How long do you usually write? One to two paragraphs, often more
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.? Nope, schedule's too hectic
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? Yep.
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? Honestly I like fish out of water and hypercompetent weirdoes.
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague? Not too fond of mind break stuff.
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? He's a GNK droid, made to be replacable/repairable.
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? Honestly, I just like the idea of a Gonk droid being in a IHNMAIMS scenario.

Date and time of last memory wipe.
Unknown- Most people don't really wipe Power Droids.

Link to owner data files: