Hi there, I'm Valchyrie. Once again an update after a long long time, in hopes of finding a serious partner. Do write me if you have questions! I realize this post may seem a bit angry or with a bit of a rough tone, but I promise I'm not like that once we get to chatting. I'd just like to be sure you know what you are getting yourself into! With that out of the way, I hope you find something interesting!
I'm thirty-one, and I've been roleplaying for many many years. My experience in writing is always growing, and I love writing out semi-big posts. So if you're someone who likes to write out descriptive posts, I'll be happy to write with you! You can check my requirements further down, to see the size of posts I'd like to give and receive. Semi-big posts means that because of my time being limited, having a daughter just turning two in a few days as well as working with children, takes a lot of my energy. Sometimes, I'm really in the mood for a big posts (6-10 paragraphs) other times it's semi-big (2-5 paragraphs). But I do make them descriptive and give you something to work with in these posts.
I'm currently only looking for a few extra people to roleplay with, as my time, as well as my energy, varies a lot when it comes to writing. I have explained my posting times further down in the post, so take a look to see what my posting times are.
Also, just some quick info: I do roleplay romance a lot, and it's kind of a requirement to have it in the roleplay, but natural development! I do not force it, it's very important to clarify that. Also, I'm an adult with a partner, I do not shy away from intimate scenes, and I don't like fading to black during those moments. This also counts for other scenes such as fighting and horror explained scenes. Though for the romance part, it does not mean that I want the roleplay to evolve around those subjects, but when they are there, they will be written out, so please be considerate about that, just so we don't end up in an awkward situation!
I do all kinds of pairings, but prefer female, transgendered, crossdressers (if modern setting where I am to play a male) and things along those lines. It is not because of any sexual kink, but it's what I like to roleplay as.
Hi there, I'm Valchyrie. Once again an update after a long long time, in hopes of finding a serious partner. Do write me if you have questions! I realize this post may seem a bit angry or with a bit of a rough tone, but I promise I'm not like that once we get to chatting. I'd just like to be sure you know what you are getting yourself into! With that out of the way, I hope you find something interesting!
I'm thirty-one, and I've been roleplaying for many many years. My experience in writing is always growing, and I love writing out semi-big posts. So if you're someone who likes to write out descriptive posts, I'll be happy to write with you! You can check my requirements further down, to see the size of posts I'd like to give and receive. Semi-big posts means that because of my time being limited, having a daughter just turning two in a few days as well as working with children, takes a lot of my energy. Sometimes, I'm really in the mood for a big posts (6-10 paragraphs) other times it's semi-big (2-5 paragraphs). But I do make them descriptive and give you something to work with in these posts.
I'm currently only looking for a few extra people to roleplay with, as my time, as well as my energy, varies a lot when it comes to writing. I have explained my posting times further down in the post, so take a look to see what my posting times are.
Also, just some quick info: I do roleplay romance a lot, and it's kind of a requirement to have it in the roleplay, but natural development! I do not force it, it's very important to clarify that. Also, I'm an adult with a partner, I do not shy away from intimate scenes, and I don't like fading to black during those moments. This also counts for other scenes such as fighting and horror explained scenes. Though for the romance part, it does not mean that I want the roleplay to evolve around those subjects, but when they are there, they will be written out, so please be considerate about that, just so we don't end up in an awkward situation!
I do all kinds of pairings, but prefer female, transgendered, crossdressers (if modern setting where I am to play a male) and things along those lines. It is not because of any sexual kink, but it's what I like to roleplay as.
What I seek in a partner, is this:
- Grammar: I'm not a native English speaker, so I have my flaws. I do however, have a general idea of the grammar, and I expect you to have that as well.
- Communication: I like, as many others on this site, to talk with my partner outside of a roleplay, either through PM or IM, the roleplay just flows better if we also get to know each other.
- Honesty: I will be brutaly honest with you, when we discuss an idea or if there's something I don't like, and I expect you to do the same, instead of trying to navigate through it, it'll never end well.
- Imagination: Add to the story. Come up with plot twists and so on, we create the story.
- Posting Time: My schedule changes a lot, so sometimes I can post once a day, maybe more than once or twice, other times it'll be every second day, or once a week. So if you don't hear anything from me after a week, please PM me, as I have probably just been so busy that I haven't gotten around to the roleplay. But I expect the same of you, tell me your posting time, and I'll more than likely accept it, it's just so I know what to expect.
