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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The emissary looked at Auriel with some suspicion but Cole shook his head, and she nodded in return. "The King requests that the Sword, and Shield work together to assassinate the leader of the Black Stone Bandits that have been plaguing the country side." commented the emissary as Cole looked at her with confusion. The emissary ninja who nodded as if she expected the Sword to be confused which just made Cole all the more annoyed by the fact that she had just appeared out of nowhere and deemed it necessary to give him orders when they still needed to properly level up a bit more.

"Their leader has been found out, Rayla Winters, originally a gladiator from the city of Zeltoble she has since risen to glory by defeating guards, and bounty hunters alike. With the ravaging of our country possibly coming soon we cannot afford to let random bandits diminish our peoples' Morales even further." the emissary says as she looks at the Sword with a dull expression on her face. "Why us though?" Cole asked he thought about it for a moment but he knew right then and there that the people could probably very easily deal with bandits if they could sneak into a fully crowded bar unnoticed. "The King said in his wisdom he wanted to give you the peoples' backing. They will follow heroes who do more than just kill balloons, and rabid animals." the emissary says to Cole who looked at Fer. "What do you think? I'm ready to step up, and fight actual thinking living creatures." Cole says to his friend the Shield Hero.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Fer regarded the emissary with furrowed brow. Everything about her seemed to say shadows and mystery. As if to offset this view, the radiant Auriel entered the noisy tavern with joyful shouts and waving what looked like paper rolled up. Almost as if on instinct, the young Shield hero’s face delivered a smile towards the winged companion. The last few days had found all three of them busy with getting much needed practice. He had tried his best to avoid monopolizing much of her time as Cole seemed like doing things on his own. She had said that she was in the service of all the heroes and Fer did not want a misunderstanding to occur that would alienate either her or Cole.

His wondering mind soon returned to the matter at hand as the shadowy figure continued her request. This made Fer’s eyes slit in distaste and distrust. He was by no means pure and his hands had been stained with plenty of blood. He had somehow felt that in this life or world, he would have to protect people from monsters or demonic beings. He took a deep, audible breath as he reminded himself that humans could be just as monstrous or demonic as any creature they would encounter. Governments always had rebels and bandits to pursue. The young hero had not issues with rebels, as long as they targeted only government facilities but often the ones who took the brunt in such mattes were the regular people. Bandits on the other hand were fair game. Predators of the innocent, Fer had no love for cowards. Rebels at least fought for an ideal, however wrong it may be. He had no issue with bringing a bandit leader to justice but assassinate was perhaps the wrong word. This implied covert, shady dealings.

Fer issued a nod as a second to Cole’s question. Bandit chasing required time and resources which would tax their already compressed timeline before the arrival of the first wave. This Rayla Winters must be good at hiding or good at disposing of people if she had evaded capture for so long. The response the shadow, as fer began to refer to her in his mind as the emissary had not provided any name, was logical and very political. The king, young as he was, obviously knew how to play to his strengths. This assignment would kill three birds with one stone. It would eliminate the threat of bandits. It would send the message that not only the Heroes but the King who commanded such Heroes had the populous best interest in mind and three it would test the hero’s skills and loyalty towards the king.

The young Shield hero almost smirked. Very clever of the king, he would have to remember that in his dealings with the young monarch. He turned to Cole after his companion had addressed him with a question. “As I told you before, I will follow were you lead. I think that the question as to whether we are ready or not will be evident after the mission. I am sure Marcino, if he is not also coming, will be glad to be rid of us weaklings for a bit. I just hope that we finish this quickly with no serious injuries before facing the waves.” He turned towards the shadow. “I am sure his majesty will be pleased to know that the heroes are always ready to help.” He bowed his head slightly towards the shadow.

He eyed Auriel as if to study any sort of recognition the winged warrior would have of this shadow in front of them or the name of the bandit leader. Being a local, they would have to rely heavily on her knowledge and socializing skills with the locals. He knew from personal experience that a bandit with a good network would be like a ghost if one could not sway information their way. Thankfully, he had eaten a very healthy lunch on his way back from selling his share of the loot when he turned to Cole. “I am ready when you are. I think the sooner we finish with this business, the sooner we can return to sharpening our skils”.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Isn't it a bit cliched to have the guy holding the sword lead the group everywhere? Last time I checked I wasn't the protagonist." Cole says stiffly as he suddenly felt a lot more weight on their shoulders. He looked around for Marcino but the man had left somewhere earlier more than likely. He wasn't sure what to do about the situation. He sat there thinking and he chewed on some of his food before answering. "We'll take it. Tell the King my party will eliminate the bandits." Cole offered to the emissary who nodded, and then vanished into a cloud of thin air. Cole sat there baffled as he gripped his sword's sheathe and stood up. Drinking the water from his glass he put some coin on the table. "I'm not entirely sure that murdering that bandit will be in our best interest." Cole stated as he looked down at the table.

