How long do you usually write?
Several paragraphs sometimes less.
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
Yes, but I can accept some people have limits.
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
Causes of war, politics of the Cold War, and teaching about the history.
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
Fighting other players directly.
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
Death? I mean... Things happen I can accept that, so what happens happens.
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
Uh... Not really. He lives, he dies, I embrace it all.
Several paragraphs sometimes less.
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
Yes, but I can accept some people have limits.
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
Causes of war, politics of the Cold War, and teaching about the history.
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
Fighting other players directly.
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
Death? I mean... Things happen I can accept that, so what happens happens.
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
Uh... Not really. He lives, he dies, I embrace it all.

Name: Corinth Genbit
Species: Arkanian Offshoot (Sephi)
Homeworld: Arkania
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Rank: Lord (Overseer)
Master: (None currently)
Former master(s): Doesn't remember her name
Apprentice(s): (None, as of yet.)
Sphere of influence: Philosophy
Short description of candidate.
Standing one point eight meters tall, weighing in at just seventy-five kilograms Corinth does not look as imposing as he truly is. Pale as all Arkanian offshoots are, with snow white hair and piercing blue eyes. While not as muscular as he once was, Corinth has maintained his muscles though his time at the academy has softened him from being perfectly combat ready as he once was. Usually dressing in simple robes of varying colors, preferring to avoid black as he feels it's just too stereotypical of Sith. Usually found with a coffee mug in one hand and one the impressively sized tome on history in the other.
Simplified report on known Force techniques and estimated levels.
As befitting a Lord of the Sith, especially one who has been teaching since finishing his apprenticeship six years ago and assigned as an Overseer, he is very well learned. Extensive study and practice in a handful of techniques with focus on gaining masterful control in certain areas rather than learning many skills. With focus and precision he is talented and well read, what he does not know from first hand experimentation or research, he can quote effects of from his research.
Breath Control: Intermediate Training
Force Deflection: Expert Talent
Force Fear: Advanced Talent
Force Stealth: Intermediate Training
Force Illusion: Advanced Talent
Detoxify Poison: Intermediate training
Force Speed: Intermediate training
Telekinesis: Expert training
Force Throw: Expert Talent
Telekinetic Defense: Expert training
Force Sense: Intermediate training
Precognition: Expert training
Mind trick: Expert training
Force jump: Expert training
Force Choke: Expert training
Force Lightning: Intermediate training
Force Deflection: Expert Talent
Force Fear: Advanced Talent
Force Stealth: Intermediate Training
Force Illusion: Advanced Talent
Detoxify Poison: Intermediate training
Force Speed: Intermediate training
Telekinesis: Expert training
Force Throw: Expert Talent
Telekinetic Defense: Expert training
Force Sense: Intermediate training
Precognition: Expert training
Mind trick: Expert training
Force jump: Expert training
Force Choke: Expert training
Force Lightning: Intermediate training
Simplified report on other known skills and estimated levels, including lightsaber training.
A capable chef, while not often seen on campus on the rare occasion his class manages to live up to his standards and avoid his wrath he will bake treats or cool well made meals to share with his students. Has also been known to cook for his fellow teachers and on occasion bring in homemade treats to share with them. Also heavily enjoys coffee and ensures they keep a stock of it around for brewing to drink.
Active researcher, a topic often ignored by Sith is the study of the Republic history a subject which has given Corinth much of his perspective. His research started focused on understanding and condensing the history of the Republic, it's conflicts, how it fought them, and how several Sith Empires have been defeated. Through this he hopes to teach his students an understanding that the Republic no matter how you belittle it is not a force to take lightly. Overconfident apprentices often become dead apprentices, that isn't a good reflection on the teacher.
Capable teacher, while he can be a bit rough around the edges Corinth is a very capable speaker and able to easily impress with charisma and an impressive way of presenting the history of their age old enemy. As a a teacher he is patient and able to accept question, as a Sith teacher he is perfectly willing to punish students who cause trouble in the classroom or in training.
Shii-Cho duelist, focused completely on one form, Corinth is highly skilled in Shii-cho combat practices this he doesn't lean into anger to attack instead focusing on skills and guidance of his own connection to the force. He focus's on enemy and best to use his skills and abilities to bring them down, taking honed knowledge and trusting his skill in the force he attacks with focus and belief that he can overcome the forms weakness's with his own knowledge.
Quick report on political influence, ownerships, associates and rivals.
While limited in influence as one of the more prominent and skilled Overseers, with one of the lowest death rates of any teacher at the Academy he is favored for instilling a well read mind even in students who would try to avoid it. His teachings are considered very valuable to the academy staff and the fact he accepted the position and remains her with grace is considered a testament to him knowing where his place in the Empire is.
Several Lords and Darths refer to him when seeking apprentices and wanting a talented Sith to point at those who would serve well for their needs. Many of his students especially those he has taken under his wing in the past have come to him often seeking his advice when choosing their first apprentice or seeking a acolytes for their master to take into the field.
