🌸 This RP will take place in a Discord Group, and not on Roleplayer Guild.
🌸 ...to the Flower Shop.
🌸 Welcome to an ordinary world, for ordinary people. A world anyone would be able to recognize. At the very least, on the surface.
🌸 Below this mundane series of events, people consider their daily lives, resides a dark, and oftentimes fantastical reality hidden away from the light of day. Residents of this society call it ‘The Shades’, an underground existence seamlessly weaving itself into mundane life, without cracking the 'Masquerade'.
🌸 Factions of Werewolves, vampires, the undead, fey, demons, and far more claim ‘The Shades’ as their home, and from this realm so expertly hidden from mundane eyes, exact both benevolent and malevolent actions upon their own people, as well as the mundane.
🌸 Much like the ordinary world, this magical existence is ruled by the same concepts. Territories have leaders, factions rule different districts, there are peasants and there is royalty, with everything else in between. Some even believe that the mundane world is, in fact, controlled by people from ‘The Shades’ itself.
🌸 Where does this put you? You are a person either born from this fantastical world or introduced to it. A hunter, a supernatural entity, or a mere civilian pulled into the chaotic swirl of ever-shifting shadows, you are a ragtag member of the patched-together team ‘Dusk Rose’. You are a hunter, no matter how professional, clumsy, powerful, or weak you might be, you have found kinship amongst other outsiders who are barely getting by, accepting missions from a seedy bar, and trying to make end's meet.
🌸 All myths are true, to some extent. Indeed, stories are often blown out of proportion, but the core of their telling finds itself rooted in truth. Vampires, demons, ghosts, and fairies may indeed go bump in the night, and it is quite easy to make the claim that the supernatural existed long before the mundane ever came to be, which in itself may very well be true. However, irrelevant of a past which put these creatures on pedestals, and oftentimes even saw them worshipped, today is far different.
🌸 ‘The Shades’, a world of mystery, magic, and of course, fangs. Countless different species roam the underbelly of New York City, some hiding in plain sight, while others simply hide. As one may have expected, throughout the years factions were created to establish some form of community between the many different creatures spread out across New York. Get on their good side, or work against them. Accept missions from them and earn allies, but be prepared to net a few enemies in the process.
🌸 Welcome to ‘The Shades’. Enjoy the views, drink potions at your own risk, and do try to avoid getting bitten by anything.
🌸 Below this mundane series of events, people consider their daily lives, resides a dark, and oftentimes fantastical reality hidden away from the light of day. Residents of this society call it ‘The Shades’, an underground existence seamlessly weaving itself into mundane life, without cracking the 'Masquerade'.
🌸 Factions of Werewolves, vampires, the undead, fey, demons, and far more claim ‘The Shades’ as their home, and from this realm so expertly hidden from mundane eyes, exact both benevolent and malevolent actions upon their own people, as well as the mundane.
🌸 Much like the ordinary world, this magical existence is ruled by the same concepts. Territories have leaders, factions rule different districts, there are peasants and there is royalty, with everything else in between. Some even believe that the mundane world is, in fact, controlled by people from ‘The Shades’ itself.
🌸 Where does this put you? You are a person either born from this fantastical world or introduced to it. A hunter, a supernatural entity, or a mere civilian pulled into the chaotic swirl of ever-shifting shadows, you are a ragtag member of the patched-together team ‘Dusk Rose’. You are a hunter, no matter how professional, clumsy, powerful, or weak you might be, you have found kinship amongst other outsiders who are barely getting by, accepting missions from a seedy bar, and trying to make end's meet.
🌸 All myths are true, to some extent. Indeed, stories are often blown out of proportion, but the core of their telling finds itself rooted in truth. Vampires, demons, ghosts, and fairies may indeed go bump in the night, and it is quite easy to make the claim that the supernatural existed long before the mundane ever came to be, which in itself may very well be true. However, irrelevant of a past which put these creatures on pedestals, and oftentimes even saw them worshipped, today is far different.
🌸 ‘The Shades’, a world of mystery, magic, and of course, fangs. Countless different species roam the underbelly of New York City, some hiding in plain sight, while others simply hide. As one may have expected, throughout the years factions were created to establish some form of community between the many different creatures spread out across New York. Get on their good side, or work against them. Accept missions from them and earn allies, but be prepared to net a few enemies in the process.