"They mentioned slavery is a thing here in this city. I asked around, and found a merchant the other night who informed me it is enforced by a crest. A painful searing jolt meaning even slaves can be used as body guards as if they disobeyed they are dealt with by the pain." Cole told Fer as he sighed. "I think if this bandit woman is actually as good as you say they are they can be made into an asset. Use them to fight the waves. Its a disgusting thought but a practical one. If we can capture them alive we can possibly pacify the bandits in the whole area by way of fear of it happening to them. Also we would gain an asset to our own team." Cole told Fer his thought process as he grimaced. "I don't like the idea of forcing the concept of servitude onto anyone. In fact this idea is repugnant but I can't help but wonder....You can't deny that my logic has some merit. Force evil to fight evil. Besides didn't you hear? Zeltoble. That's where Marcino's from. If she's nearly as skilled as him, even remotely, that would mean a hard fight." Cole said to his crew keeping his voice down somewhat as to not be overheard.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Fer clapped Cole on the back with a friendly manner after the shadow had disappeared. A smile was present on the young hero’s face. “I have always heard, lead with the tip of the Spear, Fly straight as an arrow, Raise your swords etc. I have never heard anyone following a shield unless that shield is being used as cannon fodder…”

He gave Cole an apologetic look. “Listen, from what I gathered from Marcino, many share his view that I am basically useless and who knows what the Shields of old did to cause others to dislike this particular Legendary artifact”. Fer said raising his jeweled bracer which seemed to whirl with green light as if sentient. “I mean to follow you as an equal but for all intents and purposes it would be best for our small party’s image if people saw you as the figure head.”

The smile reappeared. “Don’t worry if we mess up you can always blame it on me. I am sure that will pacify any dissenter”. He turned and gave Auriel a wink. During his time amongst the city people he had sense some sort of apprehension or even dislike towards him. He had met this with a bright smile and polite manners. He cared not what they thought of him but eventually cooperation would require that they trust him. He was glad his Shield became only a bracer while not in combat. This allowed Fer to hide it if he met a particularly hesitant person. He took none of this personally, short of somebody trying to cause him harm due to the object on his forearm, he could care less.

Fer nodded as he heard Cole’s explanation and logic. He had also inquired about the people, mainly demi humans, who sported a similar tattoo that the young hero assumed was more than ornamental. He had been repulsed at the idea but knew that in his own world, the practice of slavery had been common and widely accepted. He shook his head slightly, the strong will always find a way to oppress the weak. He returned his attention to the present and to Cole. “I do not fault you for thinking like this. It is actually a very logical way to pacify the bandits and to utilize the woman as a skilled servant. However, I have known horses who had broken their own backs trying to be free of the mouth guard and dogs who had effectively choked themselves to death trying to be free. If all gladiators are like Marcino many would rather die than be a slave.”

His face took a pensive look. “I wonder if there was a way to negotiate with the person. Like you said, if she is as skilled as Macino might as well we slit our own throats.” He glanced at both his companions cautiously. “I do not mean to imply that I doubt your skills but hope and trust alone are not good defense against blade and magic.” He looked at Cole’s plate of unfinished food. “Look, finish eating and then we can discuss further on a more open location with less ears.” His voice was low as he looked about. He wondered why the shadow had chosen a crowded tavern full of shady characters to deliver this news. Was this a test to see how effectively and cautious the heroes could be? Where the heroes merely bait that would catch the attention of people working with or for Rayla? Either way, knowing that you are walking into a trap does not make the trap less deadly.

He sat on the seat next to Cole and turned his attention to Auriel. “I am sorry Auriel, you were excited about a quest? Please share with us the details. It must be something really cool if it got you so worked up. I figured sooner or later you would get tired of babysitting us”. He smiled at her broadly his eyes holding a warm regards for his companion.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cole looked at Fer, and wondered what exactly he would do if he tried to negotiate with a bandit. A bandit wanted nothing more than to pillage. Cole knew deep in his gut that if they were going to pacify Rayla then that meant they would need to beat her, or get the chance to put the collar crest on her. Cole wondered more so if Fer would be outraged if he went against him and he did it anyway. The man seemed to have a personal grudge against authority it seemed. More so he even relegated all the fame to him, the Sword Hero, it seemed the people had been considering him just dead weight which Cole knew was partially true but still unfair. Fer's defensive combat style was forced on him not a given choice. Cole chewed on his food for a bit as Auriel, and Fer talked something over, and then took a sip of his water. As a good portion of his meal he breathed out deeply. "There's only three choices. The collar, my sword, or to cripple them." Cole said rather bluntly. "Bandits are thugs. They don't talk, or back down and the chief of them, this Rayla didn't get that way by being the biggest coward of the lot. We need to be decisive one way or another."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Whoami
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Whoami All things atmospheric...

