Are there any ongoing RPs set in Eberron, or any interest in starting one? I'll take literally anything set in this setting, from tabletop to freeform. I'm a forever DM so I never get to actually play in it.
@The Hobb@evierose Great! What sort of game were you thinking of? (Casual freeform? Dragonmarked House shenanigans? Actual D&D or other tabletop?) My one request is that if it's a tabletop format, I don't have to DM.
Seeing as it doesnt seem there have been any offers to DM Freeform seems to make the most sense. Do we want a game in Sharn or broader Khorvaire? Or an expedition to one of the other continents?
I've played several games in Sharn already, so if the story is taking place in Sharn, I would want it to revolve around something other than low-level enforcement and gumshoeing. Also, I think it would be cool if we wrote a bit about what our characters did during the War and where they were on the Day of Mourning.
Mournland is pretty cool. I have nothing against Sharn, it's just that its lower levels are well-trodden ground for me. But whatever you want to do, I'll go for it. Going to share my 3 favorite things in Eberron: 1. The Silver Flame 2. The Kalashtar and the Inspired 3. The Becoming God.
Kalashtar and the Inspired were always interesting but I could never really figure out how to use Sarlona as a setting, come to think of it I'm surprised they weren't more antagonistic and a more obvious "Red Scare" by way of Orwell parallel. Perhaps freeform is the perfect way to explore D&D does 1984.
The Becoming God is very China Miéville which I am all for more of.
The Inspired are basically Yellow Peril villains without the racism. I was heartbroken that the new book was so sparse when describing Sarlona. Eberron made psionics really cool to me, and Sarlona is pretty much the only place where there's a really intense struggle of Good vs. Evil.
Hey, I just got invited over by Jove and I'd love to give it a shot.
My favorite things about Eberron are: - The Dragonmarked Houses - The Cold War & Politics - The Many Many different well written in Big Bads that can be used at any/all levels - The Industrial Wide Magic
Alright, so it looks like we might want to play as members of the Dragonmarked Houses? Perhaps agents of the Twelve? The adventure could have urban and travel segments. What do you all think?
Curious as to if there's still interest in this or if it stalled out. Dragonmark House centric plot works for me but interested in what the focus of the plot will be too.
I'm still interested, I was waiting for a response from @evierose. I think that before we got to work on a plot, we would create characters and pitch story ideas. IMO, a good character would have some kind of motive or goal baked into it, seeding a potential story. For example, I was thinking of playing a Kundarak scion who's spontaneously developed an aberrant dragonmark, and is trying to find a cure.
I don't think that House Tarkanan as a group is looking for legitimacy. House Tarkanan is basically an assassins' guild with grand aspirations based solely in Sharn, and called themselves a "House" as an act of parody. Nonetheless, an aberrant character still sounds good.
Sorry if it seems like I've been stringing you along, but with my less than stellar grades after exams, school shutting down because of coronavirus, etc. I won't have time for any RPs. Sorry, guys.