I can plant my fist into their faces instead, though I prefer to keep the blood off of my clothes."
Appearance: "I am... Five feet tall, four inches. If you say anything, I will stab you. I also weigh in at one-hudnred and thirty-two pounds, and keep numerous knives strapped to my person through multiple belts around my waist; With my boomerangs strapped near my back."
Personality: "What kind of person I am? I do not know why'd you would need the information, but fine: I tend to be a very arrogant and self-centered, as I was raised to handle myself while others tried to kick me around. Because of this I have no guilt in cheating, fighting dirty, or using deception to come out on top; I have a firm belief the majority of this world is against me at every turn.
This leads to me lacking trust in others: I'm wary around most, and place my faith in few. I can come to an agreement to work together if it benefits me, but otherwise I tend to venture off on my own or at least try to bargain a better deal for myself. Antics and idiocy tend to annoy me, but I can usually repress any tendency to hurt someone by simply insulting them as a venting mechanism: So it works out.
I may regret telling you the rest of this, but I am quite fond of sweets; In my travels I try to taste chocolate everywhere I go, and it's one of the more comforting activities I partake in. While I may show signs of ruthlessness or a lack of morality, these are emotions I must keep repressed for the sake of not showing weakness to those that would harm me; I'm perfectly capable of guilt, or pity. But expressing it is a difficult for me, leading to me coming off as quite a lot worse than I am.
The only thing that comes close to breaking that barrier is drinking... And general embarrassment where I cannot contain myself as well. I tend to look away or play it off with aggressiveness in an attempt to save myself from the trouble.
There's one other issue: I have what they may call a 'Napoleon complex'. I am very irritated about my height, and I don't take it lightly when I'm insulted for it. Teasing is irritating, but not as bad as intended insults to make me angry: I have a tendency of either beating the hell out of whoever insults me in such a way, so it's something for you to keep in mind, hm?
Also, if you repeat any of this to anyone? You. Will. Regret it."
Short Biography: "Coming from a lower-class family tends to give you the sobbing backstories, but I won't give something like that here. I realized from my childhood that my family was meant for nothing but failure in their current state: I matured quickly and through trial and error kept myself fed while my parents took actions for their own sake; Leading me to leave home just after reaching my mid-teens.
I suffered a lot of hardships at first, but grew quickly and effectively as time passed: I gambled for money,and learned to hunt for my own food. I lived off the land for the most part, taking jobs shady or clean where I could to make the cash to keep myself going. While I have not quite made a large name for myself, some words pass down through towns of the brutal effectiveness I would employ; Leading to more opportunities. But it was never enough; It always was 'just enough to keep going'. Not enough to be satisfied.
That's when the words of the competition reached my ears; A cash prize that could set me for life. All I had to do was win the race, and enough money and fame to mock my elders for eternity would be gifted directly to me. It seemed simple in concept, but I am aware that there's plenty of competition; Some perhaps even more cold and ruthless than I am prepared to be for that money.
It's time for me to finally reach success."
Equipment: "I carry an assortment of knives with me, along with two bladed boomerangs. Aside from that, it's mostly the necessities of any other man: Water, food, chocolate. The chocolate is especially important, as it's one of my greater stress relievers. It goes beyond the realm of being sectioned with just 'food'. I also keep a very clean, pristine Spork on me at all times for when it's time to dine: It's spectacular compared to the peasantry forks and spoons of regular people."
Name: "O'Riley. The loyalist steed I could've asked for."
Age: "Just over four years old."
Gender: "O'Riley is a mare."
Temperament: "O'Riley is surprisingly aggressive when startled; Where some horses may flee, she might decide to just try and kick your skull in instead. This bravado is also partially foolhardy; But trust me when I say she isn't fearless. Heights tend to frighten her more than anything else. While riding, she isn't much of a problem: But if something does startle her, she's more than capable of throwing me off."
Notable Traits: "O'Riley has no fear in handling animals attempting to threaten her; She has notable strength and will attempt to crush them rather than flee or become wary. It's as much of a strength as it is a weakness; As this usually means she's getting herself into more trouble than an idiot horse can handle. I respect her strength, however.
When riding, she stays steady and goes forward: Even if I have to maneuver myself on her back, or jump off before making a quick return. I'd almost think she'd run forever if I didn't tell her to stop, but she tends to realize when she's leaving me behind: Usually due to the silence."
Age: "Just over four years old."
Gender: "O'Riley is a mare."

Temperament: "O'Riley is surprisingly aggressive when startled; Where some horses may flee, she might decide to just try and kick your skull in instead. This bravado is also partially foolhardy; But trust me when I say she isn't fearless. Heights tend to frighten her more than anything else. While riding, she isn't much of a problem: But if something does startle her, she's more than capable of throwing me off."
Notable Traits: "O'Riley has no fear in handling animals attempting to threaten her; She has notable strength and will attempt to crush them rather than flee or become wary. It's as much of a strength as it is a weakness; As this usually means she's getting herself into more trouble than an idiot horse can handle. I respect her strength, however.
When riding, she stays steady and goes forward: Even if I have to maneuver myself on her back, or jump off before making a quick return. I'd almost think she'd run forever if I didn't tell her to stop, but she tends to realize when she's leaving me behind: Usually due to the silence."
Stand Information
Stand Appearance:

Abilities: "「PINBALL WIZARD」is a Stand mainly used to do spectacular trick shots using the Spin. It can be sent to a specific location and used as a 'bumper' to bounce a steel ball or other projectile in any direction, once or even multiple times to completely throw off an enemy. Aside from this, it can also directly charge into an enemy and give them a bit of a bounce; Knocking them away without causing much, if any, damage upon the initial impact."

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