- Characters: Be able to create and help control side characters throughout the game, so neither of us has to play the King, the demon, the evil spirit and so on. (These were just examples to give you an idea of what I meant). I usually stick to one main character, but may be convinced to add one more if needed.
- I can roleplay both in PM's and Threads.
- Posting size: I'm looking for low-advanced to advanced roleplayers. I want descriptive posts, that explains what your character is thinking, and doing. I don't mean your character has to think about their favourite color and stuff like that, but please consider the situation they are in, observe the surroundings and the emotions your character get from that, and describe it. I'll do the same with my characters, and I love it. I'd like to see a writing example from you, and you'll get one from me as well. Tit for tat and all that.
- If you've gotten this far, thank you. But before you PM me, please do consider all the things I've written.
- Also, I primarily use digital pictures for references, as I sometimes find it hard for myself to find a picture of a real person, that mirrors the look I'm going for.
- I will primarily play the roles I stated earlier, but I have no problems with whatever pairing you're up for. If you want to pair my character with a character from the LGBTQ area, I'd love hearing your suggestions
- Grammar: I'm not a native English speaker, so I have my flaws. I do however, have a general idea of the grammar, and I expect you to have that as well.
- Communication: I like, as many others on this site, to talk with my partner outside of a roleplay, either through PM or IM, the roleplay just flows better if we also get to know each other.
- Honesty: I will be brutaly honest with you, when we discuss an idea or if there's something I don't like, and I expect you to do the same, instead of trying to navigate through it, it'll never end well.
- Imagination: Add to the story. Come up with plot twists and so on, we create the story.
- Posting Time: My schedule changes a lot, so sometimes I can post once a day, maybe more than once or twice, other times it'll be every second day, or once a week. So if you don't hear anything from me after a week, please PM me, as I have probably just been so busy that I haven't gotten around to the roleplay. But I expect the same of you, tell me your posting time, and I'll more than likely accept it, it's just so I know what to expect.
- Characters: Be able to create and help control side characters throughout the game, so neither of us has to play the King, the demon, the evil spirit and so on. (These were just examples to give you an idea of what I meant). I usually stick to one main character, but may be convinced to add one more if needed.
- I can roleplay both in PM's and Threads.
- Posting size: I'm looking for low-advanced to advanced roleplayers. I want descriptive posts, that explains what your character is thinking, and doing. I don't mean your character has to think about their favourite color and stuff like that, but please consider the situation they are in, observe the surroundings and the emotions your character get from that, and describe it. I'll do the same with my characters, and I love it. I'd like to see a writing example from you, and you'll get one from me as well. Tit for tat and all that.
- If you've gotten this far, thank you. But before you PM me, please do consider all the things I've written.
- Also, I primarily use digital pictures for references, as I sometimes find it hard for myself to find a picture of a real person, that mirrors the look I'm going for.
- I will primarily play the roles I stated earlier, but I have no problems with whatever pairing you're up for. If you want to pair my character with a character from the LGBTQ area, I'd love hearing your suggestions
New Ideas:
Old Ideas - But still some interest:
Cassidy grew up in a family without a lot of resources. Their money was spent towards food and the small apartment they all lived in, as well as making sure Cassidy got the best life she could get. They couldn’t afford to go travelling or eating out on fancy restaurants like so many of Cassidy’s friends their families, but love was never missing. Her parents used what leftover money they had, on making sure she could go to swim classes, and it seemed like she had a natural talent for it. Through the years she became better and better and was recruited to swim on the local swim team. She showed great determination towards this career, and she worked as hard as she could. Until tragedy struck.
At the age of 22, as her career was gaining momentum, both her parents died in a car accident, putting everything on hold for her. The accident hit her with such a force, that she quit swimming to sort everything out with their burial, and once that was done, she found a job at a small dirty pub, nothing fancy and a place that mostly entertained regulars. She did occasionally go swimming still, but never thought about getting into the competitive part again. It is now eight years since the accident, and nothing has really changed for Cassidy.
For this story, it’s a slice of life. I imagine your character finds her somehow, and they start chatting. Upon realizing Cassidy could use some stability, a friendship develops, which grows into love over time. I’m open for any thoughts you might have!