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Hard Decisions

(Mood Music)

Auriel watched the emissary with caution. Something just didn't feel right about the cloaked woman. Why would a royal emissary commission the heroes so clandestinely? Why didn't the king just summon the heroes to the throne room to give them the quest personally? After all, it isn't beyond a king's power to order the death of mere bandits, and it also isn't beyond his power to ask the fledgling heroes to do it instead of a battalion of troops. Better yet, a public order to exterminate bandits would only improve the public's perception of his care for the common folk, and it would be a clear enforcement of his laws. It stank- no, reeked of plots and schemes. Auriel waited for the emissary to leave so she could speak with the heroes in private. The topic was quickly swung to slavery. She didn't even want to think about the prospect of enslaving anybody, even if they were criminals. Auriel shook her head and drew a knife hand across the air in front of her, gesturing to end the idea there. "No. Enslavement is not the way... Rayla has a reputation, but nobody deserves to lose their free will. I've seen what demi-humans who bear the slave mark endure, it's not right. Has killed many and ruined the lives of many more. She cannot be allowed to live and breathe the same air as the honest people of the world."

Her golden eyes flicked between the two, "The decision is ultimately yours, since my code prevents me from stopping you, but..." Auriel trailed off with her thoughts and remembered the day she fell in battle. When her wings were shattered and she was dragged by chains through the mud to the feet of the horde's chieftain. She remembered the cast iron brand bearing the slave's seal, how it glowed and rippled the air with heat. Auriel was thankful for her captain and his cavalry that the brand hadn't reached her. "If you're going to enslave her... Then you're not going to want me there to see it." She spoke passionately and with conviction.

Auriel took a deep breath and closed her eyes, bringing herself back down a notch. She stepped closer to the two of them and lowered her voice, "This isn't a task we should tread into lightly... Doesn't it seem suspicious to you that the king would send an anonymous emissary to us to kill some bandits? This sounds like a trap, not everybody wants the Cardinal Heroes in this world."

Auriel looked over her shoulder and continued, "We could be getting set up to walk into an ambush. Rayla Winters is cunning, and she knows a threat when she sees one. There's no doubt in my mind that she'd strike at you when you're both at your weakest so there'd be little effort needed. If we're going to do this, we'll need a plan, and a lot of back up plans."

When Fer brought up Auriel's quest that she had gathered for them, she looked to the scroll in her hand. The quest suddenly felt so meager in comparison to what just came up. Auriel let out a sigh and pocketed the scroll, "It's nothing. This is more important." She made a promise to that farmer, and she was never one to break promises made to desperate people. Once she had the time, she'd go by herself to clear out the tunnels.

When Fer figured she'd be getting tired of taking care of them, Auriel took on a softer expression and seemed to lose that hard edge in her stance she had adopted when she arrived. "I could never tire of being with you both. I waited my whole life for this, after all." She smiled sweetly to Fer, "I'll watch over you both for as long as I can, or until you no longer need me."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cole looked as Auriel took her head, and looked at Fer. It seems she preferred him much more all the same it really didn't mean much to Cole at the end of the day. His only concern was survival. As Cole finished his food he stood up, and looked at Fer. "Right well Auriel even if it is a trap then its up to us to fight our way out. We're stronger now then we were a few days ago. And we got a lot to learn. But I doubt the King doesn't have people tracking us too. Could be he was just lazy." Cole said having been to the king's throne room twice in the span of a week he was pretty sure the king didn't feel like messing with their training constantly just to push out one order.

"We're going to the adventurer's guild. We'll find information there, and then we're heading out to find the nearest bandit group. Shouldn't too hard. They're raiding caravans more than likely. The easiest targets, Farms are nice but they aren't carrying as much loot. Just like how a person in a video game wants the big city, not the small cities when they win a war." Cole said as he walked towards the door, and as he exited a group of small boys smiled at him, and he waved to them. He wondered if they knew what thoughts were running through is mind...would he still be their hero.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 mos ago

The young shield hero shrugged as Cole was adamant about the way to subdue the bandit chief. He knew that fighting such a character would be hard but he also knew that Cole was right regarding them being stubborn. Most bandits would double cross you or stab you in the back if they got a chance. Feeling like Cole perhaps felt that he was disapproving of his approach Fer stated matter of factly. “Look Cole, you and Auriel have the means to bring people down by force. If we go toe to toe with them then I will unfortunately have to rely on your skill at getting the job done. That being said, I have your back and will follow your suggestion.”

He gave the Sword an encouraging smile. He spoke his words true. No matter what he felt, he knew that Cole was feeling the most pressure as the De Facto leader of their little group. Close to committing some moral or heinous crime, Auriel would defer to the two. As if on cue, Auriel’s convictions spoke up. Fer was taken aback by her resolution and firmness but smiled at her happy that she would put her foot down if the hero’s started down a wrong path. Even more impressive was her resolution to pass judgment on the bandit leader. Rayla must be a truly despicable person to deserve an unwavering execution edict from Auriel.

Fer watched as she regained composure and furrowed his brows a little. She had not truly open up about herself but something in her past had clearly left a mark on her. The young hero listened to her misgivings and he could not deny he felt like this task came with plenty of strings attached that the trio would have to navigate in order to not spring some sort of trap. As if to validate and assure Auriel that she was not alone on this train of thought he nodded.

