Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Week 7, Day 1, in the darkness of evening

It was going to be all right.

Lo repeated to herself and moved to the wall near the foot of the bed. As much as she tried, her over protectiveness refused to let her go farther. Giving into that instinct, she allowed her this weakness but no more. To prevent her from fretting, she leaned against the wall and crossed her arms over her chest. The young Bothan carefully observed her master's progress. As Aren helped him upright, she pressed her lips together to silence the worried words.

This was unavoidable. Being a Healer, she knew the importance of these exercises. Bones and muscles were important. During her master's coma, he had lost both muscle mass and bone strength. They couldn't help properly without some work.

When Aren managed to get him fully up on his feet, Lo's breath stilled in her lungs. Her fur flattened out with a nervousness against her will. On instinct, her upper jaw bit the lower lip. A slight sting to distract her from her master's poor condition.

She never sensed the aftershock's approach until it hit.

An violent and sudden force knocked her balance from her. Her arm snapped out to catch herself. IT managed to snag the bed, stopping her from face planting into the stone floor. Darkness washed over them when the few candles in the hut toppled from their perch. Snuffled out by the impact.

As Lo righted herself, only the few crystals illuminated inside. She froze when she heard Master Rothul plead for Aren to lay himself. The padawan's heart stalled from fear. Half risen, her eyes met Aren's. That eye connection broke her spell as she pushed upright then moved toward her master.

Instinctively, she dropped to her knees. Her palms touched to his side and wordlessly she began to focus her spirit into healing him. Her eyes closed and her mind turned inwardly, using the force to guide her skills.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Bea
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Bea Loves Creativity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Week 7, Day 1, Late Evening

The pain shooting up his right side was unbearable, and he knew exactly what the cause of it was. He hadn't felt this much pain from his hip in months, he had hoped most of the injury had rested. But now, due to the trauma Dominik had sustained during the mortar attack, the injury had flared and he was paying the price.

He felt his Padawan kneel near him, felt her hands on his side. Dominik knew exactly what she was aiming to do, but it wouldn't work. The injury did not heal, ever. If it had healed, it had done so improperly. One arm moved out to push Lo's hands away, "Stop. Lo, it's not worth it." He began, hissing in pain as he pulled his left leg up to bend his knee in order to better support his right side as he lay there.

"Don't waste your energy... my hip isn't able to heal. It never has been." Dominik said, forcing his words out through the pain that wracked his core. His chest rose and fell quickly as his breathing remained unsteady. Aren had moved and grabbed the extra rolled up blanket at the end of the bed and promptly tucked it under the back of his head. She knew they wouldn't be moving him immediately, not with the pain he was dealing with. "Aren... go find Sar. Make sure he's alright... please."

Aren nodded to Dominik before glancing to Lo. "If there's anything you need, please let me know. I'm going to go look for Val too." At that, the Jedi Knight stood and quickly left the hut in search of her charge.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Week 7, Day 1, Evening

Lo frowned as Dominik's hand tried to push her away. Her eyes snapped up, filled with frustration and anger. Immediately the emotions faded when he explained why. She gritted her teeth, but didn't say a word. Instead, her hands pulled back from Dominik's side and back into her lap. She remained sitting on her knees. All the healing energy dissipated.

Silently she watched in helplessness as her master waited for the pain to pass. Through their link, she could easily tell how much he suffered, but she bore none of the pain herself.

At Aren's words, the padawan looked into her direction. A simple nodded revealed she had heard everything. Her following words confirmed it.

"Thank you, Knight Bec. It's appreciated and I will try to remember it." Her voice took on a soft, but quiet tone.

Several silent moments passed before Lo began to raise to her feet. During the unexpected tremor, several things had toppled from the shelving. Including her healing herbs. With a careful and delicate touch, Lo began to pick them up. She paused with a small root in her hand. An idea formed in her head as she moved to her mortar and grind.

"Where's the pain originating from? Nerves, muscles, what? What is it like? Stabbing or continue throbbing?" Lo asked her master, listening carefully to his description.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Bea
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Bea Loves Creativity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Week 7, Day 1, Late Evening

"Nerves..." Dominik mumbled as he listened to his Padawan's questions. "It's always felt sharp... stabbing. Lo there is nothing you can do here," he began, eyes opening to glanced at the young Jedi for a moment.

