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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheMerlin
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TheMerlin Lore Seeker

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The soldier approached Tyrhallan and gave a short bow as he continued, "Orders from the king, sir. The enemy vanguard is near and their scouts are following the refugee ships crossing the border, presumably using them as a shield to prevent us from using our guns. You're to gather reinforcements and move to intercept immediately, engaging by boarding action. The dropship will be at your disposal."

Overhearing the conversation, Leo sheathed his sabre as he called out to the soldier, "What are their numbers?"

"Three frigates, sir."

The news caused a ripple of murmurs among the soldiers, but Leo only smiled cheerfully as he turned to Tyrhallan and said, "Looks like we get to be first in the fray. Lucky us."

And he meant it too. Only the Silver Spider could be so earnestly delighted by the prospect of an impending battle.

"So asides from me, who else will you be taking?" Leo asked as he jerked his head towards Arn. "Him?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Tyrhallan listened quietly hearing the men's murmur and buzz as the news startled them all.
The eager anticipation of the Spider however was alarming, were it not that Tyrhallan knew him well enough and had on occasion tried to talk some sense into him, however futile the effort might be.
If the Vaimese Vanguard send out three frigates, then undoubtedly they meant to strike hard and fast. It's ploy to create such a disarray that their lines would easily be scattered and broken...and if they were not halted there would be little indeed that would be able to pose a threat to them.
"How long before they reach us?"
"Within the hour, the high rise winds have picked up and there's a stormy Western current, undoubtedly created by magic."
Tyrhallan nodded before he raised his hand commanding the attention of his men.
"All right that's enough of that..." He spoke aloud, silencing the murmurs and nervous gossip.

"My brave brothers and sisters, this is the hour we are called to battle.
I will not lie to you. The enemy we face is one that has send many a nation to crumble, but even giants stumble and fall. And if we do not stop them in their tracks they will do the same to our kingdom. Remember! To robbery, slaughter, plunder, they give the lying name of empire; they make a desert and dare call it peace.
Fight not just for me or yourselves...Fight for those that cannot.
Fight for that is our vow. Protect and defend the weak.
Fight and we will send the dogs packing, with their tails tucked between their legs.
For they do not fight for hearth and home.
We do.
For we are Knights!
For Hearth and Home! For Belisio!"

Tyrhallan finished his rallying speech.
As his men started chanted along before falling into position grabbing further gear and awaiting further orders.
Tyrhallan eyed his Senior Knight and two others who were more familiar with his tactics. Men of standing and reputation with the men.
"Sarban, take 5 men of your choosing and approach them from the left flank. Cut us an opening, attack plan Osprey. Firenze, you're taking a handful of your sharpest blades and go lie in wait, set up a series of crossfires get to the refugees and pull them out, the rest will follow old Tyndale. Hold the Fort, till our own forces relieve you.
I'll be taking a few for a circling attack; The Peregrine." He said as the appointed men gathered closer listening intently. The mentioned knights nodded selecting their needed hands for this plan of action, explaining further actions to the newer faces amongst them.
Tyrhallan turned to Dalmer and to Arn.
"You two are coming with me, if we get separated, do what you must to halt the enemy's advances. Dalmer...do not make me regret giving you free reign on this. We need to hit hard, preferably taking them out if we can..." He said as his eyes hardened again.
"Move out. We'll take the Dropship."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Arn did not to rely on his tactical and mage training to let him know what the news entailed. He had seen this scene played out many times. It seemed that such news always arrived at the exact moment that soldiers least wanted them. Why could the not come when everyone was fired up for battle and in full battle gear? No they came when men were leisure-ing about. This meant that the squad leaders and other officers had to gather them like scattered kittens and re focus them into tigers and lions.

The battlemage however, was an old veteran He knew that one needed to strike hard and strike fast. That would get the wheels of battle in motion and those who remembered and abided by their training would survive and make the wheel that much more efficient. He did not even care to listen to the rest of the message as he made his way to were his gear lay. With an efficient and practiced manner he un hooked his red tinged battle vest and swung it over his head. It rested snug as he secured the claps. His bare arms free of the sleeves that all battlemages wore to signify rank. This was the reason many confused him with a novice or apprentice. Few knew that he was actually just below if not a master already.

Arn verified his Daisho was secured and made his way back. There was a ripple as the news made its way to the corners of the host gathered on the hill top. He caught bits of it as he made his way back. Some from his battalion had seen him gear up and those who had been in battle with him before moved to do the same. They knew that Arn thought himself as a weapon no different that the blades at his waist. They also knew that one does not harness a sword unless there is some need for it.

He got back in time to listen to the last notes of what had been no doubt a rousing speech if the mood of the knights that were now mobilizing was any clue. He did not care much for such things. What he did care was what the captain did next. He efficiently directed his troops. The smoothness at which his knights operated and carried out his orders was a testament to Tyrhallan’s own leadership style.

The usually expressionless Arn flared his eyes in amazement. The knight captain had requested he and the Spider come with him. Under normal circumstances the battlemage would have respectfully refused as his Lieutenant would have to be the ones giving out the orders. However, he was intrigued by both these men. He had seen just a glimpse of their skills in their duel. Arn wanted to see these skills in the heat of battle.

This desire was nothing so base as to witness brutal carnage.. As a man who thought of himself as nothing more of a weapon, it would be great to see two masters of the craft wielding theirs.

Arn shrugged his acknowledgement of the request/order from the silver haired knight. “Very well, if I can be of assistance I will follow you.” His tone did not betray his inner musings. He partly turned to a younger battle mage who had approached him after he had seen Arn gear up. “Tobi, please let the Captain know that I will be accompanying Knight Captain Tyrhallan on….on second thought, tell him you have not seen me if he asks.” The younger battlemage gave him a smirk. Arn shook his head as if denying the unspoken thoughts in the young one’s mind. “I just don’t see the point of both of us getting a lecture prior to the battle. I will deal with the aftermath when I return.”

With that the young one took off at a trot towards the line of gear where the rest of the battlemages had now gathered to don on gear. Arn followed the young figure for a second or two and then turned to both knights. “I am at your disposal and am ready to depart as you wish.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by TheMerlin
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TheMerlin Lore Seeker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You two are coming with me, if we get separated, do what you must to halt the enemy's advances. Dalmer...do not make me regret giving you free reign on this. We need to hit hard, preferably taking them out if we can..." He said as his eyes hardened again. "Move out. We'll take the Dropship."

"Aye, sir," Leo replied with a lazy salute before shooting a sideways glance at Arn, interested to see how he would respond.

Leo had not expected Tyrhallan to seriously try recruiting the mage from another battlegroup, at least not without going through its commanding officer first, but then again he was acting on the king's direct order and time was apparently short. Still, for a Knight Captain to give orders to a mage as though he were one of his own men was nothing short of audacious. What if they were of equal rank? Or even worse, what if the mage held seniority?

