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P R I V A T E E R ~ C O R E L L I A N D A W N ~ N E W R E P U B L I C

Character Alignment: Chaotic Good

Character Background: Huc was born on Corellia in the year 15BBY, years after the formation of the Empire and their stranglehold over the galaxy. His parents were laborers in the Corellia Shipyards, and led a simple, yet safe, life under the eye of the Empire. Neither were fans of the totalitarian state, but held their opinions to themselves in order to protect their young son. Huc's earliest memories were his father sitting with him as they watched the ships come and go from the shipyards. Sal, his father, would explain the capabilities of each ship and Huc would dream of flying away on one. Like all Corellians, he had a wanderlust that the Empire would no longer allow, especially for someone of his class.

As he grew, his parents' treatment at the hands of the Empire as well as being stuck on a planet he was beginning to see as a prison began to form his hatred of the Empire. This was all crystallized when his mother died in a shipyard accident caused by the Empire overworking the shipyard employees. The loss devastated Huc and Sal, sending the latter into a state of full on radicalization. He began meeting with a group that called itself the Corellian Resistance. The group began as nothing more than a secret forum for people to vent their frustrations. Huc was allowed to attend the meetings, setting him down the path that would consume his destiny.

Everything changed after the Battle of Yavin. As news of the Death Star's destruction spread, the Resistance on Corellia became emboldened. Outright sabotage of Imperial efforts in the shipyards became the norm, and some radical members of the group began outright attacking Imperial installations.

Seeing that true insurrection was impossible without support from the upstart Rebel Alliance, Sal devised a drastic plan. He would steal a YT-2000 light freighter from the shipyards and use it as a blockade runner to supply the rebel band. Huc was adamant he join his father, arguing that he was now at an age where he could no longer be protected. So the father and son infiltrated the shipyards and stole the freighter from under the nose of the Empire, and made contact with a Rebel cell.

For the next few years the two of them were the critical supply link between the Rebellion and the Corellian Resistance. They ran blockades, smuggled contraband, and even performed prison breaks using the ship, which Sal named the Corellian Dawn.

Huc began training with the fighters of the Resistance, becoming an able commando in his own right. While not proficient in the skills, he could slice into simpler systems when needed. But his true calling was flying the Dawn, which his father taught him how to do. He was a natural, and could adeptly fill in for his father when needed.

The Resistance was successful in disrupting the shipyards, buying the Rebellion time and infuriating the local governor. This eventually led to a more sizable garrison on the planet, as well as the nefarious replacement of local workers with slave labor to ensure compliance. This made life for the Resistance harder, and the fighting became more desperate across Corellia.

Eventually, they were given word that the Rebellion was going to make a decisive strike on the Empire soon. To coincide with this, the Corellian Resistance planned to cripple the Imperial presence on the planet. Using a major guerrilla-style attack throughout Coronet City, the Resistance systematically wiped out Stormtroopers en mass while the ships they had assaulted the shipyards and freed the slaves held there.

It was during this mission that tragedy once again struck Huc's life. Sal was covering a group of slaves as they boarded the Dawn, and was shot down by a Stormtrooper. Unable to retrieve his father's body, Huc escaped with the liberated workers and was never able to bury his father properly. But the mission was a success, the Empire on Corellia was greatly weakened, and Huc knew that's all Sal would have cared about in the end. Now he and his wife were joined in the Force.

From this tragedy came opportunity. In the group of slaves he rescued were Yu'li Tavir, a Togrutan that was about his age, as well as the Herglic named Gor-Nada, who fancied himself Yu'li's surrogate father. Yu and Huc bonded quickly, as neither had many peers in their same age group inside the Resistance ranks. It turned out Yu'li was a crack shot with nearly any weapon handed to her, and she could man the guns of the Corellian Dawn like a pro. Her mischievous ways partnered with Huc's easygoing attitude led to the pair getting in more trouble than they should have in Resistance headquarters. It was usually Gor that had to reprimand them. He had become a mechanic for the Resistance, and was a whiz when it came to repairing the Dawn. The two became the permanent crew for the ship, and Huc was happy to have a family again.

