In a universe where governments have restricted exploration of the universe to a privileged few, a group of pirates formed an association called The Consortium. This band of rebels and misfits advocates the freedom of exploration and aims to escape the shackles of society by casting off the burdensome laws that have been put in place, stealing a skyship, and wandering the stars as they please. They search for riches, knowledge, and others of a like-mind who wish to join them on their quest for true freedom.

Well hello there! Welcome to Moradin; the largest galaxy in the known universe. It is home to 129,305,398 discovered planets, over 900,000,000,000 stars, 239,404,309 moons, and an innumerable amount of intelligent life. There are dozens upon hundreds of species that call this corner home. Elves, humans, dwarves, tabaxi, you name it. If it exists, we’ve got it. The universe is young, vast, and we only know a small fraction of what there is. The folks up at the United Planets Science Academy say that there’s still billions of planets that we don’t even know exist yet. Exciting, isn’t it?
Most in the universe are happy with things the way they are. There are no wars. Famine and pestilence are largely unheard of (except for in some of the newer colonies), and the common-folk are happy enough to just live out their lives in peace.
What about all of the unexplored space, you might ask? Well, exploration vessels called skyships are expensive, and most are only owned by the navies of various governments. On occasion the rare civilian will gain a license to sail. Exploration is a dangerous business and the powers that be like to keep civilians out of it for the sake of safety- or at least that’s what they claim. The truth of the matter is that the governments like control. They want to hoard all of the ships so they can have control of what riches are uncovered, and keep the masses at bay by giving them just enough to stay content.
You see, a thousand years ago everyone and their mother could own a skyship and explore the universe. There was a star struck wonder in every young person’s eye, and they all dreamed of feeling the solar winds on their face as they sailed off to uncharted territory. The stars were new and exciting, and we were meant to be among them. However with the exploration of our skies came the discoveries of new sources of power, building materials, gems, and every other sort of precious object. Exploration was no longer for the thrill of adventure. No, now it was for the money, and nothing can corrupt an adventurer’s heart like money.
Skyships became more expensive, and slowly the common man became used to the idea of never being able to afford one. The governments took over the exploration of the galaxy, and with that sailing became a thing only the rich or the navy did.
But wanderlust still calls to some hearts.
Sometimes there is a person who is less fortunate. Sometimes there is someone who doesn’t have money or the means to acquire a ship, but their soul still longs to be among the stars. So what is one to do when they find themselves in this situation? That, my friend, is why we pirates exist.
People were meant to be free to find themselves, but ever since the skyships were taken away it seems everyone is content to just stand around like a herd of sheep being directed by a shepherd. Go to school, get a job, get married, have children, grow old, die, cycle repeat. But that is not enough for us. The various governments would have you believe that we are bloodthirsty, greedy, pillaging monsters that reign the skies with a crown made of terror, but that simply isn’t true. At least not for all of us. Those of us who band under the flag of The Consortium have a code.
1: Advocate true freedom for all.
2: Never steal from another member of The Consortium.
3: Never kill unless it’s to protect you or your mate.
4: Never steal from those who need it more.
5: Give The Consortium 12% of the loot you gain. This helps us keep things up and running!
2: Never steal from another member of The Consortium.
3: Never kill unless it’s to protect you or your mate.
4: Never steal from those who need it more.
5: Give The Consortium 12% of the loot you gain. This helps us keep things up and running!
What do you gain from flying under this flag, you ask? Well, how about a team able to forge the most legal-looking of documents? A place to find a crew of people who want freedom, just like you? A place to find a ship (no money required)? A gateway to adventure and riches beyond anything your heart ever began to desire?
If adventure calls to your heart, join The Consortium today and experience what true freedom feels like.

... in a bar on the planet Iyananor, which is found in the Esari System. The Summer's Escape. It's a tiny little dive that no one seems to know much about, but you know it happens to be the main base of operations for The Consortium. It has taken you many months of searching, questioning, and proving yourself to come by this information, but now you are finally here. The bartender is, of course, skeptical of any newcomers, but you know a passphrase that gets you access to the secret base beneath The Summer's Escape.
"I come with all the freedom the moons and stars grant me."
After entering the base, you are presented with a series of tests and questions to prove your loyalty to The Consortium. It includes a practice mission, an interrogation done under the influence of a "Zone of Truth" spell, and finally a drinking contest to welcome you into the fold. After a while you are assigned to your new crew, and begin preparations to ship out.

Aasimar Arakocra Centaur Changeling Dragonborn Drow Dryad Dwarf Elf Genasi Gnome Goliath Half-Elf Half-Orc Halfling Human | Kalashtar Kenku Kobold Lizardfolk Loxodon Minotaur Orc Shifter Simic Hybrid Tabaxi Tiefling Treant Triton Vedalken Warforged Yuan-Ti |

- Captain (@Shiva)
- Quartermaster
- Bosun (@Hellion)
- Navigator
- Cook
- Master Gunner
- Surgeon (@puddingpunter)
- Mechanic
- Powder monkey
- Other

Listen to the GM
This should go without saying, but don't try to argue with me. Discussions and things you're confused about? Sure! Bring it up with us in the OOC or a DM. I don't mind talking about things with you, but if I give you a final answer then take the hint and drop the subject.
Don't try to run the rp.
If you have an idea you want to do, you can bring it up OOC and we'll discuss it. I don't mind players having subplots, but we need to be sure that they don't interfere with the main plot and that people aren't running away with things.
No overly disagreeable/evil characters.
We've all seen that one person in an rp who wants their character to be the center of attention at all times, and as a result end up causing a lot of drama in the rp. Don't be that person. If you try to be that person, you will be laughed at and banned from the rp.
No NSFW content.
If you and another player engage in writing NSFW content, take it to DMs. I don't want it in my rp.
Be aware that the GM has a very low tolerance for nonsense.
I've had many people ruin my carefully thought out plots several times with their stupidity, so while I will do my best to be nice, if you cause any trouble I will not be fun to deal with.
Posting requirements
Your posts don't have to be big paragraphs, just decent sized ones to show you're willing to put in effort to keep the rp going, even if it's slow. Maybe two paragraphs. I would like to keep the frequency to at least one person posting per week. We're pretty laid back here, so if you need a little extra time due to circumstances, no worries. That being said, if you're looking for a fast paced rp where we all post back-to-back on a daily basis, this probably isn't what you're looking for.
*I reserve the right to ban and brutally kill off characters if you break these rules.

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