Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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The count was pacing in his castle when the girl arrived. He sensed a new presence at that moment and decided to go see him for herself.He arrived at the village quickly. Upon seeing her, he found himself frozen for a moment. He watched as she entered the home of what he assumed where humans that she knew. He thought that she was very beautiful. He had to make her his. He wanted her for his bride. And so, he entered the village and there was panic afterwards, from the villagers.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DarkestDesire
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DarkestDesire Wanderlust consumed her gypsy soul

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As dawn approached, the forest was as a soft whisper in the deep of night. Frost clung to the ground from the crisp night before. When the beginnings of a pale hue began in the eastern sky, it came with such gentle subtlety that none took notice. It was not until the first blush of coral dared to peek above the hills that the slumbering earth stirred back to life, one soul at a time. The moment Lucina made her arrival to the village where her aunt and uncle resided she had a chill run up her spine, a sense of uneasiness overcame her. Brushing it off she continued to her family's home where she was warmly greeted by her Aunt and Uncle. She had only been visiting for just a few short minutes before they heard the commotion outside. Noticing the frightened looks on her Aunt and Uncle's faces a sense of worry and confusion overcame Lucina.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Lord Christopher Mortimer Edwards Voltaire the third walked at a...rather calm pace. The wind seemed to stop in its' tracks. The people were running into their homes to hide. He could hear them praying for him to leave quickly, wondering what he wanted, why he had shown up now after all this time. He smirked. He did not take such things seriously. With a wave of his hand, he cleared the path in front of him. Horses ran off. Wagons were tossed aside. Soon enough, there was nothing in or on the road upon which he walked. The count soon stood in front of the house in question. There was a unique knock on the door. He waited impatiently.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DarkestDesire
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DarkestDesire Wanderlust consumed her gypsy soul

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A sudden serge of unease overcame Lucina, a chill so piercing it ran her blood cold. She knew something wasn't right, she sensed a dark presence.

Frantic, her Aunt knew there must have been one reason for the Lords return for he had not visited the town for years until now. Lucina's arrival. He must've sensed her presence arrive. There's no other reason he'd be here. Of all days to show up, he chooses today. Now. He can't take her. He mustn't. Panicking Lucina's Aunt, Lydia, quickly hurried over to her grabbing her by the hand and hid her under the floor boards telling her to keep quiet.

Frightened Lucina listened to her Aunt keeping silent as she watched through a crack in the floor to see what was going on. She watched as her Aunt and Uncle tried to keep their composure. Her Uncle Pier was the one to answer the door. As he answered the door he blocked the entry with his body making it impossible for Lucina to see who stood before him.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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The count knocked on the door once more, demanding entrance into the home. Those who lived in that little area knew what would happen to anyone who refused his demands. Soon enough, the door had opened. He stepped inside. He narrowed his eyes as he looked around the room. The count frowned unhappily. He could sense that they were hiding something. He sensed her presence still around.

"Where have you hidden her?"
The question was not one out of curiosity. He demanded an answer. The count narrowed his eyes as he looked directly at them.

"Well? I do not have all day."
He crossed his arms.

The count was quite the impatient male. He was not going to wait very long before he punished them for refusing to comply with his demand.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DarkestDesire
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DarkestDesire Wanderlust consumed her gypsy soul

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Lucina watched as the man stepped past Pier. The moment she laid eyes on him her heart felt as if it had stopped beating. She could hear the sound of the blood pumping through her veins. Trying to regain herself she took steady deep breathes as she listened to what was happening above.

Pier stepped aside letting the lord in without speaking. He refused to answer the Lords question.

Lydia stepped over the floor boards where Lucina was being hidden. "The girl left. She visited for a few but had to continue on her way. She was merely passing through. She left through the back just before you arrived."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Lord Christopher Mortimer Edwards Voltaire the third narrowed his eyes. He clearly did not believe them. He frowned angrily. He crossed his arms.

"That is a lie. I still sense her presence very close by. Would you care to tell me where you have hidden her? Or should I tear apart the town to find out for myself?"

His hands started to glow with a red energy as he spoke. His eyes had even turned that shade of crimson that showed how furious he tended to be when lied to. He stepped forward. A black aura soon surrounded his entire body, a physical manifestation of his anger and dark powers. There was a reason no one dared to cross him, a reason why no one defied him nor refused him. He was a very dangerous male, especially when he was angry.

