Hey guys! I'm Shamoo, a 21+ female with almost two - oof - decades of roleplay experience. That being said, I may be new to the site but certainly not the hobby, and I'm hoping I'll find some partners here! I'll put a list below of what I'd like in a partner but, before that, I'll let you know a little bit more about my style! I consider myself high-casual, closer to advanced than casual, and like to focus on character relationships. I'm a sucker for romance, so if our characters click I'll ultimately opt for them to attempt a relationship if not only for drama's sake. That doesn't mean romance should be the only thing happening in the roleplay, so I do like an overarching plot and themes of friendship. I love both quality and quantity and, although I tend to mirror my partner's length, I can guarantee at least 500+ words per reply for those wanting the longer replies. I prefer to play females in MxF pairings; I realize, however, that the majority of this site so far seems to as well. I'll absolutely double with any pairing if you don't feel comfortable, or don't want to, solely play a male character.
I'm down for mature themes and NSFW content, although I admit I have the usual limits and oftentimes opt for more vanilla interactions. I'm not looking for PwP and would prefer that we detail scenes that are important and make sense, fading to black for all other intimate points in our stories. Let me know what your limits are and I'll be happy to abide by them! I do have some limits including anthro and 20+ year age gaps.

The short of it is, I'm looking for someone who is over 18, creative, easily excitable, and passionate about writing. Interesting characters, dialogue that leaves me wanting more, emotions and thoughts and feelings that make me understand why your character does what they do... I want that. As far as writing style, I will admit that I can be particular. In order to combat this, I'd like to offer one of my own writing samples for something you have so that we don't get super invested for things to only sputter and die out. As aforementioned, I am looking for someone to main a male character but am completely willing to double as whatever you wish! Along the lines of doubling, I do like to provide supplementary characters and would hope you do as well.
I'm not available all the time, and I doubt you are, either. There are sometimes days between my replies, sometimes an hour. In that vein, I'm not going to hassle you if it takes a week - or two - to get a reply. I would want for the same thing from my partner: patience. If you're a ghoster, that's okay. Sometime life gets in the way. If you do drop the roleplay and I love it, I'll likely pick it back up at any second. If I stop responding and you want to pick it back up after awhile, that's fine, too.
As far as genres, I'm happy to report that I can be interested in almost anything with the right plot. However, my butter-and-bread would likely be medieval fantasy, modern gritty slice-of-life, and World War II era plots. As far as fandoms I am fairly limited, mostly to Dragon Age and Mass Effect. I'll place a word bank below and bold my cravings. I do have some plots but not many... and honestly they're just generic starters. So I'd love to get something together that we're both excited about, invested in, and can gush over.

love through loss / arranged marriage / modern / slice of life /
medieval fantasy / gritty / detective x witness / World War II
ancient civilizations discovered / Pride and Prejudice-esque /
enemies to friends / Hurt-comfort / Dragon Age / Mass Effect
urban fantasy / Slow-burn / 1920's / apocalyptic / post-apocalyptic
dystopian / futuristic fantasy / "forbidden" romance

Roles that I prefer to play are bold. Most plots offer the ability to double apart from Vive la résistance.
Vive la résistance!
WWII, romance, time skips, war, enemies to lovers
The Rose City
history, adventure, romance, hidden civilization
A Court of Despair and Desperation
medieval, political intrigue, arranged marriage, romance, +/- fantasy
post-apocalyptic, supernatural, betrayal, war
The Ties That Bind
modern, murder mystery, small-town, romance, +/- supernatural
Craving: royalty x forbidden romance

I prefer roleplaying over PMs or GDocs, especially the latter
I do have a Discord for OOC chatter.
So if we sound like a good fit, PM me! Please don't post here as I likely won't see it.