Arn however shrugged his acknowledgement of the request/order from the silver haired knight. “Very well, if I can be of assistance I will follow you."

Now that was a surprise. Afterwards when Arn had finished speaking to a younger battlemage and turned to address both knights again, Leo chuckled as he said, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but you're alright."

Turning to follow Tyrhallan towards the dropship, the Silver Spider said over his shoulder, "So tell us, Arbiter. What's your final verdict on our match?"

Seeing the trio approach, the soldier from the dropship hopped back on board and clapped the pilot on the shoulder as he said, "Good to go."

The pilot simply nodded his head and spoke a single sentence into his mouthpiece, "Reinforcements en route."


Somewhere along the border, a beleaguered captain sighed with relief upon hearing the message as his officers bickered among themselves aboard the bridge of the Incorruptible, a frigate of Belisio.

"That's why we should just shoot through them!" shouted a particularly scarred and bearded man as he stabbed a finger towards the refugee ships in the distance. "They could have spies on board anyway, it's for the safety of the kingdom!"

"We would be no better than the Empire then!" another retaliated, a bespectacled woman with eyes as fierce as an eagle's.

"The alternative is to wait until the enemy is upon us and then we'll have lost without firing a single shot," the third and most elderly of the group replied. "I'd rather we go down fighting at least."

"It need not come to that," the captain interjected as he approached his officers. "Reinforcements will be with us soon, so all we have to do is hold the line until they get here."

"But what if the enemy arrives first?"

Nena Hwun had her back to the officers as she stood at the window, keeping the skies clear with her magic. The three enemy frigates hiding behind the refugee ships evidently had casters of their own as storm clouds approached from the west, but Nena effortlessly held them back as she maintained a pocket of calm around the Incorruptible. Her mana cast in a wide net around the airship.

Even as she focused on her magic however, she could not help overhearing the conversation behind her and spoke up as though there was not a serious crisis at hand, "Hey, I could try slowing them down if you guys want."

"Quiet freelancer," the bearded officer growled, offended by her lack of formality. "You have one job and that's to-"

"Do it," the captain interrupted as he held up a halting hand towards his subordinate. "If you can, please do. Every second counts."

Slowly lowering her hands to her sides, Nena let go of the magic holding the storm clouds at bay and lightning immediately flashed behind her as she turned around to face the captain with a smile.

"Sure thing, boss," she said, tipping the brim of her pointed hat before walking past the officers.

"Where are you going?" the captain asked.

"I need eyes on target, but don't worry. I brought a friend who can help."

And with that, Nena was gone. Moving from the bridge to the top deck of the airship, she emerged from the cabin and whistled in wonder as the wind and rain howled all around her, threatening to blow her hat off.

"These Empire folks sure don't mess around," she said to no one in particular while approaching the rail on the portside of the deck. "Well let's show them what we can do. Come on, Petra!"

Putting her fingers to her mouth, Nena whistled as loudly as she could and a distant eagle cry sounded in response. Only this was no mere eagle, but a great white roc with a wingspan almost covering the entire width of the Incorruptible as it descended from above, answering her master's call.

With a spirited hyup! Nena vaulted over the rail and landed on the back of her formidable companion as it swooped down to collect her.

"Good girl!" the mage cooed, patting Petra on the neck as they flew towards the refugee ships. "Now let's go save the day."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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As they entered the Dropship Tyrhallan gave his orders to the pilot.
“Go up and make sure you remain unseen, I want you to curve around them and then approach them from behind. I want you to aim for the central frigate. When you are above them, inform us and I’ll jump. Drop the boys off and then scram asap, don’t stick around.”
The pilot having only heard rumours of the Crimson Rider’s tactics eyed him with a look of disbelief before the soldier in him took over and nodded.
“Aye sir.”

Terrifying thunderclouds had let loose their lightning.
As the storm was unleashed the refugee ship had been caught up by the first of the three large frigates.
They had decided to fly lower, so now the shadow of the massive ship took away the last of their light, darkening their sky and their future.
At this rate they would get bombarded and sucked into the battle.
The wind currents didn’t favour them either as the ship groaned in protest to maintain its course.
Eilis’s face lit up by the flash of the lightning.
She was trembling now, she didn’t only feel fear, she could even feel the air being heavy with magic.
She had never seen the Empire’s might, she had heard reports of their glorious battles, but she hadn’t been able to form any kind of idea to how terrifying the sight actually was.
As the smuggler struggled to maintain control over his own ship, she gazed up at all the machinery and wondered if such a behemoth could be fought.
She tried to still her trembling hands by clenching them into fists. How the fates had cursed her, if she even attempted to use her magic…. She shook her head trying to tell herself to remain calm.
Belisio, she thought. She would have to put her hopes with them.
She was about to head below decks, when she suddenly felt some unknown force stop her. It was as if something or someone forced her to stay and look up in that moment. Her eyes widened as something caught her eye. She turned towards it, her eyes fixated upon it as the sky was lit up again. In that moment a red flash fell from the sky and unto one of the ships.
A person?
She blinked, wondering if her eyes hadn’t deceived her, turning her eyes away for a moment before gazing back up again.
She was certain that she had seen it, but what could it mean?
Were they Belisio’s forces or was there something else going on?
Oh All Mother preserve them…

Before she could even contemplate further all hell broke loose.
There right before Eilis her eyes the closest of the Frigates was blasted by a tremendous force. It caused the ship to shudder and the blast rocked their tiny ship just from the sheer wind displacement that followed after it.
She watched a group of armoured men, fly in weapons drawn and firing.
Flying contraptions and fantastic beasts flew past her and if it wasn’t already perfectly clear that they needed to get the hell out of there, a dead body dropped from the sky.
The Vaimese soldier made a sickening thud as it hit the deck of the ship, just paces away from Eilis.
Lifeless eyes stared at her as his blood spilled from the horrifying wound on his throat that had ended him. Eilis turned pale shutting her eyes tight, feeling her stomach turn as above her the sky erupted with the cacophony of war.