At the age of 22, as her career was gaining momentum, both her parents died in a car accident, putting everything on hold for her. The accident hit her with such a force, that she quit swimming to sort everything out with their burial, and once that was done, she found a job at a small dirty pub, nothing fancy and a place that mostly entertained regulars. She did occasionally go swimming still, but never thought about getting into the competitive part again. It is now eight years since the accident, and nothing has really changed for Cassidy.
For this story, it’s a slice of life. I imagine your character finds her somehow, and they start chatting. Upon realizing Cassidy could use some stability, a friendship develops, which grows into love over time. I’m open for any thoughts you might have!

The gamer girl: I can play either transgendered or the Female.
In the modern age of streaming and making your money through online interaction, Trine Sunflower had taken up the challenge. She loved to game, and she was a fairly outgoing person, at least online. She got everything set up as a twenty-five-year-old and started trying make a living through streaming games. She knew she didn’t have the body of a model, and while she was okay with that, having accepted herself finally after so many years, she also fell into the hole of streaming with fairly little clothing on. Of course, she gathered a lot of followers, and she did what she could to keep them all entertain with her gaming and chatting, ignoring those that commented on her body. Though through the last couple of months, she had started receiving some creepy and disturbing emails, even calls of just breathing and nothing else, and she was getting more and more anxiety towards what could happen with her.
I would love to play Trine Sunflower, either as a transgendered or a female, or I could play female police/transgendered police, completely up to you. If you got other pairing ideas, do let me know. And as for your characters role, we can talk about what could be interesting here.

In the modern age of streaming and making your money through online interaction, Trine Sunflower had taken up the challenge. She loved to game, and she was a fairly outgoing person, at least online. She got everything set up as a twenty-five-year-old and started trying make a living through streaming games. She knew she didn’t have the body of a model, and while she was okay with that, having accepted herself finally after so many years, she also fell into the hole of streaming with fairly little clothing on. Of course, she gathered a lot of followers, and she did what she could to keep them all entertain with her gaming and chatting, ignoring those that commented on her body. Though through the last couple of months, she had started receiving some creepy and disturbing emails, even calls of just breathing and nothing else, and she was getting more and more anxiety towards what could happen with her.
I would love to play Trine Sunflower, either as a transgendered or a female, or I could play female police/transgendered police, completely up to you. If you got other pairing ideas, do let me know. And as for your characters role, we can talk about what could be interesting here.

Dangerous Energies:
Leila was by no means a teenager you could control. She was in and out of foster homes, in and out of prison and correction centers, and all it seemed to do, was to feed on the chaos she seemed to thrive in. Once she hit eighteen years old, the system no longer controlled her, and she was let go, partly because they had given up on her, and partly because she didn’t show any interest in wanting to change anyway. She continued running with the rough crowds, the party crowds, the night crowds, alcohol crowds and so on, got into regular street fights and was somewhat a known figure in the night life. Known for not slowing down, known for not showing mercy and known for being untamable. She was a whirlwind of energy that never seemed to slow down, and once you got caught in her life, it was difficult to get out, both out of fascination but also from the fact that she had a way of pulling you back in constantly.
So the idea is basically that your character, whomever they may be, start to be a part of Leila’s life, if they aren’t already, and trying to get through with all the chaos that that brings. We can create an overhead story together, this is more on the personal level.
I’d like to play Leila, either as female or as transgendered, and you can play whatever gender and character you’d like, but lets of course talk about it.

Leila was by no means a teenager you could control. She was in and out of foster homes, in and out of prison and correction centers, and all it seemed to do, was to feed on the chaos she seemed to thrive in. Once she hit eighteen years old, the system no longer controlled her, and she was let go, partly because they had given up on her, and partly because she didn’t show any interest in wanting to change anyway. She continued running with the rough crowds, the party crowds, the night crowds, alcohol crowds and so on, got into regular street fights and was somewhat a known figure in the night life. Known for not slowing down, known for not showing mercy and known for being untamable. She was a whirlwind of energy that never seemed to slow down, and once you got caught in her life, it was difficult to get out, both out of fascination but also from the fact that she had a way of pulling you back in constantly.
So the idea is basically that your character, whomever they may be, start to be a part of Leila’s life, if they aren’t already, and trying to get through with all the chaos that that brings. We can create an overhead story together, this is more on the personal level.
I’d like to play Leila, either as female or as transgendered, and you can play whatever gender and character you’d like, but lets of course talk about it.

Old Ideas - But still some interest:
When war breaks out, it never ends well for either side. Both the victorious ones and the failed ones, loses many soldiers on the battlefield, and it takes years to recover, despite the best attempts at stabilizing the economy after war. Though there are some that suffers more than others. Those that are taken prisoners during war and manages to stay alive through torture and other unspeakable means. Irishal is one such woman. During the war between humans, vampires and werewolves, some 300 years ago, she was captured as a human by the vampire faction and sent to their lairs. Everyone thought she was gone, like all the others that had been taken, but once the war ended and the vampires had been defeated, thanks to an alliance between humans and werewolves which still exists to this day, she managed to break out of her prison, slaughter her way out and return to the human kingdom. She was almost killed on sight because of her looks, which confirmed that she was indeed Irishal, but a turned Irishal. Her thirst for blood was difficult to control, but the humans were set on helping her, though the werewolves protested helping an enemy. Nevertheless, she proved very valuable and soon she was given a protector title, a knight title that made her a defender of the royal family. For the last 300 years, she has been the protector of those on the throne, defending the same family as their children’s children rose to power. Would this change? Would a new war break out? And could the werewolves ever completely accept a vampire amongst their ranks?
I would play Irishal, and your role is completely up to you. You could be a human, a werewolf, another vampire or something completely different. I’m thinking we’ll flesh out a bigger conflict together here, to have a starting point to go with. Then we can always expand as we get further into the story.

