Name: Jer Vusid
Species: Twi'lek
Age: 51
Gender: Male

The veteran soldier has an appearance befitting his former occupation a strong, athletic frame. His eyes are a dark brown in color, his skin a very light tan shade. Jer's facial features are masculine and grizzled, with a notable scar going across his right eye up to his forehead. He stands a couple of inches over six feet in height. He's typically clad in his metal suit of armor which he's had for years. Though once things settle down on his homeworld he plans to finally hang up his armor.
Jer at first impressions to some comes off as a hardened soul, someone who is not easy to crack into and converse with. He treats people around him with a measured caution as it is not an easy task to gain his trust. In general he is a cautious man, one that does not dive headfirst into situations before going through all possible solutions. He does not crave violence even though its what he's made living in for over three decades. Part of him is tired of all of the war and battles, his bones ache from the constant struggles he's taken a part in. The one thing he truly cares about is his wife, Sienni and his son, Adal. They are the biggest reason as to why he's retired from career as a lifelong soldier. They are why he's come back to live on his homeworld, a planet he has not step foot on in many years.
Species: Twi'lek
Age: 51
Gender: Male

The veteran soldier has an appearance befitting his former occupation a strong, athletic frame. His eyes are a dark brown in color, his skin a very light tan shade. Jer's facial features are masculine and grizzled, with a notable scar going across his right eye up to his forehead. He stands a couple of inches over six feet in height. He's typically clad in his metal suit of armor which he's had for years. Though once things settle down on his homeworld he plans to finally hang up his armor.
Jer at first impressions to some comes off as a hardened soul, someone who is not easy to crack into and converse with. He treats people around him with a measured caution as it is not an easy task to gain his trust. In general he is a cautious man, one that does not dive headfirst into situations before going through all possible solutions. He does not crave violence even though its what he's made living in for over three decades. Part of him is tired of all of the war and battles, his bones ache from the constant struggles he's taken a part in. The one thing he truly cares about is his wife, Sienni and his son, Adal. They are the biggest reason as to why he's retired from career as a lifelong soldier. They are why he's come back to live on his homeworld, a planet he has not step foot on in many years.
- Despite now being middle aged Jer is still a great shot with blaster rifles. His body might be older and he less athletic, but his aim is still fantastic.
- Jer has an elite tactical mind. He's very knowledge of the art of warfare and is a talented battlefield tactician. He can effectively come up with battle plans on the fly.
- The twi'lek knows a few forms of martial arts and his bulky frame makes him a tough combatant even when unarmed. His punches still deal pain out.
- As he was once one of the most important members of a his mercenary company he's able to command respect from people serving under him. He's decent with words but is no suave charmer.
- Jer has fought across the galaxy and faced down all sorts of opponents in conflicts. It takes a lot to truly rattle him. He's fearless in battle with a confidence to take on practically anyone. He's able to make the toughest decisions.
- While he’s still a fierce combatant he is not as quick and limber as he used to be. He’s slower on his feet than he once was, with less stamina than he had in his best years. His body has been pretty worn from many years of combat.
- The veteran mercenary can give off a gruff manner to himself. Its not that he's a mean person, he's simply been hardened by all the violence he's seen. He's not really looking to make friends.
- Jer has an overconfidence to him, most mercenaries in the business as long as he was don't make it to his age. He's a survivor and a warrior who will not mince words when it comes to showing how proud he is out of it.
- He's confrontational with those that go against him and does not stand for backtalk from those fighting with him.
- The twi'lek has been betrayed before during his long career as a mercenary. He does not trust easily, or let many people close to him.
- V-201 Heavy Repeating Rifle
- Z-10 heavy blaster pistol
- His armor, medium weight and sturdy.