🌸 Welcome to ‘The Shades’. Enjoy the views, drink potions at your own risk, and do try to avoid getting bitten by anything.
🌸 Supernatural.
🌸 Dark.
🌸 Monsters.
🌸 Hunters.
🌸 Rag-Tag Group.
🌸 Dark.
🌸 Monsters.
🌸 Hunters.
🌸 Rag-Tag Group.
🌸 In this RP, we all play monster hunters and mercenaries, be it veterans or beginners. We are part of a thrown-together team of hunters, unknown and down on their luck. Our group picks up whatever missions they can get their hands on in ‘The Ace of Spades’ or elsewhere, and work to perhaps alter a less than preferable lot in life.
🌸 Are you a lone monster hunter or freelancer who decided to team up with this group of misfits? Are you a disgraced figure who has fallen from their position? Perhaps you’re just a street kid who needed a purpose, and found kinship in this clump of outsiders. One thing is, however, certain. Where you came from isn’t important. You’re now part of the ‘Dusk Rose’ and occupy one of the rooms in a rundown apartment known as 'The Flowershop.’
🌸 This RP will focus on two things. The first thing is missions, which can be found basically anywhere, but most commonly in the bar that our characters frequent. These missions can range from destroying a nest of monsters in whatever shape they may take, to a calculated attack against organized supernatural crime. Sometimes, missions may even put us in the role of villains. Will the payout outweigh our morals? Any player can come up with a mission, and any number of players can join it.
🌸 The second aspect to this RP revolves around character interactions. We’re a team, but we’re not necessarily friends from the start. We live together, we’re all down on our luck, and we’re from vastly different backgrounds. On top of that, we’re likely different species as well. A major part of this RP is group dynamics, and character development.
🌸 Are you a lone monster hunter or freelancer who decided to team up with this group of misfits? Are you a disgraced figure who has fallen from their position? Perhaps you’re just a street kid who needed a purpose, and found kinship in this clump of outsiders. One thing is, however, certain. Where you came from isn’t important. You’re now part of the ‘Dusk Rose’ and occupy one of the rooms in a rundown apartment known as 'The Flowershop.’
🌸 This RP will focus on two things. The first thing is missions, which can be found basically anywhere, but most commonly in the bar that our characters frequent. These missions can range from destroying a nest of monsters in whatever shape they may take, to a calculated attack against organized supernatural crime. Sometimes, missions may even put us in the role of villains. Will the payout outweigh our morals? Any player can come up with a mission, and any number of players can join it.
🌸 The second aspect to this RP revolves around character interactions. We’re a team, but we’re not necessarily friends from the start. We live together, we’re all down on our luck, and we’re from vastly different backgrounds. On top of that, we’re likely different species as well. A major part of this RP is group dynamics, and character development.
🌸 This story is set in modern times, specifically New York City. It borrows heavily from settings like ‘The World of Darkness’, in regards to themes. The mundane world and the supernatural world are separate, but intertwining, with the latter knowing nothing about the former.
🌸 As a whole, this is a dark, gritty RP with elements of comedy sprinkled in. Our enemies are ruthless, outcomes are not always beneficial to us, and there are consequences to our actions. Where it’s a lighthearted setting in regards to our group, the surrounding world offers a far darker theme.
🌸 This is not Marvel, and it’s not DC. Our characters are not heroes, and we don’t wear capes. Constantine’s adventures are a close comparison.
🌸 As a whole, this is a dark, gritty RP with elements of comedy sprinkled in. Our enemies are ruthless, outcomes are not always beneficial to us, and there are consequences to our actions. Where it’s a lighthearted setting in regards to our group, the surrounding world offers a far darker theme.
🌸 This is not Marvel, and it’s not DC. Our characters are not heroes, and we don’t wear capes. Constantine’s adventures are a close comparison.

