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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Lil Bean

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Being laid down hurt worse then trying to remain upright, the hiss that escaped her lips was the only vocalization she could manage. Waves of red-hot agony moved along her entire arm, and although she was gentle in her movements it still hurt. Her breathing was ragged in a way she didn't like at all, her mother -ever the doctor- would be trying to help calm her down if she were here. Swallowing thickly, Rayne shifted slightly to glance down at her shoulder and arm. Now that the blood was being wiped away she could see the deep gashes along her pale skin, and what looked like black ink that hadn't been there before.

"Where...is that ink?" She asks slowly, with her words slurring and tongue heavy. Her eyes closed as dizziness washed over her, the world was spinning in a way she didn't like at all. The ink hadn't looked at all disturbed by either the gashes of blood, as if the boy had burned her without using flame. Her hands flexed along her sides as she tried to stay still, not at all sure what to do but let this girl help her. "I...forgot to introduce myself. My name's Rayne, and yours?" Her voice was a weak whisper in the silent room, her eyes never opening again even if she wanted to see what the other would do next.

She felt drained in a way that didn't have to do with the fact that she hadn't slept for more than eight hours in the last week. This felt bone deep and like it was taking everything she had to keep awake, inhaling slowly Rayne tried to keep from jolting upright. @SomeoneSomewere
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Adrienne’s fingers moved swiftly, betraying the experience she has had with this, pieces of blood soaked gauze landing on the floor next to her. She looked up from her work, looking at the female that had quite unceremoniously thrown herself into her life. Her voice gentle, she began to speak,” hey, I know this hurts, but try to take as slow and as deep breaths as you can alright?”

As the gash became visible, she brought her eyebrows together, planning out her next steps. She turned back to the bag, absentmindly wiping her hands off on the jeans on her body. The hospital was what she needed, she needed stitches, and to check for any internal injuries. She grabbed a packet of butterfly sutures, and was reaching to grab more items, when the female asked a question. Her eyebrows raised sharply,” what? Ink? What are you...” She turned back, mystified now at the new substance she stopped speaking. She reached out, touching the ink-like substance. A shudder when down her body, images flashing before her brain briefly before fading, mouth opening and closing briefly. Her voice tense, she spoke,”I have no clue what that is. My name is Adrienne.” She swallowed hard, moving back to what she knew. Control the bleeding. She wiped off her fingers again, grabbing the butterfly sutures.

“As a warning, this isn’t going to feel great, but it will slow the bleeding more. What is your dogs name? Mine is Leo.” She needed to keep her awake, the best as was possible. Hypovolemic shock was something to be concerned about, loose much more and death was possible. She fingers moved deftly, sticking one side of the suture onto her skin before pulling down, closing the gash the best that she could, and sticking the other side to her skin. She continued this process, the two sides nearly touching as she worked her way, moving onto the shoulder laceration. Forcing the presence of the inky substance out of her mind, and focusing on what she could control.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Lil Bean

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Words failed her even if she wanted to reply, she caught a brief glance of a needle and thread before her head dropped down again. It should freak her out that her wounds are being stitched closed, but she couldn't feel the pain she knew she was supposed to. Swallowing thickly again Rayne forced her eyes to remain open, for her mouth to form words despite how tired she was. "H- her name is...Essa." She whispers out softly, fingers flexing against the cushions once more.

A cool nose brushed along her cheek and it drew her attention away from the ceiling, Essa whined softly before sitting down on her haunches. A dark form drew her eyes and she found another dog sitting beside her own, fur inky-black but soft looking. "Hello Leo...you're pretty." She states after a beat, eyes blinking furiously as the new dog whined softly. Reaching out an arm that felt like it weighted twenty pounds, she made a soft clicking sound towards the dogs. Essa moved forward immediately, sniffing once before licking her fingers.