When the fledgling New Republic decided to fully liberate Corellia, Huc, the Corellian Dawn, and her new crew took part in the Battle of Corellia, helping the New Republic fleet to drive the Empire out of the important ship yard. After the battle, they were offered official commission to join the Fleet, but Huc had other ideas. He had waited too long to explore the galaxy, and thought that being tied to orders from the New Republic Navy would hinder those opportunities. Instead, he proposed that the Dawn and her crew would be privateers in the service of the New Republic. They would raid Remnant shipping lines and merchant vessels, taking some of the profits while delivering the rest to the nearest Republic base. The proposal was accepted, and the Dawn set out across the galaxy to do just that.

Along their travels, Huc "acquired" an AC series pilot droid to act as his co-pilot aboard the Dawn, and Yu purchased a domesticated Loth-cat known as Fuzzball as a pet.

The crew is currently in the Outer Rim, on the planet Batuu, hunting rumors of Imperial expeditions into the Unknown regions...

Character Personality: Huc is driven by his desire to see the Empire wiped out for their crimes against the galaxy. He believes fully in the promise of the New Republic, and has hope the new Jedi Order can keep the peace in the galaxy. He is dedicated to helping those that need it, some times to the point of folly or endangering his mission. This can lead to friction with his crewmates, who are more focused on profit and moving onto the next job, but his easygoing and fun-loving attitude often leads to quick forgiveness. He is a smooth talked, and even though he bares scars from his freedom fighter days, he uses his handsomeness to his advantage. His swashbuckling demeanor is used to paint over the deep seeded pain he still carries from losing his family, however, something only Yu'li truly knows about him.

He's never happier than when he is behind the helm of his ship, the Corellian Dawn. Flying is the thing he truly is best at, and he never passes up an opportunity to show off. His co-pilot, the reprogrammed Star Tour pilot droid AC-DK known as "Duck", often reprimands his flying style.

During missions, Huc never kills those that don't deserve it. Only military targets such as Stormtroopers, TIE pilots, or Imperial Remnant Officers are liable to be killed. This can sometimes lead to trouble, as raided merchants often send the authorities after the Dawn, and sometimes Huc's crew believe he enjoys being chased.

Huc loathes the leftover racism that still lingers after the Empire's rule, and is fiercely protective of Yu'li and Gor, even though they don't need him to be.

Character's Physical description: Seen above. About 5'10", and 200lbs

Character Class: Force-Sensitive Scoundrel (Privateer)


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DisturbedSpec Someone who has a theoretical degree in physics.

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Character's name: A-Ø62 'Price'

Age: 14 (24 due to accelerated aging).

Race: Republic-era Clone

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the New Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc): Formerly, the GAR. A Member of the Bounty Hunter's Guild.

Character Alignment (Choose one):Good, Neutral, Evil) Good

Character Background: Created in 32 BBY in the Cloning Facility on Kamino, A-Ø62 was a Cloned human of the biological template of Jango Fett. Whereas most clones looked identical, Price suffered a mutation that resulted in distinct appearance and altered vocal tone during the cloning process. Unsure of what to make of the soldier, Price was initially destined to be disposed of, but was ultimately placed into ARC training upon discovering nothing physically wrong had happened to him. Training alongside his brethren and under personal evaluation of Fett and his Mandolorian instructors, Price quickly proved to be a remarkably fearsome combatant, quick learner, and display excellent discipline and leadership qualities. However, the biggest flaw was Price's own autonomy; going so far as to keep his team out of Jedi command and reporting only to HIGHCOM personnel of the GAR's military forces. As one of the ARC's of the 110th Hunters Division, this Captain worked alongside his brothers during the peak of the Clone Wars; undertaking numerous black operation assignments and other covert engagements. However, it was on the Battle of Utapau where Price's world would be changed forever.

