Name: Samir Serrano
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Hometown: Mossdeep, Hoenn

Height: 5'8 ft 173 cm / Weight: 161 lbs 73 kg / Build: athletic / Eyes: hazel / Hair: black / Style: casual and preppy
Personality: Sam is a quicksilver sort of character, fast and flighty and difficult to ground. This shows both in his relationships - he's never been close to someone long enough to call them his best friend, much less a partner - and his temperament, demonstrated by his annoying complete lack of social perception and tact. He despises introspection, preferring to focus more on the future than the present, and not at all on the past. He's eager to make his own way in the world, to the point of selfishness; he neither wants nor needs anyone, with the simple exception always having been pokémon. People are judgmental and needy, but pokémon always carry their fair share, with no expectations, just simple acceptance. A powerful team of his own is all he wants, something to guarantee nothing and no one will ever hold him back or knock him down ever again.
Profession: Pokémon Trainer
Talents: Sam is a low-level psychic, not anything like a psychic pokémon or some of the more dedicated psychic-type trainers out there, but he can sense the moods and personalities of those around him, and communicate via simple telempathic thoughts. He cannot move nor control anything or anyone with his mind, nor can he outright read minds or memories, he deals only with 'feelings'. Sam was once a thief, and as such got quite good at sneaking and stealing, as well as a good eye for figuring out what something is worth. He also has a certain charisma, able to easily leave good impressions on people, with just enough cunning to be good at lying without getting caught.
timer ball x 5 / premier ball x 1 (in-use) / potion x 2 / antidote x 2
casual outfit x 3 / smartphone x 1 / Kanto map x 1 / snacks x 5
backpack x 1 / hammock x 1 / bike x 1
toiletries / identification / money
casual outfit x 3 / smartphone x 1 / Kanto map x 1 / snacks x 5
backpack x 1 / hammock x 1 / bike x 1
toiletries / identification / money
Starter Pokemon: Magnes, short for Magnesium, is a young and cautious Beldum Sam acquired from a shady breeder through less than reputable means.
Biography: Sam's parents weren't bad people, but they weren't very good parents either. The Drs. Serrano were engineers and inventors who retired to Hoenn from Orre after their contractor cut them loose. He didn't learn until after their deaths that they'd been working for a villain called Cipher. They passed when he was only fifteen, an experiment of theirs failing spectacularly and leading to their slow decline in a hospital bed.
It wasn't long before Sam was scrambling for money to pay for both his needs and his bills. Luckily Team Rocket became active in the city about that time, and though he mostly stayed out of their way the distraction they caused for the police allowed him to sharpen his burglary skills largely unnoticed. He committed a handful of thefts against the city's upperclass, stealing valuable objects that wouldn't much be missed and fencing them for a quick lump of cash to get him by.
He was caught only once, and not by the police. Team Rocket had been staking out his latest target, a ship carrying cargo for a local breeder who was up to something suspicious, not that Sam ever found out what exactly. He was just about to swipe a whole box of TMs when the villains accosted him for moving in on their score. They taunted him by threatening to tie him up and toss him overboard, and when he made to run their pokémon attacked him, damaging another of the breeder's cargo crates and revealing a cache of pokéballs. Wasting no time he swiped the first one within reach and released it to defend himself with. The Beldum managed to hold them off long enough for the breeder himself to intervene, and rewarded/bribed Sam by allowing him to keep his Beldum provided he told no one about anything that had been seen or heard that night.
After that scare, and now armed with a pokémon partner, Sam went legit and cut his criminal ties. He left Mossdeep and acquired legal funds enough to get him started and set out to expand his team and get strong enough that desperation and danger became a thing of the past.
Samir ffd966 / Magnes 5d7a78 / HeartGold <3
Sam prefers pokémon of a certain "floaty" disposition, types that levitate, fly, or defy the laws of gravity are all of interest to him, meaning most of his catches will by dragon, flying, ghost, or psychic types, with the occasional bug type thrown in.
Sam prefers pokémon of a certain "floaty" disposition, types that levitate, fly, or defy the laws of gravity are all of interest to him, meaning most of his catches will by dragon, flying, ghost, or psychic types, with the occasional bug type thrown in.