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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Reflection
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Reflection Slightly Stressed but Flawless

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@King Cosmos-@ladyonyx04-@KillBox-@NachoBachoPacho

"Of course... Those idiots..." Nikko hissed as he looked out the window. His eyes more than enough to see the port, and the very obvious visage of a marine, and possibly more marines on the way. And worse... One seemed to be using a devil fruit to fly. Classy. And... Nobody was firing cannons, that meant something was up.
"Vivian, you'll be a good boy and stay put, right? That means no leaving with strangers, and keep that door closed unless you know it's me, right? I don't want any ruffians hurting you. I suspect an enemy pirate might be trying to kidnap you."
"Aren't you kidnapping me already?"
"Yes, but I'm doing it in a caring manner." Nikko said, and placed a book down on the table. It was his biography on Gol D Roger, which might entertain Vivian while. The door opening, and then locking with several deadbolts when Nikko stepped out.

"What is going on out here, can't you all tell the marines are chasing us!? Get those cannons set up, and-" Nikko shouted as he stepped onto the deck, red hair billowing behind him. His bright red coat standing out amongst the crowd. It was then that he noticed the fight on deck. That assassin from the bar... Wonderful. It was then that everybody would be knocked down. All fighting stopped in a moment as a wave of hot air erupted from the captain. That hot air was like a painful shove, knocking Lexi down to the deck, as all of the crew learned long ago to duck when this kind of attack was coming.

"Crew, focus the cannons on that marine trying to catch up to us!" He growled, as many of them were scampering to man the cannons. They had a hefty lead, but they hadn't gotten as far as they would have liked considering the disruptions. They should be starting the aerial lift soon, but they might have to deal with someone else first. The heat on the ship was rising as Nikko stepped over to Lexi, eyes narrowed at her. The salt water she had doused herself in had already evaporated.

"You, get off my ship. I'm done playing games with you and your captain. You have till the count of five. If I finish counting, I will vaporize you where you stand." The heat was boiling now. The closer he got to Lexi, the hotter everything got. Her skin drying, and beginning to burn by the second. He might as well do that.
"I was willing to offer you and your captain a spot on my crew. But you have done nothing but attack and threaten me and my crew. In two days I will be in Water Seven, and then at the end of the fifth day I will be gone. You? It will take you far longer to get there the long way. I will never see you again, you will fail, and I will have forgotten your annoyance."

Once he was done killing her, he could focus on whoever was chasing after them.

"Five... Four... Three... Two..."
When he got to one, the heat would rise until Lexi would simply burst into flames just by being close to him.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 4 mos ago

If asked later how Caitlyn could tell what exactly was happening, she would probably answer her observation Haki helped, but as stated it may work with distances but was better closer to the girl. Her eyes lost all sense of color as she projected the power that was hidden inside as well as herself upward, traveling as fast as the wind could carry her. “DON’T YOU DARE!” The Commander’s Haki forcing those of lower mind sets to fall over in helpless piles.

Lexi’s knees hit the deck as both the heat and the pressure of the girl’s Haki pushed at her. She had a strong constitution having a tough school herself, the heat having dried out the sea salt on her skin, the covering of said salt being the only thing saving her life at the moment. “Bleeding family of D’s packing all sorts of surprises.” She mutters unable to comply with the red heads demands, when cool water pours over her over heated skin. Caitlyn had made it then. And she was still exerting her will without realizing she was doing so.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

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The girl behind him slipped away from his elbow, Shigeuchi feeling the fleeting contact against his arm as she moved out of the way of his attack. She couldn’t go far however with his hand still clamped around her wrist, but she twisted around him and moved to his side before lashing out with her free hand; then it was his turn to dodge as his head tilted at an angle to avoid the strike, her hand skimming his cheek. He wasn’t sure how much it would hurt if he just let her hit him, she seemed proficient for her age but you could never tell for sure; she may not have seemed like much of a threat compared to some of the people he had dealt with before, but better to be safe than sorry.

She proved his point a fraction of a second later by stabbing him in the ribs. The girl caught him by surprise him by flipping the knife from her caught hand to her free hand as she pulled back, bringing the weapon around and trying to stick in his side only to be stopped by the Armament Haki coating his skin, the aged pirate managing to coat his torso in it at the last second. “Feisty little bitch aren’t you? Time for you to leave.”

Shigeuchi twisted her arm suddenly, bending her wrist and yanking her around so that he was between her and the railing with her arm over his shoulder. He was planning on throwing her overboard, getting her off his ship and leaving her with a long swim back to shore, when he felt the temperature rise by several degrees all at once and stopped in his tracks. He released Lexi in a hurry, dropping down to the deck as a wave of heat rolled across the deck and keeping his head down as Nikko approached.

