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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Shadow Hold
Raven starts to speak but before he can the sky is filled with hundreds of flying flat ships with no sails. In the very same instant a thunderous boom of thousands of cannons rings out. As the earth below them is shelled Valkyrie steps up on the bow of her flagship Jotunheim. Her lips curl into a smile and she walks directly off of the deck of her ship. Yet, she doesn't fall. She strides unfettered by gravity through the air to survey the field below.
"Deploy secondary barrage on Shadow Hold, then launch HK Gunships, and commence shelling of the enemies ground forces." Valkyrie's voice seems to be everywhere at once. Or rather there seems to be no limit to how far her voice can travel.

Ninja (G)
I pull myself from rubble and look around. Shadow Hold is in ruins. I can feel blood seeming from a wound in my upper thigh. I look up. The Castle still has a form or shape but it is treacherously tenuous. I hear a second cacophony of thunder and brace myself.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I stride in and set myself down at the table where the gangsters are discussing business. The Boss looks like an old bulldog. But the gleam in his eye shows me that he is a crafty fox. A one made man turns their attention to Lilianna and First.
"Ey, eyes here lil pup." I snap my fingers and point at myself. They don't like that.
"Why are you here? No one knows you. And yet you walk in here like a big shot. And now you aren't showing my boys the respect they deserve." The Fox speaks at me.
"I'll cut right to the chase. I'm here to cut a deal with you." I take a glass of something and sip. "Give me the Black Watch. Or I'll wipe this Family from the face of the Earth." Everyone in the room shifts. Hostility fills the room. I lean back and let the grip of my revolver show.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

A Royal Court somewhere.
As Razz cuts down two guards the others freeze up and are visibly shaken. Haughty women scream and faint as the crowd groans in disgust. One guard regains his composure and rushes at Nevermore. She parries his panicked attack and slips behind him. Grabbing the top of his overly adorned helmet and wrenching his head back she places the tip of her sword under his chin.
"Razz! We're leaving! Grab Gale! Nel stay close." Before they can abscond a Lord steps between them and the exit. Nevermore without hesitation says: "Razz, cut the son of a bitch in half."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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That was extremely unpleasant. I disable the light shield my weapon generated and look around. Destruction at every corner. Add extremely unnecessary to the adjectives to describe this act as well. Valkyrie does look pleased with herself. I sigh. It's going to be difficult to convince people not to fight her if she insists fighting with us.

I wasn't fast enough for the first barrage, it was so unexpected, my scythe could only do a partial shield and only for life forms. On her second command I'm ready.

"Lend me your strength." I mouth to my weapon. At my will, the projectiles stop midair. They're now at my disposal and I take aim. Then I raise the rumble, adding all the destruction to my arsenal. A clear threat, but I don't fire. My right hand shakes slightly but I clench it tight around my scythe and take a steadying breath. This is taking a lot of my weapon's energy, I can feel it.

"Sir Baruss. Would you be so kind as to assess the condition of my friends? The light shield my scythe provided should have taken most the damage aimed at life forms, but debris were everywhere. I'll try and buy us time."

I take a seat on the hilt of my scythe. It ascends and brings me eye level with our attacker Valkyrie.

"My name is Lexianna. You've got my attention." With a snap of my fingers everything I'm prepared to fire on her ships is set ablaze.

"Shall we talk?"


I'm bored. There's no indication of that however on my face. I amuse myself by thinking through all the different ways I could kill these men before any of them completed a blink.

He mentions a watch and my eyes drop down to search for the offending modified tech. It makes my skin crawl.

I am pulled from my search by the click of high heels. The First Lotus circles the table slowly, making her way to the ringleader. She leans down next to him. "You seem like a clever man. Take the deal. That one, doesn't make promises he can't keep." She flicks her hand in Zaak's direction, indicating his gun. "Well, when it comes to business anyway." Her voice is still like a purr but her eyes stare daggers right at Zaak. I myself feel speared by the comment. It was meant to hit.

