Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago

Welcome to Neo-Tokyo. The year: 2031. Technology has been on the rise for the last decade and the upcoming fusion between man and machine has dawned upon humankind. Legacies of a once dreamt future have become the very reality many citizens of Japan, alongside the rest of the world, live within. Implants and enhancements to the human body have occasionally doubled the working power of each working citizen, allowing nations to further prosper off of their ever-growing industrial enterprise. And yet despite this fascination with the fusion of biology and artificiality, the world couldn't be any less of a horrific nightmare to live within. The passive reminder of a once bleak, shallow past constantly hangs over the citizens of Neo-Toyko in particular, to the point where it has directly brought the fragmentation of society to their doorsteps. A looming desire to take back the past that was stolen from them has thrived in the recent years, and it was all because of one push of a button.

2012, the year of fire. At the dying breath of a once powerful and ruthless Korean dictator, Tae Jeong-Mun, the order to send his legacy out in a blaze of glory came from the international breach of peace. Three nuclear arsenals were prepared for launch. International espionage operators noted these findings to their superiors and a coalition campaign set to disarm these warheads under covert conditions was approved. Spearheaded by Japanese officers and primarily tied to their government, teams of expert special operations forces were deployed into Korea to seek any means of disrupting and disabling the ability to launch. The clock was ticking and the hours were bleeding away. A growing anticipation for launch was flaring up. One team successfully disabled one of the nuclear warheads, however the other two were caught in complications that would cost several million lives. On the announcement to the public of Jeong-Mun's passing, Korean officials launched the two remaining warheads as a public show of might, aimed directly towards the Japanese home isles upon finding their involvement in the coalition against them. One missile landed in the Pacific Ocean, however one hit its target: Tokyo.

Half of the city was blasted and devastated by the blast. Whilst it was a minor bomb in comparison to many counterparts, it was still enough to rain havoc upon the populace for the coming decades. The clouds cleared and the shock and awe behind the devastating act of war shook the nation. Hundreds of thousands were announced dead, and many more were presumed lost to the flames of the agonising firestorm. And from there, everything fell quiet. Words were barely uttered of the inter-period of nothingness. Ultra-nationalism began to see its rise once more in Japan and Article 9 was abolished, allowing the military off of its leashes. Within its ranks, the infamous Jinrai was forged. An asymmetrical warfare group fuelled by the able bodies of many nationalistic forces. In their eyes, it was not only about the defence of Japan, but the revenge against its aggressor. Soon enough, its influence began to grow further. Corporations rising in the now reviving of Tokyo took advantage of their prominence by selling them weapons, developing cybernetic gear and increasing their arsenals tenfold. Tokyo relocated itself out of the exclusion zone and formed the now nightmarish Neo-Tokyo, the land of profit and death.

In late 2030, the Jinrai were at the peak of their power. Talks of a prepared surprise annexation of Korea were underway when the snap election kicked in. To the Jinrai's annoyance, a moderate Prime Minster was elected into power. Instead of feeling threatened at first, the military branch felt insulted, resulting in the Coup that would shake Tokyo for the next years. Failing to oust the minister they deemed defective to the revival of a powerful and strong Japan, the government retaliated by initiating its own special operations group. As the Jinrai were removed from the military ranks officially, branding them as a terrorist organisation and exiling them from social normalities, the Prime Minster gained power over the NSF - National Security Forces. Answering only to the current government in power, they began a shadow war of rooting out cells of Jinrai operatives, hoping to restore an ideal balance they once believed they could achieve. And yet despite this, not everything is all black and white between the two sides. In many areas, one might begin to reconsider who they stand with.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to NEOTOKYO: State of Disarray, a cyberpunk roleplay scenario inspired and based around the original Half-Life 2 mod of the same style. Neotokyo, the original mod at least, is a competitive multiplayer shooter pitting the NSF against the Jinrai, an ex-military nationalist organisation with ideals of installing an authoritarian regime in place of the recent democratic revival. Unlike the competitive style of the games, this roleplay scenario will take a more narrative focus on the unexplored universe, where the streets of NeoTokyo are the secret warzone for these warring factions. Set within a world where cybernetics are becoming more recognisable in the field of war. Whilst common citizens are still trying to gain access to these arrays of human mechanical evolution, those who fight to preserve a side they truly believe in are capable of achieving whatever their superiors have to offer. Be they cloaking abilities, thermoptic vision, targeting assistance, prosthetic limbs, jump-packs or more conventional replacements and enhancements, then surely the NSF and Jinrai are able to get their hands upon them.