The tone suddenly changed as she went from battle hardened angel of justice to Auriel, the holy warrior who had been destined to guide them on their quest. Fer was unsure if the others could see his face redden but he hoped that the melanin in his skin would hide this fact. He was immensely thankful that Cole spoke up. Fer was unsure as to the actual feelings that the winged warrior evoked in him but he knew that he felt a sort of attraction. It could be that she reminded her of his sister. He always had an innate sense of protection for other and while he would also give his life for his Sword Hero companion, he felt that he wanted to protect her.

He cleared his throat and regarded Cole while nodding. “I agree with Cole. Sometimes you have to spring the trap to draw out the one who set it.” Reading between the lines at what Cole had said he continued “We may be nothing more than high profile bait but as long as we know that, we could make plans. Either way, if we end up cleaning up the roads from these bandits, the world will be the better for it. I know that many merchants who I dealt with in the past couple of days voiced their concerns about the danger the roads posed of late. I am sure that the bandits are more than aware that the militia is hard pressed in getting ready to combat the waves.”

He shrugged. “it also could be nothing more than what the emissary said and the king just wants to give us more notoriety.” He stood up and walked with Cole. He decided that not only was it better to change the conversation until they were in a safer spot but also there was something he really wanted to ask. He matched the stride of the Sword and asked “So hey Cole, you keep mentioning Video games. What exactly is that? In my world and where I lived we have things on TV but I am not sure I have ever seen these games on video.” This knowledge might help him understand more of the mechanics of this world. Especially the way his shield is supposed to function and navigating the translucent screen that displays his data.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vexxed Vex
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Vexxed Vex

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The city was bustling with movement as it people went about their days, shopping and meeting up with loved oned. A beautiful day despite the approaching danger that seemed to loom over the country and its people. However, the air of pleasantness shifted as a pair of pointed ears twitched as a tall man headed toward his destination. He couldn't help but wonder if the humans around him were aware that he could hear their hushed conversations and muttered comments as clear as day.

"What is it doing outside the arena?" A lanky, blond-haired man whispered to a petite brunette.

"Who let that beast out of its cage?" A matron murmured as she steered her children away from the tan-skinned demi-human.

Cain really should have known better, these people would only ever see a beast. Instead of reacting to their unease and, frankly, rude comments, the raven-haired man turned headed toward one of the few demi-humans that were out and about.

"Excuse me, sir?" He asked a skittish looking dog-man with floppy golden-colored ears. His arms were full of a basket with fresh fruit and other vegetation.

"Y-ye-yes? H-how may I h-help you?" The other man responded, sheepishly.

"I am looking for the Adventurer's Guild, would you be able to point me in the right direction?" Cain softened his voice to more dulcet tones in an effort to ease the other.

"O-of course! um...Just go straight down th-this road u-until you reach the f-fo-fork. Th-then turn left. Y-you can't m-miss it." The canine fidgeted in place as he pointed out the directions.

"Thank you for your help. Here, for the hospitality." The winged man responded with a toothy grin as he laid five copper pieces in the other man's hand.

Not waiting to see if the man would protest or not, the winged demi ran toward his destination. He had heard that there were a few others like him, free demi-humans who had taken up adventuring as it was one of the few jobs that accepted them, though that was mainly during his time in the pits. Who knew just how much of that was true, or if it was just a fantasy made to give his people some hope.

"Man's gotta eat and I don't think there are many people who would help someone like me. Who knows, maybe the rumours are true and I can join one of the legendary heroes' party. Hehe...As if." He thought derisively just as he saw the large sign just outside of the entrance hall.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Whoami
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Whoami All things atmospheric...

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Young Fun

(Mood Music)

Auriel listened to the heroes' responses. She sighed and nodded, coming to terms with their decision. "Very well. I at least advise that we when we make our approach, we do it with the expectation that we might be walking into a trap. At least that way we wont be caught so if guard if it happens."

Auriel followed behind the heroes quietly and smiled at the same children that regarded Cole as he stepped out. More orphans, a couple of which she recognized. Auriel looked to Cole and Fer, "Mykal, Cal! What are you doing right outside the tavern?" she scolded them, but there was no obvious malice in her voice.

The kids giggled and ran up to her as she knelt down and embraced them in her arms. "Don't you have studies you should be reading up on?"

The kids shook their heads, Mykal spoke first, "The monastery shut down the classes. They said something about needing time to strengthen the windows and doors."

Auriel was there during that council to fortify the monastery before the wave hit. She had been so focused over the past few days training with the heroes that she hadn't even realized that it was the day the elders had agreed upon. Auriel bit her tongue, not wanting to worry the kids about the wave that was drawing ever closer, as told by the dragon hourglass. Auriel glanced over to Fer and Cole for a moment, then back to the children with a grin, "They're just wanting to make sure you two don't slip away from the monastery during classes!"