Many healers had tried and many had come up with little to no answers as to why the injury in his hip wouldn't respond to any form of healing or medical treatment. It was a wound he had sustained during his captivity on Korriban for nearly a year. The Sith had tortured him, used him for tests with certain toxins and Sith Alchemy. He had been beaten and bruised by time help had arrived. It seemed the injury to his hip would be a lasting reminder of that terrible time.

"Save your energy, Lo. There are others who need it more than I do."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Bea
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Bea Loves Creativity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Week 7, Day 1, Late Evening
Sᴀʀ ᴀɴᴅ Jᴇʀ

They weren’t very far from the village now. Sar had taken them through the safest part of the tunnel as he led the way back towards the cavern. His thoughts wandered; over Jer, Dominik, Lo. The Twi’lek man hoped and prayed he was making the right choice. Trust was the hardest thing he could give right now.

His thoughts were shattered at the sudden shaking of the ground beneath them. Sar fell to both knees in an attempt to avoid being knocked down completely. A few of the other men promptly met the ground with their faces before Sar glanced back at Jer just a few moments later. The tremor didn’t last long, but it was powerful, and had obviously come from a source nearby. Was it an earthquake? More mortar bombings? Sar’s thoughts were silenced again as the sound of a loud shockwave and explosion rattled through the tunnels, making the man cover his ears with his hands as his head rang painfully. It was over after a few long seconds, the echo of the blast running through the tunnels.

Sar’s gaze moved farther down the dark tunnel, only lit by the crystals that scattered the cave walls. His men had dropped their torches, the fire being snuffed by the ground, after they had fallen.

The sides of the tunnel cracked, small rocks fell from its ceiling, causing Sar to look up. After a few moments while holding his breath, nothing further happened. No cave in or collapse.. Thankfully. They hadn’t the resources to deal with another.

“Feven, Arso, lead the group back to check on the village, Jer and I will be right behind you.”

The former mercenary’s eyes went wide as he felt the entire cavern rumble. He went down roughly, the impact evident from the sound his heavy metallic armor made. Jer sat there as the shaking continued, praying that it did not collapse the entire cave system and crush them all. Ryloth had the occasional earthquakes but they never were that powerful. His eyes went wide at the distinct sounds of an explosive shockwave echoing through the tunnels. It brought him back to the war, those horrific moments of being shelled by the enemy. The only thing you could truly do was hit the floor and hope the blasts missed you.

Jer’s gaze darted upwards at the shaking ceiling, he breathed slowly in those dreadful moments which dragged on like hours. A large chunk of rock splintered off from the cavern’s ceiling, causing Jer to sprawl to his feet. It slammed into the floor and shattered into smaller pieces, filling the air momentarily with dust. As the bombing subsided and the cavern’s shaking ceased he glanced over at Sar as the twi’lek issued orders.

“I don’t think that will be the last strike on the caverns. I’d wager they’re gonna try to bring the entire cave system upon us.” He stated as he walked alongside Sar, watching the other men move off ahead. The prospect of relocating somewhere either deeper into the caverns or outside of them would have to be debated.

"That wasn't like the attack before…" Sar began, glancing to the man at his side. His eyes moved to observe the darkened tunnel, noticing the deeper cracks and falling dust from loose rocks. The main cavern was the safest thing; structurally it was very strong and proved to withstand the last attack against them. But if the tunnels collapsed, they would be trapped.

But… they were in no position to gather up supplies and move. Dominik had just woken, he was their main source of strength when it came to building and moving the larger things around. Many of what they had done wouldn't have been possible if Dominik hadn't have helped.

"We need to get back, to make sure the people are alright." Sar began, picking up his pace and making sure Jer could keep up as well.

Upon arriving back at the cavern, emerging from the smaller tunnel, it was noticeable the cavern had been hit hard by the shockwave. There were Twi'lek everywhere, helping one another around, assisting those injured by their fall or something previous. Picking up supplies that had been scattered from the shockwave.

Sar led the way through his people, assisting many as he walked by, gauging the damage that had been done. It wasn't just supplies that had been scattered and damaged, it was the morale of the people too. It had helped to know the Jedi Master lived after the mortar attack, but now another attack so soon afterwards? He could feel their frustration, their fear.

Sar knew he needed to speak with the Jedi. Something needed to be done. If they didn't lose the war via fighting, they would lose the war if the support of his people vanished. Sar led the way towards Dominik's hut, no doubt he'd at least find the older Jedi and his Padawan there.

