Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

The day that the world lost Superman will be remembered. Two weeks ago, the year 2020 took another turn for the worst when an alien monster called Doomsday fell to Earth. In a rampage across the east coast the behemoth crippled the Justice League and in a final act of heroism Superman gave his life defeating the creature. For days it seemed like everyone wore an armband commemorating the life of Superman, but when the Justice League failed to stop a techno-virus that enslaved half of Coast City… crime rates across the globe increased. That’s when the “Supermen of America” trend started. To honor Superman and his legacy other heroes adopted his symbol. New heroes emerged and crime was back on the decline once again thanks to Superman and his memory.

Black Lightning recently relocated to Metropolis and has helped other surviving League members [the Flash and Green Arrow] repurpose Metro Tower into Outreach: 1 for the Supermen helping to defend the Man of Steel’s former city. Beast Boy, now in his early 20’s, reopened Titans Tower in Jump City for many young heroes as a sort of Outreach:2. Will it be enough? Can the world go on without the Man of Steel?

The history of the Supermen of America has varied over the decades. Originally it was an official fan club of Superman in the 1940’s readers could write in for membership and decoder rings and stuff. Sometime after the Death of Superman another version popped up in the comics in the late 90’s with new metahuman heroes somewhat based on archetypes from the Legion of Superheroes. This is just a version that takes a few cues here and there and ties it to the Death of Superman again while spinning the aftermath differently.

The story was a different beast in the 90’s. With that said this is obviously not based on any specific cannon and the only things that are off limits will be obvious. A few key points in DC lore will be noted, so many of the more recent incarnations of characters won’t be around, however depending on the scale some could be worked into our universe. This will be a more sandbox style RP with many characters in play in different locations and with different groups and pre-established settings. Several characters will be in play to move things along but there will be several missions/threats I’ll introduce early on to give everyone multiple options when bringing their heroes into the game.

Current DCU Landscape:

* Superman’s enemies are still coming out of the woodwork in Metropolis and ‘Lightning and the Supermen will have their hands full. Notable enemies include: Livewire, Parasite, Metallo, Intergang, Cadmus Labs, Riot, Felix Faust, Silver Banshee, Bloodsport, and two others that will remain under wraps for now. One rhymes with Pex Puthor and the other is almost an identical twin of Marvel’s Cable LOL

* Batman is suffering a broken back, and Bane has taken up his own Bat-cowl and taken control of the Gotham underworld. A group of heroes would be ideal in taking him down, but most are scared of Gotham. The streets are patrolled by venom-jacked thugs in Robin colors.

* Hank Henshaw [formerly Cyborg Superman] has enslaved half the population of Coast City CA after corrupting and assimilating the technology of Cyborg [Victor Stone] and Green Lantern. Rumors suggest a portion of STAR Labs has several dozen survivors within what the news outlets have dubbed ‘Machine City’.

* Beast Boy is in a mentor type of role similar to Black Lightning. Cinderblock, Billy Numerous, Jinx, Brother & Sister Blood, Klarion, and other villains are operating in or around Jump City.

* This universe will take bits and pieces from various places including the CW shows, the DC films, the Young Justice animated series, Superman and Batman comics, as well as the DC animated films.

Interested players can create new characters within this DC universe, or they can recreate a version of an existing character that chooses to take up an S shield. I’m going for something of a modern day Apache Chief who was renamed Longshadow in recent stories, but you can put an S on just about anybody not already tied into the story. Character sheets MUST include but are not limited to:

Archetype: (re-worked canon or original)
Base of Operations:
Personality: [5 words best describing your character]
Appearance: [pic or description]
Potential Storylines: [What do you have in mind for your character?]
Notes: [anything else you need to tell us?]

