Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 6 days ago

No problem! Things do happen unexpectedly in real life :)

Oh, I was going to ask you this after you posted in the IC (cause I expected it would be answered then), but I might as well ask.

This party, is it on the first day/night of Emergence? Or is it perhaps a day or so before or after the first day/night? … I guess the real question is whether you want all the would-be-witch characters to be officially witches by the time the party started. If it is the first day/night, I don't know how many people had the chance to kill anyone/thing just yet... then again, that might just be my character alone. He has no idea what's going on
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Moon
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It'll be on the second night. On the first night, the stars emerge at midnight. So most characters will have time to kill someone in the time between the Emergence's beginning and the party. Though anyone can choose to not emerge yet, which could be interesting as well.

EDIT: Alright IC is up! First posts can be introductions, what your character did the night of the Emergence, etc. The party will begin next round of posts. If anyone is having trouble with a first post let me know and I'll see if I can help you out!

This should be good :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teknopathetic


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I will likely not be posting until sometime tomorrow, but given that my character would not be partying too hardy, I do not think her absence will be of any consequence!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Moon
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Moon in the sky

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Looking good everyone! :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Adjectives


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sorry guys, I randomly just got a new job before this started and they decided to give me shifts every night since Wednesday till' today. Also been trying to balance that with a couple of essays for Uni. But I can post now! Woo.

edit: Hope it was k the witch hunter used a potion or two for his plan.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Doctor Belasco

Doctor Belasco

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Adjectives said
Hope it was k the witch hunter used a potion or two for his plan.

Your post was really interesting. There are already lots of similarities between Sebastian and Matthew, and now Matthew is orphaned and by somebody making use of potions no less. They're probably well acquainted through the university, too - Sebastian is the 'youth liaison officer' for young witches, to keep them all nicely-behaved. Slightly depends on whether Matthew attends the university or not.

  • Is Sebastian the producer of said potion? Does he feel/admit responsibility?

  • Would the Anderson Family/wider witching community fuel an impetus for Sebastian to take some guardianship (given his job) or more personalised responsibility for Matthew?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Adjectives


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I forgot all about the University. Yes, he is a student there.

Well, Sebastian is your character. Though it would make more sense that Sebastian created it given the power of the first potion. (The hunter used two potions. The more powerful would coat him in the illusion of the 'James Thornton' bank robber until he had no need for it. So it would have lasted a pretty long time. The second potion nullified the paralysis spell Matthew's grandparents would have cast on him, which I guess wouldn't have needed to be so powerful or created by Sebastian)

I'm guessing Sebastian would feel responsibility. He could have been tricked into creating the potion or it could have been stolen from someone else, the hunter was obviously pretty cunning and daring, but whether Sebastian ultimately feels responsible is up to you.

It seems like it's already in the job description for Sebastian to help Matthew in some way. But so far as guardianship is necessary I'm unsure. If we wanted to go down the route of Sebastian helping Matthew out with a place to stay etc, I'd have to forego Matthew receiving any real inheritance from his grandparents besides what he needs for university fees for the immediate future (They could have had large debts, not have paid off their mortgage..) It could be a good opportunity for character interaction though!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Doctor Belasco

Doctor Belasco

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For me, if we pursue this sub-plot, Sebastian's character arc is going to feature these main things;

- Suspecting that he is, then finding out whether he is responsible for the potion (let's say as OoC, probably indirectly)
- Internal conflict over responsibility for events and the ethics of his practices
- External conflict over covering his arse and not getting lynched by the witching community

As for his relationship with Matthew, there are quite a few possible avenues to take this down without really affecting what you'd already laid down. Sure Matthew might have inheritance and money, but he no longer has a family around him. If nobody sweeps in and helps him, there's a decent chance another family or a hunter will pick him off. Apart from anything else, there's three corpses, including that of a hunter, lying on the floor of where he lives. He's going to need some help shifting them because if the police or another hunter spots them, he's in for a bumpy ride. Besides, if he hasn't emerged until now, it stands to reason that he is unpractised in the magical arts and could probably do with some kind of tuition. Certainly as a sort-of member of the Anderson family and an individual, Sebastian can help with those two things - if not directly, he'll certainly have some favours he can pull in.

Of course, their relationship need not be entirely mutual. Matthew may reject help of any kind, or Sebastian may resent having to get so up-close-and-personal with one of his charges. I think it's likely that the Anderson family would put some external pressure on the two of them to establish some closer kind of relationship. Of course, Sebastian can definitely benefit from any arrangement they set up; allies is allies, and when they come with money and/or power and/or a malleable or submissive nature (though I can't find a personality field to speculate about in your character sheet, oddly), all the better. Besides, what can massage a guilty conscience like taking an orphan under your wing?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Adjectives


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Good points. Matthew is pretty distraught after his grandparents death and unsure what he should do next so he will be seeking help, which he can only really get from the witch community. I'm sure from there Sebastian could become involved in whatever way. Sebastian doesn't necessarily need to tell Matthew right off the bat that he helped make the potion that the hunter used; that would probably lead to Matthew rejecting his help and would be a bit useless.

