The Food Kingdoms all live in harmony. Though, harmony is a delicate balance often put off by the smallest of things. After the last 100 year war, all seven kingdoms came together to create a treaty that outlined clear and concise borders as well as the conditions of their peace.
It has been nearly 100 years since the treaty was signed. They've flourished and created trades with other like-minded kingdoms. While no wars have been fought since the last global war, tensions between some kingdoms has been particularly high.
Amidst all of this, the Empire of 花木 (Hua'Mu) has reached out to the other kingdoms in invitation. As the Emperor's eldest daughter comes of age, she opens up their borders to attend her masquerade party.

【 тнe ĸιngdoм oғ an'elle 】
【 A kingdom of sweet and decadent denizens. 】
➽➽➽ Alliance With- The Vegetable Kingdom
➽➽➽ Enemies- The Drink Empire, The Fruit Kingdom
➽➽➽ Traditions- Perhaps a bit old fashioned with their traditions. Young girls are taught to be proper, and boys to be gentleman. Always with a bit of a sweet tooth. Both sexes are well educated and well cultured.
➽➽➽ Rulers- The King took his own life. His insanity overruled his mind. His son took the throne in his father's place, and it seemed that the Sweets have cast aside all to do with the Drink Empire. Forging an alliance instead with those that had been their enemies before.
➽➽➽ Climate- A relatively cool place where all those with sweet blood enjoy to live. Temperatures may range from moderate to cold, but it is never warm here to protect those who melt from melting.
➽➽➽ Armed Forces- Protected by their Peppermint army, they don't need to worry about much in the way of being attacked. The minty guardians are more than capable of taking care of the kingdom.
➽➽➽ Economy- Is based solely on their advances in tech. They sell this to nations that are behind for a high price- knowing that they don't want to fall behind in anything- whether it be war or recreation.
➽➽➽ Specialty- This kingdom thrives on technology- whether it be scientific advances or expanding on old ones.
➽➽➽ Extra information- There are rumors in circulation that the only reason that they are as good friends with the Vegetable people is because a noble woman is having relations with a man from said kingdom. It's a scandalous reason, and is causing great tension with the Drinks as they were once allies.

【 тнe colony oғ ѕтarcн 】
【 A home to grainy citizens. 】
➽➽➽ Alliance With- Fruits Kingdom, Drink Empire
➽➽➽ Enemies- An inside militia force attempting to throw out any form of government.
➽➽➽ Traditions- Servants work on plantations for a few years as indentured servants before they're free to become citizens. Taxes are light, and the land distributed has been fair until recently. These are still in place, but ever since the colonyship was introduced, males are required to do three years of military service as well.
➽➽➽ Rulers- The old leader was overthrown, and it is now ruled over by a new king with help from the eldest Fruit Siblings. However, they only help; they do not make decisions without consent of the family they helped put in power.
➽➽➽ Climate- It's relatively dry, but rains enough to keep the crops growing. They experience long, and moderate winters and long, hot summers.
➽➽➽ Armed Forces- After the colonyship, the Fruit Kingdom lent a small number of soldiers to help train them to have a true military force. Men are required to do three years of military service at the age of eighteen. Women may join as well.
➽➽➽ Economy- Still focused on agricultural technology as well as servantdom.
➽➽➽ Specialty- Not applicable at this time.
➽➽➽ Extra information- There has been a push to cement the relationship with the Fruit Kingdom more solid, but no one has acted upon it. They are working on their nation, and trying to rebuild.

