Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 16 min ago

Love the Nightwing avatar! Let me know when you think of who you might want to play :D.

Thank you! I'm going to do a Spider-Girl/Spider-Woman character with @Crimson Flame

I may create an another character later.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Raistlin Majere
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Raistlin Majere Shalafi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm thinking of going with Kate Bishop (Hawkeye).
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

<Snipped quote by CaptainManbeard>

Thank you! I'm going to do a Spider-Girl/Spider-Woman character with @Crimson Flame

I may create an another character later.

Okay, sounds good!

I'm thinking of going with either Kate Bishop (Hawkeye).

If you do end up going with Kate Bishop, since I am playing Lucas Bishop, it might be cool to have them be adopted siblings or something. What power were you considering for her? I suppose you could have her dexterity and hand-eye coordination increase, as well as her sight distance. Like a sniper without a scope. That would make her excellent at gathering intel ahead of a mission or spying on potential enemies.

Although I want to emphasize the fact they are young and new to being superheroes in the beginning, eventually they could come under the supervision of Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. As stated, the first big event they would lead up to would be the Terrigen Bomb in Times Square, and then after that I was thinking of delving into HYDRA and our characters' first exposure to space and aliens. I've given some thought to how I want Loki to develop, and I think at some point after the Terrigen Bomb he's going to get thrown into an alternate future, where he spends decades trying to come back to our world, and then shows back up similar in appearance to the Loki from the Avengers film, and then from there we can adapt our own version of the Battle of New York.

I also have ideas tying in Ultron and the Sentinels from Loki's future that come back as well and tying it all together into an epic sprawling narrative.

EDIT: I actually might have both Thor and Loki thrown into the future, and the former shows up a while after the latter has, similar to the Avengers film as well. Though for our other characters, only a few months will have passed. So while we are still teenagers, Thor and Loki will have grown decades older, but the Terrigen has severely delayed their physical aging.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Also, just to give everyone some more ideas of the depth of stories I usually write, here are a couple of my posts from the introduction section explaining some of my RP history:

Hello, everyone! I'm new to this site, but have been writing and roleplaying in some fashion for well over twenty years. I started out on a few old D&D forums back when I was a teenager, then moved on to other stories in my early twenties. In 2005 I came upon a large RP forum that I still post in to this day, fifteen years later. But I'm always on the look out for new writers to roleplay with, and so I am here.

I view writing as a work of art, and thus I prefer RPing with people who are passionate about attention to detail and presenting a cohesive narrative that is easy to follow. I try to approach my posts with the same integrity that I would when writing a novel. I thread a fairly thick plot into all my RPs and provide extensive world-building, depending on the setting. I have been known to experience creative explosions in which I can take a few small details and rapidly expand them into a full-blown narrative. It's like lighting a match near a leaking gas pipe -- it starts out as just a tiny flicker, and then erupts into a massive inferno.

As for preferred genres, I tend to lean towards science fiction and fantasy. I almost always create characters who have some sort of superhuman ability, whether through magic, technology, or genetic mutation. Most of my stories fall into the realm of "mature," though I am flexible with that aspect. To give you an example:

I once had an RP based around Teen Titans/ Young Justice. The "player-characters" were the sidekicks attending the Justice League's Tenth Anniversary Ball at the Hall of Justice. A group of villains attacked, and unbeknownst to the other writers, I secretly inserted Deathstroke into the story disguised as a waiter. The only other writer who knew something was up was the girl who played Terra, but even she wasn't completely in the loop. So anyway, while the attacking villains created a distraction, Deathstoke commandeered Terra and the two of them slipped deeper into the Hall in search of the Blue Beetle scarab, which was stored in the Armory after the previous host had died. They were confronted on their way out, however, and the scarab fell out of it's containment pod, jumped to life, and scurried off into the chaos. It found the young Jaime Reyes and latched on, marking him as the new host. Jaime then lost control and started attacking anything and everything. He was then confronted by Hal Jordan, and an intense fight ensued. I then surprised and delighted the other writers by severely rising the stakes with Hal Jordan getting impaled by Blue Beetle's arm saber. I described his death in excruciating detail, and then the Green Lantern ring shot off through a broken window, eventually finding John Stewart.

If it wasn't already apparent, all my RPs exist in separate universes from their mainstream counterparts, sometimes affectionately referred to as "Jeffyverses" by my long-time writing partners (my real name is Jeff). I will seldom use an existing setting without first ripping it apart and reassembling it to better suit a specific RP idea.

Anyway, hi everyone!

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal! Totally adore that avatar :D. I actually had an RP once called Firefly: The Next Generation. It starred the children of the original crew, and I played a character named Kylar Washburne, who Zoë had become pregnant with just before Wash died. The story takes place about thirty years after show and film, and the original Serenity had long been destroyed in the Second Unification War. Kylar had served as a Browncoat in that conflict just as his mother had in the first, and then when he returned home from the war, he discovered an old junked firefly-class ship and restored it together with Zoë.

