Callsign: Balor
Name: Finn O’Connor
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short auburn hair, blue eyes, and a short beard to wrap it all up together. Finn stands around 5’8 and weighs in at about 170 pounds.
Psychological Evaluation :
Finn is an interesting person to talk to once he gets used to you and becomes more relaxed. Until then though he is generally a quiet and reserved individual not wanting to bring the attention to himself. While this seems to have always been the way he is his, being a sniper probably didn't help much. I will note however that this quietness should not be mistaken for arrogance or indifference, rest assured Finn takes protecting his team very seriously.
Once you do get to know him though he seems to be great company that has a wide array of subjects he is happy to talk about to listen to. His favorite appear to be history and music, both of which he seems to have a large array of knowledge and love for.
Stealth and infiltration.
Hand to hand combat
Observational skills
Multilingual (English, German, Russia)
Steady breath and level head in the field.
Expert Shot
L118A1 AWC
P226 MK 25
2x Smoke Grenade
2x Frag Grenade
2x Stun Grenade
Tactical knife
If not in a sniping mission uses the AR 33
Enhanced Thermal scope on his sniper rifle allowing him to see the heat signatures of not only people but when turned up allows Finn to see where heat has been transferred. (footsteps hand prints.)
Bio: Finn was born and raised just on the outskirts of Belfast. His father Liam was a mechanic by day and a heavy drinker by night. Even from a young age Finn learned to avoid his father as best he could whenever he saw beer cans around unless he wanted to set him off. Finn's mother did her best to protect him and his younger sister from the monster their father could become but you can never hide something like that completely. Finn simply did the best he could to watch out for his younger sister and made it his mission to protect both his mother and sister just like what envisioned a man was supposed to do.
This natural need to protect people meant that Finn was instantly drawn to the military after graduating from school. With a mix of wanting to protect people and earn some money at it Finn enlisted into the Military the day after he graduated and was shipped off the basic training. With Finn being usually a quiet and reserved individual he had a bit of trouble fitting in with most of the soldiers who had also enlisted. Lucky for him however his commanding officer had noticed Finn's high score when it came to marksmanship and so recommended him for sniper school. Here Finn truly felt at home. Being up and above most of the commission while still being able to watch over his brothers and sisters as their unseen guardian.