"I feel bad for just...barging into your life like this...I'm sorry." Were the murmured words that left her lips, her eyes finally winning the fight and remaining closed. Her body felt like it was floating but also being pressed down with each breath she took, agony traveling along her skin but it feels muted somehow. Both dogs are gently but insistently nudging against her cheek and hand, but that too feels far away and like it's happening to someone else. This is bad and a distant part of her mind is screaming at her, to stay awake no matter what but she can't. She feels like something is taking what little energy she has away slowly with each beat of her heart, and the darkness behind her eyelids is suddenly terrifying. Unconscious takes her before she can make a sound. @SomeoneSomewere
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Adrienne’s eyes narrowed in concentration, tying off the last stitch on her shoulder. She smiled, but it had a tight look about it,” Essa... that’s a beautiful name.” She frowned slightly, her mind racing before she stood up,” I’ll be right back, Leo warn me if something goes wrong.” She hurried into the kitchen, looking at a locked cabinet briefly. She needed something to clean her wounds, she had forgotten it prior to actually stitching the wounds shut. She had run out of hydrogen peroxide a while past and hadn’t had the funds to buy more. She flung open a drawer, grabbing out a smaller hammer. Swallowing, she walked over to the cabinet, smashing the lock off in two hits.

In the mean time, Leo had crept up closer, his tongue licking the face of the strange girl in his place, soft whines leaving his throat, watching the best the poor dog knew how. He could watch her fading, his whines getting more incessant every second, until she slipped into unconsciousness, where he let out a loud bark.

With the lock off, she began to search for what she needed, the sounds of the glass bottles of alcohol ringing around her head. “Everclear”, she mumbled to herself,” Perfect.” Only then did she hear a loud bark from the other room. Rushing back with the bottle in hand, she found Rayne appearing to be unconcious. “Come on, Rayme! I need you to wake up!” She unscrewed the bottle, pouring it over the lacerations and sutures, hoping to clean it the best she could and wake her from additional pain. Once throughly doused, she began wrapping them with gauze, every few seconds checking for any change, watching that she was still breathing. She would curl her fingers into a fist, then rub her second row of knuckles on her sternum, hard enough that if there was any form of consciousness left, this would bring it out, even just a little.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Lil Bean

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There was no reaction when liquid was poured into the wound, the pressure of knuckles along her sternum was what jarred her into conciouness. With a sharp inhale that ended in a whine, Rayne's eyes snapped open once more. Blinking slowly as everything swam nauseatingly, she swallowed once before averting her gaze to Adrienne's face. There's a muffled voice in her mind that sounds like her mother, warning her that staying awake was safest. "I..I'm sorry." She murmurs quietly, tongue feeling heavy within her mouth.

It'd only then that she registers the new pain mixed with what she's already feeling, as well as the smell of alcohol. It has her nose wrinkling in distaste, but she knows that's what's maxing her wounds burn now. Breathing slowly isn't easy but she forces herself to, the last thing she needs is a panic attack. Her eyes glance to the gauze and sutures she can feel under the pristine clothe, she's not unfamiliar with stitches and although she can't see the she can feel them. "My mother would congratulate you on these if she were here, they aren't half bad." She's speaking with abandon right now and it should frighten her, but for some reason she feels...safe with this stranger. It doesn't settle that a teenager shouldn't know how to stitch wounds closed, that the bottle of alcohol should mean anything else.

Licking her lips Rayne slowly begins to push herself upright, using her left hand to bare the majority of her weight. Moving sends needles of pain down her arm and has her stomach rolling, but she needs to sit up. Her eyes take in the medium-sized room she's in slowly, nothing really registering aside from the couch she's currently on. "I think I should...go." She adds after several moments of silence, the sound of thunder and harsh wind draws her attention towards a window. The world outside looks like it's been drained of color, dark and bleak in a way only a storm can make do. Essa whines softly before laying down, clearly nof agreeing with her words one bit. But she did have to go home eventually, her brother Samuel would no doubt be wondering where she was. Judging by the storm outside and how she can faintly remember being driven here, walking home was her only option. With a huff she dropped her heavy head against the cushion behind her, clicking her tongue once before glancing at her companion. "Or I will go when this storm is over. I owe you an apology and a big thank you." She adds before dipping her head in thanks, not having the energy to offer her left hand for a handshake. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Adrienne let out a sigh of relief when she awoke, watching her carefully and gauging her awareness to her surroundings. She smiled slightly,” don’t apologize, I know it’s hard to stay awake. I’m just grateful you woke back up.” She turned, putting the lid back on the alcohol, swallowing hard. The thought drifted into her head how she was going to hide this from her father, and cover up what happened today. Quickly, she shut down those thoughts, or else she’d never get her focus back on the task at hand.