🌸 Also known as a rundown apartment complex built into what used to be a warehouse. This where the group live, and spend their daily lives, whenever they aren't out hunting monsters, causing trouble, or making bad decisions at The Ace of Spades. Located quite close to the bar, this apartment complex officially named 'The Flower Shop,' or simply 'Flowers' by the landlady is known to house those with shady backgrounds, a negligible amount of money, and dubious intentions. It is also our home.
🌸 An apartment with a few rooms, allowing enough space for those who demand privacy to achieve some semblance of it, Flowers looks more like a cheap motel than it does anything else, complete with a lobby on the bottom floor, and an elevator that doesn't work. If you can get the receptionist's attention, you may eventually learn that being helpful isn't part of her job description.
🌸 The landlady is a curious entity, and there are rumors that she is, in fact, a 'retired arch-demon,' if there was such a thing. She has, however, not dispelled these rumors. Despite this, she is incredibly bubbly and sweet but has been known to make tenants disappear who get on her bad side. Her true name is naturally unknown, but she simply goes by Blossom.
🌸 She clearly loves flowers, and flowery themes can be found everywhere in The Flower Shop. She also loves pink, which is quite obvious. One can say many things about the rundown apartment complex, but at the very least it's colorful and smells like it looks.
🌸 Also known as a rundown apartment complex built into what used to be a warehouse. This where the group live, and spend their daily lives, whenever they aren't out hunting monsters, causing trouble, or making bad decisions at The Ace of Spades. Located quite close to the bar, this apartment complex officially named 'The Flower Shop,' or simply 'Flowers' by the landlady is known to house those with shady backgrounds, a negligible amount of money, and dubious intentions. It is also our home.
🌸 An apartment with a few rooms, allowing enough space for those who demand privacy to achieve some semblance of it, Flowers looks more like a cheap motel than it does anything else, complete with a lobby on the bottom floor, and an elevator that doesn't work. If you can get the receptionist's attention, you may eventually learn that being helpful isn't part of her job description.
🌸 The landlady is a curious entity, and there are rumors that she is, in fact, a 'retired arch-demon,' if there was such a thing. She has, however, not dispelled these rumors. Despite this, she is incredibly bubbly and sweet but has been known to make tenants disappear who get on her bad side. Her true name is naturally unknown, but she simply goes by Blossom.
🌸 She clearly loves flowers, and flowery themes can be found everywhere in The Flower Shop. She also loves pink, which is quite obvious. One can say many things about the rundown apartment complex, but at the very least it's colorful and smells like it looks.
🌸 Downtown, away from the buzzing crowd of a massive city, and obscured by a series of stone steps, one would find themselves stumbling into the Ace of Spades. A dark, if cozy atmosphere licks across stone walls, and a heavy concrete ceiling. An underground paradise for those shunned on the open streets, a haven for freaks. Taken back in time to an era closely resembling the 1920s, whiskey stands rowed across large, glass shelves with a stage occupied by enchanting music. Black velvet, red lips, and curled hair, singers often caress the Ace of Spades with practiced songs. A small bar, by every respect, with a niché customer base, one could argue that this staple in an obscure part of town stands as an unknown monument for those it attracts.
🌸 Denizens of the night, practitioners of magic, and clawed patrons, the Ace of Spades is neutral ground amongst even the most aggressive of enemies. A place for the weary, and home to high-quality liquor, it is where the less socially inclined can be found. Services are traded, supernatural contracts signed, and allegiances forged amongst the non-mundane. Merely three years have passed since the Ace of Spades made its debut, but it would be reasonable to state that competition is nill.
🌸 Welcome to the Ace of Spades, where only those with that little extra are allowed to dwell.
🌸 Wood, stone, and glass, the Ace of Spades maintains a theme akin to an older age. Whether this finds itself rooted in little more than style, or an attempt at making the.., so-called older customers more comfortable is unknown. Red fabric covers sofas and armchairs, with lacquered bar stools welcoming a patron to the very front.
🌸 Despite its otherwise small size, the Ace offers a fair share of privacy within booths and across corner tables. Going along with a warm theme, there is an air of lingering silence within the bar. Low murmurs blanket the seats, but a mature and most certainly sophisticated atmosphere dots every reason.
