Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by redbaron1234

redbaron1234 Full of Pluck

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Oh come on..." Margot had to rush to change out her damaged cape and to clean her sword before the blood dried, and now was kept in 'the green room', waiting for her foe, Walter Duncan to show up. The other fights had already started, and Andre had made apologies about how Walter was on his way. Now she watched on a the tournament's feed as Walter gave an interview to a reporter.

"Mr. Duncan, have you seen the footage from your opponent's last fight? Aren't you worried?"

The giant of a man bellowed out a laugh. "Not at all Bill, not at all. It's going to take more than speed and some sharp sticks to take me down."

Margot turned around as she heard a laugh from beyond the door. "Oh you're kidding me."

"She's got one gimmick, her speed. Can't even grapple as far as I can tell. Just watch, I'll be done in under a minute."

"Really? That's how long you can last? I'd expect more endurance from you." Duncan turned around as Margot stepped out of the green room.

"Ah, Margot, we were going to talk to you next. What do you think of of your opponent?" Margot balked a little as a microphone was shoved in her face.

"I think he's been keeping me waiting far too long. Now, are you going to keep flapping that sorry excuse for a moustache or are you going to head to the ring?" She walked past them towards the ring, only stopping to add, "By the way, it's 'Renard Bleu' to you."

"GERMAN SUPLEX!" That was about five minutes ago. Right now Margot was getting very well aquianted with the ground. Her sheathed sword fell out of her grip, coming to a rest a few feet away.

"Oh god how is he so sweaty already?" She rolled out of the way to avoid a stomp from his educated feet, picking up her sword and standing up unsteadily. "Alright," she held her sword up at him, "You're giving me more trouble than I thought."

Walter panted as well, his body covered in bruises, his right knee in particular feeling stiff. "I gotta admit, you're a pain in the ass." Margot smirked at that, and was about to quip back when the stadium shook from an explosion. "What the crap was that?"

They both looked up in time to dodge a chunk of concrete that buckled the stage, sending them both flying off at the same time. They landed on their feet next to each other. "Looks like the tournament's on hold"

They both looked around at the landing robots, gunfire erupting around them. "Goddamnit, what the hell do they think they're doing?" He flipped over the water station table, the two barely ducking behind it to avoid a spray of bullets.

Margot unsheathed her blades, pointing back to the locker rooms. "Let's head back that way, we're sitting ducks here."

Duncan nodded and got ready to spring. "Okay, on three. One. Two. Three!" They both dashed towards the door, a spray of bullets A few robots landed in front of them to try and stop them, but between the mountain of a man and her quick cuts, they were no obstacle. They were almost scott free when a lucky ricochet hit Duncan in the calf. He howled as he fell to the ground, skidding through the doors which Margot closed behind them. He clutched his leg and hissed. "Crap, bastard got me." He crawled to the wall and sat against it. He tried to stand up, but his attempt was cut short as soon as he put weight on it. Lifting his hands off the wound, he grimaced. "I've survived worse, but I can't walk like this."

"That bullet shouldn't have done so much damage to a Nomad. Looks it was made of that anti-ki alloy." She touched her stomach without thinking. "Let's get you patched up." She stood up and looked around, checking around the corner before helping Duncan into the lockers. Then she helped dress his wound."Looks like it's relatively quiet here. I can try and find help, and hopefully other survivors. I'll send help when I can."

Duncan was quiet for a moment, mulling it over. "Fine, but don't go dying on me. You still owe me a proper match"

"Wouldn't dream of it." She smirked. "Let's focus on getting out alive before we talk about rematches." She stepped to the door and turned back. "Good luck." Before he could respond, she was already heading down the hallway, trying to find a safe way through, and hopefully more survivors.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by redbaron1234

redbaron1234 Full of Pluck

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by redbaron1234

redbaron1234 Full of Pluck

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by redbaron1234

redbaron1234 Full of Pluck

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by redbaron1234

redbaron1234 Full of Pluck

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Mother to Many

Mid-40's | Pegasus | Mare

◇Physical Description◇

Ms Meadows bears her age well, and likes to think she can still turn heads even though her warm colors are reminiscent of a certain Equestrian hero, a fact that she plays off with good humor. Her body the classic pegasus body type, lean and compact, with patches of fur that can fluff up when she's cold.

Her cutie mark depicts a bird feeding its chick a worm, symbolic of her desire to help the younger generation.