At her statement, she felt her stomach drop, and she swallowed hard. Rayne didn’t know, couldn’t know, and would never know about her past. “Yeah... it’s a skill I’ve picked up over the years.” She began to busy her hands, cleaning up and gathering all the trash that has been made, shoving usable items back into the kit. She could still feel her mind racing, the panic shoving at the edges of her mind. Her father would murder her if he came home now, to the mess, the blood, the broken lock, the alcohol bottle, and a stranger in his house. Her hands begun to shake slightly before the more logical side of her brain jumped in. It clamped down on her emotions, sealing everything out. She was no longer panicking, however she no longer felt anything.

Noticing the movement out of the corner of her eye, she helped Rayne sit up, her hand hovering behind her back in case if the movement caused her blood pressure to drop, and subsequently her to pass out. When she seemed stablized, she let her hand drop, her face oddly striped of any emotion.

The house was very plain, only the most basic of furniture in the room. A single couch, coffee table, and a tv were the only items located inside of the room. It made the room feel significantly larger, all of the empty space. Everything was completely clean, almost obsessively so.

Hearing her statement about leaving, her eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the Rayne and was about to say something, before thunder shook the house. She glanced towards the window, before nodding to her second statement. “Leaving right now would be a bad idea. I wouldn’t let you walk anyways, but you are far too likely still to suddenly pass out. It would be to risky. You do not need to apologize, you did not choose or ask for him to attack you. You are welcome though, it is not in me to leave someone injured if I can help.”

She looked around briefly, before I thought popped into her head. “I’ll be right back.” She stood, grabbing the trash, and walking away and into the kitchen. Leo looked anxiously after Adrienne, his ears slightly back, obviously waiting for her return. And return her did, holding a water bottle and a granola bar. “If you don’t feel like eating that’s fine. If you feel like you will throw up if you have anything in your stomach you don’t have to drink the water. However, I would suggest you do. You lost a lot of blood, and water and nutrients will help you get better faster.” She held out the two items, the tiniest hint of a smile on her mouth, but it didn’t seem to carry anywhere else.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Lil Bean

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Her hands accepted the offered items without hesitation, though she made no move yet to really fill her stomach. She was curious and a bit sad to notice how bare this single room looked, while spotless it seemed to lack the warmth that filled her own home. Glancing around her mind fills in the gaps with what her own living has in it, and it makes her chest ache. With a slow shake of her head, Rayne uncaps the bottle before bringing it to her lips. Talking slow slips of water, Rayne can't help but allow her mind to wander.

There was no fireplace that held a propped up TV, nor was there a coffee table in front of twin sofas with a recliner tucked in beside the window. No carpet decorated the wooden floor, and no pictures lined the walls. Setting down the bottle she lifts the gronola bar, having to use her teeth when her fingers prove to be to shaky. Her mind flashes back to the nearly invisible smile she'd seen, and it made her chest ache in a way she couldn't explain.

No other words were spoken between them for the longest time, the only sound that filled the air was the rain and thunder from outside. The water and bar gave her back some energy, and with it Rayne settled her legs over the edge of the couch to properly sit up. Her eyes focused on on the way her right side was all be drenched in blood, and just how ashen her skin looked. Exhaling softly she settled her hands along her sides, before pushing herself up to her feet.

By the time the storm began to slow, Rayne was fighting to keep her eyes open again. Time felt endless when you were forced to stay still, and it bothered her. There was no clock to offer a time and her bag was nowhere within reach, she hadn't moved much honesty but it felt good to be up. If she had to guess it was almost four, which meant Samuel would be home soon from his shift at the local bookstore. "I...think it'd be best if I go now." She states into the silence, glancing at Adrienne before focusing on the front door. "If you'd be willing to offer me a ride home I'd be grateful." She adds before taking a step forward, wincing when the action jars her arm. Cooking dinner will be a challenge seeing as its her dominant hand she uses, so will everything really but she'll manage. Somehow.

Though she feels somewhat alright in Adrienne's presence, they are virtual strangers and it's clear that the other girl isn't much of a talker. Not that she is in all honesty, but there feels to be like a wall surrounds the other girl that's meant to keep others at a distance. Making her way towards the front door, she heard Essa follow her as her fingers wrap around the handle, @SomeoneSomewere
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Adrienne nodded slightly as the water and granola bar was taken, rising to her feet. She began to work on cleaning, rinsing off her arms before setting to work on the blood that had made its way to the door. Removing every spot of blood proved to be a difficult task, finding more every so often. She had given up with the couch, there was no way she could clean it, not now anyways.

