P E R S O N A L โ
โฆ N A M EVerena Pariseau
โฆ T I T L E S
The Guardian | Human Shield |
โฆ A G E
โฆ G E N D E R
โฆ D A T E O F B I R T H
January 7th
โฆ H O B B I E S
Horseback riding | Hunting | Learning about the history of places | Rough-housing |
โฆ H E I G H T / W E I G H T
6'1" (186 cm) | 185 lbs
โฆ P E R S O N A L I T Y
Boisterous, if not a bit tone deaf, and outgoing, Verena is definitely a people person through and through. She enjoys the company of others greatly and hates to be alone or to be unincluded. Touchy-feely, she's not one to hesitate giving hugs or wrap an arm around someone's shoulder or link arms with another, she's actually quite unapologetic in that matter. Perhaps overwhelming to some, she doesn't exactly realize when she's being too much, either that or she doesn't care.
Curious by nature, Verena has a love for exploring new things, sometimes considered foolish for her naivety. Also easily impressed, she doesn't have trouble gaining respect to those around her which can lead her to blindly follow some without question. Because of this, she's seen as gullible and perhaps even a door mat, but she sees herself as fiercely loyal and would protect those she's close with to the end. Although swayed with ease, once she has her mind set on something, she can be as stubborn as a bull. Verena has very determined mindset and will go to great lengths to achieve a goal. Practical and optimistic, she is a "glass half full" type. She likes to imagine the best outcomes but also knows that there is work to be done to get to that point.
Curious by nature, Verena has a love for exploring new things, sometimes considered foolish for her naivety. Also easily impressed, she doesn't have trouble gaining respect to those around her which can lead her to blindly follow some without question. Because of this, she's seen as gullible and perhaps even a door mat, but she sees herself as fiercely loyal and would protect those she's close with to the end. Although swayed with ease, once she has her mind set on something, she can be as stubborn as a bull. Verena has very determined mindset and will go to great lengths to achieve a goal. Practical and optimistic, she is a "glass half full" type. She likes to imagine the best outcomes but also knows that there is work to be done to get to that point.
โฆ H I S T O R Y
The youngest child out of four, she being the only girl, Verena always knew what she wanted to be from a young age. She was never very interested in studying or learning complicated magic but instead being on the front lines being face-to-face with "evil" as she put it. Growing up in a small, well kept family of mages, the young warrior had to learn a lot from herself since techniques weren't her family's strong suit and she was never super adept to learning magic as most of it would go in one ear and out the other. Self-taught, her parents were always baffled at where this came from since none of her family members were close to being fighters.
But because none of them were fighters, Verena had a sense of duty to protect them although she was the youngest but it never bothered her. She was quick to stand up for them and would easily get provoked if someone were to say the wrong thing. Even though she could be a little much, her brothers were appreciative of her actions and would sometimes even help her with her fighting skills even as they had no clue as to what they were doing. Though a misfit (and proud), she and her family were very close nit. They all looked out for each other.
When it came to magic, that was definitely not her specialty. She had difficulty concentrating on the words and the feeling, never really grasping the concept of it all which made her a bit irritated with herself. She tried very hard to be good enough, wanting to be like her brothers, but it just never came to her. She couldn't learn the spells that her siblings did, only managing to keep a few. The ones she was actually interested in. When learning the sword, she didn't want to be held down by the weight of a shield, so her eldest brother taught her a few spells that he knew of. The only spells she was easily able to pick up, she took them and ran with it. Already a great swordfighter, she took pride in being able to show others what she could do. Her family quickly noticed her desire to help others, protecting them like she did to her siblings, not starting things but finishing them.
Deciding to enroll her into Avalice, Verena was certainly excited to be able to train with others like herself, and perhaps even make it into the infamous Miracle Seven. Being put in class C only made her more determined to prove herself, not only wanting herself to graduate but to help her classmates do so as well. Wide eyed and curious, she soaked everything in, quickly adapting to the pace and the feeling of the place. Now a few years later, she has been able to strengthen her skills and still staying in contact with her family, writing letters to them regularly. Now that graduation is quickly approaching, Verena is more fired up that ever to make sure that her vision becomes a reality.
But because none of them were fighters, Verena had a sense of duty to protect them although she was the youngest but it never bothered her. She was quick to stand up for them and would easily get provoked if someone were to say the wrong thing. Even though she could be a little much, her brothers were appreciative of her actions and would sometimes even help her with her fighting skills even as they had no clue as to what they were doing. Though a misfit (and proud), she and her family were very close nit. They all looked out for each other.