“It seems they ramped up the attack. It just means we will have to act more quickly.” As Jer echoed Sar’s increased walking pace. The attacks would not cease any time soon.

As they arrived at the cavern the elder twi’lek’s eyes took in the sight of the gathered resistance movement. There seemed to be a panic to their motions, it was something he’d seen many times before with his experience in war. These people never signed up to be soldiers, they weren’t even that. They were simply defending their homeworld and taking up arms was the best they had. Even then the odds were not exactly on their sides as they faced an overwhelming opposition intent on bringing caves down upon them. Still, Jer had sworn to help them. With intelligent strategy, bold maneuvers and some luck they had a chance.

“How well stocked are we weapons wise? I could send a transmission to some old acquaintances and try to have some more firepower delivered.” He stated calmly, following Sar through the cavern towards the Jedi. Simple hunting rifles wouldn’t do much against well armed slavers.

"We don't have much in the way of weapons besides what we've been able to scrounge up from remaining villages." Sar explained as he noticed Aren walking towards them.

“I’ll see what I can do.” Jer stated right before the Jedi started towards them.

The Jedi Knight walked straight up to Sar whilst giving Jer a quick glance over. She hadn't the time to ask extra questions.

"Aren… how is Dominik?" The Twi'lek man asked quickly, to which Aren took a deep breath as she glanced back in the direction of his hut.
"I was helping him to stand when the tremors hit… he's not well. I think he's dealing with more pain than he's letting on. His Padawan is tending to him right now- she'll need help getting him back up onto the bed later." Aren glanced to Jer again before looking back to Sar, "I need to find Val. If you need any help don't hesitate to ask me later."

The twi’lek mercenary stayed silent as the two friends conversed. He did not recognize the young Jedi, or the other one that he spoke of. It had been some time since the war had ended after all. Jer also felt it was better for everyone involved if the Jedi here were ones that he didn’t know. He would already have a sour enough reputation among them for his wartime actions

“How many other Jedi are there here? I’m Jer by the way, Jer Vusid. Some of the slavers tried to ransack my home, I see they did a number elsewhere too.” He said as he spoke out to the Jedi.

“There are four of us total, counting the two Padawan learners. We’re hoping more will show soon, but the Council is very wary of sending aid right now. But in light of recent events, I do believe we’ll need it soon.” Aren said, replying to Jer before glancing at Sar and nodding.

“If you’ll excuse me.” she said, bowing quickly but politely before she turned quickly, hurrying off to try and find her Padawan.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Week 7, Day 1, Late Evening

"No disrespect Master, but I disagree." Lo's face turned to face her master. A familiar hardness etched into her muzzle and eyes. She let her frustration yield to her determination as she leaned her back against the table. In her hands, the mortar and grind already had been turning the herbs into a paste.

"I might not be able to heal it, but I can give you a painkiller. I do this for a few good reasons." Her voice remained firm and resisting her master's protest. She shifted the grind into the bowl as she lifted her fingers and counted the reasons.

"First," her first finger lifted.

"If anyone sees you in that condition, it will affect the Twi'lek's faith in you. Especially since it's a persisting injury that they knew nothing about until now. While Sar and a few others understand, others will not."

She lifted her second finger.

"I need to be able to focus. Through our link, I get faint sensations and those are distracting. This is to give us time to teach me how to block it out."

Lo inhaled, revealing her last and final reason.

"Finally, before you deny the painkiller with the excuse that others need it... I'm only using local herbs. Ones we can easily replenish and have plenty in stock. I also need the practice to familiarize myself with how they work and strength. You're going to help with that."

Once more, the padawan inhaled.

"Now, stop being unreasonable. Else, I will show you exactly how H'Ratth healers tend to stubborn patients." Lo appeared to prepare herself to deal with additional issues as she looked at her master.

Dominik listened to his Padawan’s words as she spoke, giving him no time to interject with an argument as she countered every single one he was preparing to throw at her. By the end of it, Dominik was obviously peeved at his Padawan’s ability to argue with him at that moment, but he also admired her determination and stubbornness.

He pulled back a glare that had formed; she knew how to argue and how to do it well. The older Jedi huffed in frustration before his eyes closed as he accepted his defeat. He shifted his legs slightly as he felt the sharp pain threatening to dig deeper into his hip.

“You’ve learned well.” He muttered in defeat, wincing at the pain he felt but attempting to distract his mind by talking to his Padawn.
“Well, I have spent about two months with you. If I haven’t learned anything during that time, I consider myself a terrible padawan.” Lo stated bluntly as she finished grinding the herbs then shaking the paste into a cup. She passed it to him.

