Hidden deep within the trees on a small island lies the newest village of the water nation. It is a clouded village, where it only ever gets as illuminated as it does at twilight during the day. Founded by Togashi, Akira, the first Yukage, this village has only existed for a total of five years. Gathering the people who have made scattered homes throughout the area has united them in a common goal -- survival throughout the great ninja war. Under the prowess and promised protection of the Yukage, the villagers have gained stability. Trade has increased, and money has been flowing into the village due to risky missions taken on by the ninjas herein causing an influx of migration and added abilities. Here lies a hodgepodge of different ninjas, abilities and clans. Only those who have something to contribute are allowed to stay within the villages border -- self imposed due to the sandy edges. There's only one way to enter, via the bridge, the natural protection the villagers were blessed with. Those who live here/moved here have adapted to the darkness and called it home. Within this island, lies the ninja academy, the market: grocery shop, ramen shop, weapon shop, small library, Yukages headquarters, and a rehabilitation facility (for serial offenders -- don't take this place lightly). There is also the greenhouse where ninjutsu is used on the fertile soil to grow food/plants for medicinal purposes. The village is what you make of it, will it continue prosper or fall to ruin?

Yukage's Residence
Perched atop the highest peak within the village is the Yukages headquarters. Overlooking the entire village, the townsfolk marvel in awe and feel an added sense of protection. Ninjas look upwards in the hopes of someday sitting at the head, becoming the next Yukage. The symbol of the villages element -- water, flows serenely from the top to the very bottom, an added metaphor for the system of ranks that is the ninja way.
This building is where ninjas are given their promotions, debriefed for missions, and examined through their success' and failures. The council of the most trusted Jonin's convene here as well, with recommendations and advice to give on various topics ranging from plans of attack against neighboring villages or missions to take on.
Within the walls, is the Yukage's glass-windowed office, a meeting room directly adjacent, a living quarters on the other side, and a private training room within the basement.
Being that it is war time, the Yukage's every decision weighs heavily on that of its occupants. She is the end-all say-all for the village...but that doesn't necessarily mean all those that live within this border agree with her...
It is training time for the Genin of this village. The Chunin exams are scheduled to begin one month from today and with it comes the older generations ability to boast of the younger. The military prowess is on the youth's shoulders as they prepare to begin to battle those of the other villages. The Yukage's message to her genins was simply put -- "Don't embarass our land". Together, in teams of three, YOU will work to give the other countries pause. With the pride and prowess of a ninja to guide you, failure will not be an option. Although your genin ranked missions have been relatively easy at this point, the true test to your resolve, teamwork and skill comes next. There is a quiet pride instilled in those from the village hidden in the twilight because of how small and bonded the people here have become. It is up to you to make sure this village isnt seen as weak...taken over...or taken for granted. How will you fare?
1) Please please please post!! This roleplay depends heavily upon your activity. If you ghost, you will be skipped over.
2) No God modding
4) Co-GM rules is also the law
5)If you are involved in a plot/subthread, it is imperative that your character react to what is going on around them. Please do not reply without acknowledging the presence of other characters (unless it's established that a character isn't to be noticed). This keeps characters engaged and gives everyone something to react or respond to.
6) Have fun
Character SKeLeToN
Fighting style (Ninjutsu element?/Genjutsu/Taijutsu):
Trademark ability/or Kekkai Genkai? (what are you known for?):
Rank: Genin