As the pilot signalled that they were almost there Tyrhallan stood up and turned to his fellow warriors.
Turning to Leo and Arn as he checked the bindings of his gear one last time.
"When I have jumped I want you to inform the pilot where they need to set you down. As I said you have free reign in this...however I actually want to inform you of what my intentions are during the battle." Tyrhallan said before explaining himself further, should my attempts fail I want you to at least know what I had intended.
"Most people will go for the artery and heart, in this case the engines. I don't plan on doing that, I'd rather use their own weapon against them. I plan to take control of the helm...if we can turn it, we can jam the rudder and set it ablaze...That is where you come in Arn, though I'd advise you not to stick around afterwards. I plan to use it to ram one of the other frigates with." He said matter of factly in a calm tone as he finished with his final check.
"Sir Arn I have not given you my thanks in cooperating with me, should you and I survive I will owe you a favor of your choosing." He said. Should I not survive, my vow will be fulfilled by my kin, this I so swear." He handed him a strange carved stone. It fit in the palm of one's hand and it almost appeared as if it was carved up deliberately.
The center held the letter V, giving off the only indication that this could possibly belong to Tyrhallan.
He then turned to Leo, looking more solemn this time as he clasped his shoulders and shaking him violently.
"I FORBID YOU TO DIE!" He roared at him. "Get back alive, we still have a match to settle!" He told him as his eyes reflected the smirk that tugged the corners of his mouth upward.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Arn held down his head to keep the air exerted from the propellers away from his eyes. It would be a rookie mistake to be out of commission for something as simple as a pebble in the eye. Which was why many of the initiates had to be give goggles prior to their first jump. His combat boots clanged against the non skid walkways of the aircraft. He felt the looks of the crew, some confusion, some disapproval and even some others wonderment. He was a lone red battlemage amongst all the armor and weapons of knights.

He walked by them giving them a look back. His face however showed nothing more than study and memorization. The battlemage had been on similar but different aircraft. They were usually more of a glorified cargo plane than an actual drop ships. This one was meant to house capable crew and fighters. He noticed that it was built for speed, which meant that it would not fare very well against the defensive guns on the Empire’s frigates. This was going to have to be a drop and retract mission. He was starting to wonder what the actual mission was when he heard Tyrhallan dish out orders.

It was interesting to Arn the variations in tones the Knight Captain used. However, having studied some of the psychological book in the Academy’s library, he knew that confidence and assertiveness was necessary to lead soldiers what could possibly be their deaths. He noticed however that some would still freeze up and he had witnessed this himself in battle too. It was said that if you survived your first battle it just got easier from then.

Arn did not know just how accurate this statement was but it seemed to give the young recruits something to hold onto while all chaos broke around them. Indeed, even now the battlemage was starting to feel the adrenalin start to pump in expectation of the mission.

It was during these quick musings that the Knight Captain addressed him by name and his eyes met the man’s. While his eyes did not fog with thoughts of battle and glory, Arn could appreciate why the Tyrhallan’s men where so moved after his speeches. There was something in his words that behest you to comply with his requests. The battlemage merely nodded as the plan was laid out but he was taken aback by the simpleness of it. Here is where the Knight Captain made showed his true tactical genius.

The next part is what took the red battlemage aback. He was not one for pleasantries and he was most definitely a noble or someone of importance. Only the few brave youngsters of his own squad who did not know him would use his rank. Most just called him Arn or Hellspawn. The way that Tyrhallan addressed him cause him to frow his brow in confusion. So taken aback was he that all he could do was shake his head but the words that me meant to say never came out.

He looked at the stone place on his hand with even more confusion. He had heard about these. Tokes that nobles bestow upon those who ear their trust and favor. The commoners called them “boon Stones” and were often the items of local legends that happened to someone if their family long ago or the explanation why a common person had suddenly found success and luck.
In his hand however, it seemed less the golden egg of legend but actually a memorial. Unbeknownst to others, Arn had collected a token from any mage he had dropped into battle with that had not made it. While he would not call it shrine, he kept them as totems and used it when he worked this magic. He would unconsciously call out their names as he manipulated the Aether.

When he finally found his voice he said in a less monotonic voice. “Knight Captain, I will ensure to return this to you upon our completion of the mission. Please be at east that I will do my part regales of the cost.” He the did something that extremely few had ever seen and he bowed his head a few inches in respect. With that he looked out the windows of the aircraft seeing the storm clouds nearer and noticing them being stitched with sparks of lightning.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by TheMerlin
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TheMerlin Lore Seeker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Nena flied through the storm clouds, she looked back for a moment to check on the Incorruptible, but it had already vanished from view. The rain was so thick that she could barely breathe and when she turned to look forward again, one of the refugee ships seemed to appear out of nowhere as it emerged from the thick mists ahead, its light beams barely penetrating through the rain.

"Why would they need a storm if they already have these guys as cover?" Nena asked aloud as Petra banked smoothly out of the way to avoid the airship. "Do you think they're hiding something?"

Petra shrilled a call in response, to which Nena nodded in agreement.

"You're right, no point in yakking about it. They can just have it back!"

Closing her eyes, Nena focused on her link with Gaia until she could see the magic of the Empire's mages at work, glowing like the Aether in the darkness. She could see their strings of light whipping the clouds into a frenzy, whirling about like spinning floss. When it came to countering a mage's magic, there were two possible approaches. One was to weave a spell of one's own to use against it and the other was to seize control of theirs. Nena chose the latter as she opened her eyes, threw out a hand in front of her and began casting her magic.

There were at last three casters working together to conjure the storm. One on each frigate, Nena presumed as she wrapped her own threads of mana around theirs, binding them together and pulling them towards herself. It happened so quickly and so suddenly that the enemy barely had time to react, and by the time they realized what was happening, Nena had thrown the storm back in their faces. Not enough to remove it from around herself and the refugees, but enough to envelop the Empire frigates as well.

By this time, Nena was now close enough to trace the enemy's mana back to their sources and for just a brief moment, she opened a tunnel through the storm clouds so she could see the Empire frigates with her own eyes before closing it again. Now she knew where to hit them. Closing her hand into a fist, Nena chilled the air around the enemy ships until ice formed in the surrounding storm clouds and with a single chopping motion, she brought her hand down as she sent a barrage of hailstones pelting into their hulls like bullets.

Sensing a shift in the magic of the Vaimese casters, Nena could tell that they were now on the defensive as they hastily cut their links from the storm. It would now occur of its own accord and subside in a matter of time, but Nena was too physically and mentally exhausted to prevent the enemy from controlling the storm again if they tried.

Hope that was enough, she thought as she looked around the roiling skies, wondering when reinforcements were supposed to show up.

Leo only nodded in agreement as Tyrhallan shared his plan. After all, what was there to say? It was a sound plan and a simple one at that. More importantly in the next few moments, Leo was finally about to get the action he had been craving since his arrival at the village of Presper. Since the day he heard the call to arms against the coming fleet of the Empire, mobilizing for war. Since the day he first picked up a sword. This was the rush he was looking for.

Shaken out of his thoughts by the Knight Captain, Leo looked back as Tyrhallan grabbed him by the shoulders.

"I FORBID YOU TO DIE!" He roared at him. "Get back alive, we still have a match to settle!"

When the Knight Captain leaped out of the dropship, Leo walked up to the open side door and couldn't help feeling a little bit jealous as he looked back at the stone in Arn's hand. "I think he likes you!" Leo called out above the howling winds and then to the pilot, "Take us to the rudder!"

