This is my first 1x1 interest check. My name is RM and I've been rping for a long, long time. When it's not boring or problem causing it makes me think and feel like my realistic elements that I like ram into my creativity parts and create something worth being part of.

I don't expect everyone to feel the same. Some people like science fiction, some like fan fiction, it's up to them. I like the X Men and crime drama rps. I don't do all of the X Men characters made up by Marvel because I do not know how they work. The X Men I know of are: Cyclops, Wolverine, Bobby Drake, Storm, Hank McCoy, Rouge, Pyro, Magneto, Juggernaut, Mystique, and a few others I don't recall.

As far as crime drama goes. I love it. Way back when I started rping mafia games based on dice in free chat rooms. I have experience in being the boss, the FBI, regular citizens, etc. My mafia rp would be set in 2020, but I have done the 30s.

I've never done it, but here are some ground rules
No type of abuse
Keep your activity status updated
Keep the story moving but don't control my character
No IC/OOC crossing
Be courteous but I will let you know I'm fine with cuss words or jokes as long as they're not abuse

I don't need specific pairings, and I'm hoping for two different partners instead of one but one is plenty. Those rules come right off the top of my head but I feel like they are enough to keep people from going crazy. See ya later.