🌸 Once a bunker designed in war-time, the Ace has been many things throughout the years until it eventually took the shape it now has. With bouncers at the door, those who are let in after walking down the stone steps separating this establishment from the surface always find themselves having to prove entry. A magical spell, an innate power, or a mark revealing their true nature, the Ace seeks only one customer base.
🌸 Beyond thick, guarded doors, a new patron would likely be surprised by the variety of sights awaiting them, within. From those who are quite obviously not human, to individuals completely within the species but affording something extra, the customer base is quite colorful.
🌸 For those who fancy themselves heroes, anti-heroes, neutral observers, and sometimes even villains, the Ace of Spades has only one rule for those allowed inside. Do not cause any trouble. Vendettas, rivalries, and formal hatred have their place outside, and staff is strict about maintaining order.
🌸 'This is the one place where we belong. The war is outside.' - A sign by the entrance.
🌸 While the Ace of Spades mainly offers drinks of various types, food is also available and has proven to be quite an attraction. Smoking is clearly allowed, considering how the bar sells cigars and cigarettes to those so inclined.
🌸 Everyone is allowed to offer their trade inside the Ace of Spades. Mercenary contracts for the taking, detectives, freelancers, and those of a less savory ilk. However, the latter is kept rather quiet, as the exit isn't too far off. Those who aim to make a name for themselves amongst their non-human, or in any way supernatural community are welcome to attempt the feat.
Bar Type
🌸 The Ace considers itself a 'True Neutral' venue, but does try to prevent illegal activity from being conducted, when possible. This is not always done, however, as staff never overhear or spy on customers.
🌸 Downtown, away from the buzzing crowd of a massive city, and obscured by a series of stone steps, one would find themselves stumbling into the Ace of Spades. A dark, if cozy atmosphere licks across stone walls, and a heavy concrete ceiling. An underground paradise for those shunned on the open streets, a haven for freaks. Taken back in time to an era closely resembling the 1920s, whiskey stands rowed across large, glass shelves with a stage occupied by enchanting music. Black velvet, red lips, and curled hair, singers often caress the Ace of Spades with practiced songs. A small bar, by every respect, with a niché customer base, one could argue that this staple in an obscure part of town stands as an unknown monument for those it attracts.
🌸 Denizens of the night, practitioners of magic, and clawed patrons, the Ace of Spades is neutral ground amongst even the most aggressive of enemies. A place for the weary, and home to high-quality liquor, it is where the less socially inclined can be found. Services are traded, supernatural contracts signed, and allegiances forged amongst the non-mundane. Merely three years have passed since the Ace of Spades made its debut, but it would be reasonable to state that competition is nill.
🌸 Welcome to the Ace of Spades, where only those with that little extra are allowed to dwell.
🌸 Wood, stone, and glass, the Ace of Spades maintains a theme akin to an older age. Whether this finds itself rooted in little more than style, or an attempt at making the.., so-called older customers more comfortable is unknown. Red fabric covers sofas and armchairs, with lacquered bar stools welcoming a patron to the very front.
🌸 Despite its otherwise small size, the Ace offers a fair share of privacy within booths and across corner tables. Going along with a warm theme, there is an air of lingering silence within the bar. Low murmurs blanket the seats, but a mature and most certainly sophisticated atmosphere dots every reason.
🌸 Once a bunker designed in war-time, the Ace has been many things throughout the years until it eventually took the shape it now has. With bouncers at the door, those who are let in after walking down the stone steps separating this establishment from the surface always find themselves having to prove entry. A magical spell, an innate power, or a mark revealing their true nature, the Ace seeks only one customer base.
🌸 Beyond thick, guarded doors, a new patron would likely be surprised by the variety of sights awaiting them, within. From those who are quite obviously not human, to individuals completely within the species but affording something extra, the customer base is quite colorful.
🌸 For those who fancy themselves heroes, anti-heroes, neutral observers, and sometimes even villains, the Ace of Spades has only one rule for those allowed inside. Do not cause any trouble. Vendettas, rivalries, and formal hatred have their place outside, and staff is strict about maintaining order.
🌸 'This is the one place where we belong. The war is outside.' - A sign by the entrance.