And who are you to be? Well, to begin with, the vote came to a narrow conclusion as to which faction we will be starting in. As of the beginning of the RP, all characters will be a part of the NSF, or National Security Force, in pursuit of victory against the Jinrai. With the roleplay continuing, many opportunities may arise to splinter from your original starting place if you so disagree with their motives, or find the intrigue of the character to be elsewhere. I will admit, the ability to switch sides will not come immediately and will require some time to develop more the characters and plot together, but hopefully those options will come to us at some point. In the mean time, you will take up arms for the NSF and the Prime Minister, going from there to see where your story goes. I cannot promise that there will be any good sides along the way, just ones that you prefer to support or stand for. Shadow wars breed malcontent, and so it is only a matter of time before the lines between good and evil are blurred before your very eyes. The men and women of Japan and operatives from slightly afar will be entering the fray of close quarters combat, investigations and raids across NeoTokyo.

The roleplay itself will consist of a blend of combat and character interaction/narration. Combat isn't going to be the only focus as developing the characters is critical for them to take their own stances later in the game. Investigations will offer the chances for you to go into your own Jinrai or third party search parties to follow objectives of your own choosing. There will be some free reign in objectives, as long as they are accepted by the GM of course. This will give you more stuff to try out outside of group raids, armed police missions and future operations too. Not only that, but a potential slice-of-life aspect will come into the roleplay too, showing their daily lives occasionally outside of their respective factions. These can include side jobs, home life, friendships and spicy romances forged with other characters and NPCs, and so on. These interactions are my favourite part of course, as it breeds life into the story we inhabit. Gotta love those spicy dramas too.

So, for a character sheet, its pretty simple. Character sheets can evolve overtime if they change allegiance or fall under new management. This can also be used, optionally, as a way to keep track of relationships with characters in a documented form. Using it is not necessary. You are free to edit and add to the design of your own sheet as you wish, as long as the necessary information is within the sheet itself. Some information can be combined or removed, as long as it tells us enough about the character that will and may affect interactions, actions and their appearance.

As the story progresses, we will develop more plot lines, learn more conspiracies and slowly uncover more nefarious plans of the extremely volatile political landscape that is now Japan and NeoTokyo. Here in the new world, the Battle for Tokyo and potential shadow war of Japan may be what sets the future for all of East Asia, if not the world global theatre as humanity knows it. Choose your allegiances wisely, as your friends may soon become your enemies. Keep loved ones close, be they other characters or established family beforehand. And most importantly: good luck out there.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Smike


Member Seen 2 days ago

Will work on app later
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago

Will work on app later

Fantastic work, papa
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@LetMeDoStuff, Can we have a copy of the Character Sheet's BBCode instead of just an already-coded template?
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago

@LetMeDoStuff, Can we have a copy of the Character Sheet's BBCode instead of just an already-coded template?

I'll try to grab you the code in a second/edit it in.

As for me, I finished my CS

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago

@Letter BeeYour coded one is put in the OOC post
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@LetMeDoStuff, Can you put the [center]Text[/center] tags in code as well?

Wait, I can do that by myself.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago

Artwork Originally of Jason Levasseur from Moonlight Apparition, a webcomic made by one Darkhalo4321; all credit given to her.

Ashton Andrews-Hyuga


16, requesting special permission for 'outer perimeters'. If need be, I can age him up to 18.


2015, Hokkaido.

Description of how they look, physically as well as in their clothing. Perhaps choose on and off duty clothing as well for extra pizzazz! This should include their NSF uniform (providing you are still within them at the time of reading this), as well as their non combat uniforms and civilian wear. Later dates when factions can be swapped will obviously have heavy tolls on their appearance. Not only this, but also describe physical attributes towards their appearance, such as hair colour, body stature, eye colour and more to detail their face claim.

Ashton normally wears a resized version of whatever uniform is assigned to the NSF's tech support and cyber security personnel, but favors green-colored shirts and blue jeans as his civilian wear. He has a fondness of the color green in general as it fits with his eyes, and tries to wear it as much as possible.

Physically, Ashton is fit and athletic due to trying to exercise as much as possible when not running firewalls or controlling drones. Despite being shut in a computer room for long hours, Ashton's skin nevertheless is less pasty than expected due to him spending at least some time every day outside or in a tanning room. His hair, however, is relatively messy and frazzled, something he deliberately keeps as one concession to the sterotype. He is also rather short for his age.