“It needs to be digested. Beware, the herbs are bitter. I suggest taking some water with them to ease the taste.” After she passed it off, Lo looked to her master.

“We need to get you off the floor before the chill makes it worse.”

Dominik reached out slowly, accepting the cup from his Padawan. He brought it to his nose, smelling its bitter scent before pulling it to his lips. Closing his eyes, he sat up slightly, using his other arm to hold him up before he threw his head back, swallowing the paste in one go. He could help the face he made moments later before he coughed a couple times, swallowing in an attempt to get the taste to disappear faster. He held the cup back out towards Lo, allowing her to take it before that arm returned to help prop his body to fully.

Without waiting for Lo's help, he slowly turned his body so that he was in a sort of kneeling position, gathering his strength before he slowly started to help himself stand.

Lo stood there, watching her master swallow the herbs. She reached for the bowl then quickly turned away. Not seeing the pain or struggle helped her to squash down the urge to help him. His pride and stubbornness would fight her on that.

"So how do you feel? Are the herbs dealing with the pain at least? Don't lie because I'll know." Her voice retained a firm, but softer tone this time.

Dominik slowly found his footing as he stood, keeping most of the weight off of his sore hip, though he could tell the herb paste was already working. He winced as he felt a dull pain surge from his hip and down his leg, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as it had been before. He looked to a nearby crude wooden table, one hand reaching out towards it. On it, his lightsaber and wooden walking stick started to tremble. He pulled both of them quickly towards him, both landing in either hand. Dominik mounted the lightsaber on his waistbelt while the other hand took the walking stick firmly and held it down next to his right leg. The walking stick came up to his waist, a finely made cane of carved wood and leather. Dominik adjusted his clothing on his form, noting how they were starting to wear, before looking over towards his Padawan.

“Come Lo…” He said, pausing and showing his Padawan a weak but confident smile, “we should try to find out what happened, and see if Sar needs any help.”

“Lead the way.” She snatched her own lightsaber and quickly followed him out of the hut.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Bea
Avatar of Bea

Bea Loves Creativity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Week 7, Day 1, Late Evening

It didn’t take Dominik long to find Sar, for the Twi’lek leader seemed to have nearly sought him out after the tremor. He seemed to be accompanying another older Twi’lek as well. The second’s aura felt vaguely familiar, but the older Jedi had been through a lot. So he pushed the familiarity aside as Sar approached him and Lo.

The familiar Twi’lek broke off as the two Jedi got near, Dom couldn’t tell what for, but he pushed the thought aside. Holding on tightly to the waist-high walking stick in his right hand, Sar covered most of the distance so that the older Jedi wouldn’t have to.

“I’m glad to see you are both alright.” Sar said, glancing from the older Jedi to the younger one for a moment. “How are you feeling?” he continued, looking back to Dominik.

“Could be better. But thanks to Lo’s quick thinking, I’ve got some herbal medicine down that should dull the pain considerably, for a while at least. How are things here?”

Sar sighed and glanced behind him, seeing Jer helping a few younger Twi’leks and watching a few others work before looking back to the Jedi. “We’re alright. But our scouts aren’t sure what the tremor was caused by. We’re going to gather up a few advanced scouting parties to depart when things settle down.”

“I recall you mentioned that Ryloth is most dangerous at night. I assume you’re waiting until morning to send them?” Lo asked, checking her facts. She tilted her head and watched the Twi’lek’s reaction to her question.

“Exactly.” Sar replied, nodding to Lo in confirmation. He caught Dominik’s confused expression out of the corner of his eye. He couldn’t blame the older Jedi though, it had been weeks since he had been outside, or even been moving. It was starting to show in his form; he seemed thinner, a little slower and it reflected in his voice how his body felt. Though Sar had no doubt that Dominik could recover fully and get back to where he had been before the mortar attack.

The older Jedi couldn’t help but feel worried as to what the cause of the ‘tremor’ had been. “I can lead a small party through one of the tunnels so-”

Sar interrupted immediately, holding one finger up so as to show Dominik he was speaking over him. “No, Master Jedi. You are still healing. Lo and I can take care of the patrols, we need you here.”

“Master, we have only been on Ryloth for a short time. I feel it’s best to trust Sar’s judgement and wisdom on this matter. He is a native of the planet and knows the full risk of certain actions. It’s what the Force tells me to do.” Lo said, keeping the older Jedi from insisting on carrying out his suicidal intentions.