I’m hoping for an even mix of canons and originals, maybe 7 or 8 players total including myself. This type of RP would be easy enough to make stat based as well with the number of enemies already in the mix, so if anybody is game for that route I’d get that going with as little as 5 players total. If anyone is interested in playing as Black Lightning, Beast Boy, or any of the others I’ve pictured for reference just let me know! This will be my first RP in quite some time and the only thing I’m giving attention to. A new RP with a few familiar faces would make 2020 suck a good deal less.

- Ω
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

There isn't a specific canon we should be trying to stick with, right?

I was thinking of making a version of Raven, but I don't want to be too bound by a specific writer's version.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

"...With that said this is obviously not based on any specific cannon and the only things that are off limits will be obvious. A few key points in DC lore will be noted, so many of the more recent incarnations of characters won’t be around, however depending on the scale some could be worked into our universe."

I see this RP being something like the more recent animated films that updated classic stories with more modern elements and characters. Teen Titans vs the Justice League comes to mind, where Nightwing was sporting his red New52 suit with both Damian Wayne and the most recent Blue Beetle as members of the Titans.

- Ω

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

I literally read that and still asked the question. Sorry I'm so dumb. But alright, I'll be around, working on a character probably.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Hmm. I may join this with an old adopted son of Superman I have. Edit his story a bit and boom. Probably would've been the first Superboy of this timeline. Unless you count young Clark Kent.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I’m considering joining this playing Kara Zor-El (Supergirl)
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

I'll write this out more comprehensively, but I wanted to give a quick lost of backstory beats to make sure it meshes with what the gm and other players have in mind.

1) born on earth, but raised on Azarath for the majority of her childhood.

2) banished after an incident made the monks of Azarath realize how dangerous the daughter of their greatest enemy was to have around. Came to earth around the age of 12.

3) found by authorities, and placed in foster care, from which she ran away to find others like herself. Joined the Titans, and learned to fight and further control her powers.

4) Trigon attempted to enact his plans for her, but with the help of the Titans, he was bound in the void between worlds.

5) Raven returned to Azarath to keep watch over her father.

6) ignores a premonition of great doom until after she heard the news of Superman's death.

7) returns to earth to help restore the world that first made her feel at home
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

Checking in from work. I'll have my CS finished later and respond to any questions...
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

Still a WIP but here's what I've got....


Archetype: canon
Name: Tye Longshadow
Alias: Longshadow
Age: 29
Base of Operations: Formerly Texas, presently Metropolis
Size Alteration – Has the ability to change his size at will. Generally grows to 10 feet, 25 feet, and 60 feet tall.

Super Strength & Durability – Has heightened strength even at normal height that increases with his size. His durability gives him a resistance to small arms fire that increases with his size to include resistance to explosives and higher caliber weapons.

Weaknesses: mental attacks, gas based attacks, he can be overpowered, and at smaller sizes he can be affected by heavy gunfire and explosives. Size altering powers take a lot out of him and once he’s exhausted his powers work less. If he doesn’t rest, they can stop working completely.

Personality: cocky, inexperienced, loud, honorable, trustworthy


Tye is a Mescalero Apache, born in El Paso Texas. His mother Shelly insisted on living outside of the reservations so Tye was raised like any average American child. He grew up hearing stories of his great grandfather, a stoic Apache Chief, who was described often as a “giant of a man.” In his early 20’s, Tye’s metahuman gene was activated after a car accident with his mother that left her dead. After flipping their car off road during a thunderstorm, his mother told him that she loved him before speaking in Native American language with her last breaths “Inukchuk”. This blessing is believed to be a part of his power also giving him mystical origins.

Tye wasn’t sure what to do with himself and was a drifter for years. It wasn’t until seeing Batman and the Native American hero Chief Man of Bats in action in New York City that Tye found purpose. After saving the life of Batman with his giant form, both Bat-themed heroes kept an eye on Tye.

After saving people from a fire in California without any sort of mask to conceal his identity, Batman made contact and gave Tye one of Nightwing’s old masks. When he asked why, believing he didn’t have anyone close to keep safe, Batman gave him the name and location of his grandfather Holling.