【 тнe warrιng тrιвeѕ oғ grœnngarðr 】
【 A kingdom of meaty barbarians. 】
➽➽➽ Alliance With- None
➽➽➽ Enemies- N/A
➽➽➽ Traditions- While there exists a patriarchal society at it's core, women do hold a lot of power- especially when it comes to marriage and finances. These people are well known for their skilled raids of unclaimed territories, and while they are not openly hostile toward the other kingdoms because they do not want to breach the treaty, the many tribes do often fight amongst themselves for control. They believe strongly that their most skilled warriors will be treated well in Valhalla- their afterlife.
➽➽➽ Rulers- The tribes of Grœnngarðr fight each other in an everything-goes battle of capture-the-flag every five years for honor of ruling over the other tribes. The first tribe to capture the Royal Standard and bring it to the gate of the castle is declared the winner. It is an honor to die fighting in this tournament, and an even greater honor to win.
➽➽➽ Climate- It changes often as they don't stay in one place for two long. Though, their homeland is frigid.
➽➽➽ Armed Forces- They have no organized military. They think of themselves as their own military force.
➽➽➽ Economy- Most of their money come from raiding and plundering. Though, they do excellent craft work as well.
➽➽➽ Specialty- Smithing. Excellent crafting abilities with any type of metal is their specialty.
➽➽➽ Extra information- They recently came across a strange island called the Isle of Condiments filled with strange people that barely speak the language of the homeland. They claimed the Isle in the name of the Meat Kingdom, but they let it be for the most part- stationing only a few people there to learn more about the people that inhabit it.

【 тнe noмadѕ oғ ιlepιa 】
【 A nomadic group of peaceful dairy folk. 】
➽➽➽ Alliance With- The Sweets Kingdom
➽➽➽ Enemies- N/A
➽➽➽ Traditions- They are travelers- moving their kingdom from place to place. They have temples built to meditate and worship. Women become oracles and priestesses. Men are not allowed to be priests- only the women are allowed to participate in these ritualistic type behaviors. Often times they are paid large sums by other nations to read into their future.
➽➽➽ Rulers- They are ruled by the Grand Oracle and the priestesses under her.
➽➽➽ Climate- It changes as they travel- as they do not live in one set location.
➽➽➽ Armed Forces- They have no formal military.
➽➽➽ Economy- The money they receive comes from other nations for the future telling and swindling people out of their money with their street performances.
➽➽➽ Specialty- Not applicable at this time
➽➽➽ Extra information- This nation has not been heard of or seen in three years. In their travels, they contracted a disease, and their immune systems were not equipped to handle it. Most of the rumors that have surfaced about their disappearance are accusing different nations of being murderers when it is in fact, no one's fault. (Note: If you would like to play as a member of this nomadic group, as a survivor of this disease, it would make for an interesting character.)

【 тнe ĸιngdoм oғ eѕтrye 】
【 A kingdom of fruity citizens. 】
➽➽➽ Alliance With- Grains Kingdom, The Drink Empire
➽➽➽ Enemies- The Vegetable Kingdom, The Sweet Kingdom
➽➽➽ Traditions- The King is more like a chieftain. He is expected to have many wives and many children. Both men and women tend to wear their hair long, but it is truly just a preference, and not a must.
➽➽➽ Rulers- A chieftain and his harem of wives have ten children. The two eldest are Generals of the military unit, and the others serve as apprentices or masters of some sort of occupation in the kingdom.
➽➽➽ Climate- A temperate climate with short, warm summers and long, cold winters. These people tend to hibernate during the winter and come out and be more productive during the summer and spring.
➽➽➽ Armed Forces- The armed forces make up a large unit of the population. They are a secretive group led by the eldest of the fruit siblings. Men are required to go into military service for a number of years before they decide whether or not to join the military as a career.
➽➽➽ Economy- They team up with the Kingdom of grains to increase their techological advances in agriculture. There is also quite a bit of trade between their allies- tea from the Drinks and a different assortment of grain from the Grains mostly.
➽➽➽ Specialty- They specialize in trade and the import and export of goods.
➽➽➽ Extra information- No extra information about this kingdom have been written.