I notice the hostility in the room ebbing. Using my Sight I spot why. She practically sedated every one in the room with her aura. Hints the circling like a predatory creature.

I take a chair from the corner and drag it very noisily across the room. The awkwardness also dispersing some of the lingering hostility. I flip the chair around backwards and make myself comfortable, resting my chin on my folded arms atop the chair. I wave away the stares. "Please continue your deal making. I've got places to be."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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Hoisting Gale up onto my shoulder I turn too the Lord. Stepping up to the little man I look down into his eyes. Grabbing his sword above the hilt I jerk it sideways snapping the blade off. Holding his gaze I give him a moment too back off. He twitches, the wrong direction. I slide the broken blade into his neck and push on the flat of the blade spinning his neck 180 degrees. There's a loud snap as I continue past him out into the hall.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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Member Seen 17 days ago


Hoisting Gale up onto my shoulder I turn too the Lord. Stepping up to the little man I look down into his eyes. Grabbing his sword above the hilt I jerk it sideways snapping the blade off. Holding his gaze I give him a moment too back off. He twitches, the wrong direction. I slide the broken blade into his neck and push on the flat of the blade spinning his neck 180 degrees. There's a loud snap as I continue past him out into the hall.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Royal Court
Nevermore slits her captive's throat and moves to follow Razz ushering Nel ahead of her.
Nevermore freezes in place her body unable to move. The sound of armored footfalls echo out in the now silent court. All the nobles and ladies bow.
"Turn and face me." The voice pierces through her. She strains against it but to no avail. A servant somewhere scrambles forth and announces.
"All hail the Regent and Lord Commander of the five realms! Their glory is ours!"
"THEIR GLORY IS OURS!" The crowd repeats. Fear begins to settle into Nevermore's mind as she watches Nel and Razz turn to face The Commander as well.

The Commander is clad head to toe in armor befitting a very practical warrior king. It isn't bespangled with any prideful adornments. Nor is it gold plated or jewel encrusted. The only betraying aspect of the design is an armored crown forged into the helm. Their posture gives no tell as to their features. Nevermore attempts to read anything from The Commander. Nothing. The armored is completely sealed to outside interference and observation.

This doesn't dissuade her however. She breaks free from the power compelling her to remain motionless and lunges at The Commander to deal a deathblow.

As fast as Nevermore is The Commander is just as fast. With blinding speed The Commander unsheathes their sword and parries Nevermore's attack. Following a quick riposte Nevermore finds herself on her back with The Commander standing over her.
"Stay there."
"Razz, Run!" Nevermore cries out.
"Stay right there." This time the command is directed at Razz. "I have questions. And neither of you are going anywhere until they are answered."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Shadow Hold
Valkyrie smiles.
"Talk is for old men and idle housewives. I am Karasviel, Knight Captain of the Peacekeepers. Your actions here stand in direct offence to the Crown. Surrender yourselves to my mercy or be cut down." Despite saying this Valkyrie holds up her hand to signal to hold the Gunships from launch. The uneasy ceasefire just a hands motion away from ending.

Below, Baruss digs the elder fox sibling from the rubble with the help of G. He looks scanning for more lifeforms. "Where is the young one?"

Out in the field the three armies attempt to rally with the time Lexianna has bought them. But with such a devastating surprise attack they are still in wild disarray and reeling.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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Member Seen 17 days ago


Turning and facing the Commander. I point too him. "Realease me human. I don't have time for your games." looking down I pat Nels head. "Run little one, get away."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


I cough loudly as the rubble is raised above us. My ears are ringing and probably won’t stop for a while. The cons of having exceptional hearing. At first I’m too stunned to move and I just stare at the dust and destruction. Then I remember we don’t have time for this. I spot my brother across the way with Baruss. He seems fine. I don’t see Gaul. That worries me. I do see Smough. That eases some of the worry. There’s a half standing wall in between me and my brother. Smough is next to it.
Pushing myself up, I sway unsteadily on my feet. My balance is butchered due to my ears being impaired. Still I manage an unsteady jog over. “You okay?” I lean heavily on the half wall that is leaning heavily to the side.