Psychological evaluation of candidate.
List of uncovered and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.
Lack of ambition to move up or do more within the Sith Empire. It's believed that he actually has no drive to move beyond teaching and would stay here for the remainder of his time.
Selflessness, while not bad for a teacher it is bad for a Sith he is known to spend much time trying to make sure all the students excel rather than letting some fail, this perhaps because he hopes to help those without the fortune of Sith pure blood survive into the Empire, much like how he managed to gain a teaching position.
Lack of conviction Corinth is rarely the first to speak of the greatness of the Empire and usually one to talk about past Sith Empires and their failings. While not outspoken or even really one to go against the grain he simply doesn't seem to talk much about the Empire itself and seems almost uncaring. While he is no fan of the light side or anything he does at least seem different too norms of most Sith but his skill and lack of speaking out means he is no threat to the Empire as long as he continues to serve.
Major achievements and failures on record.
Has trained hundreds of Sith with a ninety-seven percent survival rate, some teachers think he is soft others think is just a masterful teacher inspiring his students who should under perform to rise above and survive.
Has not been able to move beyond the Academy in six years, proving he lacks ambition to attempt to rise above his posting despite possessing skills and growing enough he could have attempted it.
Has written several papers on Republic history and how to avoid the mistakes of previous Sith Lords who failed to take over the Galaxy, criticizing them but also pointing out and highlighting how their current Empire is performing better. He is considered a well regarded expert on history of Republic and wars it has fought.
During his time as an apprentice he once lost several ancient tomes on lightsaber combat written by Sith who were active after they departed the galaxy. He was severely punished by a fellow apprentice since their master was not able to be reached at the time and later simply hadn't cared the tomes were lost she just didn't want anyone else to have them.
Has never taken an apprentice even though he clearly could and would be able to pick from some of the best possible students early on and offer them a position at his side.
Personal biography, as detailed by the candidate for use in imperial archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.
Born on Arkania to two poor Arkanian offshoots working for an Arkanian Corinth revealed his force sensitivity at the age of ten when his parents boss caught him using the force to pick up logs that were to heavy for the boy to move. Quickly the older man turned in the young boy to the nearest Imperial Forces, Corinth was dragged away from a loving nurturing home to serve the needs of the Imperial forces something he still resents to this day though subconsciously more than knowingly. Training began almost instantly upon his arrival, lacking the strength for Djem So one of the Overseers moved him to learning Shii-cho where thanks to naturally being more in tune to the force he could move forward.
Quickly his skill grew, while often times he advanced his skill and cunning kept him alive in the face of his classmates, teachers, and others who disapproved of not only an alien but one with no Sith pureblood. He found his strength in the force and his studies in ensuring his survival, he would not give anyone the satisfaction of seeing him beg or grovel he would be his own man or die trying. Soon he found himself becoming stronger and stronger, his teachers took notes as other aliens Sith cast out by their classmates came to him for help. They tried to stop that yet no matter what he found himself helping some student cast out learn and grow. His ability to continue and even become more clever in teaching them as time went on impressed some of the teachers.
He would have graduated top of the class, had a Darth not ensured he was pushed further down to glorify their own child to improve their family power base. However the Overseers recommended him to many a Darth and a very influential one soon selected him for her own retinue, assigning him to her research team while she was off studying ancient secrets. The apprentices job was too research and locate lost sights for their master and her resources to be devoted too. For years he served dutiful and even found time to train dueling many of his fellow apprentices and working hard to see themselves promoted and released from their duties to their master.
After an accident involving the destruction of tomes his Master cared nothing for truly and a week or two of torture from a fellow apprentice his Master began to see the end of usefulness... Yet his skills and ability to help others remained of note to Overseers when she she returned to the school she began to select new apprentices, titling those she wished to keep... And Corinth found himself a Lord with a much smaller power base and a request to return and serve as an Overseer in his desk. This was a play to keep someone they felt while talented and useful, could be seditious to others like himself or not qualified enough to truly serve the Empire on the front.
So at surprisingly young age of twenty eight he became a Lord of the Sith and returned to the Academy an Overseer to teach and pass on the impressive amount of knowledge and understanding of life in the Sith Empire to other students. Corinth grew still, retaining a ship a fair amount influence in the sphere of Philosophy, Ancient Knowledge, Expansion and Diplomacy, and Production and Logistics. Gaining himself a ship and enough special resources to carve out a decent supply of materials and knowledge to keep up with the goings on outside of Korriban. Though his position is secure he also occasionally loans this power to help out favored students or fellow teachers, surprisingly generous with his resources yet also very ready to take them back through force if need be.
Well trained and very skilled, Corinth is often challenged or mocked by his fellow Overseers who see him as weak or unfit to be a Sith. Those fellows student or Overseer have found themselves bruised, injured, maimed, or swallowing their blood Corinth is a Sith while he is unconventional and different, it makes him no less Sith than any other who stands at his side.
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