Potential Storylines:

Supermen vs the Super Gorillas - Gorilla Grodd and a rogue army of gorilla soldiers from Gorilla City have overrun Central City and the Flash has called for help. Longshadow will be tested when the Golden Gorilla aka Congo Jim/Congorilla is brought in to help Grodd's army.

Taking Back Gotham - Longshadow among a few others helps with the effort to take control of Gotham back from the imposter Batman... Bane.

Notes: His S is war paint.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Where do you make those images in the OP and in your CS?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

MSPaint. I do pixel art when I'm on my laptop. I'm a visual type of thinker and any time I write something I make a few.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

Any night owls looking around for something new?
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

What do you think so far?

Archetype: Canon
Name: Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers
Alias: Supergirl
Age: 21
Base of Operations: Metropolis
◦ Vast superhuman strength, hearing, durability, and longevity
• Superhuman vision
• Heat vision
• Electromagnetic spectrum vision
• Microscopic vision
• X-ray vision
• Telescopic vision
• Infrared vision
• Superhuman breath
• Freeze breath
• Wind breath
• Superhuman speed
• Superhuman agility
• Superhuman reflexes
• Invulnerability
• Healing Factor
• Flight
Weaknesses: Kryptonite, Magic, Psychic attacks, can usually be harmed by alien weapons, powers fueled by absorbing sunlight and thus gets weaker if she hasn’t absorbed sunlight in a while.
Personality: Optimistic, Impulsive, Compassionate, Hot Tempered, Passionate

BRIEF Bio: Kara Zor-El was thirteen years old when Krypton exploded, and she was put on a rocket ship by Zor-El and Allura, and sent off to look after her baby cousin Kal-El. Kal-Els rocket made it to Earth, while Kara's rocket got stuck in a Kryptonite asteroid and the pod's emergency systems put her in suspended animation.

Kara finally crash landed on Earth many years later. She was found by her cousin who was now known to the world as Superman. Wanting his cousin to have a normal life, to took her to live with the Danvers family. She lived a relatively normal life of an Earth girl. Superman taught her how to control her powers, and how to adjust to Earth. Meanwhile, she taught him about his homeworld of Krypton.

At some point she wanted to become a hero herself. She adopted the name Supergirl, and Clark even made her a costume. She worked with her cousin mostly since she had to balance the life of a teenage girl with superheroics. For a while she was mostly known as Superman’s kid sidekick...

And then Superman died, forcing her to step up and be Metropolis’ protector, and a hero in her own right...
Potential Storylines: [What do you have in mind for your character?]
Notes: [anything else you need to tell us?]
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

@Crimson Flame Looks good so far!
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

@Gisk The stuff on Raven looks good, nothing that would need altering. She gonna be early 20's like Gar?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'm interested in this. Probably going to play a canon character, but I'm unsure of which. I do have an idea for Roy Harper, as a single dad recovering from drug addiction, or maybe Kaldur'ahm as he tries to become his own hero. Give me a little bit to think about it.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Creedmoor
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Edit: sorry I should have asked beforehand about if there was room.
I'm going to throw the ole hat into the ring, here is a rough outline I'm sorry its really late here so please forgive any mistakes.
Archetype: original
Name: Birth name Elias "Eli" Caine
Current name: Michael Eric Wilson
Alias: Formerly: Black Scorpion
Currently: Manhunter
Base of Operations: metropolis formerly Las Angeles
  • highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat
  • Skilled with a sword
  • Trained as an assassin
  • Trained with firearms
  • use of various gadgets (line guns,gas pellets, mini crossbow, etc)

    At the end of the day he is human, anything that would kill a person can kill him.