With everything as clean as she could make it, she sat down herself, her fingers tapping rapidly against her thigh. She couldn’t keep her pain focused on one thought for longer than a second, the thought of grabbing Rayne more clothes, never even crossed her mind.

When Rayne got up, Adrienne quickly stood, ready to catch her if necessary. When that proved unneeded, she let her arms drop down to her side. She wasn’t accustomed to caring for others, or really how to properly talk to someone who had been through something like this. She knew how to deal with herself, but others was a shortcoming. She nodded slightly when Rayne stated she should go home,” Okay... and of course I’ll give you a ride. I don’t know how far you live, don’t want to risk that.”

She looked around briefly, spotting the bottle of alcohol she had somehow forgotten,” let me just put this away real quick.” Picking it up, she began to walk to the kitchen, only for Leo to let out an incredibly loud warning bark. Startled, the bottle slipped from her hand, landing on the floor and breaking. With it, the barrier around her emotions shattered, fear filling her from head to toe. “Shit!” Leo had forced his way between Rayne and the door, growling loudly at it.

Adrienne swiftly grabbed the red bag containing her emergency first aid supplies, running towards Rayne. She grabbed Leo’s collar with one hand, and Rayne’s uninjured arm in the other, pure panic in her eyes. “To the garage quick!” She hurried, as much as the protective German Shepard and her new injured companion would let her, to the garage door. Flinging it open, she tossed her bag onto her car, shoving Leo out the door, which was met by distressed sounds,” Keep Leo in here, and get in the car, I’ll drive and I’ll be out in a second. I don’t care what you hear, don’t let him or yourself inside, it’ll only make things worse.” Handing Rayne her keys, she quickly shut the door, just in time for the front door to be slammed open.

“Adrienne! Where the hell are you?! What is all this shit?! You breaking my stuff now?!” Through the door walked an older male, with dark hair, and looking incredibly unkept. Adrienne enteres the room, her voice soft,” I’m here.” Looking at the man that was supposedly her father, she felt herself shrink inside, and she hurried over to the broken glass, and beginning to pick it up, paying no attention to the sharp shards. She had no time to react, when a heavy handed punch landed on her jaw, shoving her away from the glass, and she turned towards her father. A second followed not long after, impacting her face, throwing her into her back. She couldn’t deal with a beating, not now. As she father moved to stand above her, she reared up, kicking him between the legs before scrambling away.

The blow sent him to his knees, as he yelled between his teeth,” you little piece of shit!” Adrienne stood, beginning to run, when a heavy object smashed into her back, knocking her down to the floor. She let out a sharp whimper as all the air was knocked from her body, faintly hearing the sound of the largest remains of the bottle dropping onto the ground and falling. She quickly forced herself up, panic and fear driving her. She ran, crashing into the door to the garage, before opening it enough to exit. She hurried to the drivers door, taking short sharp breaths, she would’ve called Leo to her if he was outside of the car still, moving to let him in and get into the car.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Lil Bean

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She wasn't sure how she went from standing by the front door, to being gently but pushed into the passengers seat. Time felt distorted and that could only be from how weak she was, her heavy eyes tracking the girl as she all but ran back into her home. The pure panic she'd seen when moments ago her expression had been blank, had her chest tightening. She knew that the world wasn't all kind gestures and encouragement, that it had its ugly side as well. Though her vantage point was blocked by the confines of the car, she just knew that something was happening inside.

Rayne nearly hit the ceiling when a phone began to ring in the silence, her arm immediately flaring in pain at the sudden motion. It took her several minutes to realize that it was her phone, and several more to turn around to search for her bag. Essa was curled up but vigilant, with a swallow she pulled out her phone with slightly trembling hands. The screen read Samuel and it had her nervously licking her lips, before her thumb swiped along the green arrow to answer.

[i]"Oh, good you answered. Where are you?"[i] Her elder brother asked curiously, no doubt already home. Rayne wasn't proud of lying but this was one occasion where she would have to, closing her eyes she answers him.

"School let out early due to this crazy storm. I stayed behind for a bit to finish up one of my art projects that's due on Friday." It wasn't a full lie since she did have a project due, but she'd finished it weeks ago. Her brother hummed softly from his end, the faint sound of a door closing could be heard.