He waited impatiently for their answer.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DarkestDesire
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DarkestDesire Wanderlust consumed her gypsy soul

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"You will not take her from us! What ever do you want with her!?" Lydia yelled at him with fiery in her voice. She was not going to allow Lord Christopher Voltaire to take her niece.

Questions raced through Lucina's mind. What does he want from me? Who is this man? What is he? Does he want to hurt me?" She knew Lydia would protect her with everything she had and she wasn't about to let her family die for her. Sighing in exasperation Lucina pounded on the floor board for her Aunt to let her out.

Stepping out of the hidden space beneath the floor boards she faced the man. Looking him directly in the eyes with a straight and composed face saying nothing.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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"What do I want? What do I want?!"
The counts' voice was loud. His shout echoed throughout the room. The room even shook from the vibrations. He stepped forward once more, his eyes remaining narrowed like they were.

"It is none of your concern. My business is my own. You would do well to remember that, as would everyone else in this place."
Lord Christopher was about to truly show his anger when the young lady in questioned stepped out of her hiding place. He blinked for a moment. He, then, suddenly smirked. He stepped towards her instead.

"Well, well, well...what do we have here?"
The crimson in his eyes faded away a little bit as he spoke.
"The young mouse who nearly escaped the cat is here after all."

The count attempted to reach for her, uncrossing his arms to do so. His smirk did not fade. He was not going to let her get away and he was not going to let anyone interfere with his plans.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DarkestDesire
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DarkestDesire Wanderlust consumed her gypsy soul

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lucina watched the man step closer to her. The moment he reached towards her she cringed in disgust; the feeling of his presence disturbed her greatly. Stepping back from him with her hands appearing to be clasped behind her back she discretely grabbed the iron fire poker placed beside the fireplace.

"Who are you? What do you want?" she responded coldly keeping her composure.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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The count narrowed his eyes.
"What I desire is certainly not your concern either, young lady, not at this time."
He stepped closer, closing the distance between him, what little there was. He sensed that she was up to something.

"I am surprised your dearest aunt and uncle have yet to tell you about me. Most would have warned others to stay away from this place, lest they be trapped here as well."
He half chuckled, and it was humorless.

"I own this land, this place. The people do as I say, follow MY will, lest great punishment follow."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DarkestDesire
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DarkestDesire Wanderlust consumed her gypsy soul

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

She smirked back at the Count. "I believe it's my business when it has to do with me. How am I to bow down to your demands if I simply do not know what they are?"

Lucina felt the heat radiate off the hot metal as she took a firmer grip on the iron poker. She kept repeating to herself in her head Not yet. Wait. Wait for the right timing. Continuously debating on whether or not to attack him Lucina knew she had to do this right.

She patiently waited for his response.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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The count smirked once again. His humorless half chuckle returned for a time.
"Oh, you shall find out soon enough."

His smirk suddenly faded. He frowned. He sighed and shook his head.
"It would be wise to put down that object you are holding."
He snapped his fingers. He would make sure she dropped it, as he wanted no harm to come to her.

"You simply must be more careful. You must also be more considerate. What about your dearest aunt and uncle? What if something happened to them simply because of your carelessness?"
His smirk returned for a moment. He narrowed his eyes a bit though. He shook his head a bit as well.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DarkestDesire
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DarkestDesire Wanderlust consumed her gypsy soul

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lucina scoffed at the Count.

"You truly believe I will bow down to you? I am not from this town, I am visiting family. Not that any of this is your concern."

The girl had a fiery in her soul. She would not be bullied by this man, whoever he may be. She was ready to defend her family with her life. Now, she only had to figure out what it is he wanted.

Looking to her Aunt Lydia and Uncle Pier she gave a reassuring smile.
"Aunt, Uncle, if you please, I wish to speak to this man alone. If you'd be kind as to wait outside I'd be grateful. I assure you I will be fine."

As Pier nodded in agreement, Lydia did not; she refused adamantly.

"Aunt Lydia, please, trust me."

Lucina looked to her Uncle for help. In turn he picked up his wife as she kicked and screamed demanding he put her down and proceeded to carry her outside of their home.

The girl looked back to the Count. Bringing the iron poker out in front of her she started to play with the sharp object twisting it in her hands.

[color=red]"Now, please to me the kindness of explaining what it is you want. I assume you won't leave until you get whatever it is you want and I am becoming impatient. I would prefer to spend time with my family in peace. So please, get to the point."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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The count saw the fire poker in her hands and frowned. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at it. He suddenly snapped his fingers and it became red hot. He was making sure that she was not holding it as they continued to talk. He crossed his arms after that as he finally spoke once again.