The boys both groaned when they heard that. Auriel chuckled and leaned in closer, "But not if I have anything to say about it." she winked at them. They would have to wait until the first wave was defeated before Auriel would convince the elders to loosen security.

The kids looked at each other with hope in their eyes, glad that Auriel was still on the orphans' side. Cal changed the topic, "Where are you going, Auriel?"

Auriel gestured to the heroes, "I'm going to the adventurer's guild with the sword and shield heroes. We're going to go fight some bad guys."

They looked at the heroes with awe as Auriel stood up again. "Maybe when we're back we'll tell you all about it~" she teased as she moved to catch up with Fer and Cole.

Auriel smiled to herself as she fell in behind the two heroes. She loved the orphans of the monastery as if they were her little brothers and sisters. While she wasn't one herself, Auriel always felt a deep connection with them. Perhaps it was because all of her friends growing up were orphans, and she was so sad to see her friends coming and going so rapidly. She learned to cherish was time she had with every one of them. Auriel caught up just in time to hear Fer ask about 'Video Games'. She too had picked up on Cole's references to these games. She was admittedly rather curious too. What was a video? What made it so different from any other game? Was it like Cat's Cradle? Dice? Tag? Kick the barrel? Auriel tilted her head and brought her golden gaze onto the back of Cole's head, listening for his answer.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Um really you didn't have video games? Strange. Well basically they're like stories that you could get to play through using a fake person. Not all of them were based on people some were just simple things like building blocks. But to do it you needed to use a computer, or a tv. Basically screens of glass that project images onto itself explaining that part for Auriel's sake. Very complicated stuff when it comes down to it. Not sure I can do it justice I'm just the son of a fisherman." Cole said to Fer as he addressed his question regarding video games. The group got up, and left the tavern and went to go to the adventurer's guild along the way Cole was harassed by the menagerie of people. Young girls want to hand him food, some merchants wanting to sell him supplies, or give him a gift for good luck, some adventurers posing challenges he ignored. Fer was also harassed by some of them but considerably less so. They also heard rumors that Rin Matsunaga had apparently killed a large wolf pack over the course of the past few days, and the spear hero had gone to a town over and helped them with their farming troubles.

"The other two aren't slacking we can't let up." Cole said as they walked he couldn't help but feel that he wasn't doing all he could. All the same though he was doing the best he could, and pushing himself even with the waves coming in just over a week meant that he needed to focus. The better he got with this legendary sword the more effective he can be. For all intents and purposes he may very well become the face of the four heroes. Rin was too blunt, and the spear was an anomaly. Having apparently been re-summoned as well liked the shield. Its a shame he liked that other guy.

As they arrived in the guild for once they didn't get much of a warm reception even the newbies here were far to busy preparing for the waves, and getting contracts to bother with the new looking heroes entering. As Cole, and company walked up to the receptionist Cole asked about any information he could obtain on Rayla Winters. "Oh hello Sword hero! Rayla Winters lets see here...." The receptionist goes through his files, and brings out a large dossier. "Rayla Winters is wanted on charges of: Forging documents, murder, battery, kidnapping, arson, thievery, attempting to assassinate a leading merchant in Zeltoble, and many other smaller crimes..." the receptionist tells them as they pull out a illustrated photo of a girl with short cut hair, a large two handed sword on her back, and a scar going from her armored breast plate to her neck. "The last known sighting of her was at the Hillberry farm where they burnt it down. Rumors suggest that they're going to be assaulting another farmstead sometime today. Guards have been dispatched but you're free to go and help." commented the man as Cole looked at the receptionist, "You know where they're attacking next?" Cole questioned as the man nodded, "A rogue from our guild went and scouted some of the shady parts of town but it is unknown if they'll be brazen enough to attack the guards there."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 mos ago

It was thanks to his experience playing the earth sport of soccer that Fer had managed to see the way that Auriel treated the young kids. He recalled that she worked at the church but was not aware that the church also ran an orphanage. Regardless, he smiled at the soft side of the holy warrior. He by no means doubted that she was an avid and deadly warrior when the time came but the true measure of a warrior was how they behaved when the blade was not drawn. He knew many a scout who were nothing more than death incarnate but were not able to turn it off. This lead to many situations that cause the rebellion to loose favor with the local farmers and villages. The only thing that kept him sane was his one tracked mission in finding his family. He knew that the young kids now drawn to the holy warrior as bees to honey were her anchor.

He turned his attention back to Cole as the Sword explained the answer to his question. He tried to imagine what was said. He knew about television due to certain locations having some black and white ones. Color televisions were very hard to come by in the mountains. Add that to the remote locations and he knew for a fact he had never experience what Cole was saying. It seemed very interesting to him. He filed it away in the back of his mind. If he ever returned to his world and his time then he would want to find out more.

