Your life has just ended. May it be due to a horrendous accident, or a natural cause of death, it doesn't matter.
Yet, for some odd reason, you find your self waking up in a strange place. You are in a vast plain that stretches out as far as the eyes can see. At first, there seem no other signs of life in there, just the eternal stretch of grass before you.
But to your surprise, 5 other figures started to stir not too far from you. There are 2 boys that looked a little older than you, and then there is a girl wearing a strange ornate dress.
Confused, you began to approach one of them, the older boy, however, you are answered by hostility. He kept on shouting at you in a language you can't understand. The other kids stared in the same confusion as you.
And then...
"Translator level 1 acquired!"
All 4 of you stopped on your tracks, surprised at the sudden announcement. Although you are pretty sure it didn't sound like an actual sound you hear, its as if it came from inside your head. Suddenly, you understood one another.
"Welcome to Kairelith. Your new life begins here. Please accept the goddess Kaireth's blessing as a commemoration of your arrival."
A sudden surge of energy filled your body, slightly disorienting you, but recovered just as quickly.
"Decide your path. A second chance was given to you by the merciful goddess, use it wisely."
And then, there was silence.
World Specifics
• Rentarou "Ren" Kusabe, Tokyo, Japan (2019) by @Travesty
• Erika Mae Wayne, Vancouver, Canada (2012) by @Polaris North
• Cino de Albano, Venice, Republic of Venice (1358) by @Duoya
• Milo Thomas, London, England (1899) by @Sedjwick
• Sam Moore, Reading, England (2005) by @Ryteb Pymeroce
• Liu Zhao, Xi'an, China (623 A.D) by @BurningDaisies
• Ying Yue Geng, Fujian, China. (1643) by @ERode
• Rentarou "Ren" Kusabe, Tokyo, Japan (2019) by @Travesty
• Erika Mae Wayne, Vancouver, Canada (2012) by @Polaris North
• Cino de Albano, Venice, Republic of Venice (1358) by @Duoya
• Milo Thomas, London, England (1899) by @Sedjwick
• Sam Moore, Reading, England (2005) by @Ryteb Pymeroce
• Liu Zhao, Xi'an, China (623 A.D) by @BurningDaisies
• Ying Yue Geng, Fujian, China. (1643) by @ERode
Other Info:
- Follow standard RP rules.
- We're currently full and no longer accepting characters.
- In case of death, you can start a new character. However, the new character won't have any memory of your previous character or the world, which means you'll have figure everything out again from 0. New characters starts with a new blessing.
- All characters starts with 3 skills max plus 1 unique skill, however, as the story progresses, they can acquire more skills and on some rare occations the goddess Kaireth may also interfere and bestow them additional skills if the situation requires it (feel free to discus it with me thru PM if you ever feel like your character needs a little boost in skills).
- Try to post once each day, or if not, just try to be active as much as possible. Check the thread as often as you can, or say hi or whatever, just so we know you're still alive. After all, its lonely living off in another world.
- I'm open to suggestions, don't hesitate to hit me a PM if you feel like adding more details into the RP or something.
- Most of all, have fun!