NameCailyn Chrysos
NicknameKit by many and any.
He was also called "Goldilocks" as a pet name by his childhood friends.
BirthdayApril 9th
Formula and SexualityUke II Pansexual
*More geared towards men.
GoalTo sign mattresses and take names! ...But actually wants to reconcile with the life he could have had if hadn't walked down this path.
FamilyAs the fourth child of six siblings, Cailyn has a lot of fictive kin in his background. His parents weren't that old when they decided to adopt a big family, only in their early thirties. You would think the boy would have the responsibility of taking care of his younger siblings, but no one let him since he was still in the "runt" group of the family. With his two older brothers and sister being a lot older than him and his younger sisters much younger, Cailyn always felt like the odd one out with no one to talk to in his family that was close to his own age.
Marriage/LoveCailyn despises marriage and when it comes to, "love", the list seems to go on for eternity. Ever since Cailyn has gotten to his first year of college, he's been in some kind of relationship, whether that's a girlfriend, boyfriend... or fuck buddy. Usually, they don't last long and why should they? There wasn't any real love in it to begin with, but Cailyn did have some favorites that were good at sex. Cailyn did have one real relationship in his senior year of high school... but it didn't end well.
OccupationWhen Cailyn was a kid, it was always his dream to be an actor, but he usually only gets small roles every now and again. To supplement his income, he works in Costume Prep where he makes sure costumes are in pristine condition and aren't damaged. He's the second-hand man of the designer, helping fit and make everything on the actor/actress's person. He has a talent for fashion and secretly loves his side job.
AppearanceCailyn doesn't stand that tall at 5'10", but he doesn't envy taller people
too much. Cailyn works out with a lot of his spare time in order to keep his body in peak condition, he wouldn't want to lose out on an acting job just because he didn't have the body for it. He likes to wear earrings every once and a while, but usually leaves his pierced ears empty. While Cailyn would want to get a tattoo, he doesn't want it to ruin anything for his acting career so he refrains. The man also has a mole right below his collar bone.
StyleWork/Public: Cailyn likes to look stylish and fashionable when he's at work, it is part of his profession after all. His clothes range from looking expensive and modern, to colorful blazers and cosplay outfits, he's always trying to catch the public eye.
Home: Cailyn usually wears whatever he finds comfortable, not caring as much about his appearance. While he does like to look pretty, no one wants to stay in a constricting blazer all hours of the day. Instead he wears track suits, t-shirts, and shorts.
Middleschool Clique"Companion Cube"
During his years in middleschool, Cailyn spent most of his time out of school with his childhood friends. When he was in school, he was kind to everyone, but he never had anything more than buddies to hang out with during class. There was always the slightly distance between them because no one thought they could get into his inner circle that was so well woven around him. While the girls all seemed to have a little crush on him, he would normally politely turn them down.
Highschool Clique"He always keeps us at a distance."
Cailyn parents' had always chosen the most beautiful children in the orphanage, therefore, his family was full of beautiful people. Rumors spread of Cailyn's past siblings and every treated the boy with a bit too much respect for an underclassman. That said, the boy seemed fine with it, treating every with a bit too much distance. No one knew if he had friends or not, but they didn't much see him with anyone outside of class. He joked around with other boys now and again, but there didn't seem to be any more of a bond between him and his peers. Girls would confess to him all the time, but Cailyn would just say that he liked someone else and that would be that.
It was during his last year of high school that he met Austin. The one who reminded Cailyn so much of his first love, the one that seemed responsible enough to take care of him and help him when the reality of his life held him under. They spent all of their time together and Cailyn was even planning to go to the same college with him...
That's when Cailyn found out the truth about the man he thought he loved. The boy had been racing over to his boyfriend's house hoping to show him his college acceptance letter when he found... Austin wasn't there? He asked the boy's dad and the man said Austin was at his friend's house, but it was weird, Cailyn didn't know the friend he was talking about. Feeling a little jealous, the Blonde had gone to the friend's house and knocked on his door, only for his boyfriend's "friend" to come to the door practically naked with Austin in tow. The boy he had spent so much time with and had cared so much for had apparently been plotting against him with his own on-and-off-again boyfriend to hurt him. They had planned to humiliate Cailyn in front of the whole school so that the Chrysos name would be forever stained in their high school and town.