The group walked together through the streets. Fer felt strange being the center of attention as people started to gather around them. He could travel faster alone as he had purchased a cloak with hood that hid him most of the time. However, when in the company of Auriel and her very obvious wings, it was easier for the populace to notice them. He smiled awkwardly and shook his head as people offered him stuff. He swallowed a bit hard as some of the good looking girls pressed in too much to him. He felt like a school boy despite his age. For so long he had dealt with only death and dirt that he forgot the simple pleasures in life that is a boy being captivated by a girl.

Cole seemed to be taking this celebrity status with better calm and composure. The young shield nodded as his companion mentioned the other two. He had almost forgotten that there were two other heroes. He wondered why the other believed that working alone was the better policy but he shrugged that train of thought. He hoped they would be ok, their strength would definitely be needed in the future.

Doors parted and the trio stood in what looked like organized chaos. He noticed armed people of various styles and looks. Some had the firm hard looks of experienced fighters who had seen more than their share of blood and who had ended many a life. Other had bright and hopeful looks who could be none other than new adventurers that still have the mentality of glory and treasure. The varying races also surprised Fer. The majority of the people were human but he also saw some of the beast men who looked like nothing more than animals with human features and the second kind who seemed to just sport ears or tails. His eyes fell on a fellow who sported wings on his back. He did not mean to stare but the man was a contrast to the soft white angel wings of Auriel. This person’s wings were leathery and black with a slight sheen as the lights of lanterns fell on them.

He was brought out of his musings by the reading of the list of evils that the bandit leader was wanted for. Fer almost whistled as the list was read and he looked at the picture that was presented. Of course the picture was nothing more than a glorified drawing and he wondered how much the artist had embellished. This was better than an actual photograph however because this rendering probably reflected the true nature of Rayla that a non-sentient photo might capture.

The young shield hero almost lost his composure as man behind the desk disclosed that they even knew the next time the person would attack. He wondered if the leader was so confident that they could leak their targets. This could either be a distraction or perhaps a challenge to see if anybody brave enough to stop them. The information however was to the party’s benefit. If the bandits are distracted doing their plundering, it might be easier to kill Rayla.

He turned to Cole. “A woman with so many bounties is probably a big target. In my world, bounty hunters would often fight with each other to collect it. If we could have them work together it would be better but I know that may take a lot of persuading. If we want to do this on our own, we should be aware that somebody might try to block us for the same reason.” He shrugged. “Either way from what I hear, her life has to end to complete our mission. I guess it does not matter if we do it or somebody else does it. But I think it is right to assume that the king wants us to somehow be involved for notoriety sake.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vexxed Vex
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Vexxed Vex

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

When Dúlamán entered the main hall, he was hit with a small sense of disappointment at the lack of other demi-humans. He knew the number of free demis in the country was few and far between but he expected more than what he could see. Despite that, he went about looking if there was a notice board with any decent rewards. He spared a momentary glance at the door shortly after, noticing the arrival of two men and what he could only assume was an avian demi-human.

"Probably their slave." He thought derisively. Taking a second look, notice that she was well cared for at least. And that darker-skinned man seemed to focus on him for a moment longer than necessary. The ravenette had to bite back the comment on the tip of his tongue, tucking in his wings tighter at the scrutinizing gaze.

He tried to continue, his rather fruitless search of a task that would be in his wheelhouse when a particular name reached his sensitive ears. Rayla Winters, well known in the pits and arena. A fearsome woman, though the vampire was fortunate to say he had never met her. And the crimes she has been said to commit would leave quite the bounty on her head.

"Even split multiple ways, I could make a decent profit from this!" He thought to himself before making a split decision.

Without bothering to really take in the appearances of the three-person group by the desk, Dúlamán sauntered over to them with a welcoming smile. Not the slightest bit disturbed by the idea of interrupting their conversation.

"Good day to you fine gentleman and lovely lady. I couldn't help but overhear that you were planning to take on Rayla Winters. She's a tough one, I'll tell you that. Never seen or heard of any opponent of hers getting at least twice of what they gave. If they managed to give any that is." He started gesturing nonchalantly with his hands.

"She isn't someone who would go down easy. You'd have a better chance if you had an idea of how she thinks or at least fights." He bluffed with an easy smirk. "I am Dúlamán Cain, a pleasure to meet you." He added quickly, offering his hand to the one who seemed to be in charge.

It was then that he began to drink in the sight of them all. A young man with armour and a distinctly ornate sword. Another, the darker man from earlier with a shield that almost all Demi-humans could probably draw from the memory of the stories alone. And a fierce young woman, obviously worn by battle with angelic white wings. A counter-point to his almost demonic in their shape and darkness.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Legendary Hero of the Sword, Cole is my name at your service Mister Cain." Cole tells the new comer as he considers the context of the situation at hand despite the issues that will be brought to bare it will be a difficult fight. Zeltoble didn't raise cowards, and he knew going in that the situation would be difficult but he wondered just how much...its not like they could rewind time if they failed. Cole figured it was going to be dangerous...but he had to be strong for his team. "Our patron is giving us his blessing for this meaning I doubt we'll find that much trouble. Besides the bounty is hardly the prize. Its the recognition we want." Cole says as he turns to Cain. "You want to join with us? I can't promise that we can keep you safe if you do join we're going to be fighting as a unit. And the Shield Hero, and I have precious little experience in real combat. We were just summoned a few days ago if that." Cole says to Cain as he turns to Ferr. He sighs, "That being said you know I'll do my best to carve our way to victory."