Everyone who joined their crew learned pretty quickly to get out of the captain’s way when he was in one of his sour moods and now was one of those times. The crew jumped to action at his orders, climbing to their feet and scurrying as far away as possible from the living sun as they began loading the cannons and opened fire on the approaching marine with anything and everything they could. Shigeuchi meanwhile stayed where he was, climbing slowly to his feet and leaning against the railing in the face of the oncoming inferno, Armament Haki covering his whole body the only thing keeping him from wilting; even then he was sweating.

We’ll have to repair the ship again after this, Shigeuchi thought with a sigh. Even though every inch of their ship was treated against extreme heat, there was always some warping after Nikko let his temper and his temperature get the better of him. If he did as he said and actually vaporised the girl as he said they’d have to replace the part of the deck where she was standing at the very least. Normally Shigeuchi would try and talk some sense into him, try and calm the brat down or deal with the problem himself, but since he was already counting down it was already too late for that.

Before Nikko could reach the end of the countdown however everyone on board the Golden Lion MKII felt Caitlyn’s Haki reach them, several crewmembers dropping to their knees or falling unconscious altogether as it hit them. Even Shigeuchi winced as the pressure, like an invisible eight on his shoulders, hit him.

Before Nikko could blow her away, Shigeuchi grabbed Lexi none-to-gently by the scruff of her neck to hold her in place and turned to face the docks. “Never say I didn’t do anything nice for you lass. If you’re smart, you won’t come after us again.” Spotting Kuroda still back on shore, Shigeuchi reached out with his Devil Fruit and squinted with his one good eye before swapping the two’s position; the assassin would find herself back on the docks and the upstart would find himself back aboard the ship. Hopefully that would be enough to get her captain to back off as well and then they just needed to deal with the marine.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Balthier D. Sydney

Docks Direct Interaction with: @ladyonyx04@KillBox@King Cosmos@NachoBachoPacho@Reflection

Jōichirō's head exploded in a shower of light and blood. He fell to the ground, sword falling from his grasp. It reformed from the light a moment later, whole, but blood trickled from his scalp, his eyes glazed over. Quick as shadow, Balthier crossed the remaining distance and planted a heavy haki-infused foot on Jōichirō's chest, then pointed the pistol at his head. He glared death down at the man; his eyes, fiery red infernos, his pupils changing from round to slitted. Like a cat.

Or a dragon.

"Listen up and listen well. First, if you try anything, if you even blink, I will shoot your ass and kick you into the bay, sending your little fruit back into this world and you out it. Gods know why I haven't already, why I'm wasting my time monologuing to you. I guess I'm feeling merciful today. You failed because you focused so much on that girl that you neglected the unknown threat of yours truly. You failed because of your arrogance and you're mistaken belief in your invincibility. Even the most powerful fruit in the world is rendered powerless if it's holder is a fool. You failed because you. Are. A. Fool. If you want to become strong, if you want to avoid ever being helpless again, lose that arrogance, lose that foolishness. A man's greatest weapon is his mind. Train that before anything else."

But never forget this. If you ever,"
He pressed down with his foot, crushing Jōichirō's chest and sending cracks racing across the wood dock. "Cross Captain Black Dragon Sydney again, I will not give you the chance to regret it. Savvy?"

As soon as he was done with his speech, Jōichirō suddenly vanished. Beneath his foot was now the assassin, Lexi, who was both wet and steaming. Balthier blinked in surprise, his fearsome aura dispersing as quickly as it had appeared. He lifted up off her quickly. "Well there you are." He said, reaching out a hand to help her up. "Now what are you doing there?" He mused. Then it occurred to him. Shigeuchi's power.

He turned to the ship, far enough out now that one would have difficulty making out people. His sharp eyes, however, spotted Shigeuchi. He raised his pistol in a gesture of respect. That was one man he would have to be careful around. Lexi was safe, but now Caitlyn was still speeding recklessly toward the ship.

Balthier sighed. It was like herding cats. He turned his head and eyed the slightly broiled assassin. "Stay. Here. You are in no shape to fight. Worse, clearly, you didn't stand a chance against them. I'll go try to keep your captain from killing herself too." Even as he spoke, he placed the pistol back in it's pocket and began to pull off his coat. Beneath it he had no shirt, leaving his tattoo of a curling dragon on display. "Hold this, love." He told her, handing it off.

Unburdened, he stepped forward lightly and ran off the dock.

The marine would only see a black shadow, steak past him, the waves parting in it's wake from the speed of it's flight.

The only warning the Sun pirates got was the whistling of the wind before something suddenly slammed into their ship with incredible force, sending the vessel rocking and anyone who was still upright staggering. A sharper crack echoed across the water and the pirates could only watch in horror as the top half of their ship's main mast slowly toppled into the sea. Clinging to the ragged stump, blocking out the sun, was a creature out of legend. It lifted it's head and gave out an ear-shattering roar that compelled fear in even the bravest of men.

It was a dragon.