Ashton Andrews-Hyuga feels great pride in his achievements and skill, and feels the need to constantly defend his position against those who would be predjudiced against him due to his age and foreign blood. This can come off as arrogance and posturing, but those who stick by Ashton would see that there is a kinder person inside who believes in the NSF and its goals... Albeit with reservations. Due to his precarious social position as a Half-Japanese, he is uncomfortable with Jinrai's existence and wants it to fall. This desire makes him braver than most people his age, but also more cautious at times because he knows he can't achieve his goals through recklessness.

Cyber-security specialist with a side affinity for controlling drones.

High-end miniature laptop the size of a notebook, a smartphone, various small electronic surveillance devices (bugs and such), a small pistol and a knife, and bulletproof under-armor beneath his normal clothes.

Previous Careers
Local School Computer Club.

Born after the destruction of Tokyo to a Japanese father and an American mother, Ashton knew what it was like to have to face prejudice for his foreign links sooner than most, and how sheer ability can overcome said prejudice up to a point. From an early age, Ashton began pushing himself in mind and body, hoping to impress classmates and teachers alike so that even if he was still disliked, he would at least be respected. And it worked. In time, he began to acquire an ever-widening circle of friends, some with Ainu heritage.

The rise of Jinrai was hard on said friends, his family, and himself, with their nationalistic propaganda infecting people who would otherwise be friendlier to them. Despite himself, Ashton felt as though it might be better for him to withdraw from people and become just another 'NEET/Hikikomori'.

That moment passed when he saw just how good he was at the computer, being able to grasp concepts that normally required years of experience and training to learn. Joining the local school's computer club, Ashton dedicated his surplus time to bettering himself further and fending off any attempts to bully him and his friends. He will not retreat dishonorably. He was not a coward. He was Japanese enough to stand his ground, damnit!

The failure of Jinrai's coup and the formation of the newly-formed NSF emboldened Ashton further, and on impulse, he decided to test the cyber-security of that organization. Now having advanced his skills in the theory and practice of hacking in the past few years, Ashton decided to go to Neo-Tokyo to demonstrate to the NSF just why they should hire a kid. Once in that city, Ashton then went to a subway station and guarded only by a small modified floating drone, promptly broke the NSF's cyber-defenses and left conspicuous marks of his presence.

Then, once said presence was noticed, he turned himself in, telling the police that his goal had always been to demonstrate how the cyber-security of the NSF was currently crap and how he can make it much better.

After a few grueling days of interrogation, consideration, and debate, it was decided that the boy was right, and he deserved that job - But he would be closely-watched...

Kaito Hyuga - Father.
Samantha Andrews - Mother.
Various friends made in Hokkaido, both Full-blooded Japanese and Japanese of Ainu heritage.

Relationships [Optional]
This is how they view other characters throughout the story. This will be updated as major changes in their involvement and view of one another is expanded. Most changes will be listed from experiences out of combat, but some can occur from within their combat positioning out in the field. They can become rivals, hating on one another, romantic couples or simply comrades in arms.

Character Theme
Not necessary, but can be used if wished. Just a tad fun.


Looks alright mostly, just a few things you will need to add and consider.

First off, a request per se. Could it be organised into a hider? Just makes it easier on the scrolling and organisation and all when it gets moved into the character tab.

Secondly, I feel like a key part of the biography is missing - Was there any relevance to his family and the nuking of Tokyo? Didn't want this to be too long because he was obviously born afterwards, but perhaps that shaped his childhood?
Hidden 5 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago


I'd like for my character to be an American hitman who came to Neo-Tokyo under pay from some bigwig to take down the Jinrai with subterfuge.

The idea itself is intriguing, but there's a few things I want to know. The entire RP will be starting within the NSF, which means all of our characters are highly likely to be a part of said organisation. The NSF itself doesn't take on mercenaries too well so you'd have to find a way into getting them to be a part of it. How do you plan on actually getting him involved? Not only this, but as K9 is a third party group, what do you plan for them plotwise, as there is a huge emphasis, at least at the start, on the Jinrai and NSF conflict?

For instance, being paid to take down the Jinrai seems a bit unreasonable and vague as a task. The Jinrai are a large-scale militarised group made mostly from ex-special forces, nationalist members within the organisation. They aren't criminals per se. For someone to hire them, it'd be very difficult to justify why they'd send them when the NSF are more or less better made for the job. I would like to see a bit more into how you think this man and his American organisation would fit into all of this considering the Prime Minister wouldn't hire people if he has the NSF already.