"With all due respect sir Shield. Your bounty you are inquiring about is a dead or alive bounty. And is claimable in either state. She is wanted for high treason in Zeltoble but being who you are. I'm sure the law may be willing to bend slightly as long as you can provide proof if you kill her with something like fire." claims the Guild's Desk Manager.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Fer turned to the voice, a sort of sweet but not soft like Auriels but more like molasses, sticky. His eyes fell once again on the leathery wings. He instinctively moved towards the front between his companions and the newcomer. The movement was no more than a few inches but the motion was evident and he immediately regretted it. He had nothing against the young man but something in his being in his raising had attributed a bad impression of those wings. His religious mother had often mentioned stories from the bible. This could also be a reason why he was so naturally drawn to Auriel. The man seemed confident but there was something in the way he said things that still made Fer narrow his eyes as if he could somehow discern that one thing he could not place. Whatever the case, the man seemed to be no threat and his smile would have been almost charming.

The young hero cleared his throat awkwardly and was glad Cole spoke first as the words seemed to catch in his. He nodded at Cole when his companion expressed his solemn vow to succeed. Fer was counting on him, as a person only capable of defense, he needed the sharp sword and true spear of his companions to help him defeat the enemies. Teamwork was the only way to ensure his return to his world. He then turned to the young beast man and extended his arm as his voice said firmly but calmly and as friendly as he could muster.

“I am Fernando, The Shield Hero. You may call me Fer if you like.” He even mustered a slight smile. “What Cole says its true. We are new to this world and to fighting. Especially new to our weapons. Legendary Heroes we may be called but I am afraid our skills are not at that level.” He shrugged as he continued “However, if you don’t mind that then I for one welcome any help we may have. From what I have heard from the Guild Receptionist and from you, we are in for quite a fight as we face this Ryla Winters.”

As if on cue, the Receptionist stated that they needed proof of the bandit leader’s death if there were to collect the bounty. Fer grimaced at the very real possibility that they would have to provide some sort of body part. However, this world was abundant in magic and other such things, so he turned to the Receptionist and asked honestly. “What ways could we utilize to prove we have completed the task? What will you require? A body part, some other item?” His voice had an obvious distaste as he mentioned the question.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Whoami
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Whoami All things atmospheric...

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

(Mood Music)
Angels and Demons

The trio entered into the Guild Hall. It didn't take long for them to be greeted by the many adventurers looking to make a name for themselves. The three of them had a reputation, so it wasn't long before the three were separated by crowds of people wanting to talk to them. Auriel had the smallest crowd in the hall around her, compared to heroes of legend, the Holy Warrior was small fry. Thankfully for her, it allowed her to have an easier time getting out of the crowds. With the party regrouped, Auriel moved further into the hall with them. That's when they spotted the other demi-beast. It felt strange, he was almost like a polar opposite to her. Seeing his wings actually made her own twitch. The parallel was almost unsettling. She had heard of vampires, but never had she seen one before. Thus, she didn't recognize the significance of his extra features. Still, the look of the man was sinister in nature. Auriel felt uneasy just looking at him, but she didn't want to pass judgement on him so soon. He seemed amicable with the heroes, and he shared a common interest in Rayla Winters. Perhaps it'd be beneficial for him to come along.

As introductions were passed around, Auriel waited until the heroes were finished. Once her turn came, Auriel extended a hand for a shake, "Auriel Asher, Holy Warrior of the Four." she bows her head, "I welcome you to the team."

Auriel overheard guild receptionist say that they required proof of Rayla's end. Auriel stepped forward and spoke, "What about some of Rayla's hair? Or her ear piercings?"

The angel was already settled on the decision that Rayla needed to die, but she wasn't about to parade a corpse or body parts around to do it. She would make it quick and clean for the bandit leader, then provide a proper burial afterward. Auriel thought back to the hordes, and how they would display their macabre to her and the men that fought with her. She would not become like them.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Her sword is said to be very well engraved, and a keep sake from her parents. They can be used to identify them. Or their head. Anything else may be questionable but maybe a finger will do. Or else the body in general." The receptionist says as he looks over them. "Hunting down these people is dirty work I'm sorry to inconvenience the Sword, and shield." says the receptionist as Leon sighs. He wonders if he will actually be able to get away with getting this woman back here alive. He still wanted to see if he could make use of her in some fashion. "To answer your previous question however Mister Shield....hmmm if what I've got on hand is right she seems to have been a very successful gladiator. You may want to consider bringing along a very experienced adventurer with you. No offense but I heard you were all just summoned the other day was that not right?" the receptionist says respectfully as Cole nods, "Yes but we're hoping to make a clear cut act to show everyone we mean business and we're not going to lay down and let evil have its way." Cole says firmly clutching his sword's hilt. "I wish you, and the shield the best of luck. And to you lady of the church may the four heroes bless you."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Fer was glad to see that he was not the only one who found it distasteful to piece out a person. It was not that he had any qualm about performing the actual function. He had often butchered the pigs and goats for their dinner. As a hunter, he had been soaked in blood countless times. It also was not the idea of killing someone. During his time as a rebel in the mountains of his homeland, he had ended the life of many people. Many of them had been from a distance but he had his share of watching the life in their eyes fade away. He nodded in support towards Auriel. He knew her to be fair and gentle and found it surprising that her good will extended even to hardened criminals.