Looking out the door, he immediately saw a column of smoke billowing out from one of the frigate's engines and wondered if something had happened earlier. Was there someone else attacking the enemy or was it just technical problems? Either way, it seemed like something that could be factored into their plans and Leo pointed it out as he said, "Looks like that one's about to blow. We could take that out if things go south."

Then a sudden jolt of turbulence made the dropship buck wildly and Leo fell rather than jumped out of the side door.

"Oh sh-" he had time to say before he was suddenly airborne, plummeting towards the middle of the frigate rather than anywhere near its rudder.

Oh well, the Silver Spider thought with a mental shrug as he adjusted his body into a dive and trusted in the artificial muscle fibres of his nerve suit to take the force of the landing. More action for me.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The moment had come, he nodded towards Leo and Arn and made a last gesture to them.
He touched his heart and his forehead before reaching the hand out to them.
A simple gesture, that some had said had once been part of an old religion. It mattered not.
With a nod to them he turned around as the side door was opened by the co-pilot.
“Good luck sir.” Was all he dared to mutter as he watched on, half operating on automatic pilot, how Tyrhallan simply moved towards the door. He grasped the sides before gazing down, assessing the winds for a second, before he leaped out.

The roar of winds and the crackling of lightning was what filled the sky.
As he tilted his rapidly falling body, he activated his armour, its stabilizers working hard to steady him in the air. From this height had a good overview of the battlefield. Before a movement caught his eye.
He thought he had caught a glimpse of a large bird fly in, but in his ever rapid descent he had moved into a thick gathering of storm-clouds, blocking further inspection.
He tried to peer down and locate his target and soon enough the thick wisps of clouds evaporated, revealing his prey. The lightning crackled dangerously around him, but Tyrhallan had little fear, he knew what the risks were and always had comforted himself with the thought that such a thing would have little chance of happening.
As he watched Sarban and his men darted in on their flying beasts, he also had caught a glimpse of the barrage of hailstones, making him a little more wary.
So there was a mage on the scene as well…
He steadied his final seconds of the fall, increasing the power to boosters on his gear allowing himself to land without shattering his ankles and feet in the process.
He had landed on the top of one of the higher towers, hearing the crossfire and with a quick glance over the railing to the main deck below, he saw the Vaimese soldiers and mages busying themselves with the distractions shouting orders to one another.
Wasting no time he dashed towards the nearest doors. Throwing himself to the wall listening to any sounds.
Unsheathing his sword before bursting in, he speared those that came down the hall, catching them by surprise.
Soldier, Worker and Mage alike were fed to his blade. There was no remorse in Tyrhallan’s eyes now, nor any stopping him. No mercy nor quarter was given as he made his way through the narrow halls. Sprinting whilst trying to keep a level of stealth and surprise.
The deeper into this pit of vipers he went, the more he came across and crawled unto his path. He couldn’t afford to be located yet and so the more quick he had to finish them off. The poor bastards would barely be offered a thought, before his blade decided their fates.
Dread, Panic and utter Fear was what flashed in their eyes as far Tyrhallan could tell as he took their lives from them.

When he had finally reached the wheelhouse, he took a moment to catch his breath. Leaning against the wall he felt the ship shudder as no doubt they had started firing upon their own.
He was panting heavily now, his eyes burning with a terrifying fire as the blood of his enemy clung to him. No longer was he the fair knight, in fact looking upon him now would chill people to the core. He looked demonic, bathed in blood, he had gotten a few scratches maybe, but nothing too serious.
He had had a few lucky moments too, evading the shot of one of the pulse guns, but just barely, the poor boy couldn’t say the same. He had watched the body drop to the floor whilst the haunted expression gasping for breath and possibly mercy died smothered by his own blood. Tyrhallan shook his head, forcing the image away.
As he found his breath he gazed through the porthole in the door, hearing the commotion downstairs he knew it wouldn’t take them too long before they would stumble upon his handiwork.
He needed to do this quickly….

Eilis had wanted to scream, but wasn’t given any time, kinetic beams and crossfires unleashed their barrage causing chaos and a literal hell in the sky.
As their barge was hit as well she watched in horror as one of the more powerful beams slice right through the main cabin, causing it to explode.
Only just seconds ago that had been where the Smuggler and his crew steered the ship from.
Eilis let out an involuntary squeak, trying to remain calm, but watched in horror as the barge now started to drift even closer towards the frigates. Without a way to steer it, they were as good as dead.
Wasting not a second more she shouted down the hatch at the other refugees.
“Out on deck, help me!” She pleaded. Fearful pairs of eyes stared up at her, shaking their heads as some started to cry in desperation.
“We’re all going to die if we don’t do something…” She watched them huddle together even closer as the shadow of the frigate now was deepening.
“Fuck this.” Eilis groaned angrily before she turned around and closed her eyes.
“Don’t be afraid…you CAN do this…. You’ve done it before. You’re not gonna die.” She told herself as she spread her fingers as she held them outward in front of her.
In a pained innervoice she commanded her mind over and over and over again, like a mantra.
Her bindings immediately came into action, the lines on her skin lit up, cracking and tightening, causing Eilis to bite back the scream.
Her magic worked, it stopped their vessel from being sucked in further, but she would not be able to keep this up…Trying to control the ship she slowly turned it away, but she felt and tasted the metallic bitterness of blood.
Her legs and arms were shaking and she wasn’t even sure she would survive this, but she had come too far to just give up now, not with the border in sight.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Knight Captain and The Spider eagerly jumped into the fray. It did not surprise the battlemage much as soldiers either learn to love battle or abhor it all together. He felt a certain welling up in his own being. Many would claim that the young mage was cold and lacking in emotion. What few knew was that he was more akin to a volcano. His feelings often remained repressed in fears of losing his cool and blowing up into the version that had given him his nick name. Yet, every time before a battle, something woke up in his soul.

Perhaps it was the expectation of death. Perhaps it was the voices of all those who had perished and which now inhabited the invisible threads of the Aether. Whatever the reason, these emotions were his way of connecting with Gia and drawing from her power. The young mage took a deep breath and steadied himself. There would be time enough to unleash the spirits.

Arn neared the airship’s door and looking at the drop master who merely stared at him back, he jumped. The wind filled his ears and he closed his eyes against the force of the air. He spread his arms and legs to guide his descent. He was a small red speck in the vastness of the twilight sky. He was just a small life force in the vast broken word of Ith. He maneuvered his descent with small alteration. He was a veteran and had made plenty of such jumps.

His squad was named the Shooting Stars and not just because of the high mortality rate. Hey always jumped behind enemy lines. Some wore one time use jetpacks. A few others such as himself, were skilled enough to utilize magic to facilitate their descent.

Once he evaluated he was close enough he concentrated. His eyes began to shine as he tapped into his connection to the world to the spirits. He used his will to excite the threads near him. Pushing them from their tranquil slumber. The manifestation of such an action was the creation of a force of wind he directed downward. Immediately, he felt the lift like those of jet engines. His rate of descent slowed considerably until it was comparable to someone using a parachute.