"Do come home, little artist. I've decided to make dinner to give you a break, but I need my sous chef. And our vacuum...speaking of which where is Essa? I whistled for her but she didn't come." His tone is confused now and she can imagine his pout, despite being older by a year Samuel had this childish side to him. Snorting Rayne settled back against her seat, head tipping back even as she watched the garage door wearily.

"I'll be home soon, just a few last minute touches. As for where Essa is, no doubt she's hiding in one of our secret dens until this fully passes." Her attention is drawn immediately towards Adrienne when she sees the girl all but bolt out from the door, her eyes landing on the patch of slowly coloring skin along a pale cheek. "Hey, Sam? A friend of mine is offering me a ride home, so I'll be there soon. Don't start cooking without me!" She adds before unceremoniously hanging up, just as the door opens and the other girl slips inside.

There's a tense silence for a few beats before the car engine roars to life, Rayne finds herself having to bite her tongue to keep from saying anything. What would she even say in regards to the bruise slowly forming, they aren't exactly friends despite what's happened over the last three hours. So no words are spoken, she forces her eyes to look out the window instead of the color spider-webbing outward along pale skin. @SomeoneSomewere
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As soon as the car was started, after ensuring everyone was safely inside, Adrienne sped out of the garage, slowing to a more reasonable speed once onto the road, briefly glancing at her father who had made his way to the driveway, the anger clearly evident on his face. Adrienne could feel her left eye beginning to swell shut already. Her breathing still remained sharp and shallow. As adrenaline faded, pain began to rear its ugly head, each breath causing sharp pain across her upper back. Finally age broke the silence, her voice soft, with frequent pauses between words,” I-I’m sorry... uhm... where is your house..? I just realized I had been driving.”

She noticed the steering wheel beginning to get slick under her hands, another area of pain popping up. She glanced at it, noticing the red blood that was showing itself all over her steering wheel. She grimaced slightly, glancing at her right hand, trying to keep it out of sight, noticing several small cuts on her hand. She knew her left appeared about the same. Otherwise, she refused to acknowledge her injuries.

If only she hadn’t dropped that bottle, everything would have been fine. Her arms and legs began to shake, the panic settling in her muscles, inhibiting even an attempt at a normal breath. She stopped at a stop sign, squeezing her eyes tightly together, before opening them, analyzing the street around her, waiting for some directions. She removed her right hand from the steering wheel, placing it on her jeans at her thigh, attempting to stop her own bleeding, as her mind drifted off. She always hoped one day things would be different, that one day she would great her father and get a hug. Back to who he was. She could feel the tears slowly beginning to leak out of her uninjured eye, which refused to stop, so she also chose to ignore it, like it wasn’t even happening.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Lil Bean

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The question drew Rayne's attention from the muted world she'd been observing, her own eyes closing as embarrassment settled into her gut. Before she could speak however she noticed other signs that something had happened, the beginning of a swollen eye as well as cuts along pale fingers. Licking her lips she gave the girl a fee moments to try to piece herself together, before softly whispering out her adresss. When they began to move once more, Rayne glanced out her window once more to keep from blatantly staring at the other girl.

Her home was modest in size with brick walls, two stories in height with the forest surrounding in on all sides. The driveway was vacant of her parents cars and only held Samuel's, her own was still in the shop it seemed. Essa began to whine softly as they neared home, and Rayne could feel some of the tension in her shoulders lessen at the familiar sight. When the car came to a stop she saw the front door open to reveal her brother, a smile pulled her lips up as she opened her door.

"Thank you...and drive safe." Was all that she could manage to say, a spike of unease filing her chest at the thought that the other would have to return to whatever had happened. With her book bag in hand she reached inside to pet Leo once more, before stepping back with Essa taking off towards the porch. "I'll...be seeing you." She added before offering a half-wave of her good hand, turning away to head inside. Samuel met her with his arms wide in what is their customary greeting, her face tucking into the curve of his neck as he hugged her close.

