- 0 7 -
The deadliest weapon is information, but bullets make a damn fine backup.

- S T A N D A R D C A R R Y -Sarva Armories G33 N.O.M.A.D. - 10mm ETC handgunVersatile, flexible, concealable: the weapon of a street operative. High velocity plasma-ignited cartridges provide capable offense versus armored targets, and remains suppressible for discrete close-quarters ambushes.
- S P E C I A L P U R P O S E -H&K G56 ETC Modular Weapon SystemThe weighty 6.8mm ETC cartridge delivers consistent, high-power performance that's well-adapted to conventional military & clandestine operations alike. The hypervelocity rounds punch like an energy weapon while maintaining the subtlety of a suppressed ballistic rifle.
- A R M O R -Knight Systems polymer-ceramic composite bodysuitDurable segmented plating able to stop intermediate cartridges past 200 yards, all in a slim formfitting package wearable under plain clothes. "0-7" is stenciled onto both shoulder plates, the left breastplate, and right shoulder blade area in the style of air force tail numbers.