How long do you usually write?
• One to two paragraphs
• Several paragraphs
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?
• Very much!
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
• Yes.
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
• Interpersonal Character interaction and development. Also combat.
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
• Nope, not really!
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
• Nope! If I put them into the situation for something bad to happen, that's my fault.
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
• One to two paragraphs
• Several paragraphs
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?
• Very much!
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
• Yes.
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
• Interpersonal Character interaction and development. Also combat.
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
• Nope, not really!
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
• Nope! If I put them into the situation for something bad to happen, that's my fault.
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
Name: Vissek Khat
Species: Nautolan
Homeworld: Glee Anselm
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Rank: Sith Apprentice
Master: None.
Former master(s): Lord Elith Suryn (Deceased)
Apprentice(s): N/A.
Sphere of influence: Sphere of Mystery.
Species: Nautolan
Homeworld: Glee Anselm
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Rank: Sith Apprentice
Master: None.
Former master(s): Lord Elith Suryn (Deceased)
Apprentice(s): N/A.
Sphere of influence: Sphere of Mystery.
Detailed appearance.
Vissek measures to be 183cm in height. He stands stall, with long yet thick head-tendrils that flow over his shoulders, as is normal for his species. These tendrils fall to his lumbar, and are the same smooth green - broken up occasionally by darker green streaks - as the rest of his skin. His physique is that of which one would expect from a young Sith - lean muscles that retain both strength and agility. One of the more distinguishable yet arguably minuscule facets of Vissek's appearance are the scars across his forward jaw. They are not unattractive, but seemingly permanent scars nonetheless.
Vissek's wardrobe is generally clothes of any style - as long as the palette is dark. Though well-fitting cloaks are a favorite, as well as leather.
When it comes to combat, Vissek relies on his natural dermal armor to help him resist damage he is unable to avoid using dexterity - of which he retains much of, by foregoing most armor.

Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill levels.
Noticeable Talent
Force Speed (Basic)
Precognition (Basic)
Force Sense (Basic)
Telekinesis/Throw (Intermediate)
Force Empathy (Intermediate) - Vissek, being a Nautolan, is used to parsing the emotions of those around him. Being able to detect others' emotions through pheromones aids him in being much more capable of analyzing the emotions of others using the force.
Undergone Training
Force Empathy (Basic)
Force Stealth (Basic)
Force Choke (Basic)
Force Jump (Intermediate)
Force Sight(Basic) (Intermediate)
Telekinesis/Throw (Intermediate)
Mind Trick (Intermediate)
Telekinetic Defense (Intermediate)
Force Drain (Intermediate)
Report on skills not directly rooted in the Force, including level of skill
Tactics and Strategy [Formation] (Basic)
Statecraft and Governing (Basic)
Basic Survival Skills (Basic)
Medical (Basic)
Interrogation (Intermediate)
Martial [Unarmed] (Basic)
Aircraft Operation (Basic)
Espionage (Intermediate)
Report on known combat experience, training and lightsaber training.
Form I Shii-Cho (Basic)
Form II Makashi (Intermediate)
Form IV Ataru [Personalized] (Intermediate)
Form V Shen (Basic)
Dun Möch
In terms of lightsaber dueling, Vissek Khat has analyzed and adopted a fighting style that is somewhat unique - and one that he has grown to be quite comfortable with. He begins the duel by engaging his opponent using Form II, Makashi. Using the style's low-energy consumption rate and the opportunist nature to outlast his opponent, waiting until they display any hints of fatigue or missteps. Once he feels he is ahead in terms of energy, or he is able to break their guard through Dun Möch, he draws his second blade and initiates in an aggressive, personalized style of Ataru. One grip is reversed - like that of Form V, the Shen style - attacking from awkward angles for the opponent to defend against, while the first saber attacks from regular angles.
Detailed notes on political influence and associates.
Being a younger apprentice, his influence is little, and assets limited - though he is noticeably very persistent in matters belonging to the Sphere of Influence of Mystery, as it seemingly intrigues him a good deal. This has those within the Sphere looking upon him with approval, so far.
Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies, outside and within the Empire.
None in particular.
List and description of other known associates, including underlings.
None; Vissek is a relatively isolated individual - outside of relations with necessary or prospective superiors.
List of known all ownerships, including vessels, non-standard equipment, slaves and locations.
Vissek is afforded an apartment relatively close to the Academy at which he was trained. He owns two curved-hilt lightsabers.Psychological evaluation of candidate.
Vissek is relatively stoic a good portion of the time - but has no troubles indulging in acts that only those on the Dark Side of the force would partake in. Being as that he is Nautolan, he can't always help feeling some of the emotions around him - sometimes causing his own emotions to fluctuate in intensity.
List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.
Those who work alongside or near Vissek might notice one thing about him - he is very competitive. To a fault, some say. Those he deems weaker, or of relatively equal skill, are likely to receive some sort of prodding through his stoic mask. If they seem to averse or unaffected, he will usually leave them be. But if they prod back, they may find themselves under his scrutiny, if the situation allows. Oddly, this competitiveness can also extend to those he recognizes as being more than a match for himself, in some cases.
Vissek is one who is extremely determined to challenge himself and boast his prowess not through talk, but through action. As a result, he is more prone to take risks that others would not - and while he usually applies a good deal of logic to any situation, he often internally skews success rates in his favor. Whether this is conscious so as to justify riskier operations, or done unknowingly, is unforeseen.
Additionally, Vissek finds relationship-crafting outside of a business setting quite difficult to undertake. He is not sure why this is, but he has never been too fond of acquiring "friends".
Known interests of the candidate.
Vissek, as mentioned previously, is quite fond of operations under The Sphere of Mystery. Infiltration, Assassinations, Recovery operations, etc. One might attribute this to thrill-seeker-esque behavior, but he doesn't find such satisfaction even in open combat.
Additionally, Vissek seems to have a vast thirst for knowledge. Force techniques, saber techniques, etc. are all things he craves to learn about. He believes in the mantra "Knowledge is power".
Major achievements on record.
Major failures on record. Confidential.
Personal biography, as detailed by the candidate for use in imperial archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.