◇Personality Elements◇

  • Kind
  • Lighthearted
  • Just a little bit of a smart-aleck
  • Knows how to dig her hooves in


Summer was born and raised near the city of Baltimare, the oldest child of a very large family. While the family was poor in money as she grew up, they made it up with love, and hard work. Almost as soon as she walk to school, she helped her parents care for her many brothers and sisters. From cooking meals to helping with homework, she gladly took on the nickname "Mama Goose". Thus it wasn't a surprise that she kept on going in this role long after her father's hardware store finally took off.

By the time she reached adulthood, she knew she wanted to work with children. At the recommendation of her own teachers, she studied to be a counselor, smoothly earning her credentials. When the portal to Earth opened up, she eagerly took a position at one of the few Equestrian schools established around the portals, a slice of Equestria on Earth. She was visiting her family when the Rending happened, and while she wasn't initially part of initial wave of staff assigned to the reform schools, she was offered the job of Head Counselor at Bellbrooke as the scope of the project stretched the more experienced talent pool thin. Despite her inexperience, she was able to adapt to the job well, having fulfilled her role without complaint for years.

◇Skills and Talents◇

Cutie Mark Talent: Bird feeding a Chick
- Ms. Meadow's special talent is caring for others, specifically children. For her, the greatest joy is seeing those under her care grow and thrive, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

- Ms. Meadows has a way with words, able to deescalate situations and calm people down. This is, of course, relevant in her day job.

- In addition to being a certified flight instructor, Ms. Meadows keeps herself in shape with regular exercise, and has subbed in for the physical education teacher on several occasions.

First Aid:
- As part of her certifications, she had to take a First-Aid course, and maintain the certification. While she is by no means a doctor, she does know how to apply first aid for Equestrians and Humans alike.

Slight of Wing:
- Meadows is quite dexterous with her wings and is good with her hooves. She often carries pencils, purses, and other small items in her mane and tail, and can pull them out at a moment's notice.

◇Relics, Spells, and Techniques◇

- Cloudwalking, flight, and weather manipulation:
As a Pegasus, Ms. Meadows is able to access the typical compliment of Pegasus magic. While she isn't the most talented at using her weather manipulation, she is a certified flight instructor, and is registered as an auxiliary weather-pony should the need arise.


- 'Reading' Glasses: Always wears them, but a few students and staff claim that they are just an affectation and are non-corrective.
- Messenger Bag: This is where she keeps most of her small belongings when walking around. It is a plain green canvas messenger bag with a daisy clasp
- Stationary kit: A distinctly Equestrian quirk, she still uses her own molted quills and ink to write, though she has moved more towards the modern practice of pencils and erasers as they became cheaper. Still, she still sharpens her quills and pencils with a pen knife.
- Lighter and a pack of Cigarettes: Kept near the bottom of her bag, she can sometimes be seen furtively flying off to smoke in the clouds with other flighted staff members.
- Keychain: Apart from the keys to her own office, living space, and other staff areas, she also has one of the few keys to the locked file cabinets containing a copy of every student's file.
- First Aid Kit: The best thing for boo-boos since kisses. Normally kept in her office, it contains a few bandages, styptic, and other items that can patch someone up enough to get them to the infirmary for proper treatment.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by redbaron1234

redbaron1234 Full of Pluck

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by redbaron1234

redbaron1234 Full of Pluck

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Krista Reynolds

Krista grumbled as her shot went wide, barely destroying a mech in a glancing blow. Tracking the squad as they retreated, she was ready to fire again when she saw the turtle's shot inbound. Reflexively she flinched into the crater, waiting for the impact. By the time she popped back up, the cruxi had retreated to the edge of her range.

"Sloppy," she said to nobody in particular. The squad had moved to the edge of her range. She needed the time to line up shot. Confident in her relative safety, she made sure that her shot would hit one of the Cruxi at E4 center mass, hopefully taking the other out in the same blast. Then someone shouted over the comms just as she pulled the trigger.


She didn't see if her shot connected, instead she was trying to identify who the newcomer was, if they were a threat, and then ask why they the hell they just shouted something so obnoxious over the air. Leaving herself peaking over the edge of her crater, she saw the newcomer slice up a turtle and zoom around at record speed. Fascinated by the fact a new Framewerk had somehow snuck up on them, she stood there dumbfounded.

Elise's message came through first, snapping Krista back to reality. "Understood, " she responded. Then Elise's order came through, almost pointedly at her. Realizing how exposed she was, she stepped back into her crater to mull over her next step.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by redbaron1234

redbaron1234 Full of Pluck

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Krista Reynolds

Krista grumbled as her shot went wide, barely destroying a mech in a glancing blow. Off to her side she saw Neo Angel firing into the westernmost turtle, and the tentacles trying to repair it. "Some sort of self repair machanism," she said to her self. Still, she turned her attention back to the CWM squad she had shot at first, just in time to see the center turtle's shot inbound. Reflexively she flinched into the crater, waiting for the impact. By the time she popped back up, the cruxi had retreated to the edge of her range.