Under orders to sabotage a Separatist facility during the ensuing engagement by forces of the 212th, Price and a small strike force of six other Clones of the 110th had entered the cliffside facility; carrying out the objective and caving in the installation before escaping onboard an LAAT. As the gunship moved away, reports began coming through that the enemy defense was quickly mobilizing into a substantial offense; having set a sudden, overwhelming counterattack Republic intelligence failed to predict. Within the next few seconds of the Gunship doors shutting, the LAAT was intercepted by separatist AA fire, and shot down to the bottom of the lakebed below. Price was the only survivor of the crash; having escaped the decimated gunship and swimming toward the surface. He watched in exasperated horror as what remained of the 212 were either shot down, destroyed, or retreating. He was now alone, and Price ultimately spent the next ten days sneaking his way back to the surface before making a daring nighttime escape from Utapau to reaching an abandoned CIS Belbullab-22 Heavy Fighter. Along the way, Price discovered a terminal that had the schematic data of the Inhibitor Chip. Realizing that the Clones were in fact the mass weapon of the Sith, Price copied the schematic and made his way to a nearby landing pad, where an abandoned Belbullab-22 CIS Heavy Strike Fighter sit. Destined to inform the Republic of his suspicions, Price was ambushed by Commando Droids; knocked unconscious and quickly transferred to a waiting transport to be placed into stasis. With his signal being tracked, a Republic task force was sent to intercept the fleeing transport. With nowhere to run, the transport quickly plotted a destination solution to a random sector right before receiving damage to the Hyperdrive subsystem; causing the ship to jump and disengage several lightyears away from its intended destination. With the Separatist Droids running out of power, the ship containing the Commando in aimlessly drifted in space.

The Droids all ran out of power, one by one until the last B1 had the brilliant idea to activate the distress beacon before failing. 23 years would pass in the loud silence of space, before a mercenary outfit found the derelict Banking class. Boarding in the hopes of securing more salvage alongside the acquisition of practically ancient Separatist tech, the boarders found the Clone, his weapons and armor all preserved. Initially discussing among themselves to auction off the goods in exchange for profit, they came to the consensus that having a Clone Trooper among their ranks would no doubt keep their outfit alive longer. Gathering what they could and leaving the ship to rot, they eventually brought Price back to their hideout on Omwat. Waking the clone up from stasis, the mercenaries had to explain to the quite agitated, confused and combative Clone that the War leading to the Great Purge was over; the Republic dissolved into nothingness as the new Empire came to power. His morale crushed and spirit broken, Price initially felt nothing short of guilt and depression for failing his mission- yet relented to join the outfit as the only way left to fit in that he could. Four years following the destruction of the Bastion of the Empire, the Death Star, Price had made a name for himself among the Outer and Mid-Rim territories as a terrifying combatant and ruthless mercenary; scouring the various contracts among the cosmos and only taking out those who were judged by Price as villainous scum the galaxy simply needed rid of. Customizing his armor and eventually managing to secure a old Belbullab-22 CIS Heavy Strike Fighter, Price spent his credits on upgrading the starfighter; departing the mercenary band and setting out to become an independent contractor upon his fifth year following the destruction of the Death Star.

Character Personality-(Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc): Price is cold, calculative and cunning, coming off as snide to anyone unfamiliar. He displays a notable dislike of droids in any form, as well as any Force-sensitive or Lightsaber wielder. During his service prior to his ultimate abandonment, he still viewed the Jedi as nothing more than inexperienced military leaders. Given his enhanced autonomy, Price's freethinking mind has proven to be his biggest blessing and curse. Speaking out of turn, questioning the legitimacy of orders and being temperamental in disagreement had ultimately left him isolated from the majority of communications outside those of which he and his team operated with. While born and bred for warfare, Price has shown a remarkably softer side to individuals he has bonded with over the course of the Clone Wars; interacting with the regular Clone Troopers as well as Civilians he had come across in his service to the Republic, when reason permits it. Morally speaking, Price is quick to judge individuals and almost never turns down a job contract within moral reason. He actively avoids any jobs involving the elimination of bureaucrats, civilians other targets that, according to him, are simply just a waste of ammo without cause. As services can be bought with credits up-front, Price can be a wingman, attache to a squad, or even ally if there is a close enough bond. However, respect from the Clone is difficult to earn, and a friendship is even rarer.