My ears are ringing. My head is aching. Why do I sign up for this shit? Baruss asks me something but I can’t hear anything. Good news I spot my sister leaning on a wall. She seems fine, all things considered. I pull my special headset out my jacket pocket and the lens drops down. I look up to see Lexianna hovering with a stranger in possession of an alarming amount of fire power. There’s the bad news. I can’t hear Scarlett but I can command her, “Enlarge.” The lens adjusts and zooms in. This is worse than I thought. “Who’s the mega babe?” I point at the absolute vision that hovers menacingly above us. I ask this of Baruss even though I’ll probably only hear half of what he says if anything at all. I fiddle with the headset to compensate for my hearing.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by airgetlam
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A massive thunder strike explodes outward from beneath the rubble. Gaul strides from beneath it seemingly untouched, with sparks of electricity shooting from the hammer he wields in his hand. His voice booms above the battlefield from the storm cloud that has begun to form in the sky.

“Valkyrie! I hereby invoke the Rites of the Old Gods, and challenge you to single combat. The victor shall determine the fate of the losing army. If you find these terms acceptable, meet me here.”

As the last word leaves his lips, lightning arcs down to a spot around one hundred yards from the castle. Gaul calmly begins to walk in that direction.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


If this had happened during my first existence, I would have responded in kind. Enemies received one warning and then they were disposed of quickly. My first existence was rash and could hardly be called lenient. So self assured. Strangely, the urge to respond that way is so strong for a moment I lock my jaw to keep myself in check. Why could I feel my old self's rebuttal so clearly just now? It matters not. I am no longer that woman.

As I look at Karasviel however, I can see some of the same characteristics that defined my first existence. In so many ways she is similar. Complete and total confidence in herself and her power, she thinks her justice is absolute, her law inviolable. It's an unfortunate stance. It's due to the similarities though, that I think I know how to talk some sense into her. At the very least, I might be able to shake her resolve.

Just as I open my mouth to do just that I hear Gaul yell his challenge, his voice echoing from the slowly forming storm cloud. I retake control of the elements, vaporizing his presence in the sky, but the damage has already been done. Mortality is taking its toll, as my patience is starting to wane. For a King he's a poor negotiator. Then again that's a difference in cultures speaking. To a Viking fighting is negotiating and probably far quicker. The man is as combative as Razz.

Gaul will be our best bet if fighting is inevitable but I am bound and determined to not let this devolve. "Take his offer if you find it preferable but his gods and ideals are not yours.Though you share a namesake. He is a god forged of war and blood. Are you?" Intimidation didn't work on me and I doubt it works on her; so I forge on before she takes him on his challenge as a point of pride. "I implore you to listen to the reasons behind our actions before defending your Crown's offense."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Karn Throneroom
The Commander meets Razz's gaze and muses pensively.
"What wild beast are you, to attack my royal court then make demands of me. We were all gathering to discuss matters regarding our citizens. Yet you kill men who did nothing but rightly defend my guests. Even dogs know when to heel." The Commander says. Almost muttering under their under their breath they follow it with. "You have one chance to explain yourself. One. Go."

Shadow Hold
Valkyrie observes the two that came out to meet her. She holds her hand up, signalling to postpone the next volley. She shifts, annoyed and seemingly out of patience. Her glaive appears in hand. The three headed blades are perpendicular and golden.
"That didn't sound like a surrender." She says almost to herself. She drops her hand and the armada fires.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Zaak frowns. He wanted to fight. Getting up from the table he pouts his way over to The Boss.
"Would you kindly hand over that time piece of yours?" Zaak asks. Without a fuss The Boss removes the watch from his wrist and passes it to Zaak. Zaak promptly crushes it. Thick tar like reality oozes from between his fingers. It is enveloped with Zaaks own Umbra and vanishes. "Another problem, solved. Come on. We're done here."