"I have a new recipe I want to try. Inside, inside." He sang out excitedly even as he squeezed her once, she snorted in what she hoped would hide her slight wince of pain. The rain hadn't fully let up one bit, exhaling she pushed away from the warmth of her brothers arms to head inside. Out of her periphery she saw the wave Samuel offered Adrienne, before her attention was diverted to untying her boot laces. The sheer warmth she could feel the moment she walked into her own front door made her shudder, because the brunettes home hadn't held any she realized. It was a home where people lived but it held no memories within, like an abandoned project or something. It made her chest ache in a way it had never done before, sympathy but also anger coursing through her body. Before she could do something like storm off or punch a wall, Samuel had her wrist and was leading her towards the kitchen.

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Adrienne nodded softly at the address, carefully driving in that direction. She zoned out, just taking everything turn by turn. She could feel the awkwardness engulfing the car, no one offering any words for what had occurred, Adrienne definitely not the type to go delving into her life. If anything, she was also incredibly embarrassed. The emotions rolling through the air was enough for Leo to let out a soft whine, shoving his head between the seats until his nose gently pressed against her shirt.

Before too long, she pulled into the driveway of Rayne’s house, her eyes drifting over the house, but not overly picking up any specific details. The pain radiating through her back and face was enough to keep her distracted . She guessed she had a fractured rib, given that the simple act of breathing was incredibly painful. She nodded slightly,” thank you... and have a good night.” She watched her walk away, before glancing back at Leo and letting out a soft sigh. She’d have to find a place for the night. Maybe more, until her father left again.

She looked at the greeting between Rayne and what she assumed was her sibling, eagerly greeting her at the door. She could feel her heart break just a small bit more inside, feeling a threat of tears starting to form, and she closed her eyes, her head hanging down as she forced herself to have some semblance of control. She startled slightly when Leo licked her, opening her eyes and looking around to find that Rayne was already inside. Frowning slightly, she put her car into reverse, and left, hoping she hadn’t made things even more awkward by sitting in her driveway for too long.

She drove down the road a ways, finding a business to park in. Leo had already made himself comfortable in the front seat, having quickly left the backseat after Rayne left. She pulled into the parking lot of this business, and parking. As soon as she was parked, the dam on her emotions split, and tears began to flow down her cheeks, the simple act causing pain from her swollen eye. She grabbed the first aid bag from the back, and while struggling due to the blurry vision, wrapped up her hands where the glass had cut her skin.

She quickly finished, leaning back her seat to where she was fairly reclined, laying of her side, still feeling the occasional tear slip from her eyes. She could only imagine how poorly she looked. For now, this is where she planned to stay. Leo adjusted his position, laying down with his back legs on the passenger seat, front legs in the center consul area, and his head resting on her arm, offering as much comfort as his furry self could give.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Lil Bean

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Dinner came and went without a hitch, by the time she reached her room Rayne was all but swaying on her feet. Hiding an injury was hard enough with someone as sharp as her brother, but she'd managed somehow. A moment of panic had stolen her breathe away when she remembered her boldly clothes, though it went away when she saw that the rain had washed it away. Now as she stood in her room she found herself swaying, pain radiating down her right arm in waves that had her stomach rolling.

Ignoring it as best she could she moved towards nher in suite bahroom, intent on keeping her normal routine as best she could. Once her teeth were brushed she moved towards her dresser, hands slightly shaking as she searched for pajamas to wear. The rain hadn't stopped and the constant tapping against her window was like a lullaby, but sleep wasn't her friend anymore. Once dressed comfortably Rayne checked the stitches one final time, before sitting down at her desk to begin her homework.

Losing herself in the rythmic pattern of doing whatever she had to, she felt the last bit of tension along her shoulders fade. Between one Algebra problem and the next time slipped away from her, and sleep pulled her under its depth without her even knowing. Not that it lasted long, this week alone she'd on managed eight sparadic hours within six days.

Waking up with a jolt and a scream lodged within her throat, Rayne squeezed her eyes shut tight enough to hurt. It was the same foggy dream as always but it was morphing, slowly beginning to come into focus. Ears still echoing with muffled screams she didn't understand, Rayne pushed up from her seat and began to pace. Tired mind trying to connect the dots between what was slowly sharpening in her dream, with what happened today. Pace slowing until she was just standing in front of her window, heavy eyes focused on the water-splattered glass. With a sigh she grabbed her phone and headphones, before sitting down on her windowsill seat with blankets and pillows scattered about. With her back against a mound of pillows, Rayne settled in to greet the morning with little sleep once more. Fingers absently touching along her screen for a few moments, before the soft sound of piano notes began to play in the silence.
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