Name: Alonzo Scott, Medical Doctor
Age: 42
Appearance: Alonzo is a tall fellow for this time period and he stands at 72", weighing in about 230 pounds. Cocca brown skin with brown eyes and black short hair. No facial hair and he like all men in the era is wearing a three-piece suit, usually black, light or dark brown or his grey pinstripe. The headgear might either be a "bowler" or a straw hat.
Occupation: as a child; Farmhand, Muleskinner ( Teamster ), middle school to high school; music and dance, 1st job was as a mailroom / Porter on trains till he was able to afford college. Mathematics was his best subject, followed by Biology, Chemistry, and pharmacology.
Internal medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics, and Gynecology become his specialties.
Dr. Scott was a hometown doctor that does house calls for colored folk and those that needed discretion would come to him as well, in secret (Abortions, Bullet holes).
Interests: Alonzo is a bit of a book worm and enjoys his cigars, pipes, and other vices. Mostly he is drawn to the speakeasies and jazz clubs where he might join the band in a "swinging time".
Fears and phobias: signs of the supernatural, ghosts, and spirits are not natural, science can explain a lot but the dead can speak from the grave and need respect.
Superstitions: Baron Samedi, vooDoo, Santería
Skills: Former Railroad worker (Porter / Mailroom / Valet / Musician /Performer/ Actor: Piano, singer /Dancer: Tap, jazz, ballroom)
Driving, Drinker Alertness, Stealth, good listener, edict memory Streetfighting and unarmed, Pistols and Shotguns, Brute strength (Physical labor; Daily).Intimidation, Stamina, Healthy, Fast talk, con artist, reads people ( sense motive ), Streetwise ( Speakeasy ), connected in town ( Arkhan, etc?) Diplomacy ( dealing with other cultures and still smiles) First aid, Diagnosis, Surgery, Psychology, Long term care, Pharmacology, Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy and physiology. Mortician, Latin, French creo and Spanish
Intelligence/Sanity: Intelligent wise... He is up to par and likes to do more research than most like to dwell on a subject. He quotes research papers and enjoys intellectual comments and banter of various medical findings and works printed from various journals. "knowledge is power!"
Born a poor black child in a large family of 8 siblings, Alonzo had two older brothers and an older sister, he fell in line after them, his sister took care of him as his mother was working three jobs, just like father, and almost never see him till he was older. The two older boys shoulder the family fieldwork as "sissy" would tend to him and the others. Alonzo wasn't going to be like his siblings and he was encouraged to study, learn to love it and everything will be alright. pencils were expensive, father would sometime find an extra or even a pen that a passenger might leave behind on the train, father was a porter and a member of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and Maids (BSCPM). They all worked hard, Alonzo help when and if he could. He knew if he ever "made it" that his burden would be to take care of those that took care of him in return. Alonzo still help shoulder things around the home, worked the field like the others, and was always reminded "ASNF". After grade school, high school was a lot hard do to the fact that even going to an all negro school, the standards were high. After High school, looking for a school that would accept him, he didn't make the first pass and worked as a porter like his father. But soo, another letter came accepting me and he was off to the university. His folks wanted to send money, but as always, things where thought all over. Recalling his "protocol and music" lessons, he would spend time in the "fast money" areas. He would play in the dance halls while studying his medical books. violence was commonplace for the opposed and his people were mostly victims. in his last years of the university he would volunteer time at the community hospitals, to refine his skill set. Then after school an opportunity came along. A small town colored doctor was getting ready to retire and was looking for a replacement in Arkham, Mass. This was his break 2 years ago. during that time, he hears things but always dismiss them, Science will prevail and explain the smoke and mirrors of a con artist. Being a part of that world so long about it just easier to explain the bumps in the night as such and read about things later in the paper. The ways of the old still speak in the darkness for those that are in tune with it.
child stories to scare the young and the old...
ASNF.... Alonzo sends home back home to everyone and lives a quiet life, to too many frills, he likes his cigars, pipes, and Liquor but who doesn't?. The gangs pay extra and well, so it's nice to get a perk of two out of it. Alonzo doesn't worry about being robbed anymore as much as before. Maybe you might call it even a perk.