"Hey, that was my watch." The Boss says.
"Would you kindly kill yourself." Zaak replies. Without hesitation The Boss pulls out his gun. Though it seems he is intent on shooting Zaak he quickly turn the gun on himself. "That goes for everyone else as well." Zaak says. The room is soon filled with dead gangsters. Zaak takes a moment to admire his work. With a quick swipe of his hand he opens a rift to The Oasis.

"Come on."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


She didn't listen which means my options are limited. As much as I want to save her I cannot risk the lives entrusted to me below. The best outcome I can fight for here, is destroying her arsenal to force her into retreat, earning a second try at a later date.

So be it. By force it is. When the armada fires, I launch the blazing projectiles I had afloat crashing into the ships. This next bit is going to take the rest of my fading energy. I land next to Baruss.

" Please Sir Baruss, lend me strength?" I extend my scythe to him.

For what comes next my scythe's waning power isn't enough, so I let it draw from my life force. Black spots wink in and out of my vision but I cannot stop yet. I draw on everything in me to stand firm and reach out. I feel it all. The large bombardment of shells being fired. I can feel each one and the air around it. The shells all freeze half way to the ground, turn and fire back on the ships which were also just hit by the previous projectiles. I sink slowly to the ground as chunks of ship start hailing down.


Rather serendipitous that we're back at The Oasis. It's exactly were I planned to leave them. "Alright pack listen up. I have some business to take care of alone. You two are to go nowhere while I'm gone." I point to The First Lotus. "You, keep an eye on him and stop him from being stupid by disobeying me." I don't wait for an answer. I open my timescape and warp to the coordinates that were whispered to me.

The First Lotus

I curl up on a rock and make myself small. Too much confusion on how I feel and the source is my charge.

Things use to be much simpler. He was the only one who could make me laugh. The only one who understood my duty-bound drive. Or...a part of him did. Sin.

I can't allow myself to start down that path...missing him. Instead I strike a compromise. Talk is decent distraction. "Do you miss her? The current Lotus?" I don't look at him. I look straight at the ground.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Skies above Shadow Hold
Kara swats debris from the air as it crashes to the ground below. Her armada is broken.
"So there are fighters among you." A wicked smile creeps onto her face as she raises her glaive. "But a fighter's will is always outdone by the guile of a trickster."

Thunderous booms as ships appear to replace those that fell. From on high her threat still stands. Kara looks down at her enemy. She raises her hand. Her second in command steers his ship over to her side.
"Forgive me ma'am. We are still waiting for more soldiers to arise. It would seem most of our forces haven't finished their death phase."
"So be it. How long until we're ready for another volley?" Kara questions.
"Half an hour." The First Mate responds.
"Pull the fleet back to minimum safe distance. I want you ready to fire the second you've the man power." Kara orders. The ships crack and boom as they vanish, instantly appearing miles away in the sky.

"You've bought your army time enough to muse their death. In the time until, I will destroy this coup you have so foolishly devised." Kara says. She starts to taunt again but a ferocious roar cuts her words off.

"KARA!!!!" Karnariel streaks across the sky atop the sword usually at his hip. The blade is aflame and cuts a searing path through the air. He brandishes a second, divine blade, and clashes with Kara.

"Hello there Kar. Long time no see." Kara taunts. Karnariel lets out an unintelligible howl. He attempts to overpower her but to no avail.

"Traitorous Snake!! I am your reckoning!!!" The two part and dance around each others blades briefly before clashing again. "For mother! For Father! You die today!!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Meadow of Emergence
She arrives just in time. Any longer and I'd raise suspicion. The shadows on the Meadow hide me well but I'm sure she knows I'm here. I step out into the moonlight that has settled in the center of the Meadow.

"I'm glad you made it. Princess, forgive the urgency, your father mustn't know I'm here." I remove my hood. To reveal myself. She knows me as her uncle. But in truth I am her father. Or at least an important part of his existence. His emotions.