🌸 While the Ace of Spades mainly offers drinks of various types, food is also available and has proven to be quite an attraction. Smoking is clearly allowed, considering how the bar sells cigars and cigarettes to those so inclined.
🌸 Everyone is allowed to offer their trade inside the Ace of Spades. Mercenary contracts for the taking, detectives, freelancers, and those of a less savory ilk. However, the latter is kept rather quiet, as the exit isn't too far off. Those who aim to make a name for themselves amongst their non-human, or in any way supernatural community are welcome to attempt the feat.
Bar Type
🌸 The Ace considers itself a 'True Neutral' venue, but does try to prevent illegal activity from being conducted, when possible. This is not always done, however, as staff never overhear or spy on customers.
🌸 These creatures of the night come in all shapes and sizes. From beautiful entities able to enchant you with a look, to the disgusting Nosferatu, they rule the nightlife of New York. For a vampire, Bloodlines are important, arguably more so than any other species. For an outsider, two vampires may very well look the same, but one ought to be careful before acting on that.
🌸 A common misconception in regards to vampires is that they’re all malevolent and sinister beings, which is far from the truth. Just like humans, they come in many varieties, but do be warned that stereotypes hold some truth to them.
🌸 Also known as ‘Devils’, and ‘Fiends’, where the former refers to sapient demons, and the latter suggesting little more than crazed beasts. Demons are very few, and far in between. They do not tend to group together, and rather prefer solitude. However, even the most docile of demons tends to enjoy chaos, and are known to incite it simply for their own entertainment. As such, demons, or rather, Devils, commonly own fight clubs, and the like.
🌸 Ghouls, zombies, ghosts, and more. The undead are generally mindless thralls following the command of another, or in the case of spectres, ghasts, and ghosts, find themselves driven to madness due to the nature of their existence. There is, of course, always exceptions to the rule. Some people tend to consider vampires undead, which is strictly true, but raise this point at your own peril.
🌸 Mischievous tricksters, and generally quite powerful mages. Fey love making deals, even more so than demons, and tend to enjoy toying with mortals. Always assume that the fey have ulterior motives, and while their bombastic, flamboyant personas can be captivating, or even entertaining, they are likely attempting to lower your guard. Remember that the fey cannot lie, and as such, string together very confusing truths.
🌸 Generally, humans that have been introduced to ‘The Shades’ in less than flattering ways. Of course, a hunter can take any shape, but established groups of these individuals do tend to avoid working with supernatural creatures, and are very wary of engaging with them. Hunters pride themselves on knowledge, and seek to constantly expand their understanding of how to best kill that of which they consider dangerous.
🌸 There are countless mindless creatures out there driven by nothing but hunger, and while they all do belong to some species or another, they are rarely claimed and commonly cast aside as nuisances. Devils don’t want to consider fiends their kin, vampires discard blood crazed beasts, and often the Nosferatu as well, and the list goes on.
🌸 A monster is anything the civilized community of supernatural creatures don’t want to be associated with, and are often hunted due to the danger they pose, or due to ingredients used by mages and alchemists.
This list is ever-expanding.
🌸 These creatures of the night come in all shapes and sizes. From beautiful entities able to enchant you with a look, to the disgusting Nosferatu, they rule the nightlife of New York. For a vampire, Bloodlines are important, arguably more so than any other species. For an outsider, two vampires may very well look the same, but one ought to be careful before acting on that.
🌸 A common misconception in regards to vampires is that they’re all malevolent and sinister beings, which is far from the truth. Just like humans, they come in many varieties, but do be warned that stereotypes hold some truth to them.
🌸 Also known as ‘Devils’, and ‘Fiends’, where the former refers to sapient demons, and the latter suggesting little more than crazed beasts. Demons are very few, and far in between. They do not tend to group together, and rather prefer solitude. However, even the most docile of demons tends to enjoy chaos, and are known to incite it simply for their own entertainment. As such, demons, or rather, Devils, commonly own fight clubs, and the like.
🌸 Ghouls, zombies, ghosts, and more. The undead are generally mindless thralls following the command of another, or in the case of spectres, ghasts, and ghosts, find themselves driven to madness due to the nature of their existence. There is, of course, always exceptions to the rule. Some people tend to consider vampires undead, which is strictly true, but raise this point at your own peril.