Hearing his Padawan’s words, Dominik took a deep breath and sighed calmly, accepting his defeat. “You listen well Lo.” Dominik said, smiling weakly over at his Padawan before looking back to Sar. “I trust both of you in doing this. I’ll stay back and help your people while you’re out.” He then turned to Lo, his expression somewhat stern before he spoke, “If you need anything, I’ll be here. This isn’t the first hit I’ve taken, young one. But I want you to be wary, we don’t know yet who is behind this, or what the cause of it was in the first place.” He warned, his eyes resting on his Padawan before they moved back to Sar. Dominik smiled weakly again, nodding to his friend before he turned.

His eyes caught the large pile of rock across the cavern, no doubt the same one he had used to create a protective barrier between the Twi’lek people and the explosions weeks ago. He said nothing to Lo before starting towards the pile. He needed to meditate, to clear his mind so that he could freely think on what or who was to come.

Lo watched her master, but didn't interfere. The moment he was out of earshot, she let out a large and heavy sigh. It rumbled through her body before she turned to Sar with a faint smile.

"I should've expected this. All healing patients get antsy as they heal and the pent-up energy doesn't help. I wish we were at H'Ratth. They would suggest water exercises to build up strength and stamina."

Sar chuckled heartily, looking down to Lo before glancing over as Dominik walked away. “I’m not sure he would count as a normal patient either Lo. Your Master has a stubbornness to him that it seems only you can tame.”

“It’s not easy. The trick is logic he would use. Which is harder unless you know him well enough. I’m still struggling with it and H’Ratth has dealt with stubborn patients before. It’s where I learned how.” She chuckled softly, recalling the lessons.

“A few would’ve likely slipped something into his tea and let him sleep for a while.”

Sar chuckled a little louder than he wanted, but he couldn’t help it. Imagining a Jedi Master put to sleep by his Padawan through use of herbal tricks. “You’ve done well Lo,” he said, putting a comforting hand on her closest shoulder as he looked down at her. “You’ve both helped my people more than anyone else, and your own healing abilities are invaluable. Thank you.” Sar said, giving her a reassuring smile. He was grateful for all the Jedi had done, and was even more grateful for all Lo herself had sacrificed. She had saved his people, and even her Master after the mortar bombings.

“I do my best and with what I know. Healing is natural to me. I’m also glad it helps everyone that needs it, even I hope it is never needed.” Lo inhaled then moved on.

“I will meet a few of the scouts for a report later. The more knowledge I get, the more likely my master will settle down and at least remain in the village. For now, I should check my supplies and take note over what we might need. Something in the Force tells me it is better to be safe than sorry.” With that, she took her leave.

Soon after leaving Sar and Lo, Dominik found himself standing in front of the pile of rubble that was the tunnel collapse he had initiated weeks ago. He smirked at the thought of how silly he must look. Standing in front of a mountain of rock, reflecting upon the attack that put him in his current condition. Dominik knew he had done all that he could. His mind exhausted his options at the time, and even reflecting upon it now there was nothing Dominik could think of that would have worked better. That whole experience seemed to have a lasting impression on Lo, as any chance of losing your Master would to any Jedi. Dominik just hoped he hadn’t forced her to grow up, to lose that sense of freedom and learning that involved being a younger Jedi. He had all of these concerns, grievances, and regrets. His near death experience brought back painful memories of his past, memories he had believed to be gone forever; things he’d prefer not to reflect upon.

It seemed that first he would have to clear his most recent obstacle. But that would take more time, patience, and forgiveness in himself and what had happened.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Bea
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Bea Loves Creativity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Week 7, Day 2, Early Morning
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Week 7, Day 2, Early Morning

Lo smiled and took the bowl from the camp fire. Numerous vegetables and meat floated in a rich, dark broth. Most the food on Ryloth had been stews, mush, or simple meat and bread arrangements. Not that she complained. The cooks were surprisingly good at making whatever they had smell and taste acceptable.

Thanking the young blue skinned Twi’lek, the young bothan made her back to her master’s quarters. She carefully balanced a tray with two bowls of stew, bread, and yellow mush. Her nose twitched with each step, but she managed to keep it steady in her hands. Carefully she navigated through the others waiting in line for their portions.