"Sloppy," she said to herself. The squad had moved to the edge of her range. She needed the time to line up shot. Confident in her relative safety, she made sure that her shot would hit one of the Cruxi at E4 center mass, hopefully taking the other out in the same blast. Then someone shouted over the comms just as she pulled the trigger.


She didn't see if her shot connected, instead she was trying to identify who the newcomer was, if they were a threat, and then ask why they the hell they just shouted something so obnoxious over the air. Leaving herself peaking over the edge of her crater, she saw the newcomer slice up a turtle and zoom around at record speed. Checking her IFF systems, she tried to see who the hell the newcomer was. Frustratingly enough the newcomer was an unknown. Also worrying was the red critical status of Neo-Angel. "I hope she's alright."

Elise's message came through first, snapping Krista back to reality. "Understood, " she responded. Realizing how exposed she was, she stepped back into her crater to mull over her next step. She picked up that the recently destroyed turtle was the one that shot Neo-Angel from Maria's message. She thought back to the first turtle she helped Paladin destroy, and compared to the two other turtles she'd seen. She kept talking over the general channel . "I think that my plasma shots can stop the turtles from healing, but I need to get closer. Think you guys can help open up a path for me?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by redbaron1234

redbaron1234 Full of Pluck

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by redbaron1234

redbaron1234 Full of Pluck

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Leslie and Fionn

Max's words replayed in Leslie's head as she suited up for combat. She had seen his name before, somewhere in all the meetings and dinners her parents had helped host but he himself drew a blank beyond one of the flashcards that her tutors had used to make sure she knew everyone at a party. But given his vote of confidence, that's what she was going to call it, she was more than mentally ready. Some performance jitters, for sure, but after a year of simulations and drills it was nearly showtime

She splashed down with little incident. Just a bit of kelp covering the windshield that was quickly wiped off. It didn't elude her that she was partnered up with the heavy weapons carrier in the squad, and sent to deal with the biggest threat to their safety.

She had gone over the briefing in her head on the flight over. The sight of the cruise missiles impacting was something to behold, and reminded her of their advantages here. They would be in their GEARS, which was always a big plus. They would have the sensors and such to help them see while also having the biggest guns on the island. Their element of surprise would be backed up by their speed, which would help negate any sort of response the defenders would be able to muster. That speed would be key to keeping the initiative. Ideally, she and Fion would end up securing a garage full of empty vehicles, or even a smoking crater. But, failing that, it sounded like they were facing an organized, if amateur fighting force.

“Sobero, we have limited time before the enemy recovers. I suggest we go through the forest; we can rush through some cover to the hanger before we are forced into the open and take advantage of the chaos they'll be in. From there we can decide how to make the approach depending on what is still standing. If you're ready, let's get a move on, unless you have a better path.”

"I agree, straight through the forest to avoid any potential dug in positions. Come out of the woods and ideally catch them still getting everything moving, She said, raising her rifle, checking it had a bullet chambered, and advanced into the forest with the others.

“Alright, Let’s get a move on while they are still in disarray. I’ll lead the way and watch the front, you keep an eye out for anyone sneaking behind us.”

Fionn replied before breaking into a sprint through the thick vegetation of the forest. The density of the trees was enough to obscure vision from the outside, but not so much as to make travel difficult for the large frames of the GEARS, at least till they got closer to the hanger.

"Somachain, Sobero, me and Sprinstream have overwatch, we are on your right hand side. I can't see any significant thermal signatures from here in the forest in front of you, but that doesn't mean there isn't anyone, or anything waiting for you down there that's hiding. We'll be out of view when we're closer to the comms facility, but we can get back in range when you need fire support and designation from us."

“Copy that," replied Fion. "You stick to your part for the time being, if anyone is dumb enough to get within mauling range of me in the woods, they will get a few seconds to regret it. Outside of the forest I think that, between me and Sobero, we have enough explosives to tell whatever is there to fuck off.”
It was only a few minutes pace in the gradually shrinking forest before they got in sight of their goal. Two hangers stood facing each other before a dirt runway about 300 meters out. The one on the left took the brunt of the missile strike with most of the roof collapsed and a fire raging on the inside, likely whatever was in there is destroyed. The other hanger fared better, however, with the only problem being some debris blocking part of the entrance. Outside the hanger lay flat terrain marred by the metal remains of the first hanger creating cover of debris and deep impacts within the ground. There is a set of three small rectangular buildings behind the hangars that likely are external storage or barracks.