When it came to magic, that was definitely not her specialty. She had difficulty concentrating on the words and the feeling, never really grasping the concept of it all which made her a bit irritated with herself. She tried very hard to be good enough, wanting to be like her brothers, but it just never came to her. She couldn't learn the spells that her siblings did, only managing to keep a few. The ones she was actually interested in. When learning the sword, she didn't want to be held down by the weight of a shield, so her eldest brother taught her a few spells that he knew of. The only spells she was easily able to pick up, she took them and ran with it. Already a great swordfighter, she took pride in being able to show others what she could do. Her family quickly noticed her desire to help others, protecting them like she did to her siblings, not starting things but finishing them.
Deciding to enroll her into Avalice, Verena was certainly excited to be able to train with others like herself, and perhaps even make it into the infamous Miracle Seven. Being put in class C only made her more determined to prove herself, not only wanting herself to graduate but to help her classmates do so as well. Wide eyed and curious, she soaked everything in, quickly adapting to the pace and the feeling of the place. Now a few years later, she has been able to strengthen her skills and still staying in contact with her family, writing letters to them regularly. Now that graduation is quickly approaching, Verena is more fired up that ever to make sure that her vision becomes a reality.
C O M B A T โ
โฆ C L A S S I F I C A T I O NMight
โฆ M A N A C O L O R
โฆ M A N A C H A R A C T E R I S T I C
The strange calmness of standing in the eye of a raging storm
โฆ E Q U I P M E N T
Golem: A long, curve edged sword crafted by her brothers before she left for Avalice. She carries it with great pride.
โฆ M A G I C
Protection magic
โฆ S P E L L S
โค Great Barrier: One of her most used spells, this spell creates an invisible shield in the shape of a dome in front of her that she can control at will. The size varies depending on the number of opponents. Either for defending herself or knocking enemies back, it doesn't take much mana so she is able to use it multiple times during battle.
โค Mirrored Shield: If in peril or last resort, Verena can use an aggressor's attack against them. This spell sends an attack back to it's castor, sometimes but not always increasing its attack power. So it potentially makes the spell more dangerous than when it came. Taking up a lot of mana, she rarely uses it unless completely necessary.
โค Unbreakable: An excellent shield against close range attacks, the young warrior is able to toughen her skin to make it nearly impenetrable. This lasts until it wears off, which is after a couple of blows. Although requiring a cool down period, it's a pretty easy spell so it acts as a physical shield would.
โค Mirrored Shield: If in peril or last resort, Verena can use an aggressor's attack against them. This spell sends an attack back to it's castor, sometimes but not always increasing its attack power. So it potentially makes the spell more dangerous than when it came. Taking up a lot of mana, she rarely uses it unless completely necessary.
โค Unbreakable: An excellent shield against close range attacks, the young warrior is able to toughen her skin to make it nearly impenetrable. This lasts until it wears off, which is after a couple of blows. Although requiring a cool down period, it's a pretty easy spell so it acts as a physical shield would.
โฆ T E C H N I Q U E
โค Boulder: Using her blade to carry momentum, she swings her sword low to the ground before pivoting and then she proceeds to use the other leg to kick at her opponent to momentarily stun them and push them back.
โค The Feign: Pretending to be caught off guard, she lets down her defenses to allow an opponent to rush in. She then tackles and uses her Unbreakable spell so that the attacker does very little damage in order to try to escape. Unable to, she now has her opponent pinned.
โค The Feign: Pretending to be caught off guard, she lets down her defenses to allow an opponent to rush in. She then tackles and uses her Unbreakable spell so that the attacker does very little damage in order to try to escape. Unable to, she now has her opponent pinned.
โบ P A R A M E T E R S โ
โฆ M A N A | 3 / 5
โฆ C H A N N E L I N G | 3 / 5
โฆ M A G I C | 1 / 5
โฆ T E C H N I Q U E | 4 / 5
โฆ S T R E N G T H | 5 / 5
โฆ S P E E D | 2 / 5
โฆ B O D Y | 4 / 5
โฆ I N T E L L E C T | 2 / 5
โฆ M A N A | 3 / 5
โฆ C H A N N E L I N G | 3 / 5
โฆ M A G I C | 1 / 5
โฆ T E C H N I Q U E | 4 / 5
โฆ S T R E N G T H | 5 / 5
โฆ S P E E D | 2 / 5
โฆ B O D Y | 4 / 5
โฆ I N T E L L E C T | 2 / 5