Balthier, in half-dragon form, released his grip on the broken mast and dropped to the deck below. It gave a horrid crunch as he hit and his claws sank into wood and iron with equal disdain. He turned his baleful gaze on the captain and first mate. "Stand down." He commanded. His voice, far from the melodious baritone it had been, was now the rumbling and grating of rocks grinding together. "That goes for you too, girl." His voice swelled, directed at Caitlyn. He turned toward Nikko and gave a precise bow. If the heat emanating from the captain bothered him, he didn't show it. "Only here to get the fool girl." He glanced up at the mast and bared his teeth in what could only loosely be called a grin. "Sorry about the mast." He stated, in a tone that said he clearly wasn't.

He stalked across the deck, tail swishing. He leaped on to the railing and with a powerful burst of wind from his wings, took flight. He intercepted Caitlyn midair, grabbing her arm with a haki-infused claw and lifting her a few feet. He craned his neck and growled in her ear. "This isn't a fight you can win. Your crewmember is in bad shape and it is your fault as captain. You picked this fight, you can end it. Back down. Now."

He released her and drifted back, letting her made her own choice. If she chose to fight, he wasn't going to help.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Caitlyn was caught around the waist as the color once more returned to the girl’s eyes, she took a breath and then used a particularly horrible foul word that took into question Nikko’s mother. It was something she’d learned from the other ladies. She had to get stronger. She would learn just what her abilities were, and how best to apply them. ”You’re right Balthier. But we shouldn’t stay here. A marine is here and I don’t want to spend the first part of my journey behind bars. Or ever. I know where we could lay low, if you wanna come with. I know you have business, but we all need to stay clear for the moment.” She stated having a much cooler head now. She floats to the docks to cool down her assassin, creating a continued downfall of fresh cool water, sensing the salt diffusing her abilities. “The first chance we get in finding you a Devil Fruit, you eat it.” She ordered.

Lexi formed a weak cheeky grin. “How easy will it be to find one? Sure you might have found one somewhere in the middle of the desert, but they aren’t that easy to find. Nor do they come cheap when one is on sale or winner takes it. I can’t wait until that red head finds out two facts: what happens when a person born with white hair goes through when one gets older, and exactly whom he let slip by his fingers.” The last fact was said softly just so Caitlyn who was close could hear. Caitlyn looks at Lexi and nods only once. The assassin knew, and wasn’t about to tell anyone about it. Not until Caitlyn herself did. Besides it wasn’t like Lexi could go to the Marines. She had a bounty whereas Caitlyn had none so far.

@Crimson Raven
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Reflection
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Reflection Slightly Stressed but Flawless

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@King Cosmos-@ladyonyx04-@Crimson Raven

A lot happened in quick order. First, several of his crew fell over. Then a dragon, and FINALLY he didn't even get the chance to burn that assassin girl. By the end of about a minute of glaring at everybody, he was left with a ship with a broken mast, and several unconscious crewmates.

He probably could have taken the dragon, but fighting on that level on his ship would have sunk it. On that note... They had a lot of damage just from the dragon.
"Alright..." Nikko said as he watched the dragon flying back to shore. "We'll continue sailing for now. I don't dare take flight without the main flight mast in this... State." His expression was not happy, and he still simmered with rage. "Here's the deal. We'll continue sailing, see what we can do about the mast... And I'll ring up Dendi. That little troll is always sailing around looking for ships to fix on the go. If we can get him... Then he'll CHARGE ME AN ARM AND A LEG!" Nikko kicked the nearest barrel. Knocking it into the air, and letting it catch fire before falling into the water. It was clear this was so not worth the hassle anymore.

"Shigeuch, keep an eye for the dragon. If he tries to fly back, tell me. I'll intercept him while you and the others keep sailing. You know the plan, I'll catch up." Nikko ordered, while rubbing at his eyes in frustration. He knew exactly who this was. Balthier D. Sydney, a pirate on his own level. Well, he was certainly more of a fight than this white haired girl and her assassin could offer.
"Shigeuch... Tell me. What do you think the odds are of them managing to get their own ship if they have Balthier helping them?" Nikko didn't need that answered. Chances were, Balthier could easily steal them a ship. They had rivals now.

"Next time, I will kill you, if you send her away like that again. And will somebody take care of that light-speed boy? If he ever wakes up, I'm promoting him to Lieutenant or whatever the pirate equivalent is."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Vivian listened as the crew said something about a white haired girl causing trouble and he wondered if it had been a rescue attempt. And then he wondered what happened to those born with such a shade of hair when they got older. Surely their hair couldn’t get any whiter. Perhaps he’d ask Nikko when he got back. But he had Gol D Roger’s life to read. Has it been fifteen years since Luffy and his gang of misfits came to Alabasta so long ago? And hadn’t Ace been here too? Curious. That fact slipped from his mind though, as most things did for young aristocrats.
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