I've only detailed so far that Matthew has been taught some bewitchment magic by his grandparents; chants that can confuse mortals enough to stop what they're doing and things like that. Sort of loosely related magic to the idea of illusions that would compliment his innate gift. So, sure, Sebastian helping Matthew with his magic in whatever way would result in Matthew trusting him.

Yeah, I didn't do one originally because I thought Matthew's personality would come through pretty obviously. He's not a very strong willed person, often torn between what's right and wrong, is unsure of himself and easily influenced by others. He's more of a character I want to change over the course of the story if I get the chance, possibly to become a stronger person who cares less about what his peers and superiors think but more likely to take impulsive (possibly stupid) decisions. I couldn't be bothered trying to describe him in the sheet and never got around to it, oops.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Doctor Belasco

Doctor Belasco

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Looks like we have an accord of sorts, then. We don't need to work out exactly how we'll play it before we do it. Exactly whether Sebastian will go the full manipulative dirtbag or not, I'm not quite sure. God knows, though, I'm not letting him have a moral epiphany when he realises he's come to love his adoptive son after all even though he thought he was only in it for the money and realises just in time to save him from his kidnappers [/ever_Disney_plot_ever] or anything like that.

Also, don't worry. Sebastian isn't telling anybody he thinks he might have been involved - it might be good motivation for supporting Matthew, so he can quietly contain the truth... I'm guessing it makes more logical sense for Matthew to issue a distress call (or have a witch-y NPC discover him and raise the alarm) than for Sebastian to initiate anything.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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I love how you guys are working on character relations and such, it's cool! If anyone wants to work on something involving my character let me know, I'm open to much of anything. Well I finally got around to posting my intro, it turned out different than I expected. Much more mellow, less dramatic since the drama is in retrospect and not fully described.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Doctor Belasco

Doctor Belasco

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Whose characters attend the university? That'll be the quickest way of sorting out who's more likely to know whom.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Probably most of the younger characters. Katherine included.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Doctor Belasco

Doctor Belasco

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Hokay, so I like to do this: list every other character and give a general impression of what my character may think of them and thoughts for their general relationships. Hopefully if you can give me a bit more information back, we'll know where we stand and get an idea for how things might unfold. As the university's first point of contact with its young witches, Sebastian is probably on first-name, mostly-professional terms with each of the witches. I'm expecting he doesn't really have any awareness of the hunters.

Adelaide Ruine: – (does Adelaide go to the university?)

Katherine Pierce: distrust. The family is fiercely insular and doesn't really embrace the wider community and he doesn't expect much more from her – he's keeping an eye on her. But, hey, she's hot!

Matthew Friel: sweet kid, maybe a bit nervy. He'll probably turn out fine...

Graham Bishop: he comes from the psycho family and seems evasive. Not to be trusted. Another one he's keeping an eye on.

Pazel Razi: nice kid. If he was a bit older, they'd probably be friends. Comes from a decent but unfortunate family. Slightly depends on when Paz found/finds out about his magic blood, though.

Emily Burkes: who? So, she's a student on campus. That's nice.

Maximilienne Barrande: Sebastian probably dimly remembers her name as an old enemy back in Europe, but may or may not know that she has also moved to the US.

Rosenkreuz: a reasonably famous enemy, but Sebastian naturally has no idea as to hir identity.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ToskaO


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Adelaide definately isn't. Her shop is likely in the 'Oldtown' area of the town though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Doctor Belasco

Doctor Belasco

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Would she ever have attended the uni? If so, she'll probably still be acquainted with Sebastian, if only loosely (he may do check-ups to see if everybody Emerged properly). If not, they'll probably be strangers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teknopathetic


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I might note that it's entirely possible for Sebastian to be familiar with the Barrande family, although they've mostly been nuked off of the face of the planet. It's a potential link.

Beyond that, anything is possible. I might play off Lienne as having bounced between an Order headquarter or two before settling down near Vague College Land in Washington.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ToskaO


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Of her own volition? Definately not, she isn't stupid and she'd probably do just fine but to her universities are another form of 'the man, man'.
Well, she'd probably be well known in general. She is an independant buisness owner in a central part of the town, and is a bit hard not to notice in general (hair, piercings, tattoos, etc.) On the other hand, unless Sebastian is a regular customer, Adelaide probably isn't even aware he exists.
As for being known as a witch by the community. She's living under an assumed name, and her family is shunned by the society to begin with. She is likely to be flying under the radar completely on the magic front... she'd actually never intended to emerge in the first place.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Doctor Belasco

Doctor Belasco

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Toska: Sebastian won't be inked, I don't think, so I expect they'll just be strangers. She is, I suppose, a potential customer, though, if she finds herself in need of magical supplies (maybe magic ink, or whatever).

Teckno: fair enough. I expect the witches' inevitable research into the Order would probably reveal information about many of their members, but I don't think they'll know one another.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teknopathetic


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Also fair! She likely hasn't been in the area quite long enough to make too many mortal enemies outside of the standard gamut. Or friends, really.
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