The worst things happen in the shadows and it's a place where the law rarely walks.
In Character Info
For years, the conflict between the Exchange and the Hutt cartel has been a continuous thing. They play their war in the background where the light of law can never reach. As time passes, the hostilities against each other only grows.
Welcome to the war.
Recent rumors have it that the Exchange been seriously busy. Hiring smugglers to subtly transport chemicals, samples and equipment to discreet locations. All done to aid their ability to create more profitable and cheaper spice variations. If successful, they could dominate the drug trade. Naturally, the Hutts have their own ways to sabotage the Exchange's plans. They hired bounty hunters and mercs to track down the smugglers.
Now, pick your side.
Out of Character Info
The thread is going to be used for Exchange vs Hutts conflicts. It's a multiple part story about the Exchange's attempts to overcome the Hutt's current drug lord status. The primary focus is on the smugglers and bounty hunters/mercs wrapped up in this hidden conflict. It's a heavily driven story by players with the GMs tossing a few outside threats, challenges, and other stuff.
- Please respect and accept when the GMs make decisions/judgement calls.GMS are Heat and Fallenreaper.
- Player conflict will happen in the rp, but the scene should be worked out and agreed on by both parties involved. The aim is to create a fun story for both players.
- No character deaths without the creator's permission. This must be mentioned either in the OOC or in a pm to both GMs. Any scene that kills a PC and the GMS aren't aware of the agreement, both players will be contacted to ensure it was a mutual agreement. Please don't forget to contact the GMs if there's an issue, and we will help resolve it.
- Have fun and communicate. We encourage players to enjoy adding to the story and exploring the conflict. If you have a big idea, pitch it in the OOC or to the GMs. The best part of rp is when players create their own fun too.