Enemy soldiers on the deck soon became aware of him and started to fire in his direction but it was too late. He was already inside the big gun’s range so only small arms could hurt him. A few nicked him with superficial wounds. He gritted his teeth. Allowed the pain to course through him igniting his reservoir of magic. He sported many such wounds from many missions.

The battlemage used this merely as fuel. It could have been the wind in his ears or the adrenaline pumping in his veins but he always seemed to hear voices of the spirts that flowed in the Aether strings. Just before he landed he tapped into those emotions, emotions he had kept pent up. Arn felt his heart burn and the flow of magic course through is veins. As if to answer this reaction, the Aether ignited just as he touched the metal deck and with a roar, he ignited the air around him into a burst of explosive flames. Any men and equipment near him were quickly engulfed in hellish tongues of fire
The expending ball travelled just a bit farther thanks to the wind generated by the air cushion the battlemage had generated to slow his fall. These were tried and true tactics meant to confuse and alarm. Next, the battlemage manipulated the Aether and wrapping his arms around the threads, generated jets of flame the cleared a path in front of him of anyone foolish enough to bet out of cover.

Once this initial shock and awe evolution caused its necessary havoc, Arn moved to actual clearing and elimination. Using duck and move tactics he sprayed the defending soldiers with blasts of powerful air that was enough to cause concussion damage and break bones or crush skulls. He slowly made his way towards his goal.

He had landed amidships on the port side of the frigate that had been their goal. There was chaos all over. No doubt the blades of the knights were eating hungrily. He hoped that such a disarray would draw enough people away from him. His tactis were to engage the enemy and keep them ocopied so that soldiers would come and clean up. This time however, soldiers would not come. He needed enough time to lock the rudder into place.

Arn was not one to overestimate or oversell his skills. Despite the initial success, it was getting harder to progress. The Viemiesse were very well trained. Despite what he thoughtaQ 1`, they were capable warriors. He hoped that he would be able to reach the rudder and lock it in place before he or the two knights were dispatched. He was bleeding in multiple places but nothing too serious. He made a quick inventory of his wounds and decided that the med pack he always wore on the belt that supported his Daisho and decided the bleeding was not profusely enough to require bandaging.
He gritted his teeth and pushed forward.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by TheMerlin
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"Yikes!" Nena yelped as a laser beam ripped through one of the refugee ships nearby, cutting it almost in half as it blew apart the cabin. Evidently it did not take long at all for reinforcements to appear as the laser had been aimed at a passing mounted knight, swooping in seemingly out of nowhere. The knight was not alone as five others followed after, attacking the enemy frigates head on with guns, grenades and ranged ki attacks. Now that the battle was underway however, the refugees were being caught in the crossfire as the guns of the Empire roared to life and Nena was beginning to doubt whether she'd emerge unscathed as well.

"You boys are being too damn wild!" she shouted into the wind after the charging knights before spotting a figure in the corner of her eye, standing on the deck of the destroyed refugee ship as it drifted towards the frigate that shot it down. A mage, Nena realized as the figure held out both hands and moved the vessel ever so slightly to the side in an attempt to avoid the impending collision. That's not going to be enough.

"C'mon Petra, we need to help," Nena said as she urgently tapped the beast's neck and pointed towards the distant figure.

Petra made a sharp cry in response and swooped towards the falling airship at full speed, darting forward like a great feathered missile as Nena clung on for dear life. Within a few heartbeats they closed the distance and Petra spread her wings out wide at the last possible moment, braking into a stop midflight and hovering in place above the vessel with rhythmic wingbeats.

"Come on!" Nena shouted as she stretched out a hand towards the figure on the deck, a girl with glowing tattoos and a pained expression on her face as her limbs trembled with the effort of maintaining her magic. The bow of the Vaimese frigate was now almost directly on top of them.


As soon as the Silver Spider landed on the deck of the frigate, he immediately met stiff resistance as every nearby soldier opened fire upon him with assault rifles and submachine guns. In a blur of movement, he cut through the nearest with a horizontal air slash then deflected every bullet he could not evade, or at least almost every bullet. A few had managed to slip through his guard only to bounce off his armour, but a single round managed to find its way to the side of his head and cut a graze across it.

The stinging pain caused Leo to smile maniacally as he continued deflecting gunfire, exulting in the moment while calling out to the Vaimese soldiers, "You fellas have got some fire in you, huh?"

Then abruptly dashing forward, the Spider was upon them as he sliced through bullets and bodies alike, leaving a trail of blood wherever he went. More soldiers appeared from below decks and Leo was about to cut them down too until an explosion sounded from the rear of the ship, grabbing everyone's attention.

Oh right, the objective, Leo thought as he remembered that he was not where he was supposed to be. Looking towards the front of the ship he spotted Tyrhallan for just a moment, moving stealthily towards the helm of the frigate before disappearing around the other side of a tower. Seems like he's got that one in the bag, which leaves...

Arn. If there was one thing Leo knew about mages, it was that they were vulnerable in a battle of attrition and no matter how skilled they were, Arn would be no exception. Moreover, Leo already knew the Crimson Rider was more than capable enough of taking care of himself, so with that in mind he sprinted away from enemy reinforcements and moved to assist the battlemage, half expecting to find him dead already.

What he didn't see however was an armoured figure behind him leaping through the sky in Tyrhallan's direction with battle axe in hand.

While Tyrhallan was looking through the door of the wheelhouse, lightning flashed behind him as an armoured figure descended from above, bringing an obscenely large battleaxe crashing down through the plating of the deck and striking with the force of a meteor. Where Tyrhallan stood before was now only a hole as the entire section caved in from the impact, collapsing into a pile of twisted metal in the corridor below.

With a stately grace of motion the armoured figure, clad in full plate with a sword at the hip, set their battleaxe aside, sticking it like a flagpole into the deck of the frigate before removing an ornately carved helmet, revealing brown hair, grey eyes and a woman's face.

"My name is Lucina Aurelia, captain of the Raiders Squadron," she said, addressing Tyrhallan while standing at the edge of the hole. "And you are either very brave or very stupid to challenge us directly. Who are you to dare the might of Vaim?"

You have met a challenging foe.
All actions towards Lucina Aurelia must be open ended.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Tyrhallan merely raised himself up from his position, resting, but remaining sharp as he watched his opponent carefully, watching with some general surprise as a woman revealed herself to be the wielder of the battle-axe that had attempted to cleft him in twain.
He offered her a small nod in respect as he listened to her words.
“Why would my name be of any significance to you?” He let a silence fall, as he observed her reaction and how she moved. Looking for anything to give him an opening. He had no time for courtesies, regardless, honour would dictate that he should answer her.
“But if you must know, I am Tyrhallan Venray. Captain of the Vanguard.” He offered her a bow, though it was lacklustre, not taking his eyes off of his new obstacle.
“I dare because of Vaim’s own impudence. What else would you expect when a pack of wolves shows up ready to invade your lands? And hiding behind refugees to boot.” He rebuked showing his cold contempt as he continued.
“Such is the coward’s way.”
His eyes were steel as he readied himself. His feet now turned and twisted, his ankles handling the strain, like a coiled spring.
“And I do not have time to play with you.” He said as he rushed her. If he was quick enough he would be able to cut her off.
His free hand moving in order to stop her from drawing the sword at her side.

