![]() | Rhavir Marsh 6'2" | 81kg | 27 Years Male Casbah City, Tribute - January 17th, 2524 UNSC Army |
Years on several fronts can wear down one's look. With distinctive dark-tan skin, Rhavir was once a well-kept man, keeping himself to the standards of righteous military code nailed into his mind through boot camp. Presently, however, he is a different figure. A few strokes of the comb keeps his blackened, wavy hair in check when out of combat uniform, whilst he sports a loosely unshaven stubble across his jaw and chin. With bags under his amber-toned eyes on a good day, he looks like he's settled in to the conditions of the Human-Covenant war naturally. Built well enough to hold his own, he makes use of his slightly leaner stature by keeping up his pace, a natural athlete so to speak. Tucked beneath his gear, the best way to describe his body stature would be to just chalk him up as a regulation standard, not a figure of prowess.
As part of part of the UNSC Army branch, Rhavir's combat rig can look quite cumbersome from first glance compared to that of an ODST or Marine. Added protection, slightly heavier padding and ballistic armour. Generally, a medium military pack is slung over his back for additional tools for long-effort ground operational storage. Much alike other soldiers, Rhavir sports the standard issue UNSC Army BDU CH252 Helmet. In usual stations, the fatigues are generally patterned with a flat drab colouring to fit most of Atis' environments. Altered fatigues and armour camouflage patterns come in the form of forest green, concrete grey and alpine white. Across the stomach and chest, several combat pouches are littered for ammunition storage, utility deployment and general on-hand equipment useful for ease of access.
Two driving motions have kept Rhavir alive throughout his years of service: normalised neutrality and a small dose of fear secretly tucked away in his mind. During psychological examinations following OPERATION: CRIMSON SCYTHE, Rhavir disclosed that he has spent months suppressing his emotional distraught from the war in an attempt to improve his combat effectiveness. Whilst he still shows a desire for his close team, whilst occasionally coming across as harsh, Rhavir has detached himself from the idea of a civilian life, or one of peace. During off-duty weeks, he was shown to have stayed relatively introverted and uncomfortable spending time doing normal activities. Occasional patrols and assistance with civilian issues back on Tribute had also alienated him from his comrades a few too many times. Now under a new regiment, he's spent most of his time on hand, whether it be through garrisons or direct operational involvement, just to keep his mind occupied.
Rhavir once told the psychological assessor that he fears the Covenant's technological capability. Having once felt more comfortable facing off against insurrectionists, potentially due to his childhood disdain for such active groups, the Covenant are still an opposition he remains on edge about. He knows of their power and their raw strength, especially citing a rational fear of the Sangheili, hating their 'dexterity' and 'flawlessness'. When it comes to his comrades, he's been noted as proving hard on them at times, whilst also deeply concerned over their safety, so much as to disengage from heavily dangerous combat scenarios in the past. Several attempts at getting him comfortable with leadership culminated in the assignment of 'Mike-October-1-5', to which he's set a standard for himself. With other squads and branches, he tries to maintain levelheaded, but does try to get on friendly terms at the very least with them, even if it means following strict orders.
Rhavir once told the psychological assessor that he fears the Covenant's technological capability. Having once felt more comfortable facing off against insurrectionists, potentially due to his childhood disdain for such active groups, the Covenant are still an opposition he remains on edge about. He knows of their power and their raw strength, especially citing a rational fear of the Sangheili, hating their 'dexterity' and 'flawlessness'. When it comes to his comrades, he's been noted as proving hard on them at times, whilst also deeply concerned over their safety, so much as to disengage from heavily dangerous combat scenarios in the past. Several attempts at getting him comfortable with leadership culminated in the assignment of 'Mike-October-1-5', to which he's set a standard for himself. With other squads and branches, he tries to maintain levelheaded, but does try to get on friendly terms at the very least with them, even if it means following strict orders.
Fireteam Leader
Being in the wrong place and at the wrong time can change the entire construct of a man; the foundation becomes moulded, changed into something irreversible. Rhavir was born on Tribute, January 17th 2524, to Lance Corporal William Marsh and Shalini Sardar. Early life began in the City of Casbah, capital to the planet. Shalini called it her home whilst William named it his place of operations. A dangerous world had already been inhabited. Insurrection had run rampant on the outbacks of the colony, with occasional strikes being launched against the city's core. Bombs and guns, firefights from cafes to libraries, for a while it didn't seem like anywhere was safe. William had been in service elsewhere prior to 2523, instead granting a transfer to feel as if he were actively contributing to the protection of his loved one and son. Anyone, however, who is versed in the rich history of Tribute and its insurrectionist stain would soon realise where everything started to go wrong.
Rhavir was a month old. An infant, a child who would cry at the occasional sound of IEDs being detonated on the other side of the city. Cradled in his mother's arms, the closing days of 'OPERATION: TREBUCHET' were filled with disaster. UNSC efforts were embarrassing, to say the least, with cells slipping away or being killed after their objectives had been completed. William Marsh fell victim to a convoy ambush. The story went that his platoon rode through the streets, right past an insurgent holdout, where explosives disabled their vehicle. What came next was a two minute gunfight, leaving eight insurrectionists dead alongside fifteen civilians and twelve UNSC Soldiers, William amongst them. As the news broke, distraught fractured the future for the young Rhavir, setting his mind into motion.
His early life was fuelled by a fear and hatred for the insurrection. He didn't need to understand motives, nor their formation. As a child, all that mattered was that his dad was dead and never got to see him grow up. School life would've been simple to go through, had it not been for February 11th, 2525. At age one, the Human-Covenant war broke out.
Life changed then and there. Insurrection activity depleted for a short while as the Covenant became the greater threat. Recruitment few skyward and the news was constantly filled with developing information on the unyielding foe. Stories of heroism and crippling defeat became the talk of the world. Daily updates fuelled his life, and soon he developed an innate fear for the Covenant, without full experience of their capabilities. That was until he hit the age of 17, just before his birthday, to enlist in the UNSC Army. From there, he took the time to get through base camp, stationed away from his homeworld in the Ankara Station facility, orbiting a small military colony in the Urano System.