Character's Physical description (Describe or post a picture of what your character looks like):

Armor: https://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F564x%2F76%2F18%2F5d%2F76185d1ae8f88353755e321c50dce904.jpg&hash=9261d89a7180265ccb283a53f6e83806

Face (to showcase extent of mutations): https://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?image=https%3A%2F%2Fpbs.twimg.com%2Fprofile_images%2F621430869459341312%2FcZrqJX2p_400x400.jpg&hash=d4f1a09eb2ee839f33305e4a4c604ca4

Character Class (choose one): Scoundrel

Items- What major weapons and the like does your character carry? Such as a lightsaber, a rigged Sabaac deck, a blaster pistol, vibro-knife, wookie crossbow, telescopic lenses, etc):

WESTAR-M5 Blaster Rifle: This specialized blaster Carbine was a favorite among many ARC Troopers; carrying a drum magazine pack of 100 shots and able to cycle between semi, automatic and burst-fire modes. Underneath the barrel was a fitted grenade launcher attached to the primary firing mechanism of the weapon; consuming ten ammo in order to fire the miniaturized grenade.

Phase-II Advanced Recon Commando 'Venator' Hybrid Armor: This variant was a massive improvement over the earlier version created at the beginning year of the Clone Wars, with an introduction into service in the late 22BBY. Price, having been a veteran throughout the numerous engagements of the beginning of the Clone Wars, chose to combine both Phases (integrated life support, hermetic seal) with increased ballistic protection from the supplemental protective dome design of the ARC Heavy Gunner and AT-Pilot helmet variants, respectively. Perhaps the most distinct of this change is the visor and fin of the helmet; with the visor allowing for more of a panoramic picture and the fin extending in reverse from the front of the helmet. It comes with a built-in rangefinder and light macrobinocular module.

Grappling Hook/wiresnare module (left arm): This dual launching system features a grappling hook module mounted on the top of the wrist to allow access to higher heights, and a wiresnare on the underside of the wrist that can be deployed when the user flexes their wrist up, palm out and toward a target of their choice.

Flamethrower gauntlet (right arm): This attachment is self explanatory, and is activated when the user flexes their wrist downward and turns their hand away from the muzzle of the device; projecting a horrific napalm mixture that can stuck and burn organics and synthetics alike.

Evasive Thruster Pack: This back mounted attachment appears as a small white circular mount as big as a jetpack attachment; possessing a

Akimbo DC-17 Blaster Pistols: These heavy-hitting Blaster Pistols feature a lower recoil and a higher rate of fire; capable of firing up to ten consecutive shots before overheating. This blaster does not need to be reloaded manually, and is able to consistently be kept operational if it is vented regularly while in use.

x2 Thermal Detonators, Detpacks, EMP Disruptors, Bacta-canisters (secured on person): These two Thermal Detonators serve as powerful alternatives to Fragmentation grenades; creating a miniature thermonuclear reaction that can atomically vaporize anything within a six meter radius. Pitching wise, the weapon can be thrown up to 20 feet from its source. Detpacks are remotely detonated explosive charges that can be affixed to static objects, and are common used either as an ambush or means of sabotage. Lastly, two canisters of Bacta ensure that the Commando can recover form his injuries after a fight, or sustain himself during one.

Modified Belbullab-22 CIS Heavy Strike Fighter: Nicknamed 'Ruby Huntress', this CIS Heavy Starfighter chassis was mostly left as-is, but with a custom dark crimson and grey paintjob. It sports a sensory and navigations suite upgrade, shield module, an onboard AI system in control of a rear autocannon turret and two quadlinked twin laser cannons mounted underneath the ship. Lastly, on the top of the ship on either side of the cockpit are two concussion missile launchers. To compensate for the addition in mass, the default auxiliary thrusters and dual rear engines had to be removed and replaced with stronger variations to get the ship off of the ground with little issues.

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