The land of Bileth has been ravaged. The necromancer Borazum tore through the realm, indiscriminately slaughtering and killing. Towns and cities fell, the greatest holding on by the skin of their teeth, hiding behind consecrated walls. It took the rising up of five great adventurers- Eanril Argentblade, Vezz Darran, Iona Nially, Pellius the Wise and Dom Sevenstring to finally destroy Borazum's forces and return him to rest.
Now, a month on, the surviving towns are only now pulling themselves back together. You, adventuers of some renown through the realms, yet far from the power and glory of the now-vanished five, have all been sent a letter by the mayor of one of these surviving towns- Exaster.
He bids you to come to the town, settle there, protect it. In exchange, he offers you all tracts of land and wealth; enough for you to be called lords in your own right. Take the offer, he urges you, and return Exaster to its former glory. In a world rent and broken, you have the potential to bring some sense of order to the place.
To explain a little better what this campaign will be about, your characters will start as level eight adventurers in a campaign after the campaign, so to speak. The great threat of the ancient lich Borazum has been defeated, but the world has not simply gone back to being normal now that he has gone. Each of your characters has been offered tracts of land by the mayor of Exaster, and by taking him up on the offer you now go to administer to the town.
In this RP, combat will be a smaller focus. Instead, the conflict will come from how you manage the buildings and lands offered to you, and how this clashes with what others want. Perhaps your pleasant gardens will be frequented by thugs and ne'er-do-wells looking to lighten the purses of those visiting, or pirates are cutting off shipping to your docks. Maybe that new sawmill of yours has had a visit from a very peeved dryad... Or maybe someone's just stiffed you at a tavern and you want some petty revenge.
If you're interested in a more roleplay heavy campaign, then this might just be what you're looking for.