Worlds Apart: Can Love Transcend Across Time and Space?
Chapter One - Fates Intertwined
"Aeri! We're going to be late!" Her mother calls out for her daughter as she came running out of the palace gate and toward their mini shuttle, preparing for launch. The fair haired High Priestess of Altheria boarded the shuttle with her mother, the Queen. They were on their way to the Alpharium Homeworld to attend the funeral of Draderum Alpharius.
Aeria-Sarisa looks out of the window as they ascend into outer space that took them to their bigger transporter ship. It would take them a few hours to travel there. Ever since Aeria's father died from an accident, over forty years ago, it had just been the two of them. Mother and daughter together forever. "You know Aeria...isn't it time you found someone to settle with?" Iridonia asked her as Aeria turned to look at her with bright violet blue eyes. The House Starlight was famous for their eyes.
"I'm not going to be around forever, darling. And I'd hate to think that you'll be all alone." The Queen worried. Who was as equally young looking and fair as her daughter.
"But I've got Snowflake." She insisted naively as she referred to her pet white tiger. Iri smiled sadly. "I know there is someone out there for you. You just have to find them." This was a sad day for her, even more than true Alpharium loyalists. She was saying goodbye to her lover and best friend of over thirty years. She retained the locket he gave her before they forever parted ways to save Iri's life. She wore it every single day since.
Aeria sighed as she gazed out of the window. "There is no-one out there for me. Anyone I ever care for ends up dying. After Father and Dazriel died...I just can't face losing anyone else." She also referred to losing her dearly beloved brother who died with her father in the accident.
Iridonia puts her hand on her daughter's. "It's not your fault they died. It would be better for you to be with one of your own people who will not outlive you..." But other Altherians didn't treat her the way she longed for. They were all afraid to go near the High Priestess or either too confident and arrogant to think that they deserved the Queen's daughter.