Lilianna has matters she needs to attend to. All the more better for me to find the next outbreak of Umbra. There are a few points where it has amassed. Too much for me to handle alone. But... if I had more hands. No, I can't rely on them. Not now. I wave Lilianna off and close my eyes to focus. I want to get at least one more before settling down for rest.

Then, the replica asks something unexpected.
"I do. Very much I do." The memories churn in my mind like oil. The slightest spark ignites them and makes my head an inferno. I miss every incarnation of her. Each one taught me something important. Each one was what I needed when I needed it. No one could ask for a better partner. Even if I am a ghost. My heart is just. And this task is one no one but I could accomplish. I decide to ask my own questions.

"Do you think a memory has the right to dream?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Shadow Hold

The skies look grim. The fleet of ships moved back but Karnariel has gone and attacked Valkyrie. Lexianna looks spent and it looks like everyone else is still trying to pull survivors of the first barrage together. I'm still unsteady but someone has to back Karnariel.

I yank my daggers from their sheaths on my thighs and slit each palm. Concentrating on the fight above, I wait. My own blood trickles out and forms a ball at my side, ready to assist. My breathing deepens and I allow my senses to sharpen until I feel it. Her blood. I can use it.

It's difficult to sense all of her blood, I'm sure due to distance and fatigue, but I can sense some and that's enough for now. The blood I can sense, hardens under my command. I yank it straight from her veins. The blood sticks out of the body like barbs, skewering in several directions before liquifying again and dripping down to me. Her blood forms a second ball at my side. Now I'm armed, and ready.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Li-Li ~Meadow of Emergence~

These eyes of mine. The eyes of the girl born out of time, daughter to cosmic eldritch beings of unspeakable and unknowable ability. These eternal eyes of mine that hold infinite power, pick now to play tricks on me. I blink once, twice, a third time slowly. Nope. He's still here, which means he's real. I examine his aura. It's definitely not an imposter. So it is definitely my Uncle Alistair. How am I going to explain any of this to my mother?

I set those thoughts aside for now, there's more pressing matters to deal with. "Uncle Alistair, glad you're not dead." I walk up to him and go straight for his jacket pocket, where I know he hides the chocolates. I grab a handful. After popping one in my mouth, I make myself comfortable on the meadow floor.

"Look I have several questions, as I'm sure you know. So let's cut to the chase. Why doesn't he already know you're here to begin with? Shouldn't he sense you're not part of his whole?"

The First Lotus ~The Oasis~

His question surprises me, as much as mine must have surprised him.

"Technically speaking, dreams are memories. You have to know to dream. To know it, you must have the knowledge. To have the knowledge to beget the dream, you must recall it. You recall it from memory."

Slowly, I start to uncurl, coming out of myself.

"Then again I am a pragmatist, that sounds like the sort of question to ask the Current." After all, she's the dreamer. There it is. The twinge that accompanies me nearly each time I think of her. I feel it again. Resentment.

This isn't what I wanted. It's time to get to it. My voice comes out softer and quieter than I mean it to. That's also not what I wanted but for some reason I'm feeling shy, nervous even. It's ridiculous.

"I didn't want to get into anything while Lilianna was here. She summoned me for a job to do and I plan to do it. However while she's gone, I think this might be a good chance to..." I trail off a moment to glance at him. The feelings swell again inside me and I rush on, annoyance helping to push the words out," I think we need to clear the air." Perhaps we don't. "A moment of honesty." This will probably get ugly. "I'm going to sit right here and tell you all that comes to me and if you have something to say....please say it."

Now that the words have been released there's no going back. It's time to dig up the past and possibly nail a final nail in the coffin.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Shadow Hold
Kara screams in pain as blood erupts from her arms and she recoils defensively from Karnariel. Seeing his opening Karnariel presses his advantage. Kara attempts to defend from his onslaught to no avail. With a sudden and powerful strike Karnariel cleaves her head from her shoulders. Kara disintegrates into particles of light.

As the last of the particles fade from existence Karnariel stays alert. He keeps his head on a swivel.
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