Finally, if you are keeping him under a third party organisation, which can be fine, then you'd need to find alternatives to carrying so many weapons on hand. Not being aligned with the NSF could warrant massive complications in relations. The Jinrai would be a bit more accepting, but obviously this character is also against them, so that idea is currently not applicable. It feels a bit hard to justify some of the specific things that are left vague. Overall, the quality alone is very good but there are some major power issues I see in this design.

Another tidbit I realised, through an edit, is that there are some rather strange happenings within the character. For instance, him being dishonourably discharged for civil conduct is understandable, but rumours of slaying civilians seems more like something that would warrant a larger punishment than someone going "Go 'ome mate y'fookin' drunk." Personally, not to offend, this character feels like a massive powerplay that doesn't really blend well with the story we are going for. A man who is described of "matching 9/11" isn't really something I feel balances at all, not to mention how impossible he is to apparently catch.

Another way to look at it is that the NSF are an elite unit, yes, but there are likely far more skilled individuals as well. The NSF and Jinrai seems fucked by this character and have no way to stop themselves from a guy who killed an entire room in under a minute. It just seems extremely powerful and extremely detached from the story we actually are setting up, if that makes sense?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 8 days ago


Perhaps someone else wealthy or influential from the NSF, doesn't have to be the Prime Minister, went against regulations and hired Donny as an extreme measure. Perhaps someone they loved got killed in the conflict, thus they turned to a less legal option and sought out the world's best killer-for-hire? That'd work I reckon. In this case Donny would be completely undercover, having to make sure neither side finds him out.

Plotwise, it'd probably be his mission to murder all the top ranking fellas in Jinrai, as well as any significant threats that stand in his way. It would also just be Donny alone, he prefers working by himself you see.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ML
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ML Attempted Polymath

Member Seen 1 yr ago

lurking but drowning with school, will see what the future brings
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago

@Doc DoctorI added more to the response, please read them. Specifically about the 'Best killer-for-hire'
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago

lurking but drowning with school, will see what the future brings

No worries man, just keep us updated!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 8 days ago


Oh, and in response to the edit, most of Donny's backstory is iffy on purpose. That's the kind of pull he has. He's meant to be someone smart enough to bypass laws, as stated in his CS. He also cannot think his way out of any situation that I myself can't. If you place me in a locked room, I can't just say 'Donny escaped'. I have to explain how, and it must make sense. In that way Donny's power is limited, by the options available to me and how I use them.
If the Jinrai are indeed more skilled, more clever, then I'd imagine that will become evident through who plays them, yes?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago


Oh, and in response to the edit, most of Donny's backstory is iffy on purpose. That's the kind of pull he has. He's meant to be someone smart enough to bypass laws, as stated in his CS. He also cannot think his way out of any situation that I myself can't. If you place me in a locked room, I can't just say 'Donny escaped'. I have to explain how, and it must make sense. In that way Donny's power is limited, by the options available to me and how I use them.
If the Jinrai are indeed more skilled, more clever, then I'd imagine that will become evident through who plays them, yes?

I'm going to be honest, a man who was described as being as catastrophic as 9/11 doesn't sound like a limited power to me. The story itself is supposed to be a bit more grounded and the character, at least as the GM, is far too over-powered in my eyes, which again I don't mean to throw offence at for saying.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 8 days ago


Oh yeah, I totally understand. As a singular character he's pretty much like a killer Batman, and Batman is indeed considered a difficult character to deal with.
If you want I can nerf his equipment, give him far less stuff. He could even go in 'naked', with only the clothes on his back and his most discreet equipment.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago

@Doc DoctorI'd have to disagree here. It's not just the equipment that is powerful, everything about his backstory, the words used to describe him, his sole ability and his involvement within the story seems to contradict with the style and balance of believe-ability we are employing into this narrative. The characters involved aren't supposed to be the best in the business because we're not supposed to be able to just take on whatever we want. The story is meant to be difficult, fuelled with potentially flawed characters and those who will have some form of relevance to the story right from the beginning, which I unfortunately cannot see in this 'best killer-for-hire. I hate to be that sort of GM that picks apart and downtreds on RPers and their creations but I do not think this character will fit the universe we are inheriting because of the sheer over-poweredness of its writing, presentation, backstory and set of skills, on top of the ability to essentially 'disappear without a trace'
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 8 days ago


Ah yes, I gotcha. You're right. Donny isn't what you'd call a 'flawed' human character because most of his design components complement his abilities as a killer, and not as a realistic person who would integrate into this plot properly. Even though his options are limited in a practical sense, he's still made to abuse those options to the logical extreme, which I see now kind of works against what's going on here and isn't really fair to 'normal' or 'realistic' humans.

Thanks for the consideration!
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