The young hero turned to the receptionist his eyes narrowed. He tried to detect if there had been a hint of derision or sarcasm in the person’s voice when they mentioned the inconvenience of providing proof. Finding no obvious proof in the man’s face he softened his gaze and responded.

“It is completely understandable that to collect the bounty and to be assured of a criminal’s death the physical body would be required. I merely hated the idea of desecrating a dead body. However, if nothing else is possible, I will shoulder that burden when the time comes.”

He put up his right hand trying to keep the receptionist from continuing his apology. “No need to apologize. I actually appreciate your recommendation and agree with the fact that we are not truly battle tested. One thing I can assure you is that we will not be underestimated. However, it is better if we are. In my country we have a saying, the quiet snake strikes when you least expect it.”

His smile was unlike his usual warm and friendly one. It reverted back to the days when he was hard as stone and thought of nothing else but avenging his parents and brother. It was akin to a snarl but with a confidence that to any onlooker would communicate he was very capable of killing.

He turned to Dulaman. “I hope that you are as good as you said. Otherwise, we will only add more bodies to the grave.” He gave a shrug as if to say he was not holding the beat man to the fire either way. He turned to Cole and in joking voice said “What are the marching orders boss?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vexxed Vex
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Vexxed Vex

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hearing Cole responds to his introduction, the dark-skinned demi grinned just a bit wider. He wasn't sure if he had layed it on a bit too thick. After all, even outside the arena, he wasn't known for his sparkling personality. Though he couldn't help but be on guard with the "subtle" shifting of the shield hero. Cain couldn't be sure without asking but, he was fairly sure his wings were at least partially to blame for Fernando's unease.

Shaking the man's hand he couldn't resist the urge to bare his fangs in a mischievously toothy grin. Though if some of the gasps from a few nosey onlookers were to be trusted it could easily be mistaken for a soundless snarl.

"I am sure your abilities are worth far more than you claim, though I must say. Humility is a rarity in this city aside from the clergy." the winged man said easily as he released Fer's hand and leaned back slightly. It was almost immediately after that he remembered his polar opposite reached out to grab her hand.

However, instead of shaking the proffered appendage, he attempted to turn it so that her knuckles were exposed before lowering his head to place a gentle kiss. "Pleasure, m' lady." He breathed with a wink before turning toward the conversation with the receptionist.

While he held little sympathy for Rayla and her ilk, he wasn't comfortable with her death being so easily discussed. There were few who understood what time in the arena could do to one's mind and those who did had more than there share of scars. Both physical and mental. Despite these thoughts, he was also fully aware that not everyone could be redeemed.

"While I much prefer to ensnare my prey, these aren't just for show. I can hold my own." He declared while motioning to the two whips stored on the outer side of his legs.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Fer had to turn his head in a different direction when the winged newcomer planted a kiss on Auriel’s hand. He felt his blood rise but was not sure if it was due to his embarrassment at feeling so possessive of his holy partner or if it was out of anger at the beast man for taking such liberties with a total stranger. Perhaps he was old school and even in his world, men showed their respect to ladies in such a manner. However, this was also a way to flirt and court that was socially acceptable. Perhaps the young hero’s anger was at the audacity that Dulaman would reduce his trusted companion to prey to be hunted and conquered over. Whatever the case, it was wrong of Fer too. He had no claim over the holy protector and he most definitely would not make her out to be a defenseless little bird.

He took a calming long breath and instead focused on his surroundings. The location was filled with experience and new adventurers. He could tell the difference some in their way that they carried themselves. Veteran adventurers had a sureness in their step. They moved with purpose and their laughs were full and hearty. They probably had seen many partners die and knew that life was too short to worry about the mundane. In the opposite, newcomers walked around unsure, their smiles awkward and masked.
He turned to look at his own team. Despite the awesome weapons they wore, there was no guarantee of success. He was the second hero to be summoned in a very short time. This bandit had a reputation that exaggerated or not, meant that they could handle themselves. This very real possibility of death made him feel even more ashamed of his earlier reaction. Dulaman might be a new member to their team but Fer needed to treat and defend him as he would Cole or Auriel.

He cleared his throat and addressed the leathery winged man. “Once we are clear of any eager ears I would appreciate any information you have on Rayla and any plan suggestion for bringing about her end.”
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