"Come on!"
Eilis looked up as she saw a large bird and the voice that had shouted those two simple words to her.
She wasn’t quite sure if what she saw was real, but if someone took pity on them, then bless them. However she wouldn’t be able to just step off and let those people die. She’d never forgive herself if she did and so she shook her head trying to make herself clear to the woman.
“I CAN’T!” She cried out through gritted teeth. Her head nodding towards the opening that lead down into the ship’s hold.
“More…people…on board.” Her own magic bindings flared up violently it almost appeared as if she was given a high level shock as she buckled through one knee screaming painfully.
“Get…them…OUT!” She said as the skin on her arms started to show cracks.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


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The battlemage was close to the goal. A path of burn bodies littered the deck behind him. The smoking remains filled the air with a horrible stench of burnt flesh and hair. Some bodies even sported small fires still burning feeding off the natural grease that was a human body.

Arn’s breathing came in controlled gasps. He was feeling the effects of his slow loss of blood and the prolonged use of magic. He was living up to his nick name and leaving death and carnage in his wake. However, he was no demon. As all mortals, he had limitations and he was close to his. He cursed under his breath. He could see the rudder about 30 yards away from him. However, between him and the rudder was a group of soldiers armed with he could only guess were machine guns.

The rate of fire was too fast and sustained for him to overcome. If he had backup, he could use the distraction to blast them off the ship but as it was, he was now pinned behind a pillar that was more than likely used to moor the ship to shore. Every time he tried to come out and advance a hail of machine fire would pin him in again. He was not sure how much longer the pillar let alone he would last.

He was running out of time and not just from the bleeding and his own exhaustion. The mage knew that a common tactic would be to pin him down while the others in the group flanked him. He was thankful that it seemed they did not have any grenades or other such thrown projectiles.

A jerk was felt as the frigate suddenly shifted. The mage wondered if the Knight Captain had finished his portion and would soon turn the rudder into the desired position. Arn cursed and was weighing the options of chancing a hit when he noticed a figure, familiar in their gait, coming towards him.

Was his tired and blood speckled eyes deceiving him? It appeared like before him materialized the Spider, a wound marring the face that many a girl would consider handsome and was no doubt the object of affection and romantic fantasy.

Arn raised a hand to him from his hiding spot trying to warn him of the danger of staying out in the open in the area between the rear cabins of the ship and the bollard he was hiding behind. “Quick take cover! Contact at 12 o'cl…!”

A barrage of machine gun fire drowned out the rest of the message as the group spotted the new target. After all, neither Belasian wore the monotone, dark uniforms of the Viemiesse which gave them a hive look. One could not distinguish from one soldier to the next. This was perhaps to play psychological games with enemies.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheMerlin
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“But if you must know, I am Tyrhallan Venray. Captain of the Vanguard.” He offered her a bow, though it was lacklustre, not taking his eyes off of his new obstacle.

"Tyrhallan," Lucina replied as she bowed in return. "I shall remember it as I send you to the Allmother, but you did not answer the question. Perhaps I should speak more clearly, why would you dare to attack us when you are so clearly outnumbered?"

“I dare because of Vaim’s own impudence. What else would you expect when a pack of wolves shows up ready to invade your lands? And hiding behind refugees to boot.” He rebuked showing his cold contempt as he continued.

Lucina fell silent for a moment, pondering the Belisian's words before continuing, "I see... Well my honour is a small price to pay to ensure the lives of my men. That is my only concern right now and I would do anything to make it so. Anything."

“Such is the coward’s way.”

Affronted, the Vaimese captain donned her helmet again and reached for the hilt of her sword as she replied in anger, "Make no mistake, Belisian. If I cannot protect my men then by holy Terra, I will avenge them and you will pay for the blood you've spilled already!"

“And I do not have time to play with you.” He said as he rushed her.

"Then I shall make this quick!"

Before Lucina could draw her sword however, the Belisian was already upon her in a flash and she hesitated... but only for a moment. Instead of trying to unsheathe her weapon, she threw a left hook with a gauntleted fist and drove forward with the right, both with enough power to blow away the rain like a shotgun blast and outright decapitate any ordinary person.

Though her speed was certainly no match for Tyrhallan's own, she clearly had the advantage in strength and was intent on making full use of it. If both attacks missed, she would only need to close her arms around her opponent to end the fight right then and there. If the Belisian was wise, he would see this immediately and avoid being grappled at any cost.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Tyrhallan noticed the swing coming in, ducking under it and sidestepping off to the rightside. The blow that she intended for him with her rightarm was launched but became aimless. He managed to avoid it by using his own left arm. Bringing it in between her and him and making it act as a lever to push the offensive move to the side, it was only thanks to Tyrhallan's incredible speed that he managed to pull that one off and perhaps also because of the suckerpunches he had ordered his teachers to hit him with.
He wasn't a romantic fool, whilst he might be an honourable knight, the world was made up of all kinds. He would certainly encounter all manner of spineless gorms. Those with a measure of sense and honour would be rare finds indeed, however it should not sway one from doing one's duty.
She was the enemy, plain and simple. If the forces she had joined not crossed their border, they wouldn't be fighting.
He had avoided her grapple and spoke in almost a whisper making sure she heard him and he would have her attention again.
He swung his right arm back and brought it down hilt and pommel first as his left hand made a grab for her armour, intending to pull her in for a blow to the head.
He needed her out of commission and fast, she was a timewaster. As much protection as her helmet normally gave her, the blow might be enough to make her unstable.
He hoped it would be enough to discourage her in continuing to fight him, though he didn't believe it would, it was worth a try.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by TheMerlin
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The next few seconds seemed to last an age as Nena waited for the girl to grab her outstretched hand while the towering bow of the frigate loomed ever closer. Much to Nena's surprise however, the girl only shook her head in response as she continued trying to move the refugee ship out of the way.

“I CAN’T!” She cried out through gritted teeth. Her head nodding towards the opening that lead down into the ship’s hold.
“More…people…on board.”

You've got to be kidding me, Nena thought as she looked in the direction pointed out to her then back towards the girl, her tattoos glowing brighter and brighter with each passing moment.

“Get…them…OUT!” She said as the skin on her arms started to show cracks.