Other than the structures, Fionn counted two light tracked vehicles patrolling the road and a handful of infantry trying to salvage from the devastation. ‘A light defense. They must not have thought it likely to be assaulted so quickly… or the cruise missiles landed in the right spots.’ Fionn thought to himself.

Quickly devising a plan of action, Fionn told it to Leslie.

“Those IFVs are going to be a problem. I don’t think I can kill the crew from this range, but I definitely can ruin those tracks, make it harder for them to go anywhere while you take ‘em out with your rockets. They’ll be faster than my mortars. Then I’m thinking I smoke just in front of where the rest of them are in suppress them with my autocannon while you sneak around and flank the side, we mop up what’s left and figure out and go from there. Sound like a plan?”

"I got the thermal sight which should help with the targeting, and I think if you draw their fire I can get close enough my rifle will be more than enough to get through their armor." Leslie brought her attention back to to the IFV's, bringing her own rifle to the ready. "On you."

“One….Two…Three….Four….Three….Two…Three…Four…” Fionn began counting. Each second up sends a dozen and a half rounds of screaming lead. Each second down gives the barrel time to cool off. For a gun to fire upwards of a thousand rounds a minute, it tends to heat up very fast. If it gets too hot, the barrel tends to break. After enough time spent using the weapon, learning what it can and cannot do, Fionn learned how far he can push his luck.

The downside about the autocannon is the poor accuracy of it. The upside of it is the fire rate…and the poor accuracy of it. With a veil of smoke blocking his vision of the enemy, it can be tricky to aim for them, but with the spread and rate of fire, all he has to do is sweep one area at a time and he will is bound to hit something. If he were to fire 3000 rounds and only have an accuracy of 10%, that is 300 new holes made in something.

Hitting things, however, is not all it is good for. Each burst of fire sends dozens of bullets in a given direction making dozens of impacts. Hearing or seeing it tends to make one panic, and rush to cover. Distracting them, their thoughts preoccupied with not getting hit. It was this purpose he was fulfilling, giving Leslie time to move unimpeded, unnoticed. Time to act, to strike with the surgical precision that is the anti-thesis to his sporadic and indirect fire.

An audible explosion and about 400 rounds later, the firefight came to an end.

Leslie used some trees to take cover from the incoming autocannon, Keeping her shoulder pauldron facing the direction of fire. Thankfully the bear's fire drew enough attention off her The engines of the enemies made them easy targets for her sights, and as she moved from crater to crater only a few of the dismounted soldiers running out of the concealing smoke noticed her. By then it was too late. Her head mounted machine guns made quick work of them, a quick glance was all that was needed to eliminate them.

With the smoke, foxholes, and covering fire, her advance to flank the IFV's went smoothly until the end. The IFV closest to her barely had time to swing its turret in time to get off a shot that whizzed over her head, and a quick burst along the turret hit the ammunition stores, causing the entire thing to go up in smoke. However the second IFV had finally noticed her, and started to limp away from the fight and out of the smoke. "Shit it spotted me," she said to Fion. As the turret swung turret towards her, she put her shield forward just in time to feel the thud as autocannon rounds slammed into her. The short burst was enough to rattle her bones, but with a shout she quickly returned fire, emptying the rest of her clip into the side of the vehicle until it stopped firing. By the time she was done she could see clear through it.

Swearing under her breath, she called back to Fion. "Both IFV's Down, I took a hit but I think I'm alright," she said. Ducking into a deep crater , she took the time to reload a fresh magazine into her rifle. Then she looked around as the smoke cleared up, and brought her rifle up. "Okay, I got you covered, you can move up now."

With the smoke cleared, Fionn took a moment to scan the area before joining Leslie in cover.

“Good to hear, and looks like the shield did it’s job.” Fionn said pointing to the visible dents. “We survived this round, let’s keep that streak going.” Fionn briefly looked out of cover, taking linger after not seeing anyone. “I think that’s everyone out here so I guess we deal with the hanger now. If there is anyone in there, they know we are here now and they might be mad so, if you don’t mind me making the plan again, I say we riddle it with bullets and explosions.”

Leslie nodded. “Sounds like a plan, but I don't have as much heavy weaponry as you do. I can take out individual targets well enough but you're the saturation fire guy.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by redbaron1234

redbaron1234 Full of Pluck

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by redbaron1234

redbaron1234 Full of Pluck

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