🌸 Mischievous tricksters, and generally quite powerful mages. Fey love making deals, even more so than demons, and tend to enjoy toying with mortals. Always assume that the fey have ulterior motives, and while their bombastic, flamboyant personas can be captivating, or even entertaining, they are likely attempting to lower your guard. Remember that the fey cannot lie, and as such, string together very confusing truths.
🌸 Generally, humans that have been introduced to ‘The Shades’ in less than flattering ways. Of course, a hunter can take any shape, but established groups of these individuals do tend to avoid working with supernatural creatures, and are very wary of engaging with them. Hunters pride themselves on knowledge, and seek to constantly expand their understanding of how to best kill that of which they consider dangerous.
🌸 There are countless mindless creatures out there driven by nothing but hunger, and while they all do belong to some species or another, they are rarely claimed and commonly cast aside as nuisances. Devils don’t want to consider fiends their kin, vampires discard blood crazed beasts, and often the Nosferatu as well, and the list goes on.
🌸 A monster is anything the civilized community of supernatural creatures don’t want to be associated with, and are often hunted due to the danger they pose, or due to ingredients used by mages and alchemists.
This list is ever-expanding.

Character Rules
🌸 In this RP, you can be essentially anything, within a few limits. I do not want to see ancient beings of destruction and chaos. No Gods, demi-gods, dragons, and other larger-than-life races.
🌸 Our characters are social underdogs. We’re not known, we don’t have much of a reputation, and we have very little influence.
🌸 I’ll leave whatever magic system you want to use, to your discretion. There are a lot of different types of magic out there, and I am more than glad to discuss how magic works for your character, specifically.
🌸 In regards to powers, every mythological species tend to have a theme going for them, but don’t be afraid to get creative. Some things will be set in stone, however. Vampires and sunlight do not go together, the full moon and werewolves don’t play well with one another, the fey and iron aren’t great friends, demons don't get along with religious things, and so on.
🌸 I am not setting strict rules on what goes and what doesn’t, with some exceptions, but rather hope to discuss whatever players have in mind.
RP Rules
🌸 This is an 18+ RP, and will involve darker themes, considering the occupation of our characters.
🌸 Romance and whatnot is of course allowed, and we all know the rules on intimacy on Roleplayer Guild.
🌸 Make as many characters as you think you can handle, as long as you remain active.
🌸 If you’re dissatisfied with your character in hindsight, you can always make a new one.
As I stated at the top, this RP will have an OOC for overlaying information and character sheets, but the actual community and the RP itself will take place on Discord.
🌸 In this RP, you can be essentially anything, within a few limits. I do not want to see ancient beings of destruction and chaos. No Gods, demi-gods, dragons, and other larger-than-life races.
🌸 Our characters are social underdogs. We’re not known, we don’t have much of a reputation, and we have very little influence.
🌸 I’ll leave whatever magic system you want to use, to your discretion. There are a lot of different types of magic out there, and I am more than glad to discuss how magic works for your character, specifically.
🌸 In regards to powers, every mythological species tend to have a theme going for them, but don’t be afraid to get creative. Some things will be set in stone, however. Vampires and sunlight do not go together, the full moon and werewolves don’t play well with one another, the fey and iron aren’t great friends, demons don't get along with religious things, and so on.
🌸 I am not setting strict rules on what goes and what doesn’t, with some exceptions, but rather hope to discuss whatever players have in mind.
RP Rules
🌸 This is an 18+ RP, and will involve darker themes, considering the occupation of our characters.
🌸 Romance and whatnot is of course allowed, and we all know the rules on intimacy on Roleplayer Guild.
🌸 Make as many characters as you think you can handle, as long as you remain active.
🌸 If you’re dissatisfied with your character in hindsight, you can always make a new one.
As I stated at the top, this RP will have an OOC for overlaying information and character sheets, but the actual community and the RP itself will take place on Discord.
Notable Features
Fighting Style
Combat Abilities
Daily Skills
Theme Songs
Notable Features
Fighting Style
Combat Abilities
Daily Skills
Theme Songs