【 тнe wιndleѕѕ paradιѕe 】
【 A lush paradise of vegetable denizens. 】
➽➽➽ Alliance With- The Sweets Kingdom
➽➽➽ Enemies- The Drink Empire, The Fruit Kingdom
➽➽➽ Traditions- Many citizens live in tree houses or underground. They would see them as uncivilized, but they are quite the opposite. They are very unabashed- often walking around in little more than just enough clothing to make them decent. They are very unfriendly towards people who are not their own, and they focus heavily on military power.
➽➽➽ Rulers- Ruled by a jury of six people. Three men, three women. The jury makes laws, and gives the order to carry out the punishment. A king has power, but must consult the jury before any rash decisions are made.
➽➽➽ Climate- A lush jungle climate- warm weather and a lot of rain. It is rarely cold here, and if it is, then the citizens will hibernate until the cold is over with.
➽➽➽ Armed Forces- A large military might of specialized warriors that take warfare very seriously.
➽➽➽ Economy- Their economy is based on mining as well as their military might.
➽➽➽ Specialty- Not applicable at this time.
➽➽➽ Extra information- They've recently become enemies with the Drinks, and became allies with a kingdom they'd been enemies with for years. Though, no one has admitted why as of yet, there have been many rumors.

【 тнe eмpιre oғ нυaмυ 】
【 An empire of beverage loving folk. 】
➽➽➽ Alliance With- The Fruit and Grain Kingdoms
➽➽➽ Enemies- The Vegetable Kingdom
➽➽➽ Traditions- Seen as having odd traditions and beliefs of many of the other kingdoms. Martial arts are very emphasized in the youth- even young girls. Meditation is important as well. They often refer to people with honorifics- especially those older than them. They believe in peace, and often try to avoid fighting, but have allies with other kingdoms just in case they need it.
➽➽➽ Rulers- The Cha Clan still have power at this time.
➽➽➽ Climate- A place of moderate temperatures- never too warm, but never too hot either. It tends to be a bit foggy sometimes, and rains often here.
➽➽➽ Armed Forces- The armed forces here are known for their martial arts training and their weapons specialties. It's relatively moderate in size with a focus on small elite teams of people rather than large military might.
➽➽➽ Economy- The economy has focused solely on trade and architecture.
➽➽➽ Specialty- The kingdom is known for it's lovely architecture as well as the skilled artisans. Tensions with their previous allies have soured, and they've been rumored to be competing with the Sweets in terms of technology.
➽➽➽ Extra information- A nation in need of rebuilding- both trust and cities. Rumors of corrupt advisors have been out in the open for some time.
【 т н e ғ o o d ĸ ι n g d o м ѕ 】
epιѕode one: тнe мaѕqυerade rυleѕ & eтιqυeттe
➽➽➽ This is a literate roleplay for literate writers who enjoy writing and weaving intricate story lines. I believe in quality posts over quantity of text.
➽➽➽ I would like the pictures for this roleplay to be art, anime, illustrations, or semi realistic drawn art. Please have an image that represents your character’s blood type well. You do not have to be literal about the representation of the food that they personify.
➽➽➽ All characters MUST be at least sixteen. There are no exceptions.
➽➽➽ Don't be afraid to bring ideas to the table with you. This is an open roleplay in many regards, and I am very open to hearing what everyone has to say.
epιѕode one: тнe мaѕqυerade rυleѕ & eтιqυeттe
➽➽➽ This is a literate roleplay for literate writers who enjoy writing and weaving intricate story lines. I believe in quality posts over quantity of text.
➽➽➽ I would like the pictures for this roleplay to be art, anime, illustrations, or semi realistic drawn art. Please have an image that represents your character’s blood type well. You do not have to be literal about the representation of the food that they personify.
➽➽➽ All characters MUST be at least sixteen. There are no exceptions.
➽➽➽ Don't be afraid to bring ideas to the table with you. This is an open roleplay in many regards, and I am very open to hearing what everyone has to say.

「 ❤ (insert something your character would say here) 」
BLOOD TYPE HERE ; Ice cream, pudding, tea, etc. Make it unique.
NATIONALITY HERE ; Make sure this fits your blood type. If your person is ice cream, there'd better be a good reason why their nationality is something other than the Sweets Kingdom.