The event that brings all the characters back together is Zoë's death, and the trip to Mr. Universe's Moon to bury her next to Wash. However, along the way, a young blond girl shows up asking for Kylar. Turns out she is Niska's granddaughter seeking freedom, remembering Kylar being kind to her when he was held prisoner during the war. I made some tweaks to the canon for this aspect to say that Niska had multiple children and grandchildren, some of whom were born after his death. They played the primary antagonists in the story, coming to collect the girl and then marking them all for death when Kylar refused to abandon her.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Raistlin Majere
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Raistlin Majere Shalafi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

If you do end up going with Kate Bishop, since I am playing Lucas Bishop, it might be cool to have them be adopted siblings or something. What power were you considering for her? I suppose you could have her dexterity and hand-eye coordination increase, as well as her sight distance. Like a sniper without a scope. That would make her excellent at gathering intel ahead of a mission or spying on potential enemies.

With Kate, I'm thinking of enhanced vision definitely, like that of the Ultimate version of Clint Barton. I might like to give her the ability to make small hand-held objects into projectiles much like 1610 Clint and/or Bullseye. Also, I may give her enhanced speed, agility, reflexes, and stamina comparable to that of Daredevil.

I'm not sure what I want to do with her biography and personality yet, though I do want to keep the sexual assault as part of Kate's history. Keeping that in should justify her having some self-defense training and perhaps a little boxing. Of course, she'll be a trained archer.

And, yes, I'm open to having Lucas and Kate be family.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by role model
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role model Drunk With Odd Memory, High On Knowledge

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It's cliché but what do you (does everyone) think of a Sue Richards metamorphosis for Black Widow.

Natasha would remain a crack assassin but be able to turn invisible and either skate around on invisible waves or shoot invisible rays or both. The invisible rays are my choice to stay. The rays would be absorbable and not cause too much damage. Then, there's the force field. It won't be on Invisible Woman's scale, but it can stop a bullet or a medium energy bolt. Input?

She will be who she's always been. I'm going to look up several histories to use as source material for her history. And, as far as her personality goes I think I'd define her as optimistic, realistic, fast, and stable and well enough to cover her own ass.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

<Snipped quote by CaptainManbeard>

With Kate, I'm thinking of enhanced vision definitely, like that of the Ultimate version of Clint Barton. I might like to give her the ability to make small hand-held objects into projectiles much like 1610 Clint and/or Bullseye. Also, I may give her enhanced speed, agility, reflexes, and stamina comparable to that of Daredevil.

I'm not sure what I want to do with her biography and personality yet, though I do want to keep the sexual assault as part of Kate's history. Keeping that in should justice her having some self-defense training and perhaps a little boxing. Of course, she'll be a trained archer.

And, yes, I'm open to having Lucas and Kate be family.

Okay, that all sounds good.

It's cliché but what do you (does everyone) think of a Sue Richards metamorphosis for Black Widow.

Natasha would remain a crack assassin but be able to turn invisible and either skate around on invisible waves or shoot invisible rays or both. The invisible rays are my choice to stay. The rays would be absorbable and not cause too much damage. Then, there's the force field. It won't be on Invisible Woman's scale, but it can stop a bullet or a medium energy bolt. Input?

She will be who she's always been. I'm going to look up several histories to use as source material for her history. And, as far as her personality goes I think I'd define her as optimistic, realistic, fast, and stable and well enough to cover her own ass.

That all sounds fine, so long as she is not too overpowered. Though I would like to remind everyone to keep in mind that the RP is supposed to focus on them when they are teenagers and thus largely untrained besides what they would have normally studied in school or martial arts classes or archery classes or whatever. In the case of Black Widow, if you wanted her to be an assassin from the start, you could say she is still in training and her class is on an extended field trip from Russia to spy on politicians in the UN while they are visiting New York as sort of their first field test. Though ultimately it's up to you. Initially she could be spying on the Young Avengers and reporting back to her superior, and then either betray her master or betray the Avengers at some pivotal moment.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by role model
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role model Drunk With Odd Memory, High On Knowledge

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Natasha was trained by the KGB at a very young age, less than 10. She was inducted into a "Red Room" program for young girls who would be trained killers. And yeah, I don't like superpowered characters. Some people can pull it off, while others not. There's usually a mix when it comes to superpowered people.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Raistlin Majere
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Raistlin Majere Shalafi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It's cliché but what do you (does everyone) think of a Sue Richards metamorphosis for Black Widow.

Natasha would remain a crack assassin but be able to turn invisible and either skate around on invisible waves or shoot invisible rays or both. The invisible rays are my choice to stay. The rays would be absorbable and not cause too much damage. Then, there's the force field. It won't be on Invisible Woman's scale, but it can stop a bullet or a medium energy bolt. Input?

She will be who she's always been. I'm going to look up several histories to use as source material for her history. And, as far as her personality goes I think I'd define her as optimistic, realistic, fast, and stable and well enough to cover her own ass.

You could just play as Sue and give her a little martial arts training. For a costume, you could put her in the Future Foundation (white or black) suit or perhaps the one from the 2015 movie.

