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Real Name ● Alessandriya Dravic Vasiliev
Name ● Alessandriya Dravic Korvein
Age ● Undetermined
Apparent Age ● 23
Alias(es) ● Exiled Monarch ; Vagrant Warrior ; Blood Fiend ; The Betrayer ; Supreme Mago ; The Devout ;
Gender ● Female
Pronouns ● She/her
Birthdate ● March 31st
Orientation ● Fluid
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Species ● Humanoid ; Soul Hivan
Height ● 5'5"
Weight ● 140
Complexion ● Fair skin
Hair ● Black
Eyes ● Green
Equipment Cisa and Dudula: Cisa and Dudula are a set of twin daggers and, in and of themselves, seemingly normal. They're in actuality wedding gifts from her husband. The mere act of being touched by one of the blades signs a death warrant on the person. They are laced with shadow magic and poison, drawn from the power of Jigoku. The blades are, when used, held in variation of one another. With the left in standard grip and the right in reverse.
Vasiliev Heirloom: A long sword passed down through the ages, it is handed to the next descendant in line for the crown. The sheath is comprised of bronze and iron, encrusted with fragmented emeralds linked together with thin strains of gold towards the base. The hilt of the sword is comprised of the same material as the sheath with one prominent difference - a segmented area towards the bottom center of the metal is chiseled out to form the Vasiliev crest outlined in gold with molten amber casting a shadow box-like glow beneath.
Huntress: Although it doesn't see much use these days, she is still quite fond of her old school bow. It is a chiseled braid of oak wood that is as long as she is tall. In the olden days, it would've been used with hand-made, venom soaked arrows. These days when she decides to break out the Huntress, it is with arrows forged with the help of Magia do Sangue.
Appearance ● Alessandriya stands on a lithe frame of five foot five inches tall, and weighs a total of 140 pounds. Her soft, angled face belies a grizzled toughness that many people would find formidable. Her cold, domineering eyes are capable of peering into the depths of a person's soul. Long, black hair falls below her waist, often kept in a partial brain from the shoulders down. Jewelry all along her body give her a shimmering radiance often mistaken for a Goddess, especially when in the company of her husband.
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Languages ● Omnilinguistic.
Likes ● Lysander ; Butterflies ; Wild cats ; Bloodshed ; Destruction
Dislikes ● Reminders of home ; Being bothered with petty tasks
Behavior ● When agitated or being made to wait, she has a tendency to tinker with the braids and bits of jewelry in her hair. How quickly her fingers move dictate her levels of irritation and are a dead giveaway that she is on the verge of snapping and you may want to back the hell up before you taste lead.
Personality ● A complex paragon made flesh, Alessandriya struggles to maintain a healthy fusion of both good and evil. Old, stubborn mentalities beaten into her from the time she could run help give the illusion she is one who can be trusted. A sweet, angel-faced girl who'd never hurt a fly and would offer her last pound of flesh if it meant helping another. And sometimes it's true. Sometimes the front of the good girl isn't so far from the truth. She
can be approachable and offer kindness when the demons don't want to come out to play. The problem lies in the fact that the demons
always want to play and wreak havoc the longer she maintains ties to Lysander, the Hive, and the Magia.
Temperamental and with a sharp tongue, she can be quite the spiteful one when the urge arises. Unwilling to hold back her true thoughts or sugar coat anything, her cynical demeanor often times results in trouble. Prolonged exposure to her husband has proven his way of thinking isn't so far-fetched after all, and that survival is dependent on one's ability to do whatever it takes to do just that - survive. Often enough, she functions off an animalistic instinct with a thirst for dominance and control, to be at the very top of the food chain if you will.
Tucked in the far reaches of the tangled web is a lonely strand of genuine softness. This drastic shift in personality is kept strictly behind closed doors and only in the presence of Lysander. A far more gentle and less reserved version of herself, bursting with a coyness matched by unbridled childishness. It is here where she is her most comfortable self, unworried by how her actions may be perceived by others. Take away the masks she wears before others and all that's left is an affectionate, charismatic, playful, and downright sassy girl.
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Relationship ● Wife of Lysander Telos Korvein
Economic Status ● Exiled Princess of the Vasiliev bloodline ; Matriarch of the Korvein Family.
Occupation ● Runs the Korvein family business.
Birthplace ● Ancient Macedonia.
Living Situation ● The Korvein Estates, inside Alexander the Fourth.
Affiliation(s) ● The Korvein Family, slight affiliation with House Pendragon through connection of her husband.

