In the pits we were broken, Through slaughter we were remade, By Archeon's will we shall ascend!
For countless centuries the forces of Chaos cut a bloody swathe across the Mortal Realms, destroying and corrupting all that they touched. Unable to stand against such an overwhelming opponent the God-King Sigmar bided his time locked behind the gates of Azyr, there he channelled his energies into the construction of an army, one that would rain down his divine judgement upon the forces of Chaos.
As years passed Sigmar’s rage grew until he could contain it no longer, unable able to watch on as the realms were crushed by the ever tightening grip of Chaos, Sigmar unleashed his Stormcast Eternals, warriors reforged into the living embodiment of the God King’s ire. He will know no rest until evil has been driven back and the Mortal Realms returned to their former glory.
For the so called 'free peoples' of the realms, and the long shattered civilizations of Aelves and Duradin, It was the dawn of hope and salvation, The Age of Sigmar had begun.
To the forces of chaos, numberless and ever thirsting for greater challenges to overcome and glory to be earned, This was merely a rebellion against their already proven supremacy, and the god king's thunder-born abominations would find that the age of chaos would not fade into the annals of history so easily.
Welcome one and all to what very well may be this site's first warhammer rp set in the Age of Sigmar. And it's a chaos themed one to boot! For you will all be playing as chaos marauders, reivers, gladiators or whatever you want to call yourselves. Not quite the status of chaos warriors with their magic infused weapons and rune etched warplate. You would still be viewed as mere 'chaff' by such esteemed killers. But that is also what you all hope to change.
You are all going to be playing members of a motly band of marauders drawn from the ranks of the spire tyrants. For those who don't know, the spire tyrants are a catch-all name for former slaves who have been thrown into the infernal crucible that is the Varanspire's fighting pits and against all odds emerged hardened & reborn. You've endured tortures and trials beyond the limits of mortal imagination and endurance, and after who knows how many years of ceaseless pain & slaughter you have now earned yourselves a quasi freedom, you are still undoubtedly Slaves to darkness, but you are no longer slaves to the arena. You have the rare opportunity to leave the Varanspire and venture into the wider realms in search of glory for yourselves, for Archeon and for the dark gods! Or you might die unremembered in some backwater ditch, your bones picked clean by feral cannibals. Just another failed aspirant of chaos. Your fates for better or worse, are you own to forge.
So, with all that out of the way i'm sure many people are still wondering, “Well that's lovely and all, but what the hell are we actually going to be doing?” A fair question. For the start of this game you will be exploring the eightpoints. In particular a region known as the Bloodwind spoil, which is a land of the Eightpoints between the Arcways that connect to Chamon, the Realm of Metal and Ghur, the Realm of Beasts. For the most part your goal is simple survival. You are common servants of chaos no different from millions of other chaff and would-be petty tyrants. You might dream of greatness and becoming true champions of the dark gods but that is a future you have to earn through blood, pain and trial. You will have to prove yourselves both too and against your fellow slaves to darkness. You will fight other servants of the dark gods just as much, if not more often than you would those of the god king and his allies. Sacrifices must be made, relics both profane and holy need to be secured and shrines to false gods desecrated. In short you will do anything and everything within your power to secure the patronage of powerful warlords, daemon princes, sorcerers and the like. Perhaps even earn a nod of recognition of the everchosen himself.
This is based heavily on the lore and factions introduced in the AoS skirmish game 'Warcry' if anyone is familiar with that you've probably already seen all the connections. If you're not familiar with it it's basically the fantasy version of kill team, but faster paced and more three dimensional.
I have no doubt that most people on this site aren't too familiar with AoS. That's fine, if you have any questions or want any clarification on things just ask. One of the advantages of doing this rp in AoS and with the spire tyrants in particular is players have more race options than just being human. Dwarves (There aren't anymore chaos dwarves as you knew them from WFB, that was something very specific. You would just be a dwarf who turned to chaos), any variety of beastmen & the visibly mutated, and elves of all stripes. Other races might be permissable, you just have to have a good pitch.
If you have any questions, comments or queries than please fire away.