I'd also suggest going with maybe Jean Grey or Rachel Summers. They each have both telepathy and telekinesis. They can use their telepathy to make themselves appear invisible to others and can use telekinesis to generate force fields and force bolts. You'd probably have to work with the GM though as Jean and Rachel are extremely powerful characters in the comics.

If you have your heart set on Black Widow, then might I suggest the following:

I don't know if @CaptainManBeard is going to let you start out with assassin training since all of our characters are supposed to be teenagers. But, you could give her some training in a martial art or two. Maybe add talent for pickpocketing or lockpicking too.

Instead of outright invisibility, you could go the Miles Morales or the Predator route and give her a camouflage ability. Natasha, along with her clothing, could blend into her surroundings. It's basically invisibility, but it requires you to be near an object such as a wall, a tree, some brush, etc. It also keeps that arachnid theme going too because spiders can't turn invisible, but they can blend into their environment.

Second, you could give her the "Widow's Bite" she has used in the comics. I would have it be an actual power, instead of being shot from gauntlets, it is shot from her hands. The Widow's Bite is a short-ranged energy bolt used to stun and knock out opponents.
If you wanted to keep the poisonous spider theme going, then you could instead give her a Poison Kiss. This kiss would make victims incredibly sick and nauseous for an extended length of time. You could also give her a high resistance to toxins.

EDIT - Also, in the comics, Natasha is an enhanced human much like Captain America but on a lesser scale. She can lift 500 lbs and run up to 36mph. She has peak human durability as well as the agility, speed, and stamina of an Olympic athlete.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by role model
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role model Drunk With Odd Memory, High On Knowledge

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Raistlin Majere I love the idea about the energy bolts coming directly from her. I have to be honest and say I am not seasoned in Black Widow knowledge. I think to myself she's a gunslinger and trained in espionage and concerning that is the fact that I was going to have her very adept with attack and defense moves and guns, too. Behind that is the fact that she will have five or six years of government training that focused on martial arts and using guns.

As far as the alien power goes I don't know what I want to do. I think it should be kept simple. Young woman, spy and assassin. I think shoot to kill and somebody who is in top physical shape. I think of concussion blasts like Cyke, some type of innate tracking of things like men and cars, and that's two examples. According to Marvel website she is in near perfect condition. So why not Hulk her up. That's my thoughts.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Natasha was trained by the KGB at a very young age, less than 10. She was inducted into a "Red Room" program for young girls who would be trained killers. And yeah, I don't like superpowered characters. Some people can pull it off, while others not. There's usually a mix when it comes to superpowered people.

One thing to keep in mind, from Wiki: In 1991, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the KGB split into the Federal Security Service and the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation. After breaking away from Georgia in the early 1990s with Russian help, the self-proclaimed Republic of South Ossetia established its own KGB (keeping this unreformed name). In addition, the Republic of Belarus has also established its own national security agency, the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the name and acronym of which are identical to those of the former Soviet KGB.

Which incarnation of the KGB were you intending to have her trained if you decide to go with that? I would also consider the ideas @Raistlin Majere mentioned.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by role model
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role model Drunk With Odd Memory, High On Knowledge

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by role model>

One thing to keep in mind, from Wiki: In 1991, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the KGB split into the Federal Security Service and the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation. After breaking away from Georgia in the early 1990s with Russian help, the self-proclaimed Republic of South Ossetia established its own KGB (keeping this unreformed name). In addition, the Republic of Belarus has also established its own national security agency, the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the name and acronym of which are identical to those of the former Soviet KGB.

I'll have to look at some information but I would like to know how vital the type of KGB she was part of. I assumed enough information would be in the Black Widow histories. I'm thinking that she's a 16 year old runaway, and the guns and spy equipment will be flawed unless she does become superhuman strength and speed.

And I like the idea of energy bolts. I haven't eliminated it. But, as far as other possible characters go I want to represent Natasha.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

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My Spider-Man character is gay. If this universe’s Thor really does look like teenage Chris Hemsworth, well...
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Raistlin Majere
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Raistlin Majere Shalafi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

My Spider-Man character is gay. If this universe’s Thor really does look like teenage Chris Hemsworth, well...

3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 16 min ago

Any estimate on when the OOC will be up?
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Any estimate on when the OOC will be up?

It will be up within a few hours. I'm on days off now, so I have more time to focus on getting everything going tonight (it's about 10:30PM my time right now). I'm a night shifter, so most of my creative stuff is done when it's dark out, lol.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Raistlin Majere
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Raistlin Majere Shalafi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Debating on going with a different character...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Okay all, here is the new thread. I'm working on the char sheet template and will have it up shortly.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Debating on going with a different character...

Since you may end up not going with Kate Bishop, I'm leaving her out of Luke's bio for now. Feel free to use whoever you want :D.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Okay everyone, all four of my character sheets are done. I may still make minor tweaks as I see fit, but for the most part, they are complete. Moving forward, I want us to migrate completely to the OOC for all chatter. Please post there instead of here from now on :D.
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