Her eyes caught sight of her master sitting by the rock pile, deep in mediation. Her head cocked to the side in confusion. Choosing not to question the reason endlessly, she moved closer. She stopped in front of him then set the tray down between them. Her legs folded up to pad her rump from the hard, packed floor.

“You should eat,” Lo stated as she held out a bowl for him, with some bread.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Bea
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Bea Loves Creativity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Week 7, Day 2, Early Morning

Dominik had managed to grab a few more hours of sleep the previous night. His body hadn't felt exhausted but his mind said otherwise. After waking again, he immediately found himself back in front of the mountain of rock. The rest of the village started to stir as the sun rose higher over the horizon. The crystals grew brighter and slowly the chill in the air started to soften.

Whilst everyone lined up for their portions, Dominik found himself lost in thought and meditation. No one else would be able to pull him out of his trance save Aren, Val, and Lo of course. As his Padawan drew near, Dominik's mind returned to the present and his eyes opened as Lo sat in front of him. He took in a deep breath as he completely closed off his mind from the trance he had been in and focused on Lo. A small smile grew on his face at her suggestion to eat. It was more an order, and Dominik knew there was no denying it.

"As you wish." He said, chucking as he took the bowl from her hands and moved it to his lips, taking a long sip of the broth over the rim of the bowl. There was a silence between them for a short moment, one Dominik despised. Many of the older Twi'leks were on edge. Patrols were going out today, one of them had already left earlier. It was a dangerous time to be leaving the cavern but an assessment of their surroundings was necessary. Dominik just hated the idea of not seeing the situation with his own eyes.

"Are you prepared for today?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tsukai
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Tsukai Pathfinder

Member Seen 2 days ago

Week 7, Day 2, Early Morning

As Val adjusted his cloak and pressed against the vegetation next to him concealing himself he though back to the night before. Remembering the blast wave ripping through the underground compound. Val was in the storage rooms lending a hand to the Twi'lek who where doing some simple organizing of food and supplies. As the blast wave hit, it threw some supplies off the shelf and onto the ground. Once Val recovered from his flinch he looked in dismay at the supplies he had just put on the shelf, all back on the floor again. He looked towards the Twi'leks who had terror in their eyes, He comforted them and told them not to worry. Hurrying off to find Master Aren he stopped to help a little here and there until he found her. She was busy helping and trying to figure out what the source of the detonation was. He pitched in as much as he could which was tiring, running back and forth checking on things and doing little fixes here and there.

Once things had settled back down he returned to Master Aren, She informed him of their early departure the next morning on a patrol to go scout out what had caused the shake. He nodded and headed straight to his quarters to rest up for the day to follow. He slept so well that he awoke to Master Aren shaking him gently encouraging him to get up and ready so they could leave for the patrol. With a weak attempt he sat himself up and got going on his preparations. Val rounded up his gear and made some camouflage for the upcoming patrol, once finished he linked up with the patrol and they all started out. Val just following the patrols lead seemingly distracted in thought the whole time.

Val blinked.

He looked around noticing he had been daydreaming. Val gave himself a pinch and a reminder to stay focused on the mission. With that he was attentive to his surrounding, pushing out with the force like Master Aren showed him, doing his best to search for anything out of the ordinary.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Week 7, Day 2, Early Morning
Location: Twi'lek underground village

Lo relaxed as she watched him take the bowl, eating the simple breakfast. She was thankful the Twi'lek had learned how to make their fires smokeless. However, they still needed to be careful. Any fires could easily lead the Sith and the Slavers back to their door. It wouldn't help anyone.

The younger bothan sipped her tea as she considered the future for a single moment. Her master's question interrupted her thoughts causing her to look at him. It left her scrambling for a reply which she had none. Her fur bristled a bit then settled down once more.

"Speaking bluntly, Master. Ever since we came to Ryloth, have I ever been ready for the day? From slavers to sith, the time spent here has taught me one thing. Readiness is an illusion for life. No one is truly prepared for whatever a day will bring." Lo paused for a moment, a bit surprised by the words she spoke. They were truthful, but sounded weird coming from her.

She sighed. "Sorry, the short answer is no. I am not."

Her hand began to rip a piece off the bead then folded it, scooping some yellow mush onto it. She popped it into her mouth and chewed. A thick and grainy texture, but a strong favor. The padawan rather enjoyed it.

"How are the herbs working? I decided to experiment and alter the herbs, substituting one for another. One that was a bit easier to get around the village."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Bea
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Bea Loves Creativity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

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