I would play Irishal, and your role is completely up to you. You could be a human, a werewolf, another vampire or something completely different. I’m thinking we’ll flesh out a bigger conflict together here, to have a starting point to go with. Then we can always expand as we get further into the story.

Through his childhood and teenage years, he had always felt different, like he was nothing like the other boys he went to kindergarten and school with. He had always felt attracted to what everyone else thought was a cute as a child, but the majority thought wrong when you became an adult. He loved wearing women’s clothing of all kinds. While the world opened to be more inclusive towards same-sex relationships, transgendered people and so on, it was still difficult to bring the news forth to your friends and family. It wasn’t different for Jamie, and it had burned a lot of bridges that he wouldn’t be able to build back up again. His family had locked him out, at least most of it. There were an aunt and a sister that still talked to him and accepted him, but the rest wanted nothing to do with him. This was a long time ago though; he was 18 years old.
Now he was 26 years old, and he was living a completely different life, a life where he accepted himself and what he was, but still hadn’t found the partner he longed for in his life. He had managed to save up enough money, through various day- and nighttime jobs, simultaneously, to finally open his own store. A small cozy bookshop that he himself completely owned. He loved to read books, play tabletop-roleplays and listen to music as much as possible. When he had some extra time, he went onto gaming single-player games. It was difficult to meet anyone that he thought would fancy him, both because he had stopped really going into the night life, but also because he had kind of given up on the dream of finding someone. However, he had an open dating account on a dating-site called ‘Furry Hearts’, an embarrassing name for a dating site, so much that you were almost embarrassed to admit you were on it, however, it was a site that had very little discrimination towards all the different sexual orientation. Who knew that a profile like that, could end up becoming so important to both Jamie, and the person on the other side of the screen?
Here I am looking for a partner who would like a slice-of-life story, with relationship drama and all the things that follows. I am still finding pictures, but will have some for you, if you are interested!
Now he was 26 years old, and he was living a completely different life, a life where he accepted himself and what he was, but still hadn’t found the partner he longed for in his life. He had managed to save up enough money, through various day- and nighttime jobs, simultaneously, to finally open his own store. A small cozy bookshop that he himself completely owned. He loved to read books, play tabletop-roleplays and listen to music as much as possible. When he had some extra time, he went onto gaming single-player games. It was difficult to meet anyone that he thought would fancy him, both because he had stopped really going into the night life, but also because he had kind of given up on the dream of finding someone. However, he had an open dating account on a dating-site called ‘Furry Hearts’, an embarrassing name for a dating site, so much that you were almost embarrassed to admit you were on it, however, it was a site that had very little discrimination towards all the different sexual orientation. Who knew that a profile like that, could end up becoming so important to both Jamie, and the person on the other side of the screen?
Here I am looking for a partner who would like a slice-of-life story, with relationship drama and all the things that follows. I am still finding pictures, but will have some for you, if you are interested!
For quite a long time now, humans and other species throughout the world had lived in peace, doing their own thing most of the time and not bothering each other. Each specie had it’s own culture, lifestyle and rules, which all respected. However, through recent years, it had become more normal to visit different cultures and experience what each had to offer. As such, Tresha, had gone from the castle with an escort, to visit the closest human city, which was about five days of travelling away. He was the prince of Liram, single, twenty-eight, and he looked like a woman. While not uncommon for his species, Raxons, it was still not really accepted when it was a royal who dressed and behaved in such a manner, but he did not care, he knew he had the choice to do as he saw fit, and besides, he hadn’t married a human or anything outrageous like that. Yet.
So this roleplay will very much heavily rely on romance and the interspecies relationship that will happen among our characters, though not FORCED to happen right away, development through curiosity and secret dates and so on, is the optimal route to take here.
I would play Tresha, and I would very much like your character to be a human, however, anything other than that, I’m up for discussion; profession, status and so on, completely up for discussion! Let me know if you’re interested! <3

So this roleplay will very much heavily rely on romance and the interspecies relationship that will happen among our characters, though not FORCED to happen right away, development through curiosity and secret dates and so on, is the optimal route to take here.
I would play Tresha, and I would very much like your character to be a human, however, anything other than that, I’m up for discussion; profession, status and so on, completely up for discussion! Let me know if you’re interested! <3

So this was basically all that I had. I hope that you are interested in roleplaying with me. Let me know if you got any questions. I'll be more than happy to answer them. Also remember, nothing is set in stone, and if you have some other ideas to roleplays, or if you have any specific changes or so on, let me know and we can talk about it. I also have more ideas in the work, but I just need to think them through more.
Kind Regards:
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