Still drained from her assault upon the Vaimese frigates earlier, Nena was reluctant to push her limits any further lest it meant endangering herself. She was a mercenary after all, only in it for the reward and she had already accomplished her task of slowing the enemy down. Then again however, she was not so black hearted that she would ignore the girl giving her all to protect the people on board the falling airship.

"Gaia's ass, fine," Nena said as she jumped onto the deck of the barge. "Petra, get ready to catch us!"

The roc swooped down beneath the airship as Nena ran passed the girl and into the hold, shouting out to everyone gathered below, "C'mon folks. Cavalry's here, now get your asses moving!"

Just as she spoke however, a sickening lurch of screaming metal sounded behind her as the frigate finally made contact, relentlessly plowing through the side of the barge as though there was nothing in the way at all.


After numerous interruptions and lengthy pursuit from Vaimese soldiers, the Silver Spider had finally made his way to the rear of the frigate where he saw Arn taking cover behind a pillar. The battlemage raised a hand and Leo raised his own in return, mistaking it for a greeting, but then he saw what was around the pillar and realized what the gesture actually meant.

"Oh sh-" Leo had time to say before a barrage of machinegun fire rained down upon him, most of the bullets bouncing off his armour before he could bring his sabre up to defend himself.

Fortunately, none had penetrated or struck his head, but almost all the rounds he did receive were aimed centre mass and by the time he managed to scramble his way over to Arn's side behind the pillar, the armour plates covering his torso had mostly been shot off or dented in.

"Looks like we're in a bit of a tight spot," Leo grunted as he peeled away what was left of his cuirass, leaving his nerve suit exposed underneath. Though the artificial muscle fibres proved adequate against all but the highest calibres, it did nothing to protect against high explosives and Leo hoped to Gaia that the enemy had none on hand.

"There's more behind us," he said as he wiped away the blood trickling down from the side of his head. "Damn good shooters too. Better than pirates anyway. How are you holding up?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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@TheMerlin"C'mon folks. Cavalry's here, now get your asses moving!"
Just as she spoke however, a sickening lurch of screaming metal sounded behind her as the frigate finally made contact, relentlessly plowing through the side of the barge as though there was nothing in the way at all.

Seeing the woman respond an expression of relief passed accross Eilis's face.
Her eyebrows however quickly scrunched together from the sheer pain she felt and the effort she put into attempting to buy them time.
However the next pulse of pain rolled over her like a wave, making her buckle completely exhausted.
From her bindings now blood dripped down as the connection was broken.
Eilis in her moment of lost concentration, barely had a moment to catch a breath.
With a loud crash the small barge reeled as they collided with the frigate, it now plowing its way through the weaker ship. Like a hungry predator rapidly racing towards them. There would be to way they would get off in time...
Panic set in.
Fear and anger flashed through her mind.
And in a moment of sheer panic and desperation, Eilis felt her madness overtake her. She lost her senses, her mind taking a backseat in some strange twisted sense of humour.
The connection with Gaia very much back, spiking, as her eyes turned to a terrifying shade of inpenetrable black. With a strange fluid motion she rose, her bindings burning brightly, but the pain was inconsequential. She was bleeding more heavily now, but that too didn't matter...
Her eyes were focussed on the frigate in front of her.
With a violent swing of her arms, her mind slapped the frigate to the side. Her arms mimicking the motions of her mind. It forced the frigate off its path, as much as a violent blow to one's face, would make one stagger off to the side.
Her voice was twisted, turned and out of tone and volume. Wide dark eyes stared at the frigate and as she bared her teeth, she hissed and screamed.
"I Will NOT Die Today!"
She brought another blow to the ship making it shudder once more and veer off and away from them.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


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Arn had a fleeting moment of concern for the knight as he saw sparks fly from the chest area indicating direct hits. However, since ki users and knights in general were front line, close fighter types, it was only natural for the armor to be top grade.

The moment of concern changed to one of annoyance. Based on the nicks and cuts on the suit of the Spider it meant that close combat was probably what the knight preferred. His annoyance did not last long though as his mind needed to concentrate on more pressing matters. Pretty soon both men were trying to squeeze together in the space the pillar offered without exposing their sides.

Arn grunted at the playful address by Leo. “Yes we are in a tight spot. However, now that you are here we might have a chance. I need you to be the bait. I assume your speed is adequate to keep ahead of the firing line of that machine gun. I will come out of the opposite side and blast them off the side with a surge of water”

The battle mage scanned behind them to make sure they would not be facing a two front attack. It would not do well to exhaust their resources, especially his magic exhaustion. Arn needed to finish this efficiently.

He shrugged his shoulders at the knight’s question regarding his welfare. “I could be better, have been worse once or twice. I don’t think I have any serious wounds and I am sure that the troop medic will loose his top trying to patch me up.” That was definitely true statements. There had been a time when he had dropped too ahead of his squad and he had been found so badly wounded that the medic almost pronounced him KIA had it not been for the slight heart beat. Arn had spent months recuperating in some field hospital which he felt was worse than actually dying. He grunted in pain as he stood up, apparently a bullet had hit him in the thigh and had just been deflected enough by thigh length armor leaving a nasty gash.

He quickly and efficiently used a roll of gauze to pack and dress the wound. There did not seem to be any arterial bleeding but there was no need to take a chance. After all, there was no telling how long it would be before they were able to safely evac.

He took a deep breath and he said in a gruff voice. “Ok, I am ready when you are. I hope you do not get shot.” His voice might have had a slight tone to it to signify humor but it was barely noticeable. The mage nodded to the knight and raised his arms, the slight distortion around his silhouette started to appear as he started to manipulate the Aether.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by TheMerlin
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As the Belisian whispered in her ear, Lucina flinched and huddled up into a defensive posture, fearing an imminent attack. When the following blow struck her in the back of the head however, it bounced off as harmlessly as a pebble striking the face of a boulder and in that instant, Lucina learned everything she needed to know about her opponent. Rather than launching a counterattack however, she merely turned to face him while calmly lifting her battleaxe free from the deck with a squeak of metal.

"Run?" she said as she held her weapon loosely in both hands, regarding Tyrhallan with clear disdain. "Run? You are not even capable of wounding me!"

Though the two were of her similar height, the Belisian may as well have been facing a giant for all the ki empowering Lucina's body and the disparity in strength made clear by his earlier attack only served to enrage the Vaimese captain.

"To think that my men fell to one such as you... I expected to face a fellow warrior, but you are a mere assassin. A blade in the dark that can only strike with speed and stealth, and you dare to accuse me of cowardice?"

Pointing her battleaxe back the way she came where she had followed the trail of bodies left behind by the Belisian, Lucina continued with barely suppressed rage in her voice, "You did not even give them a chance! On my life, I swear I will kill you!"

As she raised her axe to strike however, the frigate jolted violently as though it had collided into something, knocking it askew.