And hurt him they had done. Not necessarily in the way they had planned, but the cuts of their words sliced deep. Cailyn dropped out of school and got his GED, moving out of town to go to a community college, something that he maybe could actually afford without taking out too many loans.
Past CrushTBD
Current Crush---
Are you in contact with a Rose?No
PersonalityCailyn's happy-go-lucky attitude always seems to come with a catch. A snarky remark can sneak in even if the man may not have wanted to speak it when he gets annoyed. His personality has been warped so he always points out the bad in people and possible weaknesses.
To say that Cailyn is frivolous is an understatement. The guy seems to be having the time of his life going out to clubs, drinking the night away, and bumping uglies with complete strangers. He isn't usually the one to directly suggest they get a room, but he can use a bit of his own seductive charm to get what he wants.
Cailyn manipulates people on a day-to-day basis, but there's always a drop in his gut every time he does it. While in the moment it might feel good to exploit a person's insecurities when he may be annoyed with them, it wrecks at his psyche later. That's actually probably the reason he's always out partying so much. Nice to know he has such a great and healthy coping mechanism, right?
Short BioCailyn was born out of wedlock to a young teenage mother that was forced to put him up for adoption. He doesn't remember much of his time in the orphanage because he was soon adopted by a couple seemed to have quite a few more adopted children, even if they may have been quite a bit older. At the beginning, Cailyn had the time of his life being coddled by both his newfound parents and older siblings, but time flies when you're having fun. His parents got a new adopted child and everyone's attention turned to the new baby. Cailyn tried to act as enthusiastic as the rest of his adopted family, but couldn't help but feel a little jealous. As the boy grew a little older, he soon found out the type of people he was living with.
They liked new and cute things. People, pets, clothes, anything they could get their hands on. His parents would find a new child to adopt, love and care for the child until they found a new one, focusing all their love and attachment on only one child for a few years before skipping to the next one. Cailyn also new that this trait had been passed to his younger sister, who would always want a new stuffed animal after only a few weeks, a pile of lost memories locked in her closet.
As he grew into his grade school years, this started to sicken him. No one would pay any attention to him while his older siblings didn't seem to mind the loneliness that came with living without their parents' love. Cailyn would leave the house whenever he could, hoping to avoid the tense atmosphere he shared with his family and that's when he met his childhood friends.
The clubhouse was the place where Cailyn felt wanted and loved. He was able to ignore the crisis's of his home life and enjoy himself. Any time he could sneak away -which was fairly often- he would come to the clubhouse to read or play or just do whatever. He even studied there!
But then every thing went down hill. The rejection to his confession left him stranded, he couldn't go back to the place where the world had come crashing down. He didn't have a safe place anymore and couldn't seem to even stand the thought of going back home. Cailyn ran away for a few days, only taking a meager amount of money with him. When he finally came home with only the clothes on his back, he found that only his younger sisters had been concerned about him while his parents were worried about what the authorities would think.
After what Austin had done to him, Cailyn had become fed up with his life. He couldn't smile and live in fake happiness around his dreadful shallow parents, even if he did care for his younger sisters and didn't want them to turn out like his guardians. The boy got a full-time job while he worked on his GED and left town once he had gained the certificate and saved up enough money. He started going to community college and thought his life might turn out for the better if he kept up with this new lifestyle.
But his new acquaintances kept badgering him to get a girlfriend or a lover. He finally ended up getting a dating app to make them happy, and only really scrolled through it when he was with them. There the blonde found a guy that seemed nice enough and they soon got to talking about meeting up. Once he had a fling with the guy, he came to the realization that he could have fun if he left out the emotional aspect to a relationship, no one could hurt you if you didn't care.
Cailyn didn't exactly start looking for anyone, but plenty of people came a knocking. Soon the boy turned man was starting to get addicted to it. The adrenaline rush of the forbidden and the idea that he was doing everything his parents didn't want him too. And so, Cailyn stayed like that, switching out his business major for a Stage Craft major and living his life carefree.
Once the Blonde graduated from college with a year to spare- it wasn't like he wasn't smart, just too reckless. Cailyn decided to move back to Willow Valley so that he'd be able to see his younger sisters. The two hadn't changed too much, much to Cailyn's relief and he would have outings with them after they got out of school instead of seeing his other family members.
Cailyn got the job he has now with his degree and is still doing his best to gain enough experience to either become a more famous actor or a formal costume designer. He usually spends his nights out having fun and drinking his life away. But at least he knew his little sisters might turn out alright.