"well....you are the only maiden around that is good enough."
He actually smirked as he said that. He was prepared to use his powers if it was absolutely necessary.

"I shall not be leaving until my demands are met."
The count made that well known. He narrowed his eyes once more, prepared if she dared to say no to him. No one EVER said no to him without paying a terrible price for doing so.

"Well? What is the answer?"
He waited for her response. He was quite impatient as he did so.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DarkestDesire
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DarkestDesire Wanderlust consumed her gypsy soul

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Lucina cursed softly as the iron became excruciatingly hot to the touch forcing her to release her grip. A loud clang echoed throughout the small home as the fire poker hit the floor. Feeling a burning sensation she looked down at her hands to see burn marks where the poker had singed her flesh.

"How dare you." She said astoundingly.

How dare he disrespect me and then demand such a thing. Who does he think he is? Controlling people in such a manner with the utmost disrespect. Lucina was dumbfounded by his atrocity.

"You disrespect my family and I, you cause me physical harm when I've done nothing wrong. Then after that you demand that I wed you? She spat at his feet. "If you were kinder and less demanding I may have considered your request. However, I couldn't be more displeased or insulted. I refuse your demands. Now leave, leave me and my family and the rest of this lovely town alone."

Lucina knew she was in no position to speak back to him in such a manner. He was of course powerful in more ways than one. None of this mattered to her. She would not stand there and allow this man to be so presumptuous.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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The count cursed. He became visibly furious. His eyes turned completely crimson. The aura around him was pitch black and practically filled the room. His hands glowed brightly. He glared daggers at her.

"You dare to refuse?!"
His voice rose higher than his shouting had. The entire building shook beneath their feet. The count was in a fury no amount of apologizing could calm. The count narrowed his eyes as he voiced what was expected to come next.

"Very well....you shall pay the price....but not with your own hide."

He raised his hands. Bright light shown over the entire town. He cast a powerful spell upon everyone who resided there.

"May this town be cursed!"

His voice echoed as the curse took effect. Everyone seemed to vanish, but, only as long as daylight remained. The count smirked and turned to leave. Stone statues, the people, appeared in their place.
"I give you two choices: agree to my demand, or be cursed along with them....forever. I shall be waiting at my castle for your decision."

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DarkestDesire
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DarkestDesire Wanderlust consumed her gypsy soul

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fear overcame Lucina as she watched the events unfold in front of her. The mans hands glowing a bright red as a black aura encompassed him. She immediately heard the town go silent the moment he cast the curse upon the town. Glancing out the window she noticed statutes made of stone, with a closer look Lucina realized it was the towns people. Her knees went weak, the strength she had left had disappeared.

As he left the house Lucina cried after him, "What have you done?! Will they be like this forever? Why have you done this? Why is it so important to you that I marry you? I don't understand. Why me?"

Falling to her knees she watched him as he left yelling to him pleadingly, "Please, turn them back. I beg of you."

It was too late. He had vanished right before her eyes.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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The count glanced back at her only briefly. His eyes had narrowed yet again. He refused.

"I shall not. The conditions remain. My demand has yet to change. You must make a choice. Wed or join them, the curse forever remaining. I truly detest repeating myself. As I have stated, I shall be at my castle, awaiting your decision. You have one week to decide. You have until the eighth sunrise from this very morning. Until then, farewell."

He was soon outside. He had left the house and vanished as quickly as he had arrived. Within the cover of shadows and his dark magic, the count returned to his home. He was not a patient man. It would not be long before he sent minions, created by magic, to check on her, to make sure she did not escape or try to get out of it.

Lord Christopher Mortimer Edwards Voltaire always got his way, or so he thought.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DarkestDesire
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DarkestDesire Wanderlust consumed her gypsy soul

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lucina said nothing in return. She just watched as he vanished.

Looking around she couldn't believe the sight before her eyes. Her beloved Aunt and Uncle had turned to stone in the very places they stood. Silent tears fell down her cheeks as shaking hands lightly touched her Aunts face.

"What do I do..?" Lucina thought to herself.

Waves of confusion and anger overwhelmed her. She would do anything to save her family, her mothers birth town.

The one thing Lucina knew is she had to return to Count Voltaire. Had to reason with him. Do something to save them. Without second thought she grabbed the essentials she felt necessary and headed out the door.

Heading for another journey; into new territories and dark secrets.
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