"What was that?" Lucina had time to say before the entire ship quaked again, forcing her to stumble onto a knee. Then with an accusatory glare towards the Belisian, she added, "More trickery?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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When the blow simply had no effect Tyrhallan's eyes flashed with alarm. How in the world?
With a couple steps back he created some distance again, regaining his guard and his measure of her.
Her words perhaps irritated him the most.
How dare she accuse him of dishonourable conduct?! The gall of that woman!
Silencing his anger however forced himself to focus again.
She is a problem. A major problem.
If his guess was right, she used her ki as a shield. She had made herself indomitable and with her amount of armour on impenetrable...Combine that with that battleaxe she was swinging around, Tyrhallan would say they had a reason to make her a Captain aswell.
Regardless, he had to try and best her, no kill her, as her words left no argument about that.
Tracing the steps back in his mind, he remembered he had been able to use her own body against her, but that would mean he would have to get in close. A risky move to be sure, the woman would certainly want to use her ki against him.
He knew he had little room to move. All in all this was a fight he did not want, but one she forced him into.
As she pointed with the battle axe in hand into the direction of her fallen men, Tyrhallan's posture had changed. He squared his shoulders and let her bemoan her fallen, remaining silent at her accusations.

@TheMerlin"You did not even give them a chance! On my life, I swear I will kill you!"
As she raised her axe to strike however, the frigate jolted violently as though it had collided into something, knocking it askew.
"What was that?" Lucina had time to say before the entire ship quaked again, forcing her to stumble onto a knee. Then with an accusatory glare towards the Belisian, she added, "More trickery?"

Tyrhallan however had shifted into a more centered stance, before the second quacke had literally forced him into the wall. Regaining his footing he heard the woman's words and something in him just snapped. He had enough of her. Of this woman's malcontent.
He would serve her some truth. His honour demanded it.
"WOMAN will you shut your trap!" Tyrhallan's fuse was lit and he planned on giving her a piece of his mind.
"Does it look like I have any fucking idea what that was! And as for your other accusations let me 'enlighten you' for I must have scrambled your brains too hard when I hit you!" He spoke as his eyes spit fire glaring down at her.
"Your men died the moment they helped to INVADE our lands! Had they stayed in your pretty little Empire I would not have had the need to kill them!" Tyrhallan responded with a tone that burned harshly, one he only reserved for those who had truly irked him.
"No doubt they were just following YOUR orders!"
"Your own selflish actions caused all this! Yours! Your Empire, Your invasion! That is the sole reason these men have lost their lives!!!" He threw back before he pointed the blade at her with a look of disgust. "You may shift your blame upon me to ease your own troubled conscience but that does not make it truth." He was silent for a moment, before he chuckled in a second, it was short and cynical with a hint of sadness into it.
"And to think! I actually wanted to spare you! You're not a warrior and I told you I have no time for you.
Go waste someone else's time with your selfish inclination to prove yourself!"
He was not going to waste anymore time. He needed to get through that door and he would die trying.
"GO HOME!" He snarled at her before he made a dash for the door, opening it and running into the wheelhouse. He knew she would be right behind him, but with some luck he would be able to force them off course. Hopefully enough before her brute force would run him through and do enough damage to stop them from undoing his actions.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheMerlin
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"Aw shit!" Nena yelped as the collision knocked her into the hold, sending her stumbling into the group of refugees gathered within. Collapsing into a pile of arms and legs, she fought her way free only to see the bow of the frigate filling the doorway, squeezing out the twilit sky as it moved closer and closer with relentless ease. In the growing shadow of that behemoth, Nena was certain that this was the end and she closed her eyes in acceptance of her fate.

"I'm sorry Petra," she whispered as the people around her muttered their own final thoughts or shrieked in terror, all wrapping their arms around each other in one last embrace.

And then... a miracle happened. With an ear shattering bang, the frigate was abruptly thrown off course as though the hand of Gaia herself had slapped it aside. The dim light of dusk poured into the hold once more and a tense few seconds passed before the air quaked again like a thunderclap.

A stillness settled and Nena chanced a look outside of the hold as the other refugees remained huddled together. What she saw was a pillar of light as bright as the Aether, standing where the tattooed girl had been. It shined so brilliantly that it hurt to look upon and Nena had to avert her gaze, but even to the untrained eye it was clear that there was magic at work here of a scale too large to comprehend.

The very air seemed to ripple in waves in every direction and though it only lasted for a moment, Nena could have sworn that she saw the black of night, true night as she averted her eyes. In the shadow of that blinding light, it was like a blanket of darkness as told by the old stories with grains of starlight scattered across the sky, more than anyone would see within a lifetime of perpetual dusk.

The vision gradually faded as the light subsided, growing dimmer and dimmer until Nena could turn to look and see the tattooed girl standing on the remains of the deck, her hands thrown up defiantly against the side of the passing frigate.

"Hey are you... are you okay?" Nena called out to her hesitantly, not sure what she had just witnessed but certain that the girl was at the heart of it.


Arn grunted at the playful address by Leo. “Yes we are in a tight spot. However, now that you are here we might have a chance. I need you to be the bait. I assume your speed is adequate to keep ahead of the firing line of that machine gun. I will come out of the opposite side and blast them off the side with a surge of water”

"Huh, never thought I'd take orders from a mage," Leo replied as he risked a peek around the pillar, ducking back as a fresh burst of suppressive fire ripped through the air and whizzed past like deadly mosquitoes. "But yeah, I think I can manage."

In truth, Leo was no quicker than any other knight in terms of movement speed. Certainly not fast enough to outrun bullets. Only Tyrhallan was capable of such speed and he would most likely have little trouble dealing with the current situation, but Leo was confident in his reflexes and now that he knew what to expect, he would not be mowed down a second time.

"What about you though?" he asked the battlemage, seeing signs of exhaustion in Arn's face.

He shrugged his shoulders at the knight’s question regarding his welfare. “I could be better, have been worse once or twice. I don’t think I have any serious wounds and I am sure that the troop medic will loose his top trying to patch me up.”

He quickly and efficiently used a roll of gauze to pack and dress the wound. There did not seem to be any arterial bleeding but there was no need to take a chance. After all, there was no telling how long it would be before they were able to safely evac.

He took a deep breath and he said in a gruff voice. “Ok, I am ready when you are. I hope you do not get shot.”

"Right back at ya," Leo replied as he held up his sabre, ready to break into action. Yet just as he was about to make his move, the entire airship quaked and sent him stumbling forward with uncontrolled momentum instead.

"Oh sh-" he had time to say before stopping himself from falling, realizing how exposed he was now to enemy fire.

Much to his relief however, most of the Vaimese soldiers had been flung off their feet from the impact, including the machinegunner. Leo thought to finish them off with an air slash while he had the chance, but then another thunderous blow rocked the deck and sent him tumbling forward head over heels.

"Was that from us?" he asked after landing in a roll, his reflexes keeping him from falling flat on his face.
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