Magia do Sangue: A mark of the Vasiliev bloodline and testament to their millennia-long image of being a peaceful ruler; the Magia do Sangue, when used it the right hands, births healers and those of gentle hearts, seekers of aid to those in need. These healing properties of Magia enable the user to syphon poison and disease, even cancerous markers polluting the body. It acts as a cure to the most sinister of plagues assailing the individual under the care of a Vasiliev descendant. The Magia offers its protection as well, binding those under its influence with a near-impenetrable barrier against lesser magics.
In the wrong hands, it births murderous tyrants riddled with insanity and an insatiable blood lust. Where the light wielders of Magia would use their powers to heal and protect, those succumbing to its darkness offer only malice. Burdening the body with toxins and annihilating from the inside, the lingering caress cold and fueled by a need to conquer and destroy. With the right pinpricks, it can inspire hate, leaving mindless drones in its wake to spy with. The tainted Magia always gets what it wants; through the Vasiliev or the hopeless inhabitants they invade, it always ends with carnage and bloodshed.
Where Alessandriya is concerned, she maintains a harmonious balance to both sides of the coin for the most part. Under Lysander’s influence, she teeters more towards the tyrant pull the magic has to offer, forging weapons out of her own blood and the iron within it such as her trade-mark claws and talon-like feet, or needle-thin projectiles laced in famine and disease. Outside of his clutches, and with a more level head, she utilizes the holier aspects of the Magia. Invoking protective barriers and location spells, even mitigating damages sustained in battle by herself or for Lysander’s sake.
Ferrokinesis: Be it through physical touch or reaching out mentally, she can mold and shape metal in all of its forms, bending it to her exact specifications to create weapons or full blown structures if she so desired. She has also been known to topple a house or two if the urge struck her but those are few and far between, hopefully. One of her favorite uses of this ability is with a technique she has honed over the years - metal surfing. With this, she manipulates the metal properties in such a way as to allow movement, allowing her to maneuver at a more accelerated rate but only for short distances.
Ferrikinesis: As an extension of Ferrokinesis, Alessandriya is capable of manipulating, shaping, or even creating iron and its compounds at her will. A technique she developed early in life, she is only bound by the limits of her imagination in terms of its uses, particularly where weapon forging is concerned. If she can envision it, she can, and will, create it.
Soul Hive: A gift, or curse, bestowed on her by one of her husband's endless selves, she has gained access to the Soul Hive. It exists in a dimension parallel to our own while still being outside of space and time itself. Members of the Soul Hive are those who were born within the confines of its walls and have gained indomitable control over its nature. Prior to her rebirth, there had only been four such entities to exist, three of whom were lost at Lysander's own hand. While he maintains a vast majority of its power within his body, she has been known to siphon some of it out - with permission. Within the Hive exists an axis of power relatively untapped in the general sense. This power can be used for a plethora of things, such as enhancing and pushing the boundaries of their own innate abilities. For Alessandriya, it is a means of breaking the limits of her Magia.
Sage Modes: As a Hivan, she is granted access to more than just the energy of the Hive but also the secrets of the Sage Modes and its various forms of empowerment.
Transcending Light ; Sage Form I: A force of good with the capabilities of eradicating evil-doers with just its beauty alone. Wielders of the Transcending Light are attuned to good magic - that is, those seeing the path of understanding man and soul and everything good that comes with it. To make effective use of all Transcending Light has to offer, one must train for centuries.
Descending Darkness ; Sage Form II: On the other side of the coin is Descending Darkness and, as its name suggests, is for those with a more sinister heart. It utilizes the darkest of magics, enabling its users to deliver blows of impenetrable darkness on their enemies. It takes an unwavering person to achieve this form, one willing to endure unspeakable measures of pain and suffering to unlock its wonders.
Godhand ; Sage Form III: Hivans who have dedicated centuries of their lives to understanding the correlation of all things in the Multiverse are capable of unlocking the third form of the Sage: Godhand. These Hivans become unstoppable warriors, boundless in their potential to decimate. While prior forms can only be used one or the other at a single time, the Godhand uses them in tandem, wielding both sides of the Sage without limitations.
Lysanderian Aspect: As his wife, she is in fact the greatest of Lysander's worshipers. She has spent more than her fair share of years following him, supporting him, and building him to something beyond himself. As such, in his God-like stature he has allowed her the unlimited access to his communal powers. The Soul Hive, Shadow Magic, even the Cosmic renderings of his mind have become hers to use, as she sees fit.
While not an Aspect in the traditional sense, in that Lysander didn't take over her mind and body, he simply allows her to channel his power. She is by far one of the stronger of his Aspects, and the only one he would never burn to a cinder for presumptuous behaviors.
Adaptive Learning: The ability to rapidly learn, and master, new things. Often combat styles and powers, but other things aren't out of the question.
Work in progress.
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Wife of Lysander, Work in Progress.