Personality: Lonely,Loyal,Caring,awkward,funny
Appearance:Day to day: with green eyes in costume:
BRIEF Bio: Born the third child to the villains Black Reaper (Diana Caine) and Red Havoc (Elijah Caine) Eli was extected to follow in the family business. Having originally been a member of the league of assassins, Red Havoc raised his kids to be villians in training. From the age of 12 to 20 Elias took part in a number crimes including assasinations, heists and enforcing for various clients. For a while he cared little for the moral implications and who he hurt. It wasnt until the tragic death of his younger sister (Amanda Caine), the year following his defection from his family are unclear. The certainty is that around midway in his 23rd year a man fitting his description began working in metropolis as the Bounty hunter Manhunter. While he is technically a criminal due to his willingness to take less than legal jobs he has more often than not show a kindness often refusing or activly working against criminal groups who he feels had broken some yet undisclosed moral line.

During his day life he works at a local orphanage working with troubled youth, keeping them from turning another junkie or gang banger.
Potential Storylines:Villan family, Romanticly involved with a coworker, Former villan.
Notes:He could be considered having a netrual aligment as he has taken his jobs from law enforcement and criminal elements, though he has often worked for law enforcement at a discounted rate and with more frequency.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Omega Man

Yeah, I was meaning for them to be similar in age.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Decided to go with Roy. Here's the sheet.

Roy Harper
Formerly Speedy, currently Arsenal
Base of Operations:
Formerly Star City, currently Metropolis
While a baseline human, Roy is in excellent physical condition, comparable to Olympic level athletes. He is also a master with a bow and arrow, and highly proficient with most projectile or martial art weapons. He also knows Moo Gi Gong, an obscure martial art that turns everyday objects into a weapon, as well as many other martial arts. Roy always have his bow and arrows on him, with several arrows being various utility and trick arrows. He is also armed with a retractable staff, throwing knives, bolas, and a boomerang. Roy’s hero suit is made of highly durable Kevlar, and can unleash an electrical charge if an attempt is made to remove it.
Roy is a baseline human and as such can be killed in any way anyone else could. This includes bullets, blunt force, energy attacks, or toxins. Roy is also mentally susceptible as he struggles with drug use, depression, and anger issues.
Impulsive, Focused, Flirtatious, Vengeful, Loyal

Roy didn’t know his parents as a child. He was raised in foster homes around the Star City area, never really connecting with anyone. That changed when a new foster father let Roy try archery. Roy excelled at the sport, becoming one of the best archers in the world for his age group. It was around this time that the vigilante Green Arrow began appearing. Roy was immediately captivated, even creating his own costume. Then one night, when Green Arrow was surrounding by mobsters, Roy intervened in his suit. Green Arrow was impressed, allowing Roy to become his sidekick Speedy.

Roy would work with Green Arrow for a few years, interacting with other heroes like the Teen Titans, a group he helped form. However, injuries from a battle would cause Roy to start taking painkillers, which then led to eventual heroin use. When Green Arrow discovered this he was furious and forced Roy to quit being Speedy. No longer a hero, Roy quit the Teen Titans, falling into a depression. He might have died if not for the aid of Black Canary, who helped him get clean. Shortly after this, Roy accepted a job as a secret agent for the US government. It was while on this job that he met the assassin Cheshire. They would quickly start a very destructive relationship, one that led Roy back to drugs. When his superiors learnt of the relationship and drug use they fired Roy.

Roy would fall in and out of drug use for a year, living in Star City. That was until he was approached by Cheshire’s sister who revealed that Cheshire and him had a daughter, and that Cheshire was dead. Roy was made the sole parent of his daughter Lian, which prompted him to seriously try to get sober. With the help of other heroes like Superman and the Teen Titans, Roy finally got clean, and moved to Metropolis with Lian. After Superman died, Roy felt that he should honour his memory, taking up the identity of Arsenal.

Potential Storylines:
Possible drug relapse. Struggles of being a single father. Cheshire not actually being dead. Trying to fix his relationship with Green Arrow. The US government being aware of his identity and use it against him. Connecting with former Teen Titans teammates. Flirting and new romances.
Credit for the appearance image goes to this site. I slightly altered the image.
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