- Thermal detonators
- Smoke grenades
- Remote charges
- Vibroknife
- Grappling hook
- Comlink
Like many of his species he was born on the Twi'lek homeworld, Ryloth. He did not come from any wealthy upbringing or esteemed background. His parents often fought as the young twi'lek wondered if they actually even liked each other. Still they each tried to provide him with a loving childhood. His uncle, Laral was a hunter who would frequently travel into the dangerous wildernesses of their homeworld. Laral taught Jer how to use a blaster rifle and fend for himself. Jer never particularly enjoyed Ryloth, it was an unforgiving world that many who had been born onto it were dealt a bad hand. As soon as he reached adulthood he looked for a way offworld, he'd find it after convincing a visiting merchant, Kalon Hilbre, to take him on as a bodyguard.
Then he was off his homeplanet and into the stars. For almost five years he served as a bodyguard to the merchant, protecting the man when he would land on worlds to conduct business, as well as man the ship's cannons when raiders attacked. It was how he first experienced the greater galaxy. He purchased his own starship then ventured out on his own into the world of mercenary work. He would make contact with Usulf, an old mercenary friend of Kalon's who the merchant linked Jer up with. Usulf was a member of the Gold Rancor mercenary band, and Jer would find himself welcomed into the group some time after meeting Usulf.
The Golden Rancor mercenary company was a well known one across the galaxy, they participated in all sorts of conflicts. Wherever the credits could be made. They'd have a hand in the Great Galactic War which raged throughout the stars. The mercenary band worked for the Sith Empire, often serving as paid shock troopers and frontlines reinforcements. Jer would take part in multiple battles on the Sith side, though he didn't exactly like the Empire. They paid well and the contracts were honest enough. As the war went on the mercenaries continued to participate, while Jer climbed the ranks of the group. As the years rolled by he'd rise into higher roles within the mercenary company. His voice become an important one, and he earned respect from those around him.
As the war winded down the Golden Rancor company stayed in it until the end, once it subsided and the credits stopped flowing they ended their part in it. The galaxy was never wholly at peace, there were always conflicts and skirmishes to be found. In the last decade Jer met his future wife Sienni, a dancer. They'd fall deeply in love and it would take his focus away from his mercenary group. He'd leve the Golden Rancor band decisively, shortly after his son Adal was born. Now they have very recently all settled down on Ryloth, buying a cozy cabin in a more calm part of the world. He is on his way back to his homeworld to meet up with his family in order to hang up his blaster and retire. But it seems he's found himself pulled into a new conflict.
Then he was off his homeplanet and into the stars. For almost five years he served as a bodyguard to the merchant, protecting the man when he would land on worlds to conduct business, as well as man the ship's cannons when raiders attacked. It was how he first experienced the greater galaxy. He purchased his own starship then ventured out on his own into the world of mercenary work. He would make contact with Usulf, an old mercenary friend of Kalon's who the merchant linked Jer up with. Usulf was a member of the Gold Rancor mercenary band, and Jer would find himself welcomed into the group some time after meeting Usulf.
The Golden Rancor mercenary company was a well known one across the galaxy, they participated in all sorts of conflicts. Wherever the credits could be made. They'd have a hand in the Great Galactic War which raged throughout the stars. The mercenary band worked for the Sith Empire, often serving as paid shock troopers and frontlines reinforcements. Jer would take part in multiple battles on the Sith side, though he didn't exactly like the Empire. They paid well and the contracts were honest enough. As the war went on the mercenaries continued to participate, while Jer climbed the ranks of the group. As the years rolled by he'd rise into higher roles within the mercenary company. His voice become an important one, and he earned respect from those around him.
As the war winded down the Golden Rancor company stayed in it until the end, once it subsided and the credits stopped flowing they ended their part in it. The galaxy was never wholly at peace, there were always conflicts and skirmishes to be found. In the last decade Jer met his future wife Sienni, a dancer. They'd fall deeply in love and it would take his focus away from his mercenary group. He'd leve the Golden Rancor band decisively, shortly after his son Adal was born. Now they have very recently all settled down on Ryloth, buying a cozy cabin in a more calm part of the world. He is on his way back to his homeworld to meet up with his family in order to hang